Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1025: 4 sea treasure

Chapter 1025: Treasures of the Four Seas

Chapter 1025: Treasures of the Four Seas

Pirates of Heaven immediately turned his emotions. One must have six Great Celestial Masters, even if there is one Great Celestial Master on the other side? He smiled fiercely, staring fiercely at Li Xing, and said to the remaining eleven people: "Many friends, this person is a wealthy man who can at least billions of billions of dollars of good fortune ... I just want one thing. "

Han Tianzun and Han Gongzi stood behind Li Xing with a smirk. They knew that once Li Xing stepped into Da Tian Zun, they would regard these people as native chickens and dogs.

A great deity came out of the crowd, this person is the three great deities, the strongest and most profound of the twelve. With a faint smile on his face, he said to Li Xing, "Give up all the good fortune, and the deity will consider saving your life."

Li Xing laughed. He didn't speak. His arm trembled and he was holding a gun in his hand. Ever since the red cockroach on the mixed yuan gun, its combat power has at least doubled, and the killing is endless.


The golden spear pierced the sky, cut the void, and in a split second, it reached the name of the three robbers. In his words, as soon as the last word came out of his mouth, his head was stabbed with a bang, and there was no chance to say one more word.

"What?" The other eleven people were shocked, one by one, all cold, one shot to kill the three robbers. What is this combat power?


A Datianzun said nothing and ran away, turning away from time and space, and limping quickly. You know, this place is not the pure land in the center. Datianzun flew like electricity, and soon surpassed many planes.

Unfortunately, he is facing Li Xing. The spear in Li Xing's hand pierced the void, beheaded and killed. An endless killing intention, lasing out, this move once, all things turned into nothingness, but it is the nothingness of the three strokes now.

That Great Celestial flew out of countless planes and just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Li Xing could no longer catch up. At this moment, a killing light soared, and his great world was instantly transformed into nothingness, and his body died.

The power of this gun didn't stop there. A ripple rippled out. Wherever it passed, the other nine exploded except the robbers. The plane power was rolled up by Li Xing, and was taken by the kingdom of 100,000 spirits. The ancient war tree in China was absorbed and transformed into its own power.

Pirates of Heaven was stunned, standing alone in the air, his back was soaked, and his face was full of horror. At this point, even if he doesn't know Li Xing's strength, he will feel despair, because the person opposite is Da Tianzun after all.

"Stealing Heaven, you can shoot." Li Xing said lightly, apparently laughing at him.

Pirates of Heaven trembled, and suddenly "thumped" and knelt down. The space was shattered by his knees, and he said loudly, "Please, God, forgive your life, and the villain will be guilty!"

Fangbing Tianzun immediately said: "Li Daoyou, you must not leave this person. He has a narrow heart and a vicious heart, leaving him to be a tiger."

Li Xing laughed with a "haha": "Just him, can he be called a tiger?" The big hand pressed down, Pirates of Heaven could only scream, and then vanished into nothingness. With the nihilism in the three moves now, Li Xing is able to handle it freely and play freely, which is contained in the ordinary actions.

This Pirates of Heaven, naturally he will not stay more, it is better to kill directly. As soon as the other party died, Li Xing's huge memory was read and he knew the origin of the red beard.

In the ancient Great Tianzun series, the dragon elephant once slayed a peerless figure and called it the Great Tianzun. The practice of the Four Great Celestial Masters is unfathomable and has a red beard.

The Four Heavens and the Four Seas searched the poor and built a treasure with countless treasures. When it was cut, a ray of wandering spirits returned to the chaotic world and reborn. In this life, he still broke into the big name, calling himself the emperor.

The emperor did not forget his old hatred and entered the dragon elephant world without knowing what the purpose was. However, he did not seem to get any benefit in the end, but was beheaded by a real dragon elephant.

The red beard on his body also disappeared. This beard was the basis for the treasure he found when he was a cosmopolitan deity in the previous life, and it was also the evidence for entering the treasure of the emperor.

Li Xing got the memory and immediately called Shan Hai Tong Zi and asked if he was doing anything.

The boy from Shanhai, also known as the Shanhai Jing at that time, was raised by Li Xing from the Shan Hai Jing, and he has been practicing in the mixed Yuan world and has made rapid progress. It was just that he couldn't get out of the gate on the weekdays, the second door didn't move forward, and his behavior was low-key. Li Xing almost forgot about him.

However, today, when it comes to the emperor, there are questions to ask him. The boy in the mountains and the sea has reached the state of great celestial respect. He is practicing, and when he hears Li Xing's voice, he feels a little excited.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "Shanhai, your predecessor is the Four Seas Supreme Master. Do you know this?"

Shanhai Tongzi: "I don't know the villain. The Shanhai sutra changed its master, and more than a primitive spirit has been born to me, so little knowledge is limited."

Li Xing nodded: "There is a treasure in the Four Seas, and that is the giant of the ancient series. You have to find it. Shanhai, you and I go to heaven to find the treasure, don't you know the location?"

Shan Haitong touched his head and said, "Remember, I remember, but the location is special. I'm afraid the master can't get in?"

Li Xingyi: "Can't get in?"

Shanhai Tongzi nodded: "That place is one of the nine days of refining magic, which is located in the refining magic school."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "There are so many masters in the refining demon world, but it can't be hard, but it seems that I can only go back to the embargo." Then he said, "You don't stay inside and go out and work."

Shanhai Tongzi said aloud, "Seeing what the master said, isn't there a chance for the young to want to do something?"

In this way, Li Xing suddenly added a big child-like deity beside him, startled Fang Tianzun, and quickly asked his origin.

Li Xinglue said ~ www.readwn.com ~: "Second, I still have something. Sanqing World will not go back for the time being, just say goodbye to the second. If you need help in the future, just talk. "

Frosty Tianzun quickly said: "That being the case, we will not stay with each other, I hope Taoists can come often in the future."

Saying goodbye to the two acquaintances, Li Xing took the boy in the mountains and sea and flew directly into the sky.

Tianwaitian, a dragon-like world, establishes time and space above the boundary, and has the same origin as the dragon-like world. Li Xing has always felt that the dragon elephant Tiantianzun is so stunning that he is absolutely gorgeous, and it is impossible to fall so easily without leaving a backhand.

For example, the ancient sage, Tianwai Tiantianzun, made Li Xing feel unpredictable. He also owed the sage hundreds of billions of forged crystals, and this time he returned.

Tianwaitian, an unknown place, cracked in the void, Li Xing and Shanhai Tongzi traveled one after the other. The boy looked around and laughed: "Master, the scenery here is pretty good."

Li Xingdao: "Of course the scenery is good." Then narrowed his eyes, "Tianwai Tiantianzun enters the country quickly, I don't know what state he has reached."


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