Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1020: Lower bound

Chapter 1020 The Netherworld

Chapter 1020: The Nether

However, the next battle has little to do with Li Xing, because the recruit training has ended, and he will return to the Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Army with the other recruits. . . Before leaving, Li Xing met with 572 mixed Yuan real people, explained it, and boarded the flying boat with everyone.

Furukawa personally sent him away and said, "Brother Li, if you have time, you must come and visit my younger brother."

The flying boat was on the right track and quickly drilled through the wormhole. At this moment, in the seventh emperor's mansion in the imperial city, the seventh emperor's eyes flickered and he said, "It's time to start."

At the same moment, in the secret time and space, a sharp and unparalleled sword light was beheaded and killed, and the sword had the spirit of the emperor, which made the swords sing in the sky. This sword is overbearing and brilliant, and is absolutely ruthless.

There are more than one flying boat for recruits. Each flying boat rides about a hundred people. It was Li Xing's team that was clearly targeted.

The centurion roared and punched into the sky, and the mighty power roared up, but it couldn't stop the knife light. The centurion's combat power is no better than Li Xing.


The centurion bears the brunt of it, the big world is split openly, and it falls completely, only to have a roar: "Li Xing, escape!"

Li Xing's heart was burning with anger, who wanted to plot himself? This feeling, just like he had impacted Tianzun's realm at first, was disturbed by the reincarnation of Datianzun and five other mysterious characters with the power of fate, full of anger.


The recruits around him exploded one after another, and no one could stop the death. It can be seen that the person who shot was an emperor! The emperor in the sword, the emperor in the sword, such a man is extremely powerful, and it must be the cultivation of the legendary realm.

"This revenge must be reported!" His eyes froze, and he "passed me", and the whole man suddenly disappeared in the flying boat. The centurion blocked the strongest killing intentions, giving him the opportunity to escape.


The entire Feizhou was chopped up, except Li Xing. No one was spared and all were killed.

"Huh? He was actually escaped." A sigh came from the sky. At the same time, on the other flying boats, several killing lights were issued and they attacked him. The man was reluctant to fight the enemy and died.

Li Xing appeared near the border of the western wasteland, and only then did his best to show me a stroke. He was slightly injured, and found a place to settle down first.

"80% of the people who started were the seventh emperor, so it seems that they cannot return to the embargo until they have achieved the great deity." Li Xingru thought.

There is a village in front of it, where hundreds of people live, built in the mountains, it looks like a poor country. However, when Li Xing saw the physique of these people, he was taken aback. They all had the power of dragons!

Is it Dragon Elephant Castle? The spiritual imprint of Dragon Elephant Da Tianzun tells him that there is something left to do. Later generations live in Dragon Elephant Castle, hoping that he can protect him. At the same time, he also told the location of the Ming Sword Shard.

Li Xing appeared outside the stockade and immediately caught the attention of the locals. Two middle-aged men strode out, staring at Li Xing vigilantly and asking, "Who are you?"

As soon as these two people appeared, Li Xing was taken aback again. They were all six calamities. Just a small village, how can there be such a master?

"Dare to ask, but here is Longxiangbao?" Li Xing asked.

The middle-aged man looked at each other and said, "Yes, this is Longxiangbao. Who are you?"

Li Xing breathed a sigh of relief, which was right. He immediately said, "Below is the descendant of the dragon elephant, who came to the dragon elephant fortress."

Both of them were excited and asked, "Have you ever met the old ancestor?"

Li Xing nodded heavily: "The people who were born in the Dragon Elephant World below haven't seen it. Datianzun has fallen a long time ago."

The two middle-aged men wept loudly and cried, "Have the ancestors fallen?" They looked very sad.

Crying for a while, one person said: "Brothers are all their families, please sit in the cottage." At the moment, the two led Li Xing into the cottage. As soon as they entered the cottage, the people in the cottage surrounded them, one by one, full of curiosity. Obviously, they did not fight with the world and usually would not go out at all.

Li Xing was invited into a wooden house, and the Chinese asked about the dragon elephant world. When listening to Li Xing, Long Xiangda once gave birth to a real dragon elephant, and after a period of glory, he was full of emotion.

The two were named Long San and Xiang Si. They were brothers and brothers. Due to the origin of Li Xing's identity, the two sides are very close and talk about nothing.

Talking about the Dragon Elephant World, Long San was angry: "At the beginning, the ancestors of the ancestors were all over the world, and even the emperor had to invite him to be a general. He didn't want to fall behind and ruin the world.

Li Xing was shocked, and quickly asked the cause.

It turned out that the dragon elephant Datianzun was a Gadaiqi, and he has reached the state of infinite Datianzun. He has been searching for a breakthrough in his life, integrating yin and yang. If he succeeds, he will have a chance to impact the broken world!

The plane created by the Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial is naturally vast and immensely great. However, when he fell, he was severely injured, and the main plane collapsed. In fact, what Li Xing calls the Dragon Elephant World is only a side surface of Dragon Elephant.

In other places, the same dragon elephant sub-planes are scattered, and there may even be a real dragon elephant.

Li Xing had already thought of this, but he was not sure yet.

"Da Tian Zun Xiu has reached immeasurable amount, who made him fall?" Li Xing asked.

"Heavenly wanted to recruit the old ancestors, but the old ancestors didn't allow it, and began to travel around the world. As for why it fell, I don't know, but I can be sure that the person who killed him must be terrible." Xiangsi sighed.

Li Xing immediately relayed the original idea of ​​the Dragon Elephant to the two. At that time, the dragon elephant Datianzun conveyed some information to him, which may help understand the reason why Datianzun fell.

The two sides had a good talk. Later, Li Xing said: "This place is remote and stable, and you are powerful, and you are not afraid of outsiders. I'm relieved." Immediately, he called out the dragon ring and summoned six. Mixed name real person.

The Dragon Elephant Ring has made rapid progress in recent years. It has devoured many civilizations and has reached a state of five calamities. The six mixed Yuan real people can also compete against the three celestial beings, belonging to the most important figures.

Li Xing drank: "You will stay here to protect the dragon elephant castle. If there is an accident, notify me immediately."

The six mixed Yuan people were so happy that they said, "My ancestors are assured!"

Long Xianghuan is also very excited. He and Li Xing have practiced in the ancient and ancient world for more than 100,000 years, and they have long thought about it, which is why Li Xing released it.

"Master, the young must guard them." Long Xianghuan cried.

In fact, there is another reason for Li Xing to call it out. The people of the Dragon Elephant family are related to the atmosphere of the Dragon Elephant. Placing him here will help each other.

"Dragon elephant boy, there is more than one deputy plane of Datianzun. If you have time, you can ask around to see if you can find it. If you can find it, once you refine it, you can elevate the realm." Li Xingdao.

"Yes, take a note."

Li Xing stayed for a long time and left Longxiangbao the next day. However, he did not return to the new barracks, and he decided to walk outside for a period of time before becoming a great deity. Besides, there is still something to be done in the Nether.

At the beginning, he was in the dragon elephant world, the dragon elephant world disappeared, and there are still many old people in the realm. In addition, Tianwaitian and other worlds also have many grudges. He decided to take the opportunity to resolve them.

At that time, Li Xing entered the central pure land, how many difficulties and dangers he had along the way, but now he is strong enough to directly break through the space, jump out of the pure land, and return to the fierce sky.

Fighting fierce sky, dominated by the fierce fighting heaven, is the core of heaven. Li Xing gradually realized that the so-called nine days was actually the strength of the arch guarding the court of heaven, and it should be a defense mechanism. The individual content was unknown.

But what is certain is that within nine days, there should be a very powerful force, but it has never been revealed. As for the edge beyond nine days, it is not really a real heaven.

As soon as Li Xing arrived in Dou Tian, ​​Zhuang Da Tian Zun appeared immediately and laughed, "Why Li Xing, why return?" Then he looked at him and sighed, "Progress is fast, and he has already given birth!"

Li Xing bowed his hand, he only saw now that the cultivation of the fierce celestial deity was not inferior to the ancient ancient celestial deity, even stronger, at least twenty-eight calamities.

"Back to Datianzun, the students are here to do something private." Then he briefly explained the experience.

Dou Da Tian Zun's eyes brightened: "Are you actually admired by the ninth emperor? Very good, give me a face of Dou Xue Xue Fu." He paused, "If you are outside, you can execute this warrant. Land, you have to sell a little bit of face. "

Li Xing took the warrant and thanked him repeatedly.

Don't ever fight against Tian Tianzun, Li Xing returned to Yuyantang and met Qinglian Tianzun and Huang Yudie. After a long absence, there has been a huge gap between the two sides. Although it is a life-threatening level, the strength gap cannot be calculated.

However, Qinglian and Huang Yudie were still very happy, and they intentionally left Li Xing for three days and treated them warmly. The entire school knows Li Xing's fierce name. He came to www.readwn.com to tell the other churches not to provoke Yu Yantang.

At the time of parting, Qinglian Tianzun said: "Master, you are a big man now, with high strength, hoping that you can find the Phantom Great Tianzun, kill this gang, and take revenge for the host."

Li Xingdao: "The two sisters are assured, the younger brother is attracted, one of the purposes is to get rid of this person. I have my own way of calculating, I can't escape him."

Qinglian Tianzun was very relieved and sighed, "Okay, you take care of everything!"

Leaving the fierce sky, Li Xing displayed his skills, walked for more than a month, and finally arrived at the Sanqing World. At this moment, once again, he re-entered the Sanqing Great World, and Li Xing immediately felt that the Sanqing Grand Supreme was unpredictable. This feeling is completely different from what he had before.

Sanqing Tianzun did not show up, but Yuqing Tianzun, Taiqing Tianzun and Shangqing Tianzun, while going out to greet him, were very polite to him. After a few words, Li Xinghan went to visit Mingyue Tianzun.

When he saw Mingyue Tianzun, he realized that Mingyue Tianzun had actually broken through, and it was already Mingyue Datianzun at this moment. And the breeze with her has also entered the Great Celestial Order.


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