Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1024: Ascend to Heaven

Chapter 1024: Ascension to Heaven

Chapter 1024: Ascension to the Great Celestial Master

Giant trees cover the sky, billions of branches tremble gently, as if billions of civilizations were born in them. Under the bathing of civilization, the greatest change has taken place in the Xunyuan world. The crystal wall system has its own superimposed overlaps, extending in all directions, and complicated in time and space.

These time and space are very vast, and the hidden dangers, even if Da Tianzun rushes in, may not be able to come out. Moreover, these civilizations have begun to nurture their own civilization. It will not take long for them to produce a large number of races to rule one side.

On the earth of the mixed Yuan kingdom, there are spirits and plants, and everything is immersed in the breath of civilization. Among the real people in Yuanyuan, there are a large number of people who are about to break through, and are sadly suppressed by Li Xing's realm.

The deepest feeling is Li Xing. He found that the power of his life seemed to merge with this big tree. Moreover, the mixed Yuanding was simply attracted to the trunk.

He thought about it and found that his mind was integrated into the big tree. In other words, he had completely controlled this ancient tree, and the big tree became a part of his life.

"What is the origin of this tree? I found that my vitality, combat effectiveness, and calculation ability have all increased exponentially, which is incredible!" Li Xing was shocked.

At the same time, the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods is undergoing earth-shaking changes. The root branches of ancient trees also penetrated into these side planes and began to take root and sprout. However, the big tree this time is another look.

They are millions of miles long and look like giants. Their hands are woven from countless piercing twigs, and they are gently shaken, as if billions of spears pierce the void, and they have powerful combat power.

Li Xing can conclude that any one of the 100,000 giants can kill the low-level Great Celestial Master. Such combat power can be called terror.

Among the more than 1,200 **** kingdoms, when hundreds of millions of sharp branches were moved, they "snapped" and smashed a large medieval world bought by Li Xing, and then swallowed a large number of the laws of the road.

A miraculous scene happened. After these big trees devoured the avenue, they actually spit out the flavor of civilization. These breaths of civilization are a level of strength that transcends the power of the world, and suddenly this kingdom of gods has a great increase in strength.

More than 1,200 large medieval worlds were shattered, generating more than 1,200 types of civilization. As soon as these forces were absorbed by Li Xing, he felt that the quality was extremely high, far above the law of the avenue and the brand of civilization.

"It's time to advance!" Li Xing sighed, this is a contented sigh.

At this time, he was still talking to the shopkeeper of Miracle Tower, and suddenly closed his eyes, lightnings were brewing in each hair, and his clothes surged like waves. The fool can also see that Li Xing is about to be robbed, and it is a robber of the Great Celestial Master!

Breaking through at this time, which seems out of place, is actually very wise. Who dares to interfere in the VIP room of the Miracle Building? And as a VIP, Miracle Tower will only help, not harm.


Huge amounts of humanoid lightning and horrific punishment should not be lowered down, so that 100,000 nations and the Yuan Dynasty are all in the world of thunder, and all kinds of disasters come.

However, all this is difficult to cause the slightest damage. In the 100,000 kingdoms, every giant tree wields branches to directly absorb these calamities and transform them into a tonic, the power of civilization, and nourish the kingdom. .

The Xunyuan world is even more outrageous. The big tree trembled a little, all the disasters disappeared, and it turned into pure power, and became a part of the Xunyuan world.

Almost instantly, Li Xing succeeded in taking the robbery, stepping from the second order of life to the third order of life, and finally achieved great success. At this moment, he finally became a great celestial deity, feeling all over and around, uncomfortable everywhere, all happy.

At the same time, a ray of memory was developed, and he knew the origin of the tree. What he bought from Miracle Tower was the seed of an ancient tree of civilization, which was erupted in the first civilization. It comes from a treasure of the source of civilization, but because it has never been born, no one has known it, causing the pearl to be dusty. It has been placed in the Miracle Building for countless years.

The seeds took root and sprouted, turning into an ancient tree of civilization. The endless use of ancient trees can generate more magical ancient trees. For example, the ancient tree of war in the one hundred thousand gods kingdom can absorb damage and transform it into a civilized force. With this tree, the plane is absolutely invincible at the same level.

In addition, there are ancient trees of time and space, ancient trees of thunder, ancient trees of hurricanes, etc. As the ancient trees of civilization continue to grow and mature, more ancient trees will be born, making the kingdoms and mixed realms more complete and impeccable.


The mixed realm changed to heaven and earth, and a kind of qualitative change occurred. Li Xing felt that his destiny finally jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, arrogant, and free in the world. His plane became a big world, and he was about to become a great heaven.

Of course, the most critical change is still underway, and that is life-saving.

Life tires beat three times, constantly sucking the power of civilization, and growing rapidly, finally in a thunder, blasted time and space and rushed out. The eyebrows of this babies are similar to Li Xing. They are all golden in color, about five feet long, and the size of an ordinary person.

Mingying the baby's eyes were golden, and he looked up for nine days, and looked down, and shocked all circles. As far as his eyes were concerned, he shook for nine days and shook for ten places. At this moment, Li Xing was at ease, and no longer affected by the Yin and Yang era, he could jump out of this era and live to the next calamity.

This process is slow to say, but it only happens in an instant. The treasurer and Hanbing Tianzun found that Li Xing's temperament changed greatly, and his strength increased by more than ten times in an instant, from Tianzun to Datianzun.

This is a qualitative leap, as obvious as a baby becoming an adult.

All three of them shook their hearts. This person unexpectedly entered the Great Celestial Order in such a short period of time. It is really incredible. How did this happen? You have to know that most people have become great celestial beings. Which one is not earth-shattering, tossing for several days, or even months and years ~ www.readwn.com ~ has never been as calm and straightforward as Li Xing.

Li Xing opened his eyes and smiled a little, and said, "It's rude just now, to raise the realm in front of several people."

Everyone was speechless for a while, this way can also improve the realm?

The shopkeeper looked at it with a stun, saying: "Noble guests are very people, and the achievements in the future are unlimited and enviable."

Li Xing's trip was very rewarding, and he just broke through. He must immediately consolidate and realize the state of the Great Celestial Master, so he left immediately.

The three left Miracle House and returned to the same way. Only then flew out of the great world of Tibet, and was stopped by the twelve Taoguang, one of them was Pirates of Heaven. Except for the thief, six of these twelve people are the great deities.

Pirates of Heaven was very proud, but when he saw Li Xing, he had already achieved Great Tianzun. He was suddenly surprised, and his proud expression froze.

Li Xing smiled coldly, he had long expected, and said: "Stealing Heaven, you did not let me down, I have been waiting for a long time."


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