Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1032: War ancient formation

Chapter 1032: Ancient War Array

Chapter 1032: Ancient Array of War

The big bone world, somewhere in space and time collapsed, forming a huge vortex, a golden light burst out, manifesting his figure, it was Li Xing. He asked others to reverse the ten-square array under the cloth, and he entered the world of bones and slayed the Phantom of Heaven.

Of course, he entered here alone, the biggest purpose was to collect Pan Guzhu, an exotic treasure, to prevent it from falling into the hands of Phantom.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, the Phantom Tianzun arrived immediately, manifesting the Da Tianzun's Fa-phase, standing in the void, staring at Li Xing coldly, saying, "You dare to appear, you really don't know life or death! Li Xing, you probably don't know, To what extent has my strength been raised! "

Li Xing laughed and said, "Your strength is really strong now, but it should not exceed the strength of the fifteenth calamity. You can see that if you have forcibly experienced the baptism of civilized forces, you will have today's strength. There must be a big man behind you to help you. "

"Yes, Phantom King Tian borrowed the wheel of civilization from a big man to enhance the strength of this King King. Now, you are not my opponent at all." Phantom King Tian coldly, looking at Li Xing's eyes, like Look at a dead person.

Li Xing sighed: "I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are still so stupid. If you don't believe me, you will rush into the big world of bones?"

In fact, Phantom Datianzun is also struggling in his heart. After knowing his strength, Li Xing was not afraid and did not run away. Is there really a terrible backhand? At this moment, he said such words, which made him even more jealous and afraid to act rashly.

"Huh! Li Xing, I know that you are a human being, but this bone world has been partially controlled by me. You break into it, and there is only a dead end. However, the Supreme Lord has always loved. If you are willing to submit to me, Ben Da Tianzun can consider forgiving you for not dying, and will give you a great opportunity. "Phantom Datian said in a deep voice, like a kind god.

Li Xing laughed "haha": "Phantom, you don't have to delay time. From the moment I entered the world of bones, I felt a breath of treasure, which is the altar of the ancient times." His eyes were cold, "Tell Me, where did the Proto-altar altar come from. You don't need to hide it. I know your intention is to sacrifice Pan Guzhu in order to exchange enough powerful power to enhance your strength. Am I right? "

The Phantom Da Tianzun was taken aback by surprise. The Proto-Altar is a big secret. How did the other party know? And with such precision, he did think so. That Pan Guzhu was so strange and powerful that he couldn't control it.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to sacrifice this thing in exchange for a strong enough luck or other power to make himself a peerless powerhouse in one fell swoop. According to his prediction, if Pan Guzhu could be sacrificed, the benefits would be immeasurable.

However, it is not easy to sacrifice Panguzhu. First of all, he must make himself strong enough, so he sought the ancestor of fantasy to improve his strength. But this is not enough. He deceived eight million heavenly soldiers from heaven, and sacrificed them in one fell swoop to improve his own strength.

Only in this way, it is possible to further sacrifice Panguzhu and obtain supreme strength. When borrowing the altar of the ancient times, the great man said that the power given by the altar is not capped, and the stronger the sacrifice, the stronger the power obtained.

Of course, the big man also told him that the use of the Proterozoic altar is risky and it is very likely that he will enter a state of utter danger. But Phantom Da Tian cannot respect so much. He wants to become stronger and dominate the world.

However, what he didn't expect was that Li Xing knew so much about his plan. How did he know?

"Do you know?" Phantom Datian narrowed his eyes, his eyes were very dangerous, and he seemed to shoot at any time.

Li Xingdao: "Don't be so nervous. The reason I know it is because the altar originally belonged to me. Hum, the person who seized the altar will visit me sooner or later. Now tell me his identity."

I heard that Phantom Datianzhuang suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Li Xing in shock, and shouted, "It was you!" Then he was so happy, shouted, "Okay! Very good, that big man said, your luck Strong, even he would not dare to kill easily. But Ben Tianzun did not believe in evil, he will kill you today and plunder you for luck! "

Phantom Da Tianzun said that he would take his shot, and when he stretched out his hand, a Da Tian Zun's secret technique was exhibited. This mystery is called ‘desolation’. Once it is cast, any life will wither, and the rest is just a barren, unusually overbearing and brutal.

I saw a yellow light, coming out of the mighty pressure, and immediately enveloped Li Xing. Among the yellow light, Li Xing manifested the celestial body in the sky, with a length of hundreds of millions.

This is the current blow that he has been brewing for a long time, a breath of fate, blow out, carrying the power of civilization, irresistible. The yellow light of the sky was smashed at once, and the supreme gunlight pierced the space and time, and cut it towards the phantom's eyebrow.

Phantom Da Tianzun was taken aback. He didn't expect that Li Xing's strength was low, but what horrors he could have broken his Da Tianzun secret technique. You have to know that it was only a blow from the other side that absolutely had the combat power of the fifteen calamities of the Great Celestial Master, which was not at the beginning of the Great Celestial Master.

Phantom Dazun stared at the fierce light, holding up a mirror with his right hand, the mirror was red and yellow, the mirror body shook a bit, and the red side shone towards Li Xing. Suddenly, a **** brilliance rushed down to kill, the blood gas rolled, and the murderous gas skyrocketed.

In the blood, Li Xing's Da Tianzun Fa was stinging for a while, and was forced to contract and return to the true form. Only moments later, he fleshed, his eyes stung and he couldn't open.

"Haha ..." Phantom Datian laughed wildly. "This is an epic magic weapon, called for killing the mirror, red-faced palms, yellow-faced palms, Li Xing, today, you can't escape!"

Li Xing's skin was ashes and blood-stained robes. He was fully operating the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods. In each kingdom, the ancient trees of war were swaying branches and leaves to absorb the amount of violent violence rushing in.

Scarlet brilliance is a very powerful destructive force, full of destruction and strangulation, so that the ancient trees of war cannot be absorbed in full, and many gods' kingdoms are damaged. A large number of creatures are strangled, their blood is soaring, and they cry.

However, the ancient trees of war are also devouring blood as much as possible, and every time they consume, the strength of the ancient trees is increased by one point. Later, all the ancient trees were united.

At this moment, Li Xing suddenly integrated the ancient trees of war in the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits and formed an ancient array of wars in accordance with the rules of the Devouring Heavens Formation. This ancient array did not exist before, but he used the chaotic array and the devouring **** array to derive the performance.

The ancient tree of war is similar to that of the snake that can swallow the sky, and can establish a relationship with each other, and the air and machinery are connected. At this time, Li Xing again matched the 100,000 swallowing snake guts with the ancient trees of war, and immediately let the power of swallowing the gods of heaven and the ancient trees of war merge to form an ancient array of wars.

Suddenly, Li Xing stood up and raised a white mask to protect it. This mask is exactly the old battle array issued by all the old trees of war. Above the mask, various humanoid soldiers condensed, armed with weapons, whistling the world, and rushed out.

And the blood of the sky, once it touches the mask, will be absorbed and transformed into pure power, so that more warriors can be gathered in the ancient battle array.

"What is this mystery?" Phantom Datianzhuang's eyes widened. He thought that as soon as the epic magical instrument came out, Li Xing would die. The effect was obvious at first, the other side was obviously unsupported, was seriously injured, and was blood.

But in a blink of an eye, the situation changed, and the other party did not know what secret technique was used, and the atmosphere of the war was suddenly felt.

"Kill me!" Phantom Datianzun was startled, and ordered the instrumental spirit to attack with all his power, but he himself disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in a mysterious spacetime. In this spacetime, 100,000 soldiers hovered quietly. Everyone's face was full of unwillingness and anger, they cursed loudly.

"Phantom, you must not die well, deceive Tianting's trust and become a general, but bring us into this dead land. Phantom, Tiandi will not let you go, Tianting will not let you go!"

"Phantom, you beast, you will not end well, you will be miserable a thousand times ten thousand times more than us!"

Facing the curse of 100,000 heavenly soldiers, Phantom Datian Zun was expressionless and coldly: "Your death is an honor to be able to contribute to You. Hmm, there is an enemy coming today, saying no, I must send you early Go on the road and give me a sacrifice! "


In time and space, a great altar appeared, slowly suppressed. The phantom of the Phantom God established a connection with the altar. He shivered and yelled, "Sacrifice, give me strength!"

The Provincial Altar shot hundreds of millions of black light, and then it was only swept away. The eight million heavenly soldiers were all shattered, turned into blood mist, and absorbed by the altar. Hundreds of voices rang out in Phantom's mind, and many high-profile personalities were willing to use some power to exchange these eight million lives.

Phantom Datian shouted in his heart: "I need strength, powerful strength, then I choose‘ Destructive Power ’to destroy all enemies!”


Nine days of shock ~ www.readwn.com ~ Billions of black brilliance descended from the void and fell down, and then contracted into a thin smoke of thin fingers, all hitting the phantom of Tian Mirage. Suddenly, he felt full of power, as if he could wipe out a billion worlds with his fingers.

This process lasted for three breaths, the black light disappeared, the altar calmed down, and there was silence in time and space.

"Good power, this is the power of destruction, Li Xing, you are dead!" Phantom Datianzun is surrounded by black light, full of the spirit of destruction. He shouted, opened the space, and rushed towards Li Xing.

At the same time, Li Xing was struggling to support under the attack and kill of epic instruments with the ancient battle array. After all, it is an epic weapon, and its combat power is not weaker than that of the twenty-four robbers. Under such a terrorist attack, his immortality is very remarkable.

But even so, he still felt great pressure and could barely protect himself. Had it not been for the ancient trees of war and the ancient trees of civilization, he would definitely not be the opponent of this epic weapon, and even in the first round, he would be killed.


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