Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1029: Dingguang Tianzun

Chapter 1029: The Great Emperor Dingguang

Chapter 1029

"You're arrogant!" Another of the three sneered, this man's eyes were red, his voice was thunderous, and a round hung behind him. On the big day, the whole world shines in all directions.

Li Xing "haha" laughed, stepped out, and a breath of civilization rushed towards him, directly covering the three of them. Under the suppression of this civilized force, the power of the world of the three people did not work well, they could not move, and their looks changed greatly.

In the Yuan Dynasty, there is an ancient civilization tree that can absorb all power and transform it into the power of civilization. The power of civilization is a more advanced power than the power of the world and can completely suppress the latter.

Even if he encounters the low-level legendary Great Celestial Master, Li Xingruo can exert a force of civilization to counteract one or two, not to mention the jealous Great Celestial Master.

Li Xing stood in the void, releasing a cultivating life, creating a general trend of civilization, and letting the three heavenly gods shake their hearts and surrender their hearts.

"Do you accept it?" Li Xing asked lightly.

The three sighed secretly, glanced at each other, and said in unison, "I'll wait for my heart."

The ninth emperor was also surprised by Li Xing's momentum, and laughed: "Very well, the three of you will follow Li Xing to complete the matter together. After the completion of the event, they will all be rewarded."

"Thank you, Lord Nine."

The banquet continued, and the three celestial deities toasted Li Xing in turn. These three people are Huangsha Grand Celestial Master, Red Sun Grand Celestial Master, and Changhe Grand Celestial Master. The three great deities respected Li Xingjie at this time and knew everything.

In the meantime, Changhe Datianzun talked about one thing. Among the ninth emperor's doormen, there was a Dingguang Datianzun who had gone through 13 calamities and reached the realm of legend. In this man's hand, there is an ancient magic weapon called Daqian Mirror.

Daqian mirror can observe all things in the world. Whether it is looking for people or looking for objects, it can be achieved through this mirror. Of course, the premise is that the realm of the person or thing being searched must be under the mirror.

Hearing that there was such a treasure, Li Xing was moved. Recently, he was looking for the Phantom Deity. The other party's trace was unpredictable and it was difficult to find his way. And he still has some time to use before traveling to Jumbo.

"Brother Changhe, I don't know if Dingguang Tiantian can speak well. I want to borrow his large mirror to find someone out." Li Xing asked at that time.

Changhe Datianzun had a kind face, and frowned when he heard the words, saying, "Brother Li, Dingguang's old man was tight-lipped, and using his large mirror is indispensable, but he needs to get some blood. , He would never borrow each other. "

Li Xing smiled "Hehe", "There are nothing to do with billions of dollars."

At the end of the banquet, the ninth emperor invited Li Xing to enter the small hall for a narrative, and discussed in detail the things that should be paid attention to during the trip to Treasure Hall six months later. After the conversation, Li Xing resigned and left, together with three great deities, Changhe, Hongri and Huangsha, to visit Dingguang great deities.

As a gatekeeper of Dianzi, Dingguang Datian lives on a hill outside the imperial city. There is a small river beside the mountain, which is called Xingchen River. Although the river is small, it is quite strange. Often stars will be born in the river, and they will rise to the sky and become stars.

There are a large number of stars in the central pure land. Some of them are full of aura, and the birth of the stars and spirits can open up the world of stars. Some of the stars and spirits are strong enough and attached to heaven, and will be named as a certain star.

Those star seeds are self-born in the central pure land and belong to the holy spirit raised in nature. After practice, the future is still above ordinary monks.

On the riverside of the stars, an old man was fishing with a rod. His appearance was leisurely, with a smile on his face, and integrated with the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth. Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes slightly and exclaimed, "Who disturbs me?"

Four black shadows appeared in the distance, and after a few flashes, they came before them. It was Li Xing and his four.

"Haha" smiled: "Dingguang Laoer, how many fish did you catch today?"

The old man is Dingguang Tianzun. He rolled his eyes and said, "I was about to catch one, and you were shocked away." Looking around, he fell on Li Xing and said, "This little brother looked at him, What are you looking for?

Li Xing handed a gift: "In the Xingban recruit recruit Li Xing, I heard that there is a special treasure in the hands of Da Tianzun, calling Da Qian Jing, who can find people in heaven and earth. Looking for someone below, I want to borrow Da Qian Jing.

Dingguang Datianzun laughed when he heard: "It's a joke. If you want to borrow it, do you want to borrow it?"

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "How dare you borrow Bora ’s things for nothing?

"The tone is not small." Dingguang Datianzun said indifferently. "By you can come up with a billion good fortune."

This time, Changhe Datianzun three hurried first, and shouted in unison: "Old man, you are so black-hearted that the price of one billion is also on?"

"Why did I force him?" Dingguang Datian sneered. "If you think it's much more, you can leave, and the old man will not give it away."

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, saying: "Not a billion." When he reached out and grabbed a hand, a Guanghua was sent to Dingguang Datianzun, and the inner one was wrapped with a billion natural fortune. This great alchemy can be practiced by the Great Celestial Master, who can use all Great Celestial Masters.

Dingguang Datian respectfully put away the Dahuahuadan, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, looking at Li Xingdao: "I can't see that you are a generous and cheerful person. Well, Daqianjing can borrow, but you have to tell Old man, what's the use of Daqian mirror. "

Li Xingdao: "Find a person underneath and call the Phantom King."

Dingguang Datianzun stared and said, "If you are looking for this person, then I can tell you now that you don't have to use a Daqian mirror."

Li Xing looked for a moment and said, "How do I say this?"

"Phantom Da Tianzun, it is the old husband's little sister-in-law who lives in the old husband's house. It is easy for you to find him. However, you now tell me why you are looking for Phantom. There is a feud between you?" Asked coldly.

At such a price, it is necessary to find another person's situation, often because of resentment, Dingguang Tianzun's eyes are already bad.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said plainly: "It's a pity that the purpose of looking for phantoms below is to kill them and seize something."

"Presumptuous!" Dingguang Datianzun rose to his feet, and overwhelmingly, suppressed Li Xing. Under this prestige, Changhe and the other three celestial deities, each standing on an unstable foot, looked dramatically changed.

Li Xing looked as usual, saying: "Dingguang Datianzun, no matter what your attitude, I will definitely kill the phantom."

The anger on Dingguang Datianzun's face suddenly disappeared, and he sighed: "It seems that you are really the beast's enemies. Very good, I will help you, and you don't need to pay the one billion fortune."

This time, everyone was surprised and couldn't figure out the situation.

Li Xingdao: "Da Tianzun, can you tell me clearly?"

Dingguang Datianzun's eyes were full of resentment, and Shen said, "My husband has a daughter, who broke into Datianzun's realm recently, the Taoist Jade Pot. When she went out, she brought back a big Tianzun named Phantom He said that he should always be good with his fellow initiates. For this daughter, the old man has always loved him, although he doesn't like the phantom, but he has not raised any objections. "

"In this way, my son was connected with that beast and practiced in a different country. When they left, I even gave away most of my life savings, including an ancient artifact. But I never thought that she would Go, it's actually farewell! "Dingguang Tianzun was miserable and full of anger.

"Phantom that beast, exerting tricks and assimilation, assimilating my child's big world, so as to promote self-cultivation. Not only that, he also seized the dowry I gave to the jade pot." To his murderous intentions

A few Changhong Datianzun breathed a sigh of relief, they were really nervous just now, thinking that Dingguang Datianzun really wanted to make a shot. Unexpectedly, in the end it was this ending, everything was good for Li Xing.

"How can Datianzun know all of this?" Li Xing asked in confusion.

Dingguang Datianzhuang angered, "After the beast had killed my child, he actually sent a rune letter and told me everything originally!"

Li Xing was taken aback: "This phantom is insidious and cunning, and in doing so, it must contain misfortune."

Dingguang Datianzun nodded: "Who said no? I checked him with a Daqian mirror and found that his practice had surpassed me and was in a strange time and space."

"Pan Guzhu!" In Li Xing's mind, these three words appeared immediately. Panguzhu was the foundation of the Great Bone Sect in that year, and was buried in the Great Bone Sect world. However, the object was too powerful for him to collect at all. Could it be that the Phantom Lord returned there to try to collect the object?

Li Xing's mood suddenly became heavier. In a short period of time, the cultivation of the Phantom Deity actually surpassed the Dingguang Deity. In other words, even if he met this, he had no chance of winning.

At the same time, he was also curious how the opponent did it, with such a horrible improvement in a short time, allowing the combat power to reach the legendary level.

Feelings turn, Li Xing said: "Da Tianzun has never been to him?"

Dingguang Datian shook his head: "The old man had no confidence at all. He used an old friend to make a calculation and found that if I go, I will die for a lifetime." He hated and said, "Poor my jade pot, I will die in the hands of this evil person!"

Li Xingdao: "Phantom practises an evil power that specializes in assimilating all planes. Presumably, the Great Pot of Jade Pot is destroyed on top of this evil power. This Phantom of the Phantom is also under enemies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes, you and I can join forces to kill this puppet. "

Dingguang Datianzun glanced at Li Xing, then shook his head: "You? No, you are just the first stage Datianzun, how can you help me? This revenge, I will report it myself."

Huangsha Datianzun shouted, "Old man, don't look at people in the door, this mixed Yuan Dazun is strong and not under you!"

Dingguang Datianzun was taken aback, and looked at Li Xing again, wondering: "Really?" Chujing Datianzun can compete with the legendary Datianzun. He had never heard of it, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

Li Xing nodded, and said lightly: "It is difficult to say victory against Da Tianzun, but it is impossible for Da Tianzun to win against me."

This sentence makes it clear that the fighting power between the two is quite equal, I am afraid that no one can do nothing. As soon as this word was spoken, Dingguang Tianzun appeared surprised, and then cried, "Okay! The phantom offends you, and the death is near!"

0.0 Sorry, getting married is so tiring, I will never get married again. Starting today with serious updates, everyone has been waiting for a long time.


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