Chapter 1034 The Orderer

Chapter 1034 The Orderer

The seventh emperor chuckled coldly: "I have great confidence in you, but you have to pay attention to a man named Li Xing who is under the authority of Lao Jiu, and I have received the news that he will represent the treasure ambassador. This man is strange and lucky. Long, with a magical quality. "

"Li Xing? I haven't heard of it." Zhou Tiannu still looked dull, "I don't know what kind of character it is, how to cultivate it?"

"This person's cultivation is not high. According to the spies' report, it should be the first heaven deity, but not long ago, he was a life-threatening heaven deity, and his progress was very fast. Moreover, there were three nine destiny deities in this trip. His followers, from this point of view, this person should not be underestimated, he should be very strong. "The seventh emperor obviously attaches great importance to Li Xing, and emphasized in his words.

Zhou Tian's mouth slightly slipped, and smiled: "What's wrong with the seventh man? Is he so concerned about a small first-world Datianzun, does the seventh man forget his identity?"

The seventh emperor shook his head: "Sky anger, you still underestimate the other person, you are the orderer, can't the other party be the destroyer?"

Zhou Tiannu's eyes narrowed into a line instantly, and Shen said, "The saboteur? He is the saboteur!" The whole body suddenly released a sharp killer, which caused a turmoil in the laws of heaven and earth.

"You don't need to be nervous." The seventh emperor frowned. "Your orderer and the destroyer are innate opponents. His realm is not as good as you, and you have a better chance of winning. Moreover, it is not certain whether the other party is a destroyer. But there are indications that this person, even if he is not a disruptor, should belong to an orderer, in a very extraordinary way. "

Zhou Tian's angry look finally calmed down and said, "It seems that this person's greatest possibility should be a disruptor. If the other party is an orderer, his subordinates should have sensed it already. But I don't know which one he belongs to. level."

The seventh emperor: "I heard that the destroyer is like the orderer, divided into four ranks, the first rank is called the destroyer, the middle rank is called the king of destruction, the high rank is called the king of destruction, and the super rank is called Pangu."

Zhou Tian nodded angrily: "When you reach the Pangu level, you will be able to enslave all the laws of the avenue and turn decay into magic. There is already a chance to break up and reach the other side. However, there has only been one such person in history. A Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty. "

The seventh emperor: "That Li Xing should be a junior destroyer, and you are a fourth-order orderer, and you should be able to suppress the other party. The order of the orderer's realm corresponds to the destroyer, and there are fourth-order and first-order The person who calls order, the middle order calls the king of order, the high order calls the king of order, and the super order calls the dominator. Unfortunately, once it reaches the domination, it will become a part of the civilizations of the epochs, and loss of self is equivalent to destruction. "

"This is the home of the orderer." Zhou Tian frowned expressionlessly. "Too embarrassed, Fang is the ultimate Taoism, incarnate civilization, is to reach immortality."

The seventh emperor apparently disagreed with this view, but no longer argued, "In short, you must deal with this person carefully, it is best to kill him."

"Please rest assured that the seventh man, I will slap this person." Zhou Tiannu was full of confidence. "If I can cut and kill this saboteur, my power will be greatly enhanced!"

At this time, Li Xing did not know that a powerful enemy would appear on the road. After proper execution, he officially set out. Before setting off, he reluctantly found that Li Ba and the three mixed Yuan real people disappeared, and even he could not sense the specific position.

Fortunately, he can be sure that none of the four people were in trouble, but he was blinded by the opportunity, so he didn't look for it and proceeded.

Treasure Treasure was built in the space-time ocean between the Eastern Wasteland and the Central Pure Land. The location is hidden, and it would be difficult to reach it without the road guide passed down by Treasure Treasure. As the leader, Li Xing was holding a road guide and headed for the ocean of time and space.

Between the Eastern Wasteland and the Pure Land, there is an endless space-time ocean. The space-time here is huge, and some of them are formed by the backward planes of the great Tianzun dynasties, full of danger.

In the ocean of time and space, a special channel is opened. Sailing above the channel is safe most of the time. But sometimes, if you encounter a storm of time and space, or a powerful monster monster, it may be a disaster.

At this time, Li Xing was walking on the fairway of the Eight Classics. He did not dare to open a fairway at will. In that case, he would probably plant it all at once and encounter unimaginable danger.

However, his luck was really bad. Soon after entering the ocean of time and space, he encountered a pirate. Ahead, in the chaotic space and time, there is a huge battleship. A banner was flying over the battleship.

The flag was blood red, with an eye painted on it, cruel and cruel, and it was trembling with a glance. In addition to the three people who accompanied him, there were hundreds of people, and half of them were made up of them.

These people have had many experiences going out before. When they saw the pirate ship, their faces changed color. Some people shouted, "It's" evil eyes ", so please be careful!"

For this so-called fierce eye, Li Xing has never heard of it, and turned to ask the people around him. Huang Shada Tianzun looked serious and said: "The fierce eyes are notorious in this ocean of time and space, countless killers, and bold, and the fighting force is very strong. Brother Li must be careful."

Li Xing asked: "How many people are they and what is their realm?"

"The fierce-eyed leader's road head broke the Great Heavenly Supreme, and after fifteen calamities, his subordinates also have two legendary Great Heavenly Supremes, whose strength is above me." Changhe Great Heavenly Supreme said, "If it is not necessary, do not conflict with them."

Li Xing said lightly: "It depends on how they choose."

The huge battleship is horrible, and obviously belongs to a legendary magic weapon, and its power is extraordinary. At this moment, it slowly lay in front of Li Xing's party, silent.

Li Xing knew that it was time to show his identity, so he stepped forward and hugged his fist: "In the next line, go out to do business at the order of the ninth emperor. Please ask the fierce-eyed friend for a convenience. I will definitely offer a generous gift in the future, I think I will thank you."

On the battleship, a **** light rose, revealing a celestial body with a high heavenly respect, with a height of 10 million. The square shape is horrible, especially with a pair of eyes, weird and eerie, Li Xing doesn't want to look at it more, it seems that if he looks at it more, the soul is going to sink into it.

The other party "haha" laughed: "The ninth son of the ninth? The ninth son of the ninth is a fart! This road is under the control of Lao Tzu. If you want to go, leave the road money first!"

It seems that the name of the ninth emperor can't scare each other at all, Li Xing secretly has a headache, knowing that today I am bound to have a war. But the other side is a legendary figure, even if he shot with all his strength, he would have a tie. In this way, it is very likely that the journey will be delayed and Jumbo's trip will be ruined.

After thinking about it, he thought of an idea, and immediately sank his face, and said, "How much money does your Excellency need? Speak for it."

"Eight trillion yuan of good fortune." The French lion opened his mouth and almost crooked Li Xing's nose.

He sneered: "It seems that Your Excellency is sincerely embarrassed. In this case, we see the true chapter under our hands." Then he waved his hand and received everyone in the kingdom of God.

Hundreds of people, each occupying a kingdom of gods, waiting for Li Xing's order. When it is necessary, they can do their best to use the old trees of war to lay down the ancient war array.

The ancient war formations can protect themselves for a period of time under the attack of epic figures, and it is even more important to face legendary figures. He already had a plan, and if he couldn't, he would break in. He believed the other party couldn't stop himself.

Seeing Li Xing's formation, it was about to do something, but the other party's tone softened and said, "I said, if there are too many, you can bargain on the spot, how can you say that you can do it? We are robbers. It ’s not easy for you to do business. How can you kill yourself? "

Li Xing froze for a while. He heard that the pirates would still be able to make a counteroffer. He was happy and said, "Well, 100 million Dahua Dan, let's make friends, and you let me go."

The other side was suddenly angry, and yelled, "Good boy, you kick your nose on your face, one hundred million? Go to you. Mom. Give me a call!"

Li Xing's counter-offering was really fierce, dropping from eight trillion yuan to one hundred million yuan, one in 80,000, which directly turned the other side and yelled. Suddenly, three great heavenly mysteries were issued on the battleship, and they were all legendary series of combat power.

Just as Li Xing was about to take a shot, a thunderous drink broke out in the void, shaking the world, jumping out of a heavenly general, wearing gold armor and holding a gold gun from the sky. This person's horror made Li Xing feel horrified.

The golden gun flickered, turned into hundreds of millions of miles, and stabbed at the battleship. The strength of the opponent is definitely an epic series. The combat strength is strong, and the fierce eyes cannot resist.


Just a moment, the battleship was stabbed and exploded, and dozens of great celestial beings fell from it, blowing up in time and space. The golden gun was swept away again, dozens of golden brilliances were rolled out, and these people were **** one by one, but it was an epic level of mystery.

Li Xing was taken aback. Who was this man? He killed the pirates with three strikes and five strikes. The strength is really great!

With a big push of the mighty general, dozens of pirates landed as many as possible, and they couldn't move one by one ~ ~ He said: "I am the vanguard of the army. He is here to help you in the ninth day. Long-eyed pirates, it's up to you. "

After all, he fluttered and disappeared. It turned out that this mammoth was arranged by the ninth emperor. He had expected that there might be an accident on the road, so he sent some masters to protect him secretly.

At this moment, Li Xing was relieved, knowing that there should be no danger before he arrived at the treasure treasure, and everything was carried by the ninth heavenly son. He gave a fist to the air, and then suppressed dozens of pirates into the kingdom of gods.

In each kingdom of gods, there are ancient trees of war. These ancient trees can not only defend, but also cooperate with the chaotic array to refine the enemy.

The ancient tree of war comes with a secret method that can turn powerful characters into war souls, thereby enhancing their own strength. Li Xing first picked out the three legendary celestial deities and sent them to the ancient trees of war.

These three people have long been blocked by the vanguard of the whole body, they can't move, they can only let Li Xing handle it. Under the chaotic atmosphere, the three legendary big deities screamed again and again, mourning constantly, feeling that they are losing their own consciousness, and a great fear is born inside.


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