Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 91: Beichenluo's plan

Chapter 91: Bei Chenluo's Planning

Li Xing nodded: "It can be considered a benefit to be a high-weight person. What is the third thing?"

"The third step is relatively more difficult. You can use Tianchen Longpei to start an organization I originally set up, 'You Long'. This organization has been in a sleep state. From the beginning, it has not been started. Ever. What you have to do is start the dragon and become the real leader of the dragon. With the wealth in the dragon and the palace, plus the real power of the military you have, you can reach the ultimate goal. "

Li Xing was already very surprised. This Beichen Luo, started to do these when he was fifteen years old, and it really is not a simple character. He slowly said: "In the third step, I can become a power master, which is also a great benefit. I don't know, what is my ultimate goal?"

I asked the key, and Guanghua flashed in the eyes of Beichen: "I want you to be the general of Beichen Kingdom, have enough strength, and then collect evidence to prove my innocence and bring down Beichenji!"

Li Xing: "Why don't you let me kill Bei Chenji directly?"

Bei Beichen smiled faintly: "What I have to bear, he must also bear it once!"

Li Xing was quite disapproved. It has been more than two decades, not to mention that the treasure may have been taken away by Bei Chenji, and the dragon may have disappeared. In addition, Bei Chenji may not take his talents seriously and send him to the palace.

With all these designs, Beichen fell too subjective, and the plan is likely to deviate and enter another track.

Seems to feel Li Xing's thoughts, he said in a deep voice: "You may think that there are many loopholes in my thoughts, but I want to tell you that if you want, you can do it! When you bring down Bei Chenji, then It must be the top person in Tianchen. This is the benefit you will eventually get! "

Li Xing's heart moved: "In the Sanyi Garden, I have offended too many people. If there is no way out in the future, Tianchen Kingdom will be a place to go." With this in mind, he immediately made a decision and nodded: "Okay, I will do my best To go, but it is not guaranteed. "

Wu Beichen Luo was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "You can say a good word, sometimes manpower. As long as you do your best to do it, even if it is unsuccessful, it is OK." Then explained the details in detail.

At the end of the run, Li Xing couldn't help asking: "Who hurt you?"

Beichen glanced coldly: "No. 1 master from abroad, proudly seeing snow!" He suddenly remembered, "Do you want to, do a deal with me again?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "It doesn't itch if there are more lice, please speak."

Bei Beichen took out a pair of soft boots and a dagger from his arms. The soft boots were off-white, and I didn't know what material was woven, and the air flow surging slightly. The dagger, dull on the surface, exuded a coldness.

"This is a light electric boots, a fifth-order magic weapon, you can use it after you practice your qi level. Put on it, you can walk like electricity, you can use it to escape." He also pointed to the dagger, "This is the sky dagger , Can break the true Qi, radon, sixth-order instrument. "

After introducing the magic weapon, Bei Chen said lightly: "If you are willing to help me avenge me in the future, I am proud to see Snow, these two things belong to you."

The fifth-order instrument and the sixth-order instrument are extremely precious things. Li Xing couldn't help but think, "If I can defeat Aomi Xue after *, it's nothing to kill. If you can't beat it, naturally you don't Will shoot. "So he said," Yes, but in my strength, more than proud to see snow. "

Beichen Luo nodded slightly: "Okay, I promise." He paused, "Below, it's time to tell you where the Tian Xing Jing is."

Li Xing couldn't help sitting upright, and raised his ears. He has endured all kinds of hardships and experienced danger. In order to obtain the Scripture of Heaven, now he can finally get the scriptures.

"The Heavenly Evil Scriptures were left by the Emperor of Heavenly Evil. This sutra fell to the Fire Gate of Lisuo God a hundred years ago. A few months ago, I broke into the Fire Gate and seized it. Although God Fire Gate has had a scripture for hundreds of years , But did not comprehend this scripture. Therefore, for hundreds of years, Shenhuomen's care of the Tianxuejing has not been as diligent as it was at first. If not, I can't grab the Tianxuejing. "

"I snatched the Tian Xing Jing, the purpose is also to learn the above Xuan Xie martial arts skills. However, after repeated attempts, I have given up." Bei Chen Luo sighed helplessly, "The outside rumors are true, things in the Tian Xing Jing No one can cultivate now. "

Later, Beichen Luo placed the Tianxian Jing and told Li Xing.

"I urge you not to take the Heavenly Essence for the time being, even if you can get it, you can't practice, but put yourself in danger." Bei Chen Luo warned Li Xing seriously.

Li Xing didn't answer, Beichen's face changed, and he said lightly: "Someone came here to look for me! You leave this place quickly and I will be led away. Remember, it ’s best not to cultivate the evil until you are strong enough. through!"

The words fell, Beichen fell into a ray of light, and rushed out of the room.

Over the Qingqing town, a white light rose into the sky. For a moment, another purple light rushed forward, chasing past toward the white light, and the two went far away in an instant.

Bai Guang walked for more than a thousand miles, suddenly stopped, Beichen fell in the air, looking back at the person. The purple light at the back also stopped, showing a middle-aged man in white, with three strands of long beard hanging down, looking slightly towards Beichen Luo.

"Worry-free ~ www.readwn.com ~ You actually chased Pingguo." Beichen Luo slowly said, "Unfortunately, you will never find the Heavenly Classic."

Liyou worrylessly said lightly, "Just take you back."

"Take me back?" Beichen fell into a "haha" and laughed, and suddenly a blue flame ignited all over his body, instantly spreading all over his body.

Fang Li worry-free face, flashed back a distance, sighed: "Die God!" No more glance, still a purple light, flying away.

In an instant, Beichen fell into fly ash and drifted with the wind. The once great prince, now the shadowless palm, has since disappeared.

As soon as Chen Beichen left, Li Xing no longer stayed, calling for a messenger of news and leaving Qingquan Town overnight. Ma Peilin also burned his house that night and has since disappeared.

Li Xing returned to Zizhuwan and practiced with peace of mind, it seems nothing happened. But in Sanyi Garden, there are many troubles waiting for Li Xing to deal with, and a group of people are going to take Li Xing to blame.

Not long ago, he killed Xu Yingfeng from Qixingmen and killed Qian San, the son of Qian.

On the second day Li Xing came back, a group of people surrounded Zizhuwan in three layers and three layers. Among the crowd, Li Jie, Li Zheng, who have been afraid to show up, appeared at the same time, and their faces showed excitement.

Qi Xingmen pleaded guilty, Qi Yun faction pleaded guilty, and Qian's family pleaded guilty, not even Sanyiyuan saw this person. And this person also offended Wang Zixing. They thought that Li Xing was finished this time and no one could save him.

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