Chapter 1038: Miss Three

Chapter 1038: Miss Three

The person created by Zhou Tiannu completely represents the order of heaven and earth. It seems that every move is on behalf of heaven and earth. The combat power is amazing. Once he comes up, he suppresses the real person in Yuanyuan. Moreover, the realm of the other party is also above the real person in the mixed Yuan, belonging to the level of half respect.

Thunder thundered and kept bombarded, and the mixed real man was ashamed, scorched, and wailed, for a moment it was difficult to reverse the situation. Li Xing was surprised at the beginning, but gradually, his expression calmed down and remained unmoved.

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds, and the real human being in Yuanyuan was beaten up, and it was already a bit overwhelming. But at this moment, the real person in Yunyuan suddenly yelled and the whole body's breath soared. At this time, he broke through and reached the extreme state.

Suddenly, calamities were triggered, disasters and disasters arose, and world calamities appeared. Although the other party can control the order, in the face of such a violent situation, he can't fully grasp it for a while. As a result, the situation was suddenly disrupted, and began to develop towards the real side of the mixed Yuan.

The real man in Yuanyuan belongs to the pride of heaven. He is invincible at the same level and kills the leapfrog. When he stepped into the extreme level, his strength soared several times, making it difficult for the opponent to take any advantage. He yelled at the mountains and rivers, broke the sky with one punch, and shouted again and again, fighting fiercely with his opponent again.

While fighting, Li Xing continued to instill the power of civilization, so that the spirit and strength of the real people in Junyuan continued to be improved, and the real Luo Luo was also constantly improving. From the first, to the second, to the tenth.

The ten-strength Da Luo Zhenshen, combined with the ruthless physique of the real hybrid Yuan Yuan, has prevented the enemy from generating further damage. On the other hand, the real person in Xunyuan punched harder than one punch, making the opponent back again and again.

Zhou Tiannuo's face became more and more ugly. He could not have expected it. The real human being created by Li Xing was so arrogant and had unlimited potential. He has continuously risen under his eyelids, and has now reached the state of extreme sage.

However, something that made him even more desperate happened. Just at the time of the fight, the real human in Yuanyuan suddenly shouted, and his breath fluctuated again, causing a transformation. At this moment, the characters of the various parties watching the game also changed their looks greatly, one after another screaming: "Are you going to rise again?"

It's true that the real humans in Yuanyuan will start to rise again. This time, it's even more horrifying, breaking directly from the extreme to the realm of half respect. The calamity caused this time is even more horrible, lasting a full half an hour.

When the calamity disappeared, the mixed-yuan real person's whole body shone in golden light, and Da Luozhen's body broke the third level, reaching the thirteenth level. Moreover, stepping into half respect means starting to contact the power of destiny, and the life form has been improved.

His opponent has already been losing streak in a row. At this moment, his strength has soared, and he is even less of an opponent. The mixed Yuan real person gave a loud sigh and exhibited Li Xing's previous peerless studies. Without a hit, he blasted the other side into a slag, and he couldn't die anymore.

In the fourth game, Li Xing still won. Moreover, the realm of the mixed Yuan has been half-respected. Although Zhou Tiannu was dissatisfied, he was helpless. After all, he lost.

In the next fifth and sixth innings, all the way to the tenth inning, Li Xing met a lot of powerful characters, but none could defeat him. Until the eleventh inning, the last inning, the one in this inning was no regrets.

The realm of medicine without regret is not very high, far worse than those of the nine great people. However, his performance in the first two rounds was very eye-catching, and the strength of the released spirits also soared to the semi-respectable level. Moreover, in the third round, he has already played six innings and also won the same innings.

Yaowu stared at Li Xing with a ruthless look, saying, "This game, you will lose."

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "You're too happy, don't talk nonsense, shoot."

As soon as Yao Wuji squeaked, a half demon flew out, and a magical scene was issued. As soon as the half dear came out, he swallowed a pill, and then his whole body was soaring.

Some people sighed, "This medicine is really willing to pay for it without regrets. Only then is the elixir not the 'Extremely Created Dan' refined by the pharmacist Datianzun? This supremely created Dan is made from the Great Created Dan, but The effect is stronger, and it can directly make people enter the realm of Tianzun, and even have an effect on Tianzun. "

"If not, how could the medicine without regrets rush to this round? He brought with him a lot of peerless alchemy refined by the pharmacist Datianzun, and he could develop a master in an instant. It seems that this Li Xing is about to hang . "

"That's not necessarily, did you not see it? The one on Li Xing's side had previously killed and killed at the most holy level, and was able to defeat the half-strength Zhou Tianru."

"There is a big difference between Banzun and Tianzun. I'm afraid it will be difficult this time. I don't think Li Xingsheng has a great chance."

Everyone talked, and Li Xing looked scornful, saying, "What's the point of a strong external force to improve cultivation? Do you think you can be invincible if you think you are the Supreme? I will let you know what is invincible!

A real man shouted with a loud roar, punched out of the box, and instantly issued hundreds of heavenly killing techniques. At the level of half respect, playing Tianzun's killing technique, many people suddenly glared.

As soon as it came down, the people created by Yaowu Regret were attacked and shrouded. Each of the killing techniques was very sharp and powerful. Suddenly, he was covered with wounds all over his body, flesh and blood fluttered, his skin fluttered, and he continued to scream.

You must know that the countless Tianzun Tianzun that Li Xing has previously beheaded and killed are countless. At this time, the refined Tianzun killing techniques are all high-end killing techniques. He secretly imparted these killing skills to the mixed Yuan real person, greatly improving his combat power.

In fact, it is difficult for ordinary monks to practice so many celestial killings in such a short period of time. But the real people in the mixed Yuan are different. When practicing the mixed Yuan road, the mixed Yuan forces can imitate everything, build everything, and practice without any effort.

Under the intensive bombardment, Yaowu regretted his morale, and was beaten directly on the ground, unable to move. The real man from Xunyuan took the opportunity and rushed forward to fight with each other.

At this time, the thirteen major Luo Zhen body showed extraordinary, both sides you come and go, fist to flesh. Often, the other person punches, and the only real person feels pain. However, the real person in Xunyuan punched each other, but was able to beat the other side's bones and muscles, and soon he was seriously injured.

In the end, the real man in the mixed Yuan rallied his mighty power, smashed his head with a punch, and won the game. Yaowu regretted his expression with resentment, but couldn't change anything. He gave Li Xing a serious look and stepped back.

Li Xing finally won the last victory, as the first place, obtained a place, you can see the three Miss Bao Baozhen. In addition, the remaining nine places were won by six angels and three sons.

Once the quota was determined, the treasurer's steward led ten people to the place where Miss Three lived. They walked through the space and entered a strange time and space.

I do n’t know where to hide in this time and space. Even if there is a steward to lead the way, the group has gone for a little while. The scenery here is beautiful, the ground is full of fairy grass and flowers, and the air is mostly alien birds and beasts. People who come and go are mostly the practice of Da Tianzun, nothing extraordinary.

The steward led the people to land in a sea of ​​colorful flowers. The sea of ​​flowers is endless. There is an octagonal pavilion in the middle. The flowers around it are very fresh and natural. There was a young girl sitting in that pavilion, sixteen or seventeen years old, smiling brightly.

Behind the girl, there were two nieces. They didn't look old, and they were all masters of legendary realm. On the other hand, the sitting girl was surprising, because everyone found that she was a mortal!

The steward saluted the girl respectfully and said, "Miss, everyone has brought it."

The girl smiled slightly and nodded to Li Xing and others: "Hello, please sit down."

Tingzhong had already placed a seat, but there was only one seat closest to the girl. Li Xing politely took the seat first because he won ten innings and was the most qualified one. Although the others were angry, they couldn't say anything. Who told them to lose to Li Xing?

Li Xing smiled and said, "I can see Miss Three today. Fortunately, all three lives have given me the ninth Heavenly Son and came to propose to the Miss." Then he gave the gift prepared by the Ninth Heavenly Son.

This gift is very precious. It is a jersey that is suitable for women to wear.

Miss Three sighed and said, "I'm a fan, I ca n’t use a gift like this, even if you receive it."

The rest of the people showed shock on their faces. Only Li Xing's expression remained unchanged. He wanted to be in a different world. He was also a mortal. He could best understand each other's state of mind. By the way: "Jumbo is a **** with great powers. Is it a fetus? "

This is a question everyone wants to ask. Miss Three smiled lightly and said, "My mother was cursed with horror when she gave birth to me, and eventually fell down. And I was also affected, and I could not live. . It was my father's hard work that saved me. However, the curse that I loved in my body still cannot be lifted. So I can only be a mortal, and never practice. "

When the girl said these things, she looked calm and didn't feel sad about it.

Li Xing nodded: "I'm sorry, but I think the precious treasures of Heaven are extraordinary, and the curse can be lifted so that the lady can cultivate."

The rest showed a disappointed look on their faces ~ ~ A person who cannot practice, even the daughter of Jumbo Datianzun, will not receive much attention. Moreover, such a derelict is not worthy of marrying the Son of Heaven, not even the Son of Heaven.

Only Li Xing's look remained respectful, and there was a gentleman's style. He did not treat the girls with the slightest contempt by this change, but treated them with an equality. Even of the ten people, only Li Xingken spoke, and the others remained silent, not even taking out gifts.

In fact, even Li Xing knows that the ninth emperor is unwilling to propose to the three ladies again.

"Did you just say that the ninth emperor sent you to propose a marriage?" Miss San asked with a smile, with a cunning expression in her eyes.

Li Xing said with a smile: "Of course, not only the ninth emperor, but the remaining nine people also came to propose marriage." As soon as he said this, he felt a few disgusted eyes projected.

Really, I'm used to being lazy, and I can't change it for a while. Starting tomorrow, we will cover three chapters. If you can't, you are welcome to despise me.


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