Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1028: Back to the forbidden army

Chapter 1028: Returning to the Forbidden Army

Chapter 1028 Returning to the Forbidden Army

Feeling that breath, Li Xing stretched his fingers to the sky and broke through the space fog, reaching the destination, in a broken big world. This big world looks very powerful, at least it is left over from the legendary Big Heavenly Supreme, but unfortunately it has been broken and cannot become a first-class big world.

A young celestial demonstrator shows the momentum of killing, like a magic weapon, a stabbing in conflict, invincible and invincible. He was wearing a white battle armor, and in his hand changed eighteen weapons to fight the opponent.

On the other side, a black-faced man with a disgraceful appearance and a manifestation of law, stepping on the ground with his feet on top of his head, roaring like thunder, holding a sledgehammer in each of his left and right, slamming at the young man.

The young man ’s grandeur has a magical move and a sharp attack. Although he is not as powerful as the black-faced man, he is also comparable to him and does not fall into the wind. The two sides were fighting, Li Xing stepped forward and yelled, "Brother, I'll help you!"

The young celestial deity should be the first to enter the celestial celestial state, and the black-faced great han is the realm of the three jewels. The two were of equal strength, and they were in a difficult position to win or lose. They did not expect anyone to step in. When Li Xing appeared, they were all surprised.

"Brother Li!" The youth Datianzun recognized Li Xing's identity, and couldn't help it. He was the soldier who was rescued by Li Xing at the beginning. Nowadays, the weapon has a great strength, and his combat power is strong, which is close to the four calamities.

The dark-faced man snorted and yelled, "You two children stand side by side, I'll kill them together!"

"The tone is not small." Li Xing blasted out long ago without fancy. The power of civilization and the power of the world bombed out together, such as a river flowing down and hitting. This force is indestructible and difficult to resist.

The fist hit a sledgehammer and made a loud noise, and Li Xing remained motionless. The dark-faced big man groaned, and the celestial body was smashed and smashed. The original body landed on the ground, his face was pale, his arms were broken, and his blood dripped.

"You ..." The black-faced man was shocked and scared, and backed away again and again, Li Xing's attack power made him tremble with fear. He can conclude that if he bears such a fearful attack again, he will fall.

Li Xing stood up against his hand and said coldly, "Don't you say that you want to kill me? Why not?"

The black-faced man snorted and said, "Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but it's not good for you to be so strong."

Li Xing ignored him and laughed at the weapon Tiantianzun: "Brother, you haven't seen you for decades. You have already achieved the great Tianzun. It is gratifying."

Weapon Datianzun smiled bitterly, and said, "Where, compared with Brother Li, there is a gap of ten thousand miles, one in the sky and one in the ground."

The strength that Li Xing showed, let the weapon Da Tianzun sigh, as the two are the same, but the difference in strength cannot be calculated.

Li Xing smiled, and said, "Brother, what's the origin of this man, how could he fight with you?"

Weapon Datianzun: "This person is a character in the world of bones, called Heifeng Datianzun. Some time ago, I found a treasure of Datianzun, but I was stared at it and hit all the way until I met Brother Li."

Speaking of the treasures, the weapon Datianzun took out a fist-sized thing. There are seven tricks and eight holes on this object, which are full of light and emit a strong breath of life. Seeing this thing, Li Xing blurted out: "Ming Dan!"

In the body of Datianzun, there is a life-saving infant, which is the core of life-saving **** and the most critical existence. When Da Tianzun has experienced more than ten calamities, that is, after becoming the legendary Da Tianzun, there is enough civilized power to nourish, and the infant will undergo metamorphosis, and it will raise the infant infant Jindan, also known as Mingdan.

Of course, next, if you can break through the legend and enter the epic, there will be subsequent changes.

Weapon Da Tianzun nodded: "Yes, this is fate, if you refine it, there are many benefits."

The dark-faced man saw that the two were talking by themselves, treating him as if he were in the air, and suddenly disappeared, he would flee here. He understands that even a former weapon master Tianzun was not sure to win, and now there is a horror, the chance of winning is even slimmer, and he can only die by himself, so he chooses to run wisely.

"Want to leave?" Li Xingda Tianzun grabbed the palm of his hand, and now he sent out a powerful blow, directly breaking through the layers of mist, billions of time and space, hitting Heifeng Dazun's body. This attack belongs to the Xeon attack that Li Xing can issue. Even if the low-level legendary big deity is going to change color, how can he resist?

With a scream, the world established by Heifeng Datianzun collapsed and shattered instantly. A large hand of crystal light broke through the heavens, captured all his spirits, and was absorbed and transformed by the ancient trees of war in the one hundred thousand gods kingdom. Pure power.

Heifeng Datian Zun was beheaded, but weapon Datian Zun showed sorrow. He said, "Brother Li, this person belongs to the Proterozoic World. The Proterozoic World belongs to the first-level plane. It has a deep inheritance and great strength."

Li Xing didn't take it for granted: "The first Proterozoic Yuan Dynasty is long gone, and the rest, although inherited, is not worth fearing."

Weapon Datianzun shook his head: "Brother Li has no idea. The inheritance of this big world is very mysterious. He has left a powerful force in the past, helping the next Great Tianzun to make him powerful. So the fact In the past, the next Great Celestial Master is often more powerful than the previous one, because they can mobilize the power of the entire Proterozoic world. "

Li Xing was startled, and said, "So, the strength of the Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty is unpredictable, can it be compared to the first Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"There is no such exaggeration, but his combat power is definitely not weaker than the ancient series." Weapon Datianzun said, "In the three major first-level planes, respect it."

Li Xing nodded. Among the heavens and worlds, the first-level plane is definitely not in the minority, but only three of them have a reputation. This shows that these three planes are all extraordinary and should not be insulted.

The two talked about each other's experiences over the years. Weapon Datianzun met again and again, and finally broke through to Datianzun. His way is a martial art, with strong combat power, and he can super challenge Datianzun.

At the end, Li Xing initiated an invitation, hoping that the weapon would be a celestial lord, join him in the Heavenly Court embargo, start a career, and build meritorious service. The weapon ’s great celestial body is modified by the tactics of the military. The fighters are killed. What is missing is this opportunity to conquer the heavens, so I did n’t think about it and agreed directly.

With such a big help, Li Xing was very happy and broke through time and space with the weapon master Tianzun, marching toward the heavenly court. This time out, everything outside of him has been handled, and he is relaxed.

Heaven, the embargoed gate, recruit camp.

The eighth battalion commander knew at the moment of Li Xing's appearance. He flew directly to meet him and laughed, "You finally came back, and you have achieved great honor. Good, very good!"

Li Xing referred to the commander of the new recruit battalion, and then introduced the weapon giant Tianzun: "The commander, this is the next brother. He also wants to join the embargo. I don't know if it is convenient."

The recruit battalion chief looked at the weapon Da Tianzun, his eyes were slightly bright, and said lightly: "Good roots, of course, you can join, but how far he can reach in the end depends on his fortune."

"The battalion commander only needs to give him a chance, and the rest depends on his ability." Li Xing laughed.

Recruit battalion commander: "Your brother gave it to me, Li Xing, you immediately go to the ninth emperor's mansion. The ninth **** has something to discuss with you, and I will not give it away."

At present, Da Tianzun, a weapon, stays for recruit training, while Li Xing takes Shanhai Tongzi to the Ninth Tianzi Mansion.

On the ninth emperor's palace, it is very lively today. The huge hall is full of people. Most of them are not known by Li Xing. Each one is terrifying and extraordinary.

Li Xing appeared, and on the ninth day of the discussion, he was overjoyed and quickly said, "Li Xing, you are just right."

"Ninth Lord, but what happened?" He asked, glanced at them, and found that some of them were hostile to him.

The esteemed Great Heaven replied: "The treasure Great God, known as the richest man in the Central Pure Land, will recruit three women in the near future, and the sons of the heavens are excited, hoping to be favored by Miss Three."

Li Xingdao: "This treasure is really the richest man in the Central Pure Land?"

"There is no doubt about this. Treasures of the Great Heaven are highly advanced, and the legend has reached the limitless state, and this person is a business genius who has gone through nearly a hundred civilizations, and each civilization has a lot of treasures. , The strength will be greatly improved, at least not be suppressed by the seventh son. "

The ninth emperor continued: "Li Xing, this time there must be very many people going to Jumbo to raise relatives, and the competition is very fierce. This emperor needs a person to go to raise a relative. This person is not necessarily high, but he must have enough strength. And it can handle emergencies. "

"Jumbo 阙 itself is an infinitely large plane tool. This treasure has a feature that only the Great Heavenly Master below the legendary realm can enter. Therefore, the most powerful proposal this time is only Jiujia. Da Tianzun, otherwise Bao Di will be suppressed. "The ninth emperor laughed," this emperor thinks about it, no one is more suitable than you. Unfortunately, your realm is a little bit worse, I wonder if you are sure? "

Below the legendary realm? Li Xing laughed in his heart. In the legendary world, how could he give up this opportunity without fear of anyone, and immediately said: "The ninth man, rest assured, leave this matter to his subordinates."

"Okay! If this matter is successful ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will give you three conditions!" The ninth emperor laughed. This condition was so great that Ren Xingti requested that many people around him be discolored.

"Slow!" There were three people in the crowd, all three of whom were jealous and powerful.

"Oh, do you have different suggestions?" The ninth emperor asked lightly.

One had a sharp eye, and three yellow lights covered his head, and Shen said, "My subordinates thought that the three of me were more suitable than Li Xing to go to propose a relative."

The ninth emperor looked at Li Xing and laughed: "Li Xing, these three people are all door-to-door visitors. They have quite a long history. They disagree with you. You can explain this."

Li Xing understood the meaning of the ninth emperor. This was to make him stand out. In the future, it ’s such a big deal to go to Jumbo to raise a relative. As a leader, Li Xing must build prestige, otherwise how to convince the public?

Wanting to understand this, Li Xing stepped forward and laughed: "Three people are not convinced, it is also reasonable." His eyes were dazzling, "I immediately let you understand why the ninth Lord chose me instead of you. ! "


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