Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1019: See also fragments

Chapter 1019: See The Shards Again

Chapter 1019: Seeing Shards Again

A sharp arrow grew up tens of thousands of miles, bright as a big day, and with a buzz, it broke the time and space blockade. It instantly reached the top of its own side and blasted down. . . It's too fast, and the power is so powerful that the team members only saw it in life, and it changed color.


As if the sound caused by the simultaneous fall of hundreds of millions of meteors, the sky is turned upside down, the stars and the moon fall, time seems to be still, and everything goes to silence. He managed to build a million army, and was instantly killed by Li Xing and killed nearly a third.

The division was furious, screamed, and hurriedly urged the remaining people to form a battle and attacked Li Xing. Unfortunately, Li Xing is still faster than him, and the army has formed a swagger and crushed them.

This devastating battle was evolved from the devouring battle. The effect is naturally not as powerful as the devouring battle, but at the moment, it was shocking. When the battle was over, the thunder was hundreds of thousands, and the wind swept through, opening a gap in the opponent's defense all at once.

Li Xing's number is dominant and his offense is sharp. Like a sharp knife, he inserted into the opponent's chest and plundered the opponent's living power.

Seeing this, everyone knows the results, and the division has already lost. Sure enough, two hours later, Li Xing's army surrounded and annihilated the rest of the army.

The face of the formation was ashes, and the first burst out of the array of soul beads, lowering his head deeply. Li Xing walked out with a smile on his face and arched, "Take the assignment."

The fighter suddenly looked up, and said angrily, "If you lose, you lose. What is not acceptable! I'm not as good as you!" Then he snorted heavily.

The ancient and modern generals gave a haha ​​and said, "Both of them performed very well, and let me wait for my heart to shake."

The generals stepped forward and said, "General, his subordinates are willing to give up the position of generals, and Li Daoyou is in charge. His understanding of the formation method is far above his subordinates."

Li Xing started to like this team, and acted swiftly. Once defeated, he was convinced to take it orally, no worries. He didn't wait for the general to speak, and laughed: "Where is the battlemaster, what is it? How can it be my job to grab you? I have no interest in the battlemaster position."

The general also said, "Exactly, how can Li Xing who is going to enter the battalion of the Forbidden Army in the future stay in Xihuang for work? Oh, even if the general wants to stay with him, I am afraid that the Chief of the Army will not agree."

The team leader was taken aback, saying that it was no wonder that such means were used. It turned out to be the people of the imperial camp. Everyone in the imperial camp was perverted and horrified, and it was normal for this person to behave so. Thinking about it this way, he was a little balanced in his heart, and no longer forced to resign.

At the end of the banquet, the Sixteenth Route Army was top-down, full of confidence in Li Xing's formation, and the next training was more intensive. A few days later, the training of all soldiers was over, and the general was about to launch a raid. If successful, this time will destroy 20% of the opponent's power, which will change the future situation.

On the battlefield, all the soldiers of the Sixteenth Route Army arrived. From saints, to deities, to great deities, there were soldiers of various ranks, including soldiers, forwards, and generals, with up to ten million ranks. All of them are gathered together and combined in the manner of sniper arrows, exercise power.

A huge arrow gradually took shape, tens of thousands of miles in length, the tip of the arrow was ten million times brighter than the sun, the space around the arrow body collapsed, and even powerful areas such as Xihuang could not support it.

The ancient and modern Great Tianzun also shot, madly input power, poured into the arrow body, and enhanced its lethality. This time, the general will use his body as the bow, and he will shoot this amazing arrow.

Fully thirty-three breaths, the arrow body was full, and the ancient and modern Datianzhuang roared and said, "Kill!"


Jian Fei soared into the sky, flew directly into a wormhole, and then at an instant of ten thousand, he reached the top of the Shizu army and killed him fiercely.

"What?" The patriarch of the Shi clan, who had thirty-two calamities, was still above the ancient and modern generals, but he would never dare to fight against such a fierce blow.

"Quick retreat!" He only had a time to yell, and then fled quickly.

The remaining people were not so lucky. They couldn't avoid it. They just felt a fiery light shining down, and then exploded violently.

I have to say that this time the Sixteenth Route Army picked up a big deal. Today is exactly the thousand-year 'kaizhi conference' of the Shi clan. They will gather some stone clan still bred in the stone material, and then gather the heaven and earth aura to help them Turn on psychic.

This kind of conference is very grand. Nearly half of the members of the stone clan will participate, and there will be a large number of stone tires gathered here. When the huge arrows blasted down, the eyes of the Shi clan were bleeding, and he understood that the Shi clan was almost ready to die.


Too fast, there is no time to organize effective resistance, countless children of the stone clan will be wiped out, all the stone tyres will be blown open, flesh and blood will flow, those stone clan that has not yet been born will be killed.

In one blow, Shi soldiers were reduced by one-third, and a large number of stone tires were destroyed, which greatly injured the vitality of the Shi people.

Soon, the ancient and modern generals saw the result of this battle, and his eyes shook with shock, and he immediately shouted: "Be prepared to meet the enemy, the Stone clan will suffer heavy losses and will retaliate!"

Sure enough, the clan of the clan of the clan of anger was so angry that he sobbed blood and roared for thousands of miles. He led the clan of the clan to avenge the clan. However, the Sixteenth Route Army had long been prepared to form a battlefield with its military strength and meet the enemy bravely.

This is a fierce battle, with both sides putting in the best efforts. Because the Shi clan had lost one third of its strength before, the strength after the formation naturally weakened by one third, and it was suppressed by the Sixteenth Route Army from the beginning.

One day, two days, three days. On the tenth day of the **** battle between the two sides, the Sixteenth Route Army paid a one-fifth reduction in staffing and eventually destroyed the Shi clan. Of course, the Shi clan chief and a large number of elite figures escaped calmly. A strong man like that epic can't keep it at all.

The Sixteenth Route Army began a large-scale cleaning, rushed into the place where the Shi tribe settled, and plundered. The Shi clan is rich in treasures, and in a hurry, it is too late to remove them all. The Shi tribe, from a certain ancient civilization, has a deep foundation and many treasures.

Li Xing and Gu He walked side by side, the two talked and laughed and flew over the stone clan. Furukawa instructed the soldiers to carry the treasure with a smile on his face. This time the 16th Route Army made great achievements, and he was naturally happy.

"Thank you, Brother Li, if it weren't for your sniper arrow formation, we would have to win the stone clan, at least for hundreds of years, and the loss would be heavy. Your credit is the greatest." Gu Hedao said, "My father said, You can choose any three treasures of the Shi clan, and all the treasures in them belong to you. "

"The general is very polite." Li Xing said, but he did not refuse, a good thing to deliver, why not?

The two flew across the sky. Suddenly, Li Xing's gun body vibrated. He jumped in his heart and said, "Is there a fragment of the Mingming sword?" Immediately, he found a vein in the underground stone, and there was a Mingming sword. Breath of debris.

The Shi clan is different from the human race. It was born naturally and was born from the stone veins. The stone veins are very magical, as if countless large worlds are connected together. They form their own time and space, and the treasures of the Shi clan are usually hidden in them.

Seeing Li Xing's expression, Gu He smiled, "Is Brother Li here?"

Li Xingdao: "I feel like I have what I want here."

Furukawa immediately stopped the soldiers from entering, and said, "Please, this stone vein has exactly three treasures, all for Brother Li."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I won't be so polite." Then he turned into a streamer and rushed into the veins.

As soon as I was empty, I entered a vast world. In this world, there are stones everywhere, all kinds of them, with different characteristics. There are still many gesturing stone babies that have not yet been born and have not turned on their wisdom.

With a wave of his sleeve, Li Xing directly sucked these stone tires, along with the avenue rules in the veins, into a kingdom of gods. In the future, this kingdom of gods will be dedicated to the cultivation of stone clan.

He wandered among the many stone clan planes, and soon found a treasure. Most of the treasures of the Shi tribe are some ancient jade treasures. Jade, a noble among the stones, is extremely precious.

The chief of the stone clan was born from a piece of jade. However, the process by which jade was born was very long, and the process was full of variables, making it difficult to succeed. At the same time, jade is a great supplement for the stone clan, which can help them to improve their realm, and the effect is similar to that of the Dahuahuadan.

All kinds of beautiful jade, large and small, are numerous. In the future, he wants to build a palace, which just happens to use these jade. If this idea is known to the Shi clan, he must scold him for violent celestial beings.

Even after sweeping two treasures, Li Xing was very speechless. Except for jade or jade, nothing else was found. He finally arrived at the third treasure, and this time he was not disappointed, because the Ming Sword Shard was in it.

The shard was sealed in a piece of jade. Obviously, the stone clan favored this piece of jade, not the whole shard. Because this jade is called 'tianyu', it is the best in jade.

Li Xing was standing in front of Tianyu, and the mixed yuan gun kept trembling. The jade fragments were attracted, and the jade block exploded. He turned into a streamer and broke into the tip of the gun.

The mixed yuan gun sinks a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing knows that its power has at least doubled and its lethality is more powerful.

"You need to find the piece of Mingming Sword owned by Dragon Elephant Datianzun as soon as possible, and let the mixed yuan gun go up to the next floor." He said intently, then continued to sweep the jade here, and finally rushed out of the vein.

Furukawa has been waiting for it, Li Xing came out, and he smiled: "How did Brother Li harvest?"

"Fortunately, there are many jade." Li Xing smiled bitterly.

Furukawa "haha" laughed and said, "Don't you know, the jade's treasures only contain jade? But this is also good. These superb jade can remember the avenue, but it is precious."

For several days in a row, Li Xing and Guhe toured the Shi tribe. But Xiaoyao's days were not long. A battle report came from the front. The Yu clan, which was as powerful as the Shi clan, suddenly announced the war against the 16th Route Army.

The heaven court immediately ordered the Sixteenth Route Army to go to the Yu tribe to kill the rebels. Li Xing frowned when he heard the news. If the court continues to fight like this, how long can it persist even if there are more troops? Vaguely, he felt that things were not as simple as imagined.


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