Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1027: 1 strike now

Chapter 1027: Jiu Yang Xie Jun

Chapter 1027: A Strike Now

Li Xing didn't stay in Tianwai Tianjiu for a long time, and left a few days later. Before leaving, Tian Tian Tianzun sent hope that Li Xingduo would pay attention to the fragment of the dragon elephant, and he naturally agreed.

The next stop is the land of reincarnation. Li Xing has faintly felt that there are nine days in the sky, ten fields in the earth, and no matter whether they are nine or ten, they are the guardian forces of the two worlds of heaven and earth, which contain the peerless killing array. Of course, unless there is a huge calamity, these two large arrays will never open.

Entering the land of reincarnation for the first time, at that time, Li Xing was only a small person with a low level and weak strength. If it weren't for Jiuyou Damonzun's intentional help, he would have been beheaded by the reincarnation of Damonzun.

Now, decades have passed and he is back again. He tore the space apart with both hands, and he entered the world of reincarnation, and when he entered it, he felt two horrible breaths fighting together fiercely.

Regardless of whether it is Jiuyou Damonzun or reincarnation Damonzun, the strength has been greatly improved. Li Xing remembers that the strength of Jiuyou Damonzun at that time should only be about one calamity. But today, his realm is not weaker than the great ancient monk, that is to say, his realm has reached twenty-nine calamities!

Reincarnation of the Great Demon Sovereign has increased its strength faster. At this time, it is comparable to the Jiuyou Great Demon Sovereign, regardless of the outcome. In the face of these two strong men, Li Xing has no fear. He has reached the level of great respect. Even if the opponent has epic combat power, he cannot be afraid. However, it is no problem to escape.

"Is it you?" Two surprise voices came, which are the Great Nine Demon Sovereign and the Great Sage Reincarnation.

"It's me." Li Xing smiled slightly. "The two have played for decades, but not enough?"

"Haha ..." Jiuyou Damonzun laughed loudly, "Very well, you have already entered the Datianzun level."

The reincarnation of the great demon statue said coldly: "I don't know what is dead or alive, you even destroy this good thing, and you will be cut off today." In his left eye, he shot a ray of killing and went straight to Li Xing.

The killing light is blue, and it contains the lethality of life, and one hundredth of a billion is here. Since Li Xing dared to show up, he had already been prepared. As soon as the opponent shot, his body disappeared, and it seemed that it did not exist in this world at all.

But it is the "death of me" that he has shown, and he has run to the past. How can the other party hurt him? Already stepped into the Great Celestial Mastery, this trick has been exhibited with unpredictable ghosts and heavens and earth.

The reincarnation of the Great Demon Zun failed, hummed a cry, and reached out to shoot in the air. This shot also contains the power of time. It is necessary to trace the long river of history to drive out Li Xing. However, Jiuyou Da Mozun finally shot at the same time, and shot with the same palm, laughing: "Reincarnation, what do I say? You will die in the hand of this person sooner or later."

Reincarnation: "A cricket ant, not worth mentioning."

"Really?" Li Xing appeared behind Jiuyou Demon, and the mixed-element gun trembled slightly, and suddenly stabbed forward. Fragmentation, extermination, and nothingness. Three moves combined into one, hitting a new blow that was only recently realized. .

When a shot was fired, the world changed color, and the universe was trembling. I saw a big gun running through the world, and directly went to the position of the reincarnation of the Devil's eyebrow.

Li Xing's strength is far below the reincarnation of the Great Demon, but the power of this shot was sobbing to the ghosts and gods, so that the other side was also shocked and reached out to block. When the palm touched the gunpoint for the first time, Samsara's palm in reincarnation had a pain in his palm and was punctured by the gunpoint.

And Li Xing, it felt like a great force came. Thanks to his immediate execution of "Dead Me," otherwise he might be killed by shock. But even so, he spit out blood and said lightly, "Monk of the Realm, progress is really fast."

Jiuyou Damonzun saw that Li Xing could actually fight against the reincarnation Dajinzun at this time, and was very happy. He laughed: "The current realm is a period of rapid growth recently. It won't take long for the realm of the realm to fight. It ’s on par with Heaven. So, during this period, the growth of every monk ’s practice has been extremely rapid. This is destiny. ”

This era is the yin and yang era. The characteristics of the yin and yang era are the birth of the two phases of heaven and earth, and the combination of Tao and Demon. So the power of the territories will quickly rise to a terrifying realm in the short term, and directly counter the celestial realm.

"Is there any other reason?" Li Xing asked. He has now formed an alliance with Jiuyou Damonzun, and the other party will know everything.

Sure enough, Jiuyou said: "As long as you are in the realm, your strength will increase by itself. Even a fool will gradually become stronger, provided that he can survive."

"Anyone can do this?" Li Xing was taken aback.

"Of course not, only the demon born in the realm can make such progress." Jiuyou Damonzun said, "You quickly retreat, there is not much room for me and the reincarnation Datianzun to improve. I hope you will come next time, You can kill him and help me. "

"Looks like you can't stop it for too long." Li Xing laughed.

"In a hundred years, there will be no problem. I hope you can come back within a hundred years." Jiuyou Da Mo Zun said, "If you help me then, this seat will give you a great fortune."

"What fortune?" Li Xing moved.

"The gun in your hand has a breath I am familiar with, but it is the sword of Mingming?"

Li Xing's heart trembled: "Yes, it is Ming Ming Jian."

"There are many pieces of Mingming Sword, and this place knows a place where there are no less than 50 pieces of Mingming Sword fragments. How about this 'fortune'?" Asked Jiuyou Damonzun.

"Okay! Within a hundred years, I will come here again and say goodbye!" Li Xing shouted, his body disappeared, and even the two great deities could not feel where he was going. This is the effect of the "dead self" in conjunction with the method.

Seeing that Li Xing was gone, the reincarnation of Da Mo Zun replied coldly: "Jiuyou, I did not expect that you would pin your hope on such a small person."

"Little man?" Jiuyou Tianzun sneered, "You are blind, you do n’t know his identity, he is a saboteur!"

"What? Is the legend of the saboteur is true?" The next cycle of Damonzun was also taken aback ~ www.readwn.com ~ has an incredible face.

"Of course it is true." Jiuyou Damonzun stared at each other like looking at a dead book. "I had met a destroyer at that time. Such a person can only be killed by orderers. And I feel , This person has great potential and will definitely grow into a powerful figure among the saboteurs. "

"What about the saboteurs? They can also be killed." The reincarnation of the devil is killing, "He can't escape!"

The reincarnation demon sighed: "Reincarnation, you are obsessed, we will look at him a hundred years later and you will regret it."

The fighting between the two is still going on, and Li Xing has entered the edge of the border and has seen several old friends. However, the territorial boundaries have changed so much that people are dying and fleeing, and no one can be found at this moment. After looking around for a few days, he left the boundary, and on the way back, he felt a familiar atmosphere, and he was immediately overjoyed.

The little demon got married on August 24th, these days are busy, even more. There are new problems, I will not ask for leave, even if there is time, everyone will forgive me.


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