Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1033: Receive Panguzhu

Chapter 1033 Collecting Pan Guzhu

Chapter 1033 Collecting Pan Guzhu

Just as Li Xing was struggling with the epic weapon, the Phantom of the Phantom tore up the void and killed him. . . His body was full of destruction, and the celestial body was revealed, with huge palms covering the sky, cracking down on Li Xing severely, invincible killings, covering all directions, making people inevitable.


That piece of epic weapon was shocked and was suddenly opened. Li Xing even cracked his skin, and then began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye. This was the force of destruction. Under this power, everything will be destroyed and there is no escape.


At this moment, Li Xing yelled, outside of the bone world, fifty big deities finally took the shot, and it took a long time to invert the ten-square array. At this moment, it broke out, sending out a peerless killing light, piercing the bones. The shell of the big world was killed down fiercely. With Li Xing as a fuze, the target of the attack was the Phantom of Heaven.

I sacrificed 8 million heavenly soldiers and gained a huge destructive power. But his strength is only elevated to the first level of epic. The 50 Great Celestial Masters formed an upside-down ten-square array, but their strength was doubled. This strike was close to the ancient series and the lethality was so great that the phantom's destroying power was overshadowed. withstand.

"What? Who shot?" The Phantom Datianzun was startled, too late to deal with Li Xing, and slammed all the devastating power into that killing. He had a hunch that if he was approached by this killing light, he would die and die, and any kingship and **** would be empty.

Two peerless forces exploded at high altitude, shaking the whole world of the bones, shaking the sky, generating electricity, and thundering for nine days, as if the sky was sinking and the end of the world. The principle of the avenue manifests itself, interweaving the air, and colliding with each other.

In the loud noise, one arm of Phantom Dazun exploded into fly ash. He screamed, plunged into the epic instrument, and screamed, "Li Xing, I will definitely come back and report this." Revenge of the Arrow! "

The Yuan Dynasty altar rose into the sky, and with the epic weapon, broke through the void and flew away. With the existence of the Proto-Altar, even if the ten-square array was upside down, it could not be trapped and killed, which made Li Xing very regrettable.

"Hateful, who is the big man who seized the altar? If I grow up in the future, I must ask him to compete and ask why he took my altar!" Li Xing cried in his heart.

Apparently, Phantom Tianzun fled. He had no chance to control Pan Guzhu at all, because if he did not leave, he would die. Without stopping, Li Xing immediately entered the world of bones and began to search for Panguzhu.

He deeply understood that Pan Guzhu was very horrible, and the Phantom Tianzun must be out of control. However, he has a way, because he has the life-saving baby.

Pan Guzhu originally belonged to the Bone Da Tianzun. With the help of the life of the Bone Da Tianzun, he was very sure that he would collect Pan Guzhu. As for whether this unusual treasure can be used in the end, it is not known, but in any case, it is most important to get it first.

Above him, a baby rose, his eyes opened, and he looked around. This baby is brilliant and great, and Li Xing is extremely strenuous to control. He wouldn't be able to do this without a chaotic array and strong infant support.

Moreover, this control can only last for a very short time, he must find Pan Guzhu as soon as possible.

"Where?" Li Xing said, moving his senses, sweeping wildly. Immediately afterwards, he had the induction, and the bone-birth babies trembled slightly. In a mysterious time and space in the bone-broad world, he found a gloomy bead, the size of a fist, suspended there quietly.

"Pan Guzhu?" Li Xing was overjoyed and immediately urged the infant to collect it. The accident happened. As soon as Mingying appeared, Pan Guzhu flew on his own and rushed into Mingying's mouth. Immediately after that, Guanghua's life rose, releasing a majestic idea that made Li Xingdu give birth to worship.

"Give me it!" He yelled, doing his best, forcing a blow at the show, pulling Sheng Mingying back to the mixed realm, and then returning immediately.

As soon as he came out, the fifty-one Grand Celestials sniping the phantom appeared outside, and then Dingguang Grand Celestial disappointedly said, "It's a pity that he let him escape!"

The three epic celestial masters also looked ugly. One said, "The man has a very weird weapon. Otherwise, how can he escape?"

Afterwards, everyone looked at Li Xing, this is to ask to understand the origin of the thing. Li Xing also didn't hide it, saying: "That's the 'Protocol Altar', a super magic weapon."

"Protocol Altar? Is it something of the Proterozoic World? Related to the Proterozoic Celestial Master?" Everyone's look changed. The Proterozoic world is one of the oldest and mysterious planes. There have been unbreakable characters that are unfathomable, far from being comparable to the Sanqing world and the chaotic world. The Elder Prima Celestial Master is naturally terrifying and must not offend.

Li Xing shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the Proterozoic world. That altar can communicate a number of great beings and bring down powerful forces. Of course, all this has to pay a considerable price, this thing is ominous."

Everyone was relieved, and an epic grand prince said: "It's just not the Proterozoic world. Although this person escaped, he will never be so lucky next time." The crowd nodded and said yes.

The goal is gone, the next step is to search for treasure in the bone world. The fifty-one Great Celestial Masters each showed their skills and penetrated every inch of space.

Phantom Grand Celestial Master has been operating here for many years, but he can't understand the secrets here. Many treasures in time and space have really hidden many treasures and have been discovered. Of course, there is also some space full of killing power. Several big deities have almost fallen for this, but the gains are also huge.

Li Xing was very depressed about this. If he hadn't said it casually, these good things would have been hiss. It's okay now, it's been divided up by the gods, no hair left. However, the most important Pan Guzhu was already in his hands, and his heart was balanced.

In the meantime, the dynasty established by the Phantom Grand Celestial Master, a group of civil and military officials, was domesticated by Li Xing into a kingdom of gods and quickly transformed into his believers, without any waste.

After the incident, the Great Celestial Masters resigned, leaving only Li Xing and Dingguang Great Celestial Masters to return to the central pure land. On the way, Dingguang Tianzun repeatedly tried and asked if there were other secrets in Li Xing's bone world. It seems that he has been suspicious of the operation of the Phantom Great Celestial Master in the big world, thinking that Li Xing has also concealed something.

Naturally, Li Xing would not say much, except that the Phantom Lord must also want to open the treasure, but was eventually destroyed by these people.

Regarding these remarks, Dingguang Datian will be suspicious, but did not say more. When the two returned to the Pure Land, Li Xing left and immediately returned to the ninth Tianzifu, because at this time there was no time to go to Zhenbaoyu.

The first thing Li Xing did after he returned was to return to the mixed realm and discipline Li Ba. After Li Ba was drunk last time, he fell asleep until now, which really made Li Xing quite quiet. However, when this little thing woke up, Li Xing immediately began to have a headache.

The little guy was just drunk. After waking up, he was quite a bit taller. At this moment, he looks like a five- or six-year-old child, his eyes are very brutal, he acts very aggressively, and he is a totally unreasonable little bastard.

On this day, Li Ba was punished by Li Xing for three days because he bullied a few real children from Yuanyuan. However, the little guy resolutely quit. With the help of his mother, he quietly escaped from the Yuanyuan Realm, accompanied by three real people from the Yuanyuan, and entered the imperial city of Central Pure Land.

All this, of course, could not be concealed from Li Xing, but the adult wife was not easy to mess with, he had to open his eyes and close his eyes, and said that he would wait until the little **** came back and repair him hard. However, he did not know that Li Ba's departure would cause great calamities.

Waiting for the departure time, Li Xing has been studying the bone-thirsty infant. Life Baby has become very weird after receiving Pan Guzhu. Li Xing cannot absorb its power at all, and it is more difficult for even the mixed Yuan to accommodate it.

He felt that the infant was a bomb at this time, which could explode at any time, turning the Junyuan Realm into a ruin. In spite of this worry, it is still reluctant to discard it. Instead, it operates in a chaotic array and makes its best calculations.

However, everything was in vain. Pan Guzhu was completely beyond Li Xing's imagination. He couldn't peep at the mystery at all. There was a tiger eating the sky and nowhere to talk.

See, time is up, Huangsha Tianzun, Red Sun Tianzun, and Changhe Tianzun are gathered together. They will all be Li Xing's followers, and will go to Treasure Hall instead of the ninth Heavenly Son to show their respect to Treasure Hall.

During this trip, the competition was fierce. The remaining nine emperors all sent men to propose relatives. In the competition of ten batches of men and women, only one party could succeed in the end, after all, Treasure King only married one daughter.

The ninth emperor attached great importance to this and personally led a close friend to see Li Xing off. Before leaving, he patted Li Xing and said, "Remember, there are three conditions for you to mention. As a emperor, I have great rights. With so many resources, you will not be disappointed if you do not disappoint Benzi. "

Li Xing nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ laughed: "Ninth Lord rest assured that everything is mine!"

The ninth emperor nodded with satisfaction: "Go ahead, after it is done, you will be the confidant of Tianzifu."

It is by no means an easy task to become the confidant of the emperor. Like the desolate ancient monk, I do n’t know how many hardships I have experienced before I finally get the trust and reuse of the emperor. This is not just about strength.

Once it becomes the confidant of the emperor, it means that there are inexhaustible resources for cultivation, and the status that the general Tianzun dares not to despise.

Just as Li Xing set off, a young man stood in front of the seventh emperor's house. This young man has a normal face, but he has a temperament that makes the seventh emperor dare not to be humiliated. He seems to be the guardian of the order of heaven and earth, and the supreme king of the law of heaven and earth.

"Zhou Tian's anger. This mission is very important. You can only succeed and you can't fail, can you understand?" The seventh emperor Zi Rong said.

"Why did you disappoint the seventh man?" Zhou Tian said indignantly. "Anyone who blocks the road will be stepped on my feet and there is no place to be buried."


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