Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 89: Beichen shot

Chapter 89

Li Xing screamed deliberately, withdrew most of his body blood, and was printed on his chest with the palm of his opponent.


The ribs broke, and Li Xing was blown off like a broken kite. At this time, the four patriots who came after him also entered the courtyard.

"Take it down!"

Qi Qiyun sent ten scholars who practiced Qi, and were very alert. As soon as the four scholars appeared, they felt the breath. Six figures rushed out of the room and besieged the four scholars in Tsing Yi Men.

"No! It ’s Qi Yunpai! Hurry up!" The Tsing Yi Men, who had the dual training skills, was shocked and greeted them. The four of them joined together to break a gap and rushed away.

The disciples of Qi Qiyun have always been arrogant and have never been bullied. The "invasion" of Tsing Yi Gate made the six patriots all angry, how could they let them go? Shouted, followed closely.

The two sides chased after each other and fled for a moment. They happened to meet the Qingpao people on the way. At first sight, he thought that it was Qi Yunpai who took the initiative to take the initiative, and he said nothing and immediately joined the war group. The joining of the Qingpao people made the advantages of Qi Yunpai less obvious.

Li Xing was blown away with a single palm before. This time, the injury was far worse than that of Ma Boxiong. After half an hour, the injury was getting better and he quietly left the scene.

Everyone in Wuqingquan Town heard the explosive sound of "Boom" 's angry attack. Naturally, Wang Zixing heard it, and he frowned, discussing with a few scholars around him.

"Did the Qiyun faction do it in advance?" He couldn't help but personally took two scholars out to watch.

Soon after Wang Zixing left, Li Xing, who became Ma Boxion, appeared in the courtyard. The same time, when they came out, the two guards were killed instantly. The three remaining scholars in the room were shocked and rushed out immediately.

Li Xing successfully escaped again with the winged sword, still rushing to Qi Yunpai.

Qi Qiyun sent one side, and there were four Guoshi guarding. The change of the genius made them very vigilant, so as soon as Li Xing appeared, a patriarch greeted him and said sternly, "Dare to come! Seek death!"

The other side is the dual training of Qi. When the chest punched him, Li Xing was in the middle of the chest.

"Boom!" Li Xing was beaten three times.

The disciples of Qi Qiyun School have always been unreasonable. Seeing that three other scholars rushed behind Li Xing, they sneered at once, rushed up side by side, and clawed with their hands.

It took less than three hours before and after the encounter, Qi Yun faction, Tsing Yi Men, Wang Zixing, and Ma Boxiong fighting together. Part of Li Xing's purpose was achieved, and what the final result is, we must continue to observe.

When the parties were fighting, Bei Chenluo, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked surprised and murmured: "He did it! Although it may not be possible to completely retreat them, it is very rare to do this! "

Suddenly, Beichen fell into the air and fluttered out of the room. At this moment, several parties are fighting, and there is no time to notice him.

Li Xing, after half an hour, he quietly left the battlefield and returned to Ma Peilin's house. However, when he appeared, Ma Peilin faced his face and reported, "Young Master, Beichen Luo is gone!"

Li Xing's look remained unchanged and he asked, "What can be left?"

"No, all of a sudden disappeared." Ma Peilin stomped his feet, "The young master managed to provoke several parties to fight, but Bei Chenluo took the opportunity to leave, leaving the young master empty!"

Li Xing pondered for a moment, and Shen said: "Even if he leaves, we have not lost, we don't need to care."

的 Wang Zixing, who went out to listen to the news, felt that the whole Qingquan Town was even more chaotic, and there were fighting sounds everywhere. He felt bad in his heart, and was about to go back. Suddenly, a figure appeared, without a word, raising his hand was a palm.

With this palm, you can find nothing, and the three of Wang Zixing don't know how to dodge. Three palms were printed on each chest.


After the crisp voice, the body of each of them trembled, and they all spit out blood.

"No shadow palm!" Wang Xing shouted, took the three of them, turned his head and ran. Because he has determined that the person who shot is Beichen Luo!

Wu Beichen Luo did not pursue, he was almost exhausted, and must use the shortest time to scare away these people.

Qi Qiyun dispatched troops in two ways, fighting with Tsing Yi door all the way, prevailing. One side fought with Wang Zixing's people, which also prevailed. Bei Chenluo appeared on both sides in succession, hurting several Qi Yun factions with a thunderbolt.

Bei Beichen Luo hit a total of nine palms. Nine palms, seriously wounding nine people, are not fatal. However, this was enough to make everyone frightened. Ten minutes later, Qi Yun sent the first to retreat. Wang Zixing's crowd was headless, and he subsequently left.

The people at Qingyimen have been injured by the Qi Yun faction. They smelled the danger and then left.

In this way, Li Xing returned to the room less than half an hour, and Bei Chenluo suddenly appeared. He stood in front of Li Xing with a smile, and the first sentence asked: "Why didn't you die?"

He was seriously injured three times in a row, and all recovered within a very short period of time. Beichen fell in his eyes and was extremely surprised.

Li Xing stood up and said, "If I said that I took Xuanjie Dan medicine, do you believe it?"

Bei Beichen shook his head: "I don't believe it, Xuanjie Pill can't be so effective!" Then he smiled slightly, "Your secret, I don't want to know. I only know that you have passed the test."

"So, can we cooperate?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Yes, you will get the Tian Xing Jing, and you must do three things for me at the same time." Bei Chenluo's expression became serious. "Three things, each of them is not easy to complete. But every time you complete one, you can Get the same benefit ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing was surprised: "Benefit? I wonder what three things are? "At the same time, he also understands that Bei Chenluo's benefits to him are an excellent way to ensure that he can complete three things one after another without breaking his word easily.

Wu Beichen came to the couch, sat down, and slowly said, "Before talking about these three things, you should have an understanding of me." He asked Li Xing, "How much do you know about me?"

Li Xing thought for a while: "You are Bei Chenluo, you have a lot of training with God, and you have no nickname. I only know these."

Beichen Luo smiled with "Hey": "Most people only know these." He paused. "My true identity is the Emperor of Tianchen Kingdom."

什么 "What, Tianchen Kingdom!" Li Xing opened his eyes wide. Beichen Kingdom, a large empire many times larger than Ping Kingdom, is located in the far east. The development of the economy and the strength of the military have reached an incredible level.

Even, the emperor of Pingguo offered to Tianchen Kingdom every year.

Tianchen Kingdom is a large country with a vast area, abundant products and a large population. This Beichen falls, is actually a great prince!

For Li Xing's surprise, Beichen Luo showed a bit of bitterness: "The prince of the Tianchen Kingdom, under one person, above ten thousand people! You must be wondering, how could I be here, right?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I am very curious."

Wu Beichen fell into meditation and began to tell his past with a low tone.

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