Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1026: Saboteur

Chapter 1026 The Destroyer

Chapter 1026: Destroyer

The world outside the sky is built on the earth boundary, and the earth boundary is a force that can go hand in hand with the heaven boundary. Li Xing can clearly feel that the atmosphere of Tianwaitian has become unpredictable. There is only one explanation for this. That is Tiantiantiantianzun, whose strength has been elevated to a powerful state.

There are no shortage of examples around him, such as Emperor Tianxie. Emperor Tianxie belonged to the incarnation of evil ancestors. Soon after the strongman separated from Li Xing, he leaped into a terrifying realm and entered the source of civilization directly, making people feel incredible.

"Haha ..." laughed, and came from the void, "Li Xing, are you finally back?"

A golden light avenue descended from nine heavens, Tian Tian Tian Zun Tian Zun, walked in emptiness, descended, and smiled. The momentum on him was incomplete.

Li Xing bowed his hand and said, "See Da Tianzun." The tone was very respectful. How to say, Tian Wai Tian is also the ancient sage of Dragon Elephant World, and is qualified to make him respectful.

Tianwai Tiantianzun smiled slightly: "Li Xing, you did not disappoint me, it is already Datianzun, and the strength is very strong, very good!"

When they talked, the surrounding scenes changed and they entered a cave house. They were simple and simple, and they sat on a straw mat.

For a long time, Li Xing had a question in his mind. At this moment, he took the opportunity to ask: "Da Tianzun, there is something unknown next."

"You said." Tianwaitian said.

"Why does Datianzun know the calendar?" Li Xing is referring to the identity of his traversal. This secret should only be known to him, and he does not understand how Tianwaitian knows it.

Tianwaitian became silent for a long time before he sighed: "You wanted to ask this question a long time ago? Originally, with your current strength, you still can't know. However, your progress is fast, and you must leave this day. It won't be long. "

He stared at Li Xing with burning eyes: "Your destiny does not belong to this world, and beings like you are called saboteurs."

"Destroyer?" Li Xing frowned. He didn't like the name. Why did he become a destroyer?

"Yes, it's a saboteur." Tianwai Tiantiantian smiled bitterly. "Your destiny can't control even heaven and earth. Your power grows endless until it is broken. You can master the core laws and ignore the order of heaven and earth. There will be supreme achievements. Once a group of people like this, if they break out, they will cause great damage to the world. Are you not a saboteur? "

"Datianzun means‘ you ’, is n’t the destroyer more than the next one?” Li Xing's heart beating, more than one person crossing?

"Yes, there are more than one saboteur, and they have appeared in previous eras." He took a meaningful look at Li Xing, "In general, when a saboteur meets a saboteur, there will be a shocking world. War. "

Li Xing became silent, his mind suddenly turned.

"As for why I know your origin." Tianwai Tiantianzun looked at Li Xing, "but it was because Dragon Elephant Datianzun told me."

"The memory of the Dragon Elephant Grand Heaven, buried deep in the Dragon Elephant World, was opened by me. The Lord predicted that you are the destroyer."

Li Xing nodded, he was not skeptical about this, and he had read part of the memory of the dragon elephant from the dragon elephant world. After a little thought, he said, "Before that, some people said that I was a 'seed'. Is the seed related to the saboteur?"

Tian Wai Tian Da Zun waved his hand: "'Seed' is the inheritor of civilizations, it has nothing to do with whether it is a saboteur. However, saboteurs often become seeds and become kings among them."

When Li Xing heard this, he was still puzzled. How did the dragon elephant Tianzun predict all this? Is it possible that Da Tian Zun, of infinite number of levels, is so amazing, can he predict everything?

At this time, Tianwaitian said again, "However, Li Xing, you have to be careful, because the saboteur also has a nemesis."

"Buster!" Li Xing opened his eyes slightly. "Who are they?"

"They are called the orderers." Tianwaitiandao, "The orderers are also born in all major civilizations. Each orderer represents a civilized order. It is said that the power within them is not the power of the world, but civilization. Strength, a higher level of strength. "

"When order encounters disruption, one party must fall. Of course, the destroyer is also the nemesis of the orderer. The two are natural enemies. Once confronted, the outcome is unpredictable."

"Here, I can tell you more. Destroyer and orderer, there is a level division, the strong among them have the opportunity to perform supreme fragmentation, the strength is strong, reaching an unpredictable level in the world."

Li Xing worshiped: "Thank you for your enlightenment."

Tianwaitian smiled slightly: "Li Xing, you come to Tianwaitian today, and there is something to tell you." After all, Candle Dragon appeared.

I haven't seen it for so many years, the candle dragon has already become the Great Celestial Series. He looks very complex to Li Xing. At first, Li Xing was just a small figure in the lower realm. Now that he has grown to this stage, his realm is just like him, and his strength is many times stronger than him.

Li Xing's expression was dull, and he said, "What's the explanation for Da Tianzun?"

Tianwaitiandao said: "Candle Dragon and I have the same origin. Although there was friction before, fortunately, no irreversible damage was caused. Therefore, I hope you can forget the former grievances."

Li Xing laughed and said, "Da Tianzun, it may be difficult to forget, but I can assure that as long as Candle Dragon is no longer an enemy, I will not bother to ignore him."

Candle Dragon was not angry, and bowed to Li Xing: "Brother Li, I used to offend a lot."

Li Xing: "It's easy to say."

Tianwaitian is very happy: "Very well, everyone is from the dragon elephant world. Looking for the fragments of the world in the future and restoring the glory of the dragon elephant heaven, it will take everyone's efforts."

This sentence was focused, and Li Xing was suddenly surprised: "What? Collect the fragments of the dragon elephant world?"

"Yes, the dragon elephant Datianzun's cultivation was unfathomable, and it has reached the limitless world. How could he fall so easily? In fact, he is not a true faller, but a giant who has performed a kind of infinite series. Celestial Secret Techniques ~ www.readwn.com ~ Calls for infinite fetal hiding. "

"When this technique is performed, the big world will be broken into countless fragments and hidden in the void. To find these fragments, we must rely on the 90,000 planes of the Great Heavenly Supreme. The dragon elephant world we live in is the 90,000 dragons. Like one of the sub-planes. "

"There is such a secret technique!" Even Candle Dragon was extremely shocked.

"Yes, the dragon elephants in the Ninth Vice Plane are obliged to find dragon elephant fragments, so that the dragon elephant can be revived." Tianwaitian said solemnly, "I also established Tianwaitian for this purpose."

Li Xing looked at Candle Dragon, and said in the same voice: "It is incumbent."

For a while, Li Xing returned the hundreds of billions of forged crystals that he had borrowed. At the beginning, Da Tianzun borrowed 200 billion yuan, and the rest of the nine ancestors of the Supreme Dharma also lent a portion.

Now counting, for decades, he offset with the Great Fortune Dan and returned 200 billion Great Fortune Dan. This kind of writing made Datianzun extremely shocked. He pushed back and forth, only willing to receive 100 billion yuan, saying that it was used to build Tianwaitian.


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