Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 2023: Ancient tree of civilization

Chapter 2023 The Ancient Tree of Civilization

Chapter 2023 Ancient Tree of Civilization

"Li Daoyou, you must not allow this person to go, fight, fight with him!" Han Bingtianzun sent a fierce voice, "Thief Tianzun has the best eyesight. What he sees must be good value for money."

He knows that Li Xing not only exchanged jade for the Middle Ages in the Ruyixuan transaction, but also exchanged 10 billion fortune Dan, the rich one, and there was no pressure to buy this thing.

Li Xing was equally hostile to this pirate, and said lightly: "Nature won't let him go." Immediately raising his hand, he asked, "40 million."

Suddenly, Pirates of Heaven cast two Sen Leng's gazes over and slashed **** Li Xing. However, when he saw Li Xing's face clearly, he was shocked and apparently recognized it.

"This man has progressed so fast. I remember that he was just a saint a few decades ago, but now his cultivation is unfathomable, I am afraid that he has reached the level of life!" Pirates of Heaven thought.

He could see that Li Xing Bacheng was here to spoil the game, but he was obsessed with the objects of the auction, so he did not hesitate to bid for the second time: "43 million!"

"50 million." Li Xing said coldly. For him, the bid was not only to stop Pirates of Heaven, but he was really interested in the auctioned things. The hybrid yuan gun uses chaotic real iron as a pole and Ming Ming sword fragments as the tip, but it is still a short shot. If it is used, is it not a good match?

Pirates of Heaven stole a fierce puff in his heart. He understood that if there was no accident, it should be possible to take pictures within 50 million. But today it seems that this wish is to be defeated, let alone 50 million, I am afraid that 100 million will not work.

There was a sense of resentment in his heart. Li Xing, a secret voice, said, "This Taoist, please raise your expensive hand, this thing is very important to me. If you are willing to cut love, there will be a good report."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, I'm sorry, this thing is very important to me. It must not be compromised. If you want, drop it with panacea!"

Pirates of Heaven was so speechless that he stared at Li Xing, cursing secretly: "Damn things, I'll take your fate at the auction!" At the same time, he began to helplessly increase the price.

"53 million."

"Sixty million." Li Xing's increase of ten million, relaxed tone, chic look, anyone can see that he absolutely has strong financial resources and can fight to the end.

Pirates of Heaven ’s heart is already bleeding, 120 million is his limit, he can only take out so much. But this thing was too important to him. He had a big secret and he had to get it.

"70 million!" This time he stole his teeth and finally rejoiced, adding 10 million Daquan Dan directly.

But then, Li Xing suppressed his pride again and said lightly: "100 million."

Quiet in the field, even stupid people can see that Li Xing is not easy to mess with, they are bound to get the auction items, and will never give in.

Pirates of Heaven had bloodshot eyes. He showed a cruel smile and said, "130 million!"

Li Xing grinned, smiling very happily, and continued to raise the price: "200 million."

"Oh!" Pirates spit out blood, and left the auction site without saying a word, without knowing where to go.

The auction host was very excited and announced loudly: "I declare that this item was obtained by this Taoist friend and bid 200 million Dahua Dan!"

Many despised eyes were cast in the crowd. They represented symbols such as "idiot, prodigal son, second ancestor" and so on. It seems that people do not think of Li Xing very well.

Li Xing ignored all this, all he wanted was an auction and the fight against theft. At the same time, he also speculated that Pirates of Heaven wouldn't stop at work, and would certainly find a way to seize the auction.

Someone put things in the jade box at the scene and gave them to Li Xing. With the red beard in his hand, Li Xing felt a pain in his palm, and was actually stabbed with hundreds of blood lines.

He jumped in his heart and secretly said, "Good baby! It's a perfect match to make a gunshot with it!"

Packing things up, Li Xing and Han Bingtianzun left their father and son and walked to several stores. In the meantime, Li Xing sold another Treasure of the Stone Clan in exchange for a total of 500 billion yuan.

At the same time, he also bought a lot of things, but the cost was not much, only billions.

At the end, we have reached the core of the rally. There is one of the largest shops here, known as the Miracle Building. Miracle Building is naturally set up by the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. It contains the most complete contents and the best quality.

When Li Xing entered the Miracle Tower, he was immediately attracted by one thing. It is located in the most central position of the entire Miracle Tower. It is full of brilliance, a hundred million spirits, and has seven colors. Tip, absorb the laws of the avenue, and spit out the flavor of civilization.

Li Xing stared at the seed, motionless. Looking at Li Xing and looking at the seeds, Hanbing Tianzun finally couldn't help but said, "Li Daoyou, this thing is the treasure of the Miracle House. It has been here for millions of years. Because the price is too high, and I do n’t know the name of the source, so no one dares to buy it. But if it looks like a treasure, it is too risky. "

"No one knows what this is?" Li Xing was surprised. "So how did it appear?"

"When a Tianzun traveled around the world, he stumbled upon a big sesame seed and let out a little brilliance. That day Zun didn't care about it. He just put it away when it was a gadget. Who knows, over time That little thing actually started to **** the heaven and earth avenue, released the breath of civilization, and kept growing up. That day, Zun knew that this thing was extraordinary, so he sold it to Miracle Tower at the price of 80 billion yuan. "

"With the means and knowledge of Miracle Tower, can't you even know the origin of this thing?" Li Xing frowned, feeling that this was something unusual.

"Of course, Miracle Tower has exhausted its methods. It is unfortunate that it has succeeded in trying to figure out the origin of this object. It is said that the Supreme Miracle took this object in person and consulted the expert in the world, but he still could not see it." "So some people have inferred that this thing should have been born for the first time, and it was formed during the first eruption of civilization."

Li Xing nodded, looked at the quotation on the side of the item, and said to himself: "This item is priced at 320 billion yuan, the price is too high. However, this item is faintly in harmony with my avenue, so I bought it , Maybe right. "

Secretly, he calculated with the power of fate and predicted with a chaotic array, and he felt that this move was very beneficial. Striding forward immediately, pointing at the seed: "I bought it."

Fang Tianzun froze, and Prince Han was even more surprised, saying in unison: "Li Daoyou think twice!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Since no one knows the origin and use of this thing, it may be very useful or it may be wasteful, and the chances are equally divided. I am willing to bet once."

"It's so courageous, it's been a million years, and finally someone dares to take a shot." A middle-aged man stepped out from behind, his breath was unpredictable, and he laughed.

Li Xingwei arched his hand: "But this shopkeeper?"

The man nodded: "The VIP came to the door and could not meet far away, please forgive me." Then the three of Li Xing were invited to the VIP lobby. This hall paved the ground with precious jade, served the best tea, burned the incense of the Buddha, was magnificent, and the weather was extraordinary.

The three Li Xing sat down, and the shopkeeper ordered someone to fetch items and traded with Li Xing in the lobby, saying, "This thing may be born in the first eruption of civilization. I do n’t know its name or its purpose, and the guests are willing to buy it. Let's make Miracle Tower happy and worried. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Maybe happiness is right."

The shopkeeper "hehe" smiled: "It's just possible. In case this thing is a peerless treasure, the 320 million yuan is a great cheap."

"If this article is worthless, wouldn't I be just as happy?" Li Xingdao said, "I don't know the origin of this thing, I can only collect it, hide it, and find a chance to study it slowly in the future."

The other party nodded: "The VIPs shot 300 billion, and they are very big. They are our VIPs at Miracle House. According to the rules, VIPs can get a VIP sign of Miracle House. With this thing, they can get a 10% discount on things they purchase. Moreover, VIP charms can accumulate shopping points, and when there are enough shopping points, you can also redeem any goods in Miracle House. "

Li Xing nodded: "This is pretty good."

While he was talking, he secretly threw that weird, Taoren-like thing into the Yuanyuan Ding and directly refined it. He would like to see what the origin of this thing is. Even if there is a lesson of 300 billion yuan, that's fine.

The scene that surprised Li Xing happened, this strange thing actually started to devour his avenue. It almost doubled in almost an instant.

"Is it eating the law of the avenue?" Li Xing had to stop quickly, but the object suddenly "clicked", the shell broke open, and a huge root whisker grew out of it, piercing into the void.

Li Xingsheng was afraid of destroying the Yuanyuan tripod and quickly withdrew it. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of beards quickly pierced the void, took root in the mixed Yuan realm, and learned more avenues from it.

Mixed Yuan Avenue, which is a trivial matter, draws on the advantages of hundreds of civilizations and is condensed. It is the most delicious thing for this thing.


A young leaf grows, and the roots grow in clusters. The top turns into a thin sapling, and then grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

However, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing soon felt powerless. If he continued to do so, his avenue of law had to be drained, or it would be over. He was anxious, after the seven destined infants were absorbed by the power of destiny, the remaining civilization was branded and lost.

The seven babies are no small feats. They are the celestial beings who are close to the broken realm. They are left behind with immortal civilization. Sure enough, as soon as the imprints came out, they were absorbed all at once, and the trunk began to grow wild.

One thousand feet, ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, one million feet, and finally the tree grew to eight million miles and stood upright. It constantly releases the breath of civilization, so that Li Xing ’s mixed realm, even the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits, is bathed in civilization.

This power of civilization is more sophisticated than the law of the avenue, and it belongs to another level of power. A civilization can produce countless world powers. The principle of the road is the difference between the two.

And because Li Xing ’s Mixed Yuan Avenue is full of rivers and rivers, the culture of civilization released by this tree is also a blend of civilizations. In such an environment, the Junyuan Realm and the Kingdom of One Thousand Spirits began to undergo incredible changes, which directly led to Li Xing's breakthrough.


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