Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1039: Coexistence Death Secret Act

Chapter 1039: The Secret Method of Living and Living Together

Chapter 1039

In fact, with the exception of Li Xing, everyone did not want to attract the attention of Miss Three. After all, they had decided to give up the offer to Miss Three. And at this moment, Lee

Xingpiao wants to mention this stubble, which immediately makes everyone feel very embarrassed, neither is it to admit it, nor is it to admit it.

Miss Three's eyes glanced at the other nine people, then she pouted a smile and said to Li Xing, "I'm afraid they will change their minds, regardless of the day

Zizizi, who wants to marry a mortal wife? "

Li Xing smiled and said, "Of course, there is a ninth emperor."

The girl was very surprised and looked at Li Xing and said, "Are you sure, is your family emperor willing to marry me? I advise you to ask the ninth emperor first, in case you promise

Come down, and your emperor is unwilling, wouldn't you be out of luck? "

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "The ninth Lord doesn't care about the profound cultivation of the young lady, so it doesn't matter whether the young lady is mortal or not."

In fact, Li Xingfang just calculated from the chaotic array. Treasure Datianzun will never be as simple as that, push out a mortal daughter and let it

To marry the remaining emperors, there must be follow-up means.

Because of this, Li Xing ventured to say the above. As soon as this remark came out, the other nine people moved and thought of this section. So strange

In one scene, nine gifts were successively delivered to Miss Three.

At this moment, a Guanghua descended from the sky, condensing into the body of a middle-aged man in that pavilion. This body seems real and illusionary.

, Giving people a sense of unpredictability.

The middle-aged man can be described as jealous. He wears boots, robes, hats, and even a jade on his waist. The folding fan in his hand is so breathtaking that everyone can't see it.

Find out which level of magical instruments it belongs to. No need to ask, the comer must be the treasure treasure, and only he can have such a handwriting, the whole body is treasure.

Treasure of God treasure glanced across the people calmly, and finally fell on Li Xing, slowly said: "The ninth heavenly messenger stayed, and the rest left

open. "

Da Tianzun spoke, and everyone didn't dare to put one more, and they all left with sullen heads. They knew that Li Xing had taken advantage of this time.

Jiu can succeed in raising a relative for the ninth son.

It's strange that they were too powerful, and when they heard that Miss Three was mortal, they almost gave up, but didn't think deeper, so that they missed the opportunity.

The nine left, leaving only Li Xing. Treasure King Tianzhu smiled slightly and asked, "Ninth Son, really say that?"

Of course, Li Xing acknowledged and nodded: "The ninth man said that regardless of the situation of Miss Three, if the two become married, he will treat him sincerely in the future.

Will not treat me badly. "

Jumbo Datianzun said lightly: "The ninth man is quite a little insight, knowing that the old man will not marry a daughter in vain." He said, holding up a jersey in his hands, angry

Compared with the one sent by the ninth emperor, the situation is arrogant and I do not know how many times.

When he died, Li Xing felt frightened. It seemed that as long as the jersey fluttered a little, his bones could be saved, and his whole body was covered with hair.

Jumbo Datianzun sighed: "My daughter is a mortal. As a father, I must ensure her future safety. This shirt is called a worry-free war

The robe is an infinite instrument. The strange thing about this jersey is that no matter who it is, even a mortal person can immediately advance.

To the Promise Realm. Regardless of life or strength, it can be compared with the infinite heavenly respect. "

Li Xing heard that, taking a sigh of air conditioning, it seemed that his decision was correct. Although the three ladies are mortal, once they put on a shirt, it is equivalent to one

A great deity at the infinite level! This precious treasure is really willing!

Without great respect, no matter where they are, they are definitely Gaidai. Any force is unwilling to offend easily. If the ninth emperor receives such strong support, his strength will be greatly increased.

Treasure King glanced at Li Xing and said, "However, if the ninth son wants to marry a baby, I have a request."

Li Xing immediately said: "Please speak to the Supreme Master."

"In this era of the ninth emperor, I can only marry my daughter." Jumbo Datianzun expressed the conditions and immediately made Li Xing frown.

This matter is indeed a bit difficult, because Shan Lixing knows that the number of women already in the ninth heavenly son is no less than a hundred. Does it make him drive all those women away?

For a moment of contemplation, Li Xing said: "This matter, you can't make a decision right now, you have to ask the ninth Lord." After that, a ray of divine thought was conveyed, breaking through time and space, and reaching the ninth Tianzifu after three breaths.

This is an expressive heavenly charm entrusted to Li Xingzi before his departure. With this charm, no matter how far away, he can quickly convey the message, which is very useful.

The message that Li Xing conveyed explained the situation in detail, and hoped that the ninth son would reply. Soon, the news came from the ninth emperor: No matter how many conditions, all agreed!

It can be seen that the ninth emperor attaches great importance to this, at the expense of having to marry Miss Three. Of course, all of this is because of the worry-free jersey, which not only represents the tyrannical power, but also represents the utmost importance that Treasure King respects this mortal daughter.

It can even be said that as a mortal Miss Three, the value is probably more precious than Miss Three who can cultivate. Of course, this is considered from the perspective of interests.

After getting a clear reply, Li Xing had a bottom of his heart and said to Zhenbao Datian: "The ninth man said that this condition can be promised, and he will be respectful and honorable with Miss San in the future."

There was a smile on the face of Jumbo Datianzun, and she said to Miss San: "Baby, you can marry a son, and you will be assured of your father. At least no one will dare bully you in the future."

The third lady sighed, her face anxious, and said, "Father, you know very well, did the ninth emperor really like me?"

Jumbo Datian said indifferently, "What about it? Being a father is just to give you a place to live, only after this period, and the curse will be lifted automatically. At that time, you can practice successfully with the worry-free tabard, No more restraint. "

Hearing this, Li Xing's heart moved, and he secretly said, "Is this worry-free Tianzun about to fall? How can it be like giving an account of the aftermath?"

At this time, Jumbo Datianzun set his sights on Li Xing and said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, today is your ninth emperor to ask my daughter for a marriage. You have the responsibility to ensure the safety of my daughter in the future. Can you do it?"

This request left Li Xing speechless, saying that it was a matter of fart to me, but it was absolutely impossible to say it, and he could only smile with a bitter smile: "It is incumbent on me to be natural."

Jumbo Datianzun sneered: "You better have the same heart, otherwise you will be very miserable." After that, Li Xing suddenly felt that his destiny was in the midst of being intertwined with another.

At the same time, both Miss San and his head raised a halo, which was completely consistent, reaching a harmonious resonance.

Li Xing was frightened and angrily: "Da Tianzun, what are you doing?"

Jumbo Datianzun sneered: "Although your current state is not high, the potential is endless. The husband can see this from the creatures you create. So, I hope you will fully protect my daughter in the future. I am on your two. , Show the secret law of "living together and dying together". Under this secret law, you are both prosperous and prosperous, and both are damaged. Any one of them dies and the other is impossible to survive. "

Li Xing was annoyed. The other side's behavior made him unacceptable, but he knew that even if he resisted, the other side would never change his mind. He just sneered: "It seems that there is not much time for Da Tianzun. ? "

"That's right," the other party admits readily, "not only can't survive this period, even the life span of millennia is not coming."

Li Xingyi said: "Da Tianzun's cultivation is unfathomable, and life seems to be far from the end?"

"This is fate." Jumbo Datianzun said indifferently. "I know my destiny and cannot change it."

Li Xing sighed: "Da Tianzun is not afraid of dying first, when he displays the secret method of" living together and dying together ", wouldn't that hurt Miss Three?"

"It doesn't matter." Da Tianzun said, "The baby has three pieces for her, and she can die three times on her behalf, so even if you die, the baby will not be affected."

Li Xing suddenly twisted his nose. This old thing was really sly. He didn't eat a little bit, and took advantage of it. However, he was not very worried. With the worry-free shirt, he could not think of anyone who could hurt Miss Three. However, this is not a good thing anyway, fate is controlled by another person, making Li Xing extremely comfortable.

"You can rest assured." Jumbo Datianzun started to say comforting words again. "As soon as this period passes, this mystery will disappear and you will be free."

Li Xing still calmed his face, staring at Treasure King, as if looking at a big enemy.

Jumbo Datianzun smiled coldly and said: "It doesn't help to see me. You better protect my daughter with all your heart. Of course, I will not treat you badly. If you do well enough, you can get part of my legacy.

Miss Three's eyes became red and she cried, "Father ..."

Jumbo Datianzun sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said, "Baby, it's broken, it's going to perish, and my father has already looked away. This time, someone was trying to seize the accumulation of my life. Several strong men took the shot and will be the father. Injuries. My injuries can't be recovered anymore, even if they don't do anything, they can't survive this period as fathers. "

Miss Three has begun to cry, and it is difficult to suppress the sadness. Li Xing was in shock, and someone was seriously hurting the richest man of the treasure, Tiantianzun. Who would have shot it?

Jumbo Datianzun patted Ms. San's shoulder: "Baby, in the future, you have to walk on your own. You can't guard you for your father."

Miss Nod nodded strongly, her eyes flashed with perseverance, and said, "Father rest assured that the baby will live well!"

Da Tianzun nodded comfortably, and then looked at Li Xingdao: "My legacy, only my daughter knows that you behave well, she will not treat you." Also said, "I ’m better not to say anything about my injury, otherwise You are disadvantaged. "

Li Xing was depressed for a while. The treasure lord had calculated everything and had eaten himself. He sighed helplessly and had nothing to say.


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