Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1040: Counter-orderer

Chapter 1040: Fight Against The Order

Chapter 1040

When Li Xing was depressed, the treasure treasure suddenly disappeared, leaving a sentence: "You can go back and tell the ninth emperor, after three years, he can come to meet my daughter."

Miss Three glanced at Li Xing and smiled slightly. "You and I are people who depend on each other for life and death, and I hope to be friends in the future."

Li Xing grinned, but his smile was not natural.

Although the results were somewhat unexpected, this time, Li Xing succeeded in gaining a chance for the ninth emperor, defeating the rest of the emperor and the emperor and making great achievements. He left the same day, but did not immediately return to the ninth Tianzifu.

This marriage proposal is not just a simple battle, but also the process by which the sons of the family choose to associate with the emperor. In the meantime, three sons first expressed friendly attitude to the ninth son. And after Li Xing successfully gained the trust of Datianzun, two other sons showed their will to Li Xing and would like to form an alliance with the ninth son in the future.

Among the five sons, are the son of the institution, Lechang and the son of the true iron, and the other three are the Yuanzi, Yunyan, and Jumanzi. The five sons returned with Li Xing and talked about things on the way.

For the convenience of walking, the six people took a flying boat together. This flying boat is a legendary method. In the boat, a legendary world was opened up, and the six of them drank with the crowd, uncomfortable.

However, soon after the flying boat flew, the boat body made a loud tremor, as if it had hit a heavy giant, causing the flying boat Yuanling to even make a roar. Li Xing and others immediately rushed out of the flying boat and watched what happened.

The legendary flying boat has a huge appearance and is hundreds of miles wide. At this moment, a big celestial statue is showing the Fa phase. The palm of the boat drags one end of the flying boat, making the boat unable to move. Seeing this person, Li Xing looked cold and Shen said: "Zhou Tian is angry!"

The other party was Zhou Tian's anger. He smiled faintly, closed the Fa, suspended in vain, and stared at Li Xing. "Jumbo, you escaped. Now that you are outside, I see you can do a few tricks under my hands."

Behind Zhou Tian's anger, the medicine also manifested itself without regret, saying to the five sons of Li Xing's side: "Today's affairs have nothing to do with the five. If you are clever, it is best not to get involved."

The five sons such as Tie Liu looked at each other and nodded slightly. At this time, it was a good opportunity to express their position to the ninth son, would they shrink back? Each Houfu house has its own heritage. The pharmacist's house wants to use one person to scare off the five parties, so it will not succeed.

"There is no regret for the medicine, I think you have a broken head, and you alone want to threaten us?" Lechang said the first, with a very strong tone. "If we want to step back and take out the true skill, I will see See, you have no regrets for your medicine! "

LeChang and Yaowu Regret have never dealt with it. At this moment, the needle pointed to Mai Mang, and they started to get started. The two are of equal strength, each using their means to fight one place. It didn't take long for the men and the horses on both sides to be eager to participate in the war, making the fighting between the two people a melee.

Li Xing has never shot because he has to face stronger Zhou Tian's anger. Zhou Tian's murderous murder has always locked Li Xing, and the two confronted each other, constantly accumulating strength, and brewing a peerless blow.

"Li Xing, I already know your identity." Zhou Tian's eyes were as light as electricity, and his expression was cold and murderous. "Today, I will represent the order of heaven and earth, wipe you out and be extinct!"

"My life is up to me, and any law of order will be shattered!" Li Xing sneered. "Let's talk nonsense, let it go!"

Zhou Tiannuo held a huge sword, and on the body of the sword was engraved two huge words, called "Sky Anger". As soon as the sword came out, a chain of order appeared in the void and electro-optical lasing. It seems that the anger of God is being stirred, and Li Xing is to be completely destroyed.

"I represent the order of heaven and earth, and I am beheaded to kill you today! Li Xing, bear the anger of God, hit me with a rage, kill me!" Zhou Tiannu's voice was cold and ruthless, representing the truth and providence.

Li Xing remained motionless. Between the shaking of the yuan gun, the world was roaring, many civilized forces appeared, the glory was extinguished, and the sword was slamming away. When the sword tip collided with the gun point, a horrible force was generated, and it was condensed into a light ball with a big fist at a fraction of a billion.

This ball of light is extremely hot. At an instant of billions, the sphere of light burst into a dazzling sacred awn, and then turned into a devastating shock wave, swinging up and down the Quartet.

This force was extremely horrible. The two Houfu men in the battle were shocked and evaded. Even the flying boat spirit screamed and retreated quickly, and everyone dared not approach the explosion center.


As if the heavens and the earth were all gone, there was darkness all around, there was no light, there were only two great statures, standing in the void, still facing each other.

Just before the blow, Li Xing was shocked, the skin of his arm was cracked, and countless tiny blood beads were leaking out of the 48,000 pores around his body. He wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and said lightly, "It is worthy of being an orderer. You are indeed qualified to fight me."

Zhou Tian's anger is worse than Li Xing. Although his realm is slightly higher than Li Xing, he is not much stronger. The mixed yuan gun is also not weaker than the Skyfury sword, and Li Xing draws the strength of civilization and has Da Luozhen himself as the base. As a result, Zhou Tiannu was even more disadvantaged.

The arm bone of his sword had been broken into three pieces, and the bone stubble pierced the skin, exposed, and blood continued to drip. The clothes outside were also shattered, and at this moment they were naked and extremely embarrassed.

"Order cannot be destroyed, heaven and earth will not tolerate you, today. You can never escape again." Zhou Tian sneered, the words fell, the order of heaven and earth was turbulent, and chain of order drilled into his wounded area, and the injury was restored as before, even Condensed into an orderly battle body outside him.

In this way, Zhou Tiannu not only lost no combat power, but also increased his three points, which made Li Xing frown. It seems that the other party is really an orderer and it is extremely difficult to deal with!

At the same time, his entire body flashed, his injuries were not recovering at a slower rate than his counterpart, his skin returned to radiance, his gunpoint was murderous, and the cold light was gone.

"It seems that you are just a second-level saboteur at the moment, just beheaded you and strangled you in the cradle!" Zhou Tian's anger looked embarrassed, and his aggression became a little stronger. Full of war.

Li Xing stunned his spear and said lightly: "Zhou Tian's anger, I have a feeling, as long as you cut and kill you, and then refine your order, I will be promoted to a great lord, this is a great opportunity."

Generally speaking, to become a great celestial deity in the first place, he must go through a great celestial calamity. By analogy, every time a world disaster occurs, it will be transformed and promoted once.

Most of the great deities in the world grow up in this way, and this growth is also the most solid, but the disadvantage is that once it exceeds ten calamities, most will fall.

Another way to ascend is to obtain the inheritance of civilized power directly from the other Great Celestial Masters. This can also cause transformation and continuous ascension. Of course, this approach also has disadvantages, that is, the foundation is not stable.

As a matter of fact, most of the earth-shattering big men tend to steadily experience local calamities and strengthen themselves constantly. As for those who take shortcuts, although they grow rapidly, they often come later. Most people can no longer make progress.

However, there are some special cases. If you can directly refine those who order, you can obtain a complete civilized force, and thus obtain a pure power transformation than you can spend the world.

Li Xing didn't know this, but he told him in his heart that beheading Zhou Tiannu, the orderer, would definitely get great benefits and let Xiu make great progress.

Zhou Tiannu once again waved the sword of Tiannu, launching a more violent attack on Li Xing. The latter screamed, the gun sharply screamed, and the shock was shocked. This attack, however, was the last one, with incredible power, horrible lethality and penetration.

Beyond hundreds of millions of spaces, in the distant time and space, a fragment of a Mingming sword shook, suddenly broke through the multiple planes, and immediately came to Li Xing and merged into the tip of the gun.

The last blow not only has amazing lethality, but also clearly observes the past and traces back to the past. Once the secret of Datianzun was issued, he would directly get the pieces of Mingming sword that Longxiang Datianzun knew, which greatly increased the power of the hybrid gun.

The tip of the gun was cleared hundreds of millions of times, representing the operation of life and death, and the change of yin and yang, which made the killing power of the mixed yuan gun at least doubled. At the same time, Li Xing swept out with a single blow in the past and fought against Skyfury Sword for the second time.


If the mixed yuan gun defeats the leather, the Skyfury sword breaks, the tip of the gun pierces Zhou Tianfur's chest, and nails it into the void.

"Zhou Tian's anger, you pay attention to become my stepping stone, to die!" Li Xing's eyes flickered, and Jian Guang shook, so he must completely wipe out the other party. But at this moment, the thunderous sky manifested, and furiously hit.


The horrible thunder exploded Li Xing at once, and Zhou Tiannu was completely wrapped by the thunder. It was bright and could not see what was happening. Li Xing stared at the ray of thunder, unsure.

It was a sea of ​​thunder, shrinking after a tumultuous roll. Li Xing can see that countless chains of order walk in the thunder sea, condensing into a series of dragons of order ~ www.readwn.com ~ converging towards a light spot.

That light spot was getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a round. The big day shines in all directions, and the majesty is magnificent. The day was gradually dim, and Zhou Tian's anger, like a silkworm emerging from a cocoon, had undergone metamorphosis.

At this moment, the momentum of his whole body was at least five times stronger than before. His breath was horrible. Under the light of his eyes, the void shattered and penetrated the heavens, which alarmed many nearby planes.

"Li Xing, our orderer, is strong once every time he is injured. Especially in the battle with the destroyer, every time he is injured, he will be rewarded by the order of heaven and earth. It will never perish! Your attack will only make me Increasingly powerful until it can kill you. "Zhou Tian's expression of ruthlessness," so you must die today! "

The power supply bureau noticed that from the 6th to the 8th, the neighborhood where the little demon lived was cut off from 00:00 to 20:00. Due to the high-rise, there was no water or electricity. Therefore, the chapter in the morning was changed in the Internet cafe. A chapter cannot stand it directly. The second chapter can only be rushed in the evening, and upload it now, sorry. As for the third chapter, the little demon try to upload it before zero, everyone forgive me.


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