Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1031: Upside down

Chapter 1031: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1031 Upside Down

Showing such powerful potential, Li Xing is already qualified to stand side by side with these characters, and no one raises any objections. The man who tried to test Li Xing, the Taoist Emperor, is an epic character. He asked, "Li Xiaoyou, Ding Guang is a friend like me. This operation is directed by your creditor. Before that, We want to know the situation of the other party and what kind of enemy we will face. "

It turned out that Dingguang Tianzun did not elaborate on the combat power of Phantom Tianzun and his situation. He only invited all of his friends. In this matter, Li Xing was asked to do it. In contrast, he was The situation is better understood.

Li Xing nodded: "The other person's cultivation is above me, but it will not exceed the epic lord. This is secondary. The important thing is that the other person's position is the world of bones."

"Bone Road World!" The three epic lords, who were discolored at the time, looked at each other, all shocked from each other's eyes. The Bone Road World is well-known. Everyone present has heard the legend of the Bone Road World.

"Why did that person enter the Great World of Bones?" Asked an epic grand deity. "This place is the plane built by the Gaedicians, the Great Boss of Great Blessings. The Great Boss of Great Blessings, with its talents, is said to have reached half its height. Stepping into a broken realm, one step away from the main plane, outside the realm of freedom. "

"Phantom Heavenly Master entered the world of bones and Taoism, naturally there is a plan." Li Xingdao, he naturally has to conceal something about the Pan Guzhu, will not be revealed, but only talk about some unrelated topics.

"Oh, is it for the treasure left by the Blessed Da Tianzun?" Another epic Da Tian Zun immediately thought of this, his eyes brightened.

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, how powerful the Blessed Da Tianzun was at the beginning, naturally there are many treasures, then the Phantom Da Tian Zun should just go for the treasure." His tone turned, "So, kill this person, to everyone It ’s all good. Maybe you can find the treasure of the bones, and you will be rich. ”

Fifty Great Celestial Masters, all of them are heart-beating, but that is the treasure of the Great Moral Masters. Who is the Bone Da Tianzun, a hair is ten million times stronger than them, and a treasure of this character is of course precious. Once it is obtained, it will be a huge fortune.

There was almost no hesitation, and everyone said, "Even if there is no treasure, in the face of Dingguang Laoer, we have to take a shot and kill the Phantom King."

The words were nice, but Li Xing understood that 80% of these people came out for treasure. He had anticipated this point before telling the news of the treasure deliberately, and this section was also a good discussion between him and Dingguang Datianzun.

As for whether there is a treasure in the bone world, he doesn't even know. But one thing is certain, the collection of Phantom Da Tianzun must be very rich. If you kill him, you should be able to get enough wealth, which will definitely make you all satisfied.

Seeing everyone promised, he expressed his full help, and Dingguang Tianzun secretly rejoiced. He was so resentful to Phantom Tianzun that he would be willing to show as long as he could destroy the other party. With the help of Li Xing this time, things went very smoothly. Without accidents, Phantom will surely die.

"Dear friends, there is one more thing that needs to be made clear to everyone." Dingguang Datian looked serious, "Behind the phantom Datian, there is a big man. To be safe, when you start, be sure to kill with one blow and not to the other. Breathing opportunity. Therefore, everyone must obey the arrangement of Brother Li and form an 'upside-down ten-square array' to blind the imagination, and then the ghost can be unknowingly stunned by the ghost. "

When I heard that there was a backstage in Phantom Great Heaven, many people were shaken to help friends, but they must not let themselves get in, so someone asked: "Dingguang, you say clearly, who is the backstage of that Phantom Great Heaven, Is there a name? "

In this regard, Li Xing and Dingguang Tianzun also discussed it earlier. He definitely did not say the name of the miracle sky tianzun. He replied: "The phantom tianzun originated from the sky. The strength is epic. "

Hearing that the other party was an epic character, everyone's heart sank, but they were not too afraid. After all, there were three epic characters in the scene. And everyone joins together, let alone worry. Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if the other party came to the door, everyone can call friends, and call a few even a dozen epic masters, it is not difficult.

A big Tianzun heard and said, "Tianwai Tiantianzun? I have heard of this person, who has risen very quickly. It doesn't seem to be in the central pure land. Don't worry too much."

Li Xing nodded quickly: "Yes, but the other party is an epic master, after all, it ’s best not to offend. If you can quietly kill the phantom, that's the best. Even if things leak out and everyone's strength, Not afraid of each other. "

Everyone nodded, expressing their agreement with Li Xing. In fact, based on the cultivation of those present, anyone can predict the future and predict the fate. However, this matter is led by Li Xing. No one can reach him if he understands and understands his destiny. In other words, Li Xing masked the mystery of fate, making it impossible for those present to predict everything.

After initially getting in touch with the Celestial Master Zun, Li Xing decided to teach ‘Reverse the Ten-Party Array’. This upside-down ten-square formation was the result of his deduction from the chaotic formation. It can blind the heavens and let the Phantom Lord do not alarm the people behind him even if he died.

This upside-down ten-square array, the mystery is not only that, it can also trap and kill the enemy. The implementation is not as simple as one plus one, but multiplying its power. It can be said that even if the other party is an epic lord, he will still be trapped.

The civilization of Li Xing who once won the battle, if the magic of battle formation is discussed, no one in the world can surpass it.

Everyone is a legendary celestial master. You can grasp the practice of martial arts skills soon. After they learned the essence of reversing the ten-square array, everyone was shocked, and could not help thinking, if they use this array method to conceal their opponents in the future, would it not be more effective?

At the time of the exercise, Li Xing was planning to strike from the present. Now, although the power of one blow is huge, it is not easy to perform. As long as you are fully prepared, you can exert your maximum power.

This time, Li Xing made a strike to kill the Phantom King, so he extracted a lot of destiny power from the infants, merged into this attack, and prepared to give a fatal blow.

In addition, Li Xing took out the Emperor's Sword again, comprehended the mystery of humanity, and calculated the humanitarian civilization through a chaotic array, which successfully completed the mixed Yuan Avenue. The Emperor Sword was left by the Emperor. At that time, the dragon elephant great respect reached the infinite scale. In the dragon elephant world, the emperor, the emperor and the emperor were born.

The advent of the three emperors, on behalf of the Dragon Elephant, is already outside the world of independence, and if it goes further, it will most likely reach the state of supreme fragmentation. This is an extremely sophisticated method, and Li Xing can't fully understand it yet, but can only imitate and use it.

With the help of the Emperor Sword, he talented real people in Yuanyuan to enhance the power of the Yuanyuan world. The effect of this approach is obvious. Every real person in Yuanyuan has been enlightened by civilization, and his understanding and combat ability have been greatly improved.

Just like a group of savages, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to achieve great changes without being enlightened. Only by being enlightened and baptized by civilization can a new civilization be established.

The crowd prepared for three days, and when they were complete, they set off together and went to the direction of the bone world. The position of the bone world is constantly changing. Fortunately, the Daqian mirror can find the direction and can easily find it.

In a chaotic space-time, the phoenix twirled and turned into a nebula, and the world of bones was hidden in it. Fifty Great Celestial Masters, as well as Li Xing and Dingguang Great Celestial Masters, appeared at the same time. They exhibited the Great Celestial Masters, all of which were billions of miles long, spanning the Xinghe River and surrounded the world of bones.

Li Xingshen chanted: "Dear everyone, please listen to my orders to perform an upside down. You will enter the world of bones, and cooperate with the killing of the Phantom King. As for Brother Dingguang, he will be responsible for external response and coping with emergencies Happening."

Zhongda Tianzun nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Li Xing screamed and shouted, "Kai Zhen!"


Fifty Great Celestial Masters, each with extraordinary means, exhibited amazing means. The fifty great worlds were integrated into a peerless array, transformed into a five-colored light, covering all ten sides, and instantly gave the entire space-time covered.

The bone world was immediately wrapped in it, blinding everything. Information outside can't get in, and information inside can't come out.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Xing turned into a streamer and rushed into the big world.

However, in this bone world, the Phantom King is still dressed as an emperor, wearing an imperial robe, and sitting in the chapel. Above the lobby, hundreds of civil and military officials are displayed on the left and right, and worship is under way.

Phantom Da Tianzun nodded slightly and said, "Zhong Aiqing is flat."

Baiguan stood up ~ www.readwn.com ~ stood up and said, "Sir, eight million slaves are ready, and blood sacrifice is available at any time. Please issue an order."

Phantom Noble nodded: "Not in a hurry, everything is big, you must be fully prepared, and there must be no difference." After thinking about it, she said, "The Prototype Altar was borrowed from a big man. It is dangerous and dangerous, so you must pay special attention to it. "

Another military officer shouted: "Your Majesty, Ming deceived 8 million Heavenly Soldiers from heaven. These people are not weak. If all their blood is sacrificed, they will definitely be done and Panguzhu will be obtained. Sky and earth, called emperor in the world. "

"I didn't see yesterday." Phantom Datianzun was very calm. "There are countless masters in the world. Even if I master Pan Guzhu, I may not be the first person to change. As far as I know, there are several types of people in this world. Horrible, they will be rampant number one enemies. "

"I don't know what kind of people?" An official asked.

At this moment, the whole world of bones and roads shook slightly. The face of Phantom Tianzun changed a little, and his eyes were full of anger when he opened his eyes. He said, "That **** thing, dare to appear!"


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