Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1022: Medieval World

Chapter 1022 The Middle Ancient World

Chapter 1022: Middle Ages World

Seeing this place so prosperous, Li Xing secretly nodded, and said that he could exchange some of the things he has looted over the years. In his next step, he will be banned from being promoted to the Supreme Celestial Mastery. This world consumes tremendous power, and it is necessary to prepare in advance, such as accumulating great fortune, imprint of civilization, and so on.

The last upgrade, he almost rushed into the realm of Datianzun, but due to lack of discipline and preparation, he did not rush. However, during the period of the Xihuang Battlefield, he experienced countless turbulence and great gains, and now he only has a few accumulations and opportunities.

The groceries will be large, built on a plain, and countless buildings are linked together, one in five steps and one in ten steps. Each store has its own characteristics and complete goods.

The avenue is criss-crossed, straight and wide, pedestrians are like weaving, and traffic is like flowing. If Li Xing was floating, he quickly slid between the shops, Han Gongzi and Han Bingtianzun could barely keep up.

Suddenly, Li Xing stopped at a place called "Ruyi Xuan" Xuan, and his gaze stayed on the introduction of the shop's business project. This shop actually sold the broken world, as well as the brand of civilization, ancient artifacts, ancient charms Wait, it's an antique shop.

Li Xing cooled his eyes and said to Hanbing Tian: "Let's go and see."

Hanbing Tianzun and Han Gongzi glanced at each other and said, "Li Daoyou, these antiques are useless for cultivation. Really?"

Li Xing smiled: "Look at it."

Immediately, the three entered Ruyixuan. The shopkeeper greeted with a smile and shouted, "What are the three points? Our shop has a full range of goods and a wide range of products, and we must be satisfied with it."

Li Xing glanced across the rows of shelves. The shelf is specially made and divided into many grids. Inside each grid, a small space is sealed, and a lot of things are placed in it, even a world.

"Shop, do you have a big world here?"

The shopkeeper's eyes glowed with gold, and he smiled, "Yes, yes, but they are all slightly damaged."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Is it all small damage? If it is small damage, who is willing to surrender the big world for sale? If it is small damage, I am afraid those people don't have to fall." , "Shop, buy in good faith, I hope your price is fair."

The shopkeeper still smiled and said, "It makes sense, it makes sense." Holding out a large row of shelves, he said, "All the remaining big worlds are here, and they are divided into three categories: modern, modern, and ancient. Ancient times are divided into four categories: near ancient, middle, ancient, and ancient. "

As for the division of times, Li Xing is clear. Modernity refers to the time period within ten calamities; modern time refers to the time above ten calamities and within twenty-four calamities. As for ancient times, it is more than the age before the 24th century.

More than twenty-four calamities, less than one hundred calamities, are called ancient times; more than one hundred calamities, less than one hundred calamities, are called ancient times; more than eight hundred calamities, one thousand and five hundred calamities, are called ancient; more than one thousand five hundred calamities, are called ancient.

Li Xing looked at the grid and found that the big world here is actually from the Middle Ages, that is, within 800 years, and more than 100 years, this is exactly what he needs. However, his expression was ancient and frowning, "These big worlds are too old and not very useful."

The owner suddenly called out: "The guest officer is a layman at first glance. The longer the civilization is, the stronger the big world born, and the middle world is definitely more powerful than the modern and modern ones."

Li Xing shook his head: "It's useless to say that the farther you go, the more ancient and desolate the breath will be, and it will not be easy to extract the laws of the avenue and make it a mystery."

This is true. The shop was suddenly confused, but just laughed: "Guest, things are good things. In the Middle Ages, there were 1,200 small shops, and they were widely distributed, radiating the 180th century civilization. The big worlds below the ten calamities, the legendary world, the epic world, and the ancient world are definitely good for enlightenment. "

With a reluctant look, Li Xing said, "Not very satisfying, but if your price is right, I can still consider it."

Let the eyes of the family brighten and said: "Absolutely satisfy the guest officer." He pondered for a moment, and replied, "How about the 800 million fortunes of each big world below ten calamities?"

Li Xing turned around and left, angry: "You might as well grab it."

"Hey, slowly, the price is good to negotiate." The store was anxious. These big medieval worlds were obtained by chance, and he didn't spend half a dime. How can he let the big customer Li Xing go? However, he could see that once the transaction was successful, Li Xing would definitely not buy less. He already regarded Li Xing as a second-hand trafficker.

Li Xing reluctantly stopped and said impatiently, "Why, do you want to give it away for free?"

The store laughed "Hey," "The guest officer laughed, small business, how can I send it casually. However, the price can be negotiated, absolutely can be negotiated."

Li Xing said lightly: "Ten ten million, I only pay this price."

"What? You just grab it!" The shop's face turned black, because Li Xing's price was so severe that it was directly one-eighth, which was simply inhuman.

Li Xing doesn't really know the market, but he reckons that the price of the big world below ten calamities should be around 100 million yuan. Because of such a big world, even if you refine Dahuahuadan, you can get about 100 million pieces. However, the process of refining is very laborious and long, and generally Da Tianzun is not willing to do it.

Li Xing sighed: "The store, you and I understand people. Even if these big worlds are given away in vain, they may not be wanted. The reason is very simple. It is difficult and time-consuming to refine the great alchemy."

The shop frowned and said, "Guest, this price is really ... it is unacceptable, please raise the price again."

Li Xing sighed again: "So, I think the store is an honest person, 50 million yuan of good luck, I want all of them. The rest of the legend, epic, ancient world, the price is negotiable."

The corners of the shop's mouth were twitching for a while, and the heart said that opportunities are rare. There are about one thousand and fifty million in the world below ten calamities, which is 50 billion yuan of good fortune, astronomical figures! Recently, capital has not been around. If you have this money, you can expand your business. "

The shopkeepers moved, but still talked loudly and asked Li Xing to raise the price again. The two of you come and go, and you plan and do it, and finally, the price is set at 55 million.

In addition, the unit price of 122 legendary great worlds is 500 million Great Fortune Dan; the unit price of 63 epic Great Worlds is 2 billion Great Fortune Dan; the unit price of 17 ancient Great Worlds is 10 billion Great fortune Dan.

Adding up, Li Xing has to pay 412 billion yuan, which is definitely an astronomical figure. The store is so excited. He originally thought that Li Xing only bought the big world below ten calamities, but he didn't expect all to be round!

In the total price, Li Xing bargained again and again, and finally sold for 400 billion yuan. But after bargaining, Li Xing smiled awkwardly and said, "The store, there is no readymade chemical in the lower body. Why not use the goods as a discount?"

The store was annoyed at the first hearing. After working hard for a long time, you have no money? He was about to explode. Li Xing took a piece of Tianyu and asked, "The store, how much is this item?"

The shop's eyes brightened, and after taking Tianyu's observation for a while, he said, "Yes, it's interesting, how many do you have?"

"A lot." Li Xingdao said, "If the store is unwilling to accept, you can go to another place to try it, and wait for the good luck to do business."

"Why bother to do this and sell it directly to the shop to guarantee a fair price." The shopman said with a smile, he didn't want Li Xing to run away.

Li Xing ransacked the treasures of the three stone clan. Even some stone tires were sold by him, which gave the store a pleasant surprise.

The wonderful use of jade can be carved to kill arrays and make jade charms, the price is very high. The ancient jade is generally sealed in the finest jade, and its value is not weaker than the complete world. Just a piece of fine jade with a large palm can sell for tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of fortune.

The two sides were fighting again and again. In the end, Li Xing exchanged for the 1,200 Middle Ages Broken World he needed for the price of almost a treasure of the Shi clan. Both parties are very satisfied with this price.

If the shop sells these jade stones, it will definitely get more than 600 billion yuan. On the other hand, these jade stones have little effect on Li Xing, and he still has a lot, so he is happy to exchange what he needs most.

Li Xing was doing business here, and the ice-cold respect and Han Gongzi over there were already stunned. 400 billion yuan of good fortune? What concept? Even if he sells both of them, he can exchange tens of thousands of good luck!

The two parties reached a transaction intention, and immediately began to deliver the goods, one by one, into the kingdom of the gods by Li Xing. Every kingdom of gods holds a big world.

There are too many big worlds. It is too much trouble to use the mixed world to refine one by one, so Li Xing decided to use the kingdom of 1,200 gods to refine together. This would take a very short time.

In each kingdom of gods, there is the magical use of mixed Yuan Ding ~ www.readwn.com ~ refining all things into their own use.

After receiving the goods, Li Xing left with satisfaction. These big worlds have both the functions of civilization branding and Da Cao Hua Dan. As long as refining, it is enough for him to impact Da Tianzun.

After leaving Ruyixuan, the three entered the Miracle Auction House, where an open-air auction is taking place. When Li Xing arrived, a legendary instrument had just been sold, and the next auction object was highlighted. It was a red line.

The red thread was bundled into a strand, eight feet long, glittering and murderous, and it seemed that the corpse would be swept across the field in an instant, and blood flowed, making people frightened.

The auction host announced loudly: "The next auction item, the beard of an unknown big man, if sacrificed into a magic weapon, the power is endless! Starting from 30 million big fortune, each price increase, not less than 3 million."

"I'm 30 million!" A voice couldn't wait to sound, it sounded familiar. Li Xing looked intently, and found that the other side was actually Thieves, a character who had made him very unhappy.

Fang Tianzun's face also sank, and Pirates Tian Zun was also his enemy. Water and fire are intolerable.


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