Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1021: Eldest son overbearing

Chapter 1021: Eldest Son Domineering

Chapter 1021: The Firstborn Domineering

Mingyue Datianzun is not like he used to be. He was very happy to see Li Xing and smiled: "Li Daoyou, I haven't seen you for many days. I didn't expect you to step into life."

Li Xing said with a smile: "I can't honor you as much as Mingyue Tiantian, one step higher."

This remark is not ridiculous, because Da Tianzun is not a trivial matter, and the gap with Tianzun cannot be considered. Every monk has to open up a cave. When that cave is strong enough to form a plane of its own, it can be called a heavenly deity.

When the plane is strong enough to be able to control its own destiny, and it is dominated by the infant, it can be called the Great Celestial Master. Regardless of Tianzun or Datianzun, this title is not external but internal.

For example, the Xunyuan Realm established by Li Xing is the only Supreme in the world of the Xunyuan Realm, so it is called Tianzun. Da Tianzun, on the other hand, can go up to a higher level, and he can stand in the heavens and earth and lead his destiny.

The other so-called Tianshi, Tianwang, Tianjun, etc. are also self-proclaimed. Every monk must overcome himself and change himself. Everyone is different, and transcending oneself is victory.

Mingyue Datianzun: "Is Li Daoyou having a good time in heaven? Seeing you look like you should be like a fish."

Li Xing said "Hey" and then smiled: "It's impossible to talk like a fish. It's appropriate to kill every step."

Qingfeng Datianzun: "What? Is anyone against Li Daoyou?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "I have always been unlucky. No matter where I go, I will always build a group of powerful enemies. No, I am out to escape."

Mingyue Datianzun laughed: "Evacuation is false, and it is true to improve strength." She actually broke Li Xing's purpose.

"Oh, nothing can be concealed from Datianzun." Speaking, he suddenly felt that the breath on Mingyue Datianzun and Qingfeng Datianzun echoed each other, water, milk, communication, and fusion, and he couldn't help wondering, "Have the two been repaired? ? "

As soon as this remark came out, Mingyue Datianzun was not embarrassed, but Qingfeng Datianzun turned red on his face and laughed: "If not, how can we two break through Datianzun?"

Li Xing laughed and said busyly: "Congratulations, I actually didn't come to congratulate you in advance. It was a sin." Then I thought again, "I remember that I borrowed a lot of crystals from Datianzun that day. I don't lack this thing at hand today. It's time to pay back. "

After all, he took out a huge piece of jade. This piece of jade, like Tianyu, belongs to the jade mouth, and is extremely huge, like a mountain, so it was taken out.

Seeing this jade, Mingyue Datianzhuang's eyes brightened, and he wondered: "Good jade, where did the Taoist come from?"

Li Xingdao said: "The profit from the Xihuang army's conquest with the army was just used to build a palace, and it was a gift for the two."

"How precious is it to be so precious." Mingyue Datian Zun repeatedly waved his hand. "At that time, it was only a few hundred million spar. How can we compare with this thing?"

Indeed, if this piece of jade from Li Xing is sold, let alone spar, even if it is a great fortune, it can be exchanged for hundreds of millions.

Li Xing said, "Everyone is in a relationship, isn't that saying out of sight?"

Qingfeng Datianzun smiled "Hehe": "Li Daoyou is full of heart, you don't want to let go of it tomorrow."

Mingyue Datianzun no longer insisted, thanked Li Xing.

The three of them talked about the theory and talked about it. Unconsciously, for the past three days, Li Xing's expression suddenly became very weird. To the two great heavens, he said: "There is something urgent next, leave first." Flash, it disappears.

The two great celestial bodies were shocked. What happened?

Something really happened, because Yan Zhen, who cultivates in the mixed world, is really going to be born. Originally, it took a long time for her to produce, but Li Xing adjusted the time and practiced for 120,000 years in the great ancient world.

This time, the child in Yan Zhenzhen's belly grew up and finally came to birth. The child was still in the embryo, and he had extraordinary weather, and he was born with the throne.

Now about to be born, it is full of visions, thunder from the Quartet, golden lotus, heavenly light, gods, beasts, and immortals in the Yuan Dynasty come to pay homage to the congregation, surrounded by the palace where Yan Zhenzhen lives. And the rumbling keeps going.

Li Xing hurried to find all the girls busy. Outside, even Chaoyang Datianzun, Qingyun Datianzun and others are also responsible for the care of the portal. Because the news of the birth of the little ancestors had spread out, people in Xunyuan were so excited that they had been waiting outside for a long time.

At this moment, a great figure rushed into the palace, and the real person at the tip of his eyes shouted, "The ancestor is back!"

Outside the delivery room, Li Xing just appeared and heard a cry from the baby in the room. Although he was crying, he was domineering and domineering. The cry came out, and all the fairy animals and other beasts bowed to the ground and shivered.

Li Xing paused for a while, then saw Yan Zhenzhen hug a white fat boy and walked out, his mother's face was bright and loving. The little guy is fat and pink and tender, making people want to come forward and take a bite and kiss.

"Really, you worked hard." Li Xing stepped forward and hugged Yan Zhenzhen, then looked down at her son in her arms. The little fellow circulated all over his body, and was born with a terrifying breath. He was actually a great deity!

Li Xing was speechless for a while. His son Xiu was taller than himself.

However, he was very happy. Which father did not want to be a Jackie Chan? The stronger the son, the happier he was. He reached out and hugged the little guy in his arms, and said sternly, "Boy, call it dad!"

The little boy blinked and just didn't speak.

Yan Zhen really gave him a white look: "When the child just speaks, where is his father?"

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "Can't speak? You are too underestimated of our son, this boy has been in the mother's womb for more than 100,000 years, better than a monkey, how can he not speak?"

With that said, the little boy shook his lips and shouted, "There is no such thing as a meeting gift, how can this father bark in vain."

Li Xing slaps down, beats on his white buttocks, and scolds: "Little bastard, dare to bargain with Lao Tzu!"

"Wow ..." The little boy grinned and wept.

Yan Zhen was really anxious, grabbed her son, and said angrily, "How do you hit a child." She was the first time to talk to Li Xingji.

Li Xing was helpless, and said that he was waiting for your little bastard, waiting for your mother to be away, and seeing how I packed you, but a smile on his face: "Really, you are tired, take a good rest, let me see the child?"

"No, you are rough-handed, I can't rest assured, when the child is older, I will talk to you again." When he spoke, he held his son tightly and refused to let go. The little guy grinned at Li Xing in Yan Zhenzhen's arms.

Li Xing couldn't breathe, and gave him a stern glance, thinking that he would be so naughty at birth, and would he grow up later? No, it must be disciplined!

The birth of the little guy completely disrupted Li Xing's established plan, and temporarily stayed in the Sanqing World, getting his son first. This new-born baby was arrogant and overbearing, and Li Xing named it Li Ba, and he was domineering.

After Li Ba was born, the whole Xunyuan world began to jump. Although the little guy is young, his combat strength is not weak at all, and the real people in Junyuan have basically never beat him. Even if Qingyun Datianzun and Chaoyang Datianzun had advanced training, they could not cure him.

Either Dongshan's spirit beasts have been plucked out of hair, or Xijiang's hermit Xiu has his beard cut off, or no other child is bullied. In short, in the Yuan Dynasty, everyone is afraid of this little ancestor.

Speaking of which, Li Ba is indeed a little ancestor, and his seniority is surprisingly high, because he is the son of Li Xing, the son of Xun Yuan Tianzun.

For a full month, Li Xingdu was disciplined by his son who ran east and west. But the effect is obviously not ideal, what should this little guy do or not. Whenever Li Xing hit him, he grinned and called mom aloud, and Yan really appeared over there.

He couldn't beat or scold, Li Xing had a terrible headache. Fortunately, although Li Ba is naughty, he has a bottom line in doing things, but he hasn't done anything extraordinary.

On that day, Li Ba secretly drank a bucket of Li Xing's collection of immortal wine, which had a great drink power and could not bear it. This time, the baby fell asleep, and the little **** fell asleep after getting drunk, and this sleep took at least three months.

Li Xing immediately relaxed, and spent a few days with Yan Zhenzhen before leaving the Yuanyuan Realm.

Come out this time, Li Xing met Han Gongzi. At that time, his realm was not as good as that of Han Gongzi, but now they are quite different. Han Gongzi has not yet reached the level of heavenly respect, and is still a half respect.

Han Bingtian's father, Han Bingtian, came in person, see Li Xing. At first, he gave Li Xing the two-phase chessboard, which caused the chaos to rise, with a bit of affection.

"Han Bing Dao, I have heard of him for a long time." Li Xing was very kind to him.

Frozen Heaven, only kills threefold, Li Xing can shoot to death with one palm, but he did not show contempt, treat each other with courtesy.

Frosty Tianzun said: "I was negligent in the past, I hope Li Daoyou forgive me."

"Where, I and Linggong are close friends, and say that I'll see each other." Li Xing said with a smile.

Han Gongzi laughed: "My father, it's a rare trip to Junyuan Tianzun to come back to Sanqing, and it will be a small gathering in a few days. It is better to invite Tianzun to participate."

Hanbing Tianzun said: "It depends on whether Li Daoyou is free." Then he looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing has heard of the small rally. It is a trading event created by the nearby world celestial beings. It is a small rally every ten years, a mid-century rally and a grand rally every millennium.

At the small rally, the celestial beings from all walks of life will come to participate in the transaction. It is said that the person in charge of the rally at UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is the miracle god.

"Okay, nothing happened recently, you can go together."

Seeing that they had come down, Han Bingtian rejoiced with his father and son, and quickly prepared to go.

The reason was that on the one hand, Li Xing wanted to give face to Hanbingtian, on the other hand, he also wanted to see what the small assembly looked like. After all, this matter was related to the miracle. That miracle grand deity is the first emperor. One of his men was just beheaded by him, so it is necessary to pay more attention.

On this day, Li Xing and Hanbing Tianzun and Han Gongzi went to a small assembly. The location of the small rally is in a broken big world, called the Great World of Jizo.

The Jizo Great Deity fell a few years ago, leaving a run-down world, which was found by the Great Miracle Demon and issued into a rally for the trade of the various deities. Jizo is a legendary figure, and this world is strong and vast.

Entering the large world of tibetan, Li Xing saw tall buildings standing among them, named weapon collections, elixir collections, rune clubs, material clubs, and so on. Each area is exchanged for different items.


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