Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1018: Sniper Arrow Formation

Chapter 1018: Slaying Arrow Formation

Chapter 1018: Sniper Arrow Formation

At the end of the banquet, Furukawa agreed to Li Xing's request and gave Rose Tianzun a chance to allow him to forgive his sins and save him from death. Li Xing went to the camp with Rose Tianzun.

There were only two of them in the huge camp, which was specially prepared by Furukawa. In his opinion, the reason Li Xing pleaded must be the fancy Rose, so he deliberately gave them space.

Rose Tianzun saw that there was no one else around, and could not help crying out, "wow", these days she suffered too much aggrieved and experienced too many terrible things. Although her cultivation is secular, she is a woman after all.

Li Xing sighed: "I was wrong. I thought it was a good thing to help you enter the embargo, but now it seems that you almost killed you."

Rose Tianzun shook her head in tears: "I am too weak to be noble benevolent. Today, the benevolent rescued me, and has assisted for the second time."

Li Xingdao: "I don't think this embargo is suitable for you. If you want, you might as well cultivate in my plane." Speaking of this, he thought of super victories and laughed, "There is a person like you, you can Practice together. "

With that said, a thought flashed, and the victory was brought out. This super win is the son of Zishan Datianzun and Yuhu Datianzun, both of whom are merchants of Tianxincheng, with strong backers behind them.

At that time, the couple allowed Li Xing to win superbly as a teacher. During this period, the super progress and extraordinary progress made the Tianzun steadily, and its strength surpassed the ordinary Tianzun.

"Master!" Chao Sheng paid homage to Li Xing, then squinted to look at that rose.

Li Xing raised his face: "Super win, this is the Supreme of the Rose, and he will cultivate in the mixed Yuan world. Take good care of it."

Chao Sheng's heart jumped, and she suddenly crooked, and said: "Oh, Master, how good Master is, knowing that I practice loneliness, I actually sent a beauty over here, I'm afraid it was for my wife-in-law. Hey, since this is the case, You are welcome."

With an ambiguous smile on his face, he walked up to Rose Tianzun and smiled: "Although Sister Rose is at ease, I am here to guarantee that no one dares to bully you."

Rose Tianzun froze, and didn't know how to answer.

Li Xing saw the super winning idea, and laughed abruptly in his belly. He didn't bother to care about these junior affairs, and wouldn't bother to ask what happened.

Rose Tianzun finally agreed to Li Xing's proposal and no longer joined the embargo, but entered the mixed Yuan world to practice. When she is strong enough, she will return to the family, presumably she will not be forced again.

The matter is not over yet, Li Xing must help Rose Tianzun make the next military achievement. In such a large-scale operation, it is extremely difficult for individuals to contribute, because there is basically no room for performance. However, Li Xing has his own methods.

Among the ancient military accounts, Li Xing met. Furukawa is observing a military map. This map itself is a large plane weapon and has gone through seven disasters. It can observe the terrain of mountains and rivers with a radius of eight million miles, which is extraordinary.

The map presents three-dimensional mountainous terrain, which is wonderful and can be zoomed in and out at any time. The characteristics of the name and so on are very convenient to use.

"Brother Li is here, huh, how good was it with the beauty last night?"

Li Xingzhi knew that he had misunderstood and was too lazy to explain, saying: "Major general, his subordinates are here to make a contribution."

"Oh? What are you doing?" Furukawa became interested.

Li Xingyi pointed at the map and said: "There are some means under his control that can develop a long-range attack formation, which may be useful."

"Long-range attack?" Furukawa raised her eyebrows slightly. "This kind of formation has been used before, but it has not been effective. It has long been abandoned. Isn't Brother Li better?"

"I know it after trying." Immediately, he passed a set of tens of thousands of mysteries, combined with the broken shape now hit, and calculated through a chaotic large array, and then passed on to a major general.

This formation can be combined with all forces, regardless of strength, can join, and there is no limit to the number. At the show, a giant bow was built with the power of a peerless powerhouse.

The rest of them turned their power into a sharp arrow in a special way. The combination of bow and arrow, combined with a special mind, will play a terrible lethality. Li Xing has calculated that this method has a very wide range of attack, extremely strong lethality, and extremely fast speed.

Can cause massive casualties without the enemy's defense. Of course, this formation is also dangerous. After three launches, the user will be extremely tired.

After hearing the Xing commentary, Furukawa was excited and shouted, "It's wonderful! It's millions of times stronger than the original long-range formation." Then he said, "Unfortunately, this formation can only be attacked strangely. Unable to play against. "

Li Xingdao: "Everything has its advantages and disadvantages."

"Does this formation have a name?" Furukawa asked.

"Sniper Arrow."

"A good sniper arrow formation." Furukawa was very happy, his face was full of excitement, and said, "With this formation, our army's combat power can be improved by at least 30%!"

Undoubtedly, Li Xing made great contributions, and the matter of Rose Tianzun was never blame, and Furukawa reported Li Xing's credit to the court. Recruits can also accumulate military achievements, which will be extremely beneficial to Li Xing's future advancement.

Even if it was the chief of the embargo, that year, he had accumulated military achievements step by step from the bottom, and finally reached this step. Military achievements can not only be promoted, but also be rewarded by the heavens.

Objectively speaking, Li Xing's credit is very great. However, the Sniper Arrows are not well commented until they are actually tested. Therefore, before reporting military achievements, Furukawa performed a surprise attack.

This incident alarmed the ancient and modern great deities, the sixteenth road generals. The ancient and modern Datianzun personally hosted it, and Li Xing and Gu He were present. On the stage, ancient and modern troops lined up according to Li Xing's plan and taught the mind.

This rehearsal takes several days to succeed. In the meantime, the ancient and modern Da Tianzun asked Li Xing for information several times and expressed great praise for the sniper arrow formation. This great general, tall and strong, has a brilliant eyebrow and is imposing.

Because of his contribution to the sniper arrow formation, this person who did not even see the centurion of the embargo army actually banqueted Li Xing three times to express his gratitude. When he learned that Li Xing had an excellent relationship with Furukawa, he was very relieved.

During the banquet, the next ten members of the ancient and modern seats will be present. The breath of these war generals is extremely fierce, and their strength is not low. Ten warlords, all of them are masters of the legendary Datianzun series. The strength of the ancient and modern great deities has reached epic realm.

Behind the generals of ancient and modern times, a young man was seated, and the breath of the array was transferred to his body, which was obviously a master of the lineage inheritance. Nine calamities have passed. From the moment Li Xing appeared, he felt hostility from this person, which puzzled him.

"Jianshi, what do you think of Li Xing's sniper arrows?" During the meeting, the ancient and modern Datianzun smiled and asked the nine robbers.

It turned out that Li Xing immediately understood the origin of hostility. The formation division is the person responsible for creating and killing formations for the army and has special means. Li Xing killed halfway, and proposed an excellent formation, which naturally threatened his status, so hostility naturally occurred.

The division's gaze turned, and said lightly: "This formation is extremely lethal, but its shortcomings are also very obvious. After three strikes, the army is weak and vulnerable to attack."

Generals of ancient and modern wars: "Reasonable." Then asked Li Xing, "Li Xing, how can you solve it?"

Li Xing knew that the other party was asking this deliberately. I'm afraid he already had an idea in his heart. He thought for a moment and said, "Dagger and long sword have their own advantages. One inch is shorter than one inch. If it is used in narrow spaces, natural daggers are suitable; one inch is long. An inch is strong. If it is in an open area, natural long swords prevail. The views of his subordinates have disadvantages in any formation, and it is important to use them. "

"Good point!" The generals, ancient and modern, nodded with satisfaction, and then asked the division, "What do you think?"

The team member laughed and said, "The words are extremely true." Then he said, "Presumably Li Daoyou is a fine formation, otherwise how can he create such a good array? I also know a little or two, and want to learn something with Li Daoyou. I do n’t know. Will not give this face. "

It is common for teachers to discuss with each other. It is about status and reputation, and it is extremely important. The emergence of Li Xing made the other party feel the crisis, and immediately proposed a discussion, a long and short.

Li Xing naturally was not afraid, and said lightly: "Since the formation teachers are interested, they should accompany them."

An array of killings flashed through the eyes of the array master, saying: "My ancestor uploaded the next array of soul beads. In this bead, there are various organs and mysteries dedicated to the formation of confrontation. Is Li Daoyou interested?"

With that said, he held up a bead in his hand, emitting a mysterious brilliance, which was invisible.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Everything is good to listen to the arrangement of the array master." In this way, everyone feels that Li Xing is generous, and this array of masters is insidious and cunning, and there must be weirdness in the array of soul beads.

The team leader obviously didn't care about this effect, and smiled faintly, saying, "So, please go into the team!" Then he tossed the ball and fell to the ground, turning it into a mountain and river, as if a shrinking world.

The team then jumped into it ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned into a light spot and entered into it. Li Xing followed and entered immediately. Entering the array of light, he felt closely connected with the surrounding environment. Between flashes of thought, soldiers, mountains, trees, and trees could be formed.

"This is the case, this array of soul beads should be suitable for war chess deduction. However, this array of divisions has limited ability and cannot play a role, and it is really a stupid thing that he was regarded as a tool for competition and strength." Li Xing was ashamed.

Outsiders feel different from each other. They see that in the shrinking world, countless points of light have risen, evolving all kinds of things, as if the world was created after the world was opened. This is how Li Xing and the division are building their own soldiers and formations.

The ancient and modern Da Tianzun looked for a while and sighed, "It would be better if this thing was used for war chess deductions, but unfortunately the array division only appeared today."

Li Xing's chaotic array deduced, and a sniper arrow array was set up in an instant. This arrow array has a use. When it is launched, it can instantly sense the position of the enemy and lock it in advance.

On the other side, before the formation was ready, he felt a killer pervade, which made him tremble. Then he saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life.


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