Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 90: Tianchen Prince

90 Emperor Tianchen

"Twenty years ago, I was nineteen years old, as the Emperor of the Tianchen Kingdom, under one person, and over ten thousand people. At that time, I was really motivated and imposing, I always thought that the great rivers and mountains will be mine."

"That year, I have broken through the practice of blood, and become a triple prince in the practice of qi. The civil and military of the Manchu tribute me as a cultivating wizard and will definitely become a generation of sages in the future. In Tianchen, there are 96 princes. I'm the first prince to be a triple prince. "

"The great prince of Tianchen Kingdom is not ranked by birth, but by strength. The great prince represents the strongest and most potential prince. It also represents the most qualified to inherit the throne in the future, to become the master of a country, sitting on the river . "

"Except for the remaining ninety princes, except the thirty-three brother Beichenji, the other princes are jealous and afraid of me. Compared with me, they have no advantage at all and are destined to be unable to compete with me. Beichenji's support for me Makes him trust him. "

"One day, Bei Chenji brought a woman to the East Palace where I lived. Her name is Sapphire. She is a beautiful woman, only fifteen years old. When I first saw her, I fell in love with her. That night, I took possession of this woman. "

"The next day, Sapphire and I were still sleeping. Beichenji hurried over and said that the father would kill me." At this point, Beichen Luo's eyes flashed a coldness, "I don't believe, Father The emperor always loves me, how could he kill me? "

"But soon, I knew all this was true. Because Yu Linjun had rushed into the East Palace and started to fight with the East Palace embargo. There were too many incidents of the royal people turning their faces into hatred, and I made a regret During his lifelong decision, he obeyed Bei Chenji's advice and took two security guards to flee the East Palace. "

In the world where Li Xing lived, he had heard and read many stories, and his imagination was rich. He immediately understood and sighed: "Bei Chenji must do this for the throne."

Bei Beichen smiled "Hey," "The onlooker, Qing, how could I recognize his sinister intentions? As soon as I left the East Palace, he helped me with Luo Zhi's accusation. Killing the princess, betraying Tianchen!"

"After fleeing the East Palace, I was chased and killed all the way, two guards were killed one after the other to protect me. I was also seriously injured, but finally escaped from the Kingdom of Heaven and left."

"After three years, I heard the news that Bei Chenji became the new prince, and I also knew what the original charge was. It turned out that when the father received the news, someone in the East Palace was in trouble and was against me. He was in a hurry, Send troops to the rescue. The East Palace guard, for some reason, suddenly started to Yulin Army, the two sides started a war. "

"When I heard Bei Chenji's words, after leaving Donggong, the Donggong guards surrendered. While looking for Beichen's fall, Yu Linwei found the severely injured sapphire, and she said a word," Beichen fell to kill me "before she died. So Someone reported to the emperor and charged me with a crime of killing the princess. "

Li Xing frowned: "This kind of framing has obvious loopholes, not perfect, and the emperor may not believe it."

Beichen Luo: "At that time, I had run away. Even if the emperor wanted to investigate, there was no way to investigate. And he loved Sapphire very much. The death of Sapphire made him extremely sad and angry. In the next year, he issued a hunting order and pursued I."

"Later, I gradually found out that everything was Bei Chenji's trick. He caused me to have a home and couldn't go back, from a great prince to a wanderer without power and power." Bei Chen Luo's expression was extremely angry. "He is My brother, the person I trusted the most, conspired against me by despicable means! I must report this hatred! "

Li Xing has understood the whole process at this time, and asked, "What does Mr. Beichen let me do is to kill Beichenji?" He sneered, "If it is, then our cooperation is no longer necessary!"

I want to kill the big prince of Tianchen Kingdom, even if Li Xing is a master of the **** level, it is unlikely to succeed, not to mention he is not powerful now.

Wu Beichen said lightly: "Young man, you should be patient and listen to everything I have said."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay!" There was no hope in my heart.

Beichen's eyes revealed a self-confidence: "Young man, starting at the age of fourteen, I took the position of the great prince until the age of nineteen. The great prince of Tianchen was second only to the emperor. The Emperor has great trust in me, so I can do many things. "

虽然 "Although I am in a high position, I am not without a sense of crisis. I know that many eyes are staring at me and want me to die. Therefore, in those five years, I prepared well."

"What preparation?" Li Xing asked curiously.

Bei Beichen looked at Li Xing: "If one day I get kicked off the throne of the great prince, I will appear in another identity."

Li Xing stunned 怔: "Appear in another identity?"

"Even if I am no longer the great prince, I can still partially control this country, and this is my preparation." Beichen Luo's face showed a proud look, "This thing, no one knows except me, even Beichenji do not know either."

Li Xing is not stupid. He immediately thought that he might be what Bei Chenluo called "another identity."

Bei Beichen gave a purple ball of dragon jade to Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ solemnly and authentically: "This is Tianchen dragon pen, which is your guarantee of future success."

Li Xing took Yupei, and wondered: "Can it succeed?"

Bei Beichen smiled slightly: "Yes, because with it, you can get great help from all sides."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "Mr. Tianchen, tell me directly what to do."

Tianchen Luo: "There are three things you need to do. The first is to upgrade Xiu to five levels of training, go to Tianchen Kingdom, enter the East Palace, become the guard of Beichenji, and gain the trust of Beichenji. Wait for you With a firm foothold, you can use the treasure map I gave you to dig out the treasures I had collected in the East Palace. "

"Jumbo?" Li Xing was surprised.

不错 "Yes, the East Palace is very large. Even if Bei Chenji becomes the master now, I won't find the treasures that I treasured at the beginning. This batch of treasures is your guarantee for future success." Bei Chen descended.

"Okay, the first benefit is treasure, I wonder what the second step is?" Li Xing asked.

"In the second step, after you gain the trust of Bei Chenji, if he can show a certain ability, he will definitely arrange you to enter the army. Because if you enter the army, it will be very beneficial to him. I speculate that within one year, you will You can get enough status in the army. "

"The benefits of this step can make people gain huge power." Beichen fell.

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