Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1030: Old man

Chapter 1030: The Old Man, The Master

Chapter 1030: Old Man, Master

Seeing that Dingguang Datianzun was so excited, Li Xing knew, and asked, "Datianzun knows the situation of Phantom now, where is he and how to cultivate?"

Dingguang Datian said: "Although the old man does not know the exact position of the phantom, he can be found by the Daqian mirror. As for his cultivation, I cannot know, but it is certain that his cultivation is absolutely in my It's very strong. "

"I met him last time, this talent is just the first realm, how can he reach such a brilliant state in such a short period of time, can he know the reason?" Li Xing asked.

"This man's time and space is very weird. It seems that he is promoting his cultivation to the realm at all times." Dingguang Dazun lost his thoughts. "I have a feeling how to give the phantom enough time, he can achieve even more horror. Level. "

Li Xing jumped in his heart, 80% sure, that the Phantom Master has found a way to control Pan Guzhu, and now he is using it to enhance his strength. At the beginning, it was with this bead that the Dao of the Bone Road almost reached the state of supreme fragmentation.

"You can't let him get Panguzhu!" Li Xing secretly resolved to commit a division, saying that he would destroy the Phantom Supreme, at least also to seize Panguzhu and not give the other party a powerful opportunity.

Speaking of the realm of Phantom Da Tianzun, Dingguang Da Zun's face was doubtful, and said, "Brother Li, you and Phantom are enemies, so you must know him quite well. Do you know the details of this person?"

Li Xingdao: "This man once established himself as the emperor in the world of bones and the world of evil. As for his roots, I don't know, does Da Tianzun know?"

"My brother doesn't need to be so polite. You and I will be greeted by our enemies, and we will be called brothers in the future." Dingguang Datian respectfully said, "If you don't hate, you can call me an old brother."

Li Xing smiled and nodded: "That's it, the younger brother has climbed high." After a tone of voice, Su Rong said, "Listen to the elder brother's tone, you should know the origin of the phantom."

Dingguang Tianzun nodded: "It is true that this phantom Tianzun not only means high strength, but also has an extraordinary origin. It is located in the world of fantasy sky."

"Large world?" Li Xing thought hard, and couldn't remember such a place.

"No one who has lived for more than ten years knows the ancestors of the emptiness." Dingguang Tianzun said, "Before the tenth century, this ancestor was arrogant and arrogant. He had reached a state of extinction in his cultivation. , At this time the terror is more unpredictable. "

"Phantom is the person in the Phantom Grand Celestial Plane. If he kills him, it is very likely that the ancestor will take the shot." Li Xing frowned. As the Great Celestial Master, he knew this. For example, if a real Zunyuan person born in his Zunyuan world stepped into the Great Celestial Rank and was chased and killed by others, if he got the news and he could get there, he would definitely shoot and rescue him. This real person.

Phantom Great Heavenly Lord will do the same, because once Phantom Great Heavenly King dies, it means that he lost a point of combat power. After all, Phantom Grand Celestial was born in the world of Phantom Sky, and his power is actually part of the power of Phantom Great Celestial King.

By the same token, if the Phantom Grand Celestial King grows and grows stronger and stronger, the strength of the Phantom Grand Celestial Master will also rise. To put it bluntly, the Phantom Great Celestial Master can be regarded as a part of the life of Phantom Great Celestial Master.

Just like the real people in the Yuanyuan Realm, they are all brought up by Li Xing, representing the inheritance of Li Xing's strength and life. As long as this inheritance can continue, the mixed world can at least become a first-level plane, just like the chaotic world and the Sanqing world.

"Yes, that's what I worry about," said Ding Guangda Tianzun. "If the ancestor of Magical Sky takes the shot, you and I will never be rivals."

Li Xing was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "I don't have to worry about this. I have a way to isolate everything, so that the ancestor of the illusion can't know, and silently kill the illusion."

His chaotic array has reached a realm, and many civilizations have been calculated. It can evolve into a large array, calling it the ten parties to reverse the large array. In the large array, all information cannot be conveyed, and the phantom can be quiet. To die.

Dingguang Datianzun was surprised and praised: "My brother is really a genius, and he has such a means. In this case, we should find the phantom and kill it immediately."

Li Xing waved his hand: "Not in a hurry, the younger brother knows where the phantom is, he can't run away." After thinking about it, he said, "Brother has lived thirteen years, there must be many old friends and old friends, I don't know how much I can invite Help out? "

Dingguang Datian laughed: "I don't dare to say anything else in my life, but my friends have made a lot and can be sure that they can help each other, and even less, there are fifty."

"Enough." Li Xing overjoyed. "As long as their combat power and brother are in the middle of the middle, the phantom will die."

Dingguang Datian said: "My husband's friend has the same natural strength as me, and there are several old friends who are far above me."

During the talk, Dingguang Tianzun invited Li Xing to discuss the important events in the cottage on the mountain, and agreed to meet again in ten days. At that time, all his dozens of old friends will be present, and he will go with Li Xing to find the Phantom Tianzun, and then lay down Kill the big array and kill it.

After discussing the matter, Li Xing returned to the Imperial City with Changhe, Huangsha and Hongri. These three are people with heads and faces. They make extensive friends. They have introduced many friends to Li Xing. All of them have achieved remarkable results, at least they are also great gods.

After this, Li Xingfang knew that the imperial city had crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and countless people. In the meantime, he met many celebrities in the imperial city, and unexpectedly saw an old man, the ancestor of Yang.

The ancestor of the Jiyang, originally a master of the Dragon Elephant World, pulled away in time to enter the outer area to practice when the aliens invaded. This person has great fortune, and even encounters adventures. At this moment, he has also achieved great celestial respect, and has great momentum.

Li Xing met an ancestor of the sun at a private banquet of Changhe Datianzun. At this time, Jiyang had become a young man, but his breath could not hide Li Xing's eyes.

The two looked at each other lightly, saying nothing, until the end of the banquet, the two talents appeared together in the wilderness outside the imperial city. The two stood with their hands down and looked at each other with complex looks.

"Unexpectedly, you and I still have time to meet." Jiyang Datianzun smiled.

"We should meet for the first time," Li Xing said, "but I feel that we have met countless times and it seems you and I have a destiny."

"It's true." The ancestor Jiyang sighed. "You and I were born in the Dragon Elephant World, and you also practiced the Jiuyang Sutra, but you succeeded, but I failed."

"I have a question so far," Li Xing said. "How did you get Jiuyangzhu to fall?"

"I got it by chance." The ancestors of Jiyang seemed to be hiding something, and said lightly, "It's a pity that I can't practice. It is you who actually cultivated to the Jiuyang Dacheng and obtained the core laws of the Yin and Yang Period. It seems surprising. That's not bad, you are a saboteur. "

"Who are they?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes.

"They are the masters of civilization." The ancestor Jiyang showed a weird smile. "Everything is under their control, including you."

Li Xing's heart sank. Is there really such a person who controls everything?

"Why can you reach them?" Li Xing asked. "Your strength is not better than me."

"Because I am the future controller." The ancestor of Jiyang had sharp eyes and shot Li Xing. "But, because of your appearance, my time as a controller has been postponed infinitely."

"I don't understand." Li Xing frowned.

"You will understand." The ancestor Jiyang cast his eyes to the sky. "This world is far more mysterious than you think. What you want and what you don't think will happen, Li Xing, knowing myself."

After that, the body of the ancestor Jiyang gradually faded, and it never seemed to appear here.

Li Xing stood still, still. After seeing Jiyang, he had more doubts in his heart. What kind of power is in control? What does it have to do with the orderer? This world is more and more mysterious to him.

Ten days passed, and Li Xing went to the hill outside the imperial city to meet Dingguang Datianzun. Dingguang Datianzun's words are not bad, and there are indeed fifty more horrors on the hill, and each one is not under Dingguang.

The fifty Great Celestial Masters, the worst of them, have also gone through twelve calamities and belong to the legendary Great Celestial Masters. The top three in the realm have reached twenty-four calamities, which belong to the epic rank of the Supreme Celestial Master, and have powerful combat power.

When Li Xing appeared, he was surrounded by fifty deities. An epic Tianzun laughed: "Ding Guang, are you old-fashioned? Do you want us to listen to such a little guy?"

Dingguang Datianzun seems to have expected some people to question, Shen said: "Dear friends, Xiu should look down on this little brother, his strength is not weaker than me, and his realm is only the first stage Datianzun. What kind of potential he has, I think you know better than me. "

The surroundings calmed down, but there was constant discussion in secret.

"What? With the repair of the beginning of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ can be compared to the legendary big deity? This kind of thing hasn't happened in the past, how can it happen?" The epic big deity who spoke was shocked and reached out with a finger and issued A force of the world attacked Li Xing. A red brilliance seemed to contain 100,000 worlds, suppressing the past towards Li Xing.

A random hit, but it represents the power of a legendary big deity. If Li Xing is not as powerful as Ding Guang said, under this blow, he will be seriously injured.

At this moment, Li Xing manifested the Fa phase, Jin Guangwandao, body length of 330 thousand feet, pushed forward with a single palm, and shouted, "Break!"

The red light echoed still, and then the "wave" exploded. The epic stunned and said, "Good boy, it's really eye-opening, OK, old clothes!"

He had to be convinced that Li Xing had such strengths in his early days, and it can be said that Zhen Gu Shuo Jin can only be described by terror. This means that in the future, if Li Xing arrives in the realm of legend, none of the people present will be his rivals, and he can even esteem the epic.

Li Xing bowed his hand and said: "You are honored to be present, and Li Xing is honored!" He put away the Fa phase, made a sacrifice to the four dough groups, and performed the ceremony.


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