Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1041: Treasury of Heaven

"Really?" Li Xing's mixed-element gun trembled in his hands, his expression calmed, his eyes flashing at him, "The reason you are still alive is because I haven't tried to kill you."

"Crazy!" Zhou Tian snorted in anger and shot three times. Under the urging of order, Tiannu Sword reunited again, appeared in his hands, and fiercely split.

"God punishment!"

A sword of light and splendid atmosphere, representing the difficulty and punishment of God, was severely cut down. The power was several times stronger than the second strike.

Li Xing looked fearless, and said lightly, "If you don't kill you, you can only use your body to test the gun, but that's it." The mixed yuan gun also made three strikes, but this is now a strike.

With one blow, the enemy can be wiped out and transformed into nothingness. The power is far higher than the previous blow. At the moment with the help of mixed yuan guns, the lethality has also increased several times.

At the same time, in the mixed world, many civilized forces shook and blessed to the previous blow, making this blow even more brilliant and dazzling, becoming an unprecedented blow.

"Now, I'm invincible!" Li Xing said coldly, and exerted the power of the current blow to the extreme.

When the rage sword and the mixed yuan gun collided again that day, it did not wipe out the gorgeous sparks, but as a party's sky rage sword, it was directly gasified. The tip of the gun was spinning like a huge drill, condensing a vortex of swallowing, and swallowing Zhou Tianfur directly into it.

With the tip of his gun close to his body, Zhou Tiannu felt the threat of death, and even the order chain of the guard broke down, and the horror swirl suddenly sucked him in. Next was the pain of scraping the bones. He felt that the law of order on his body was constantly being extracted, and the pain was extremely painful.

"Ah ..." He screamed, and his heart was filled with unwillingness and fear.

"You can't defeat me! The orderer represents the will to dominate, and eternal life will never die!" Zhou Tian growled, but his voice became weaker and weaker. When his original consciousness gradually disappeared, his heart was terrified, and he screamed sternly: "You are not a normal saboteur at all, **** thing, other orderers must not let you go!"


With a loud noise, the orderer Zhou Tian was angry and was directly crushed by the chaotic array. A big tripod appeared and officially began to refine this huge order force.

Zhou Tiannu is an orderer, who contains the order power of a certain civilization. This order power may not be strong enough, but it is absolutely complete enough to allow Li Xing to fully understand a complete civilization and gain promotion. A great opportunity

At the end of the battle, Li Xing's eyes fell into the distance, but he saw that the medicine had been taken away without regret, and Lechang failed to leave him. The five sons gathered beside Li Xing, looking at him with a strange look.

"Brother Li, I didn't expect your combat power to be so arrogant!" Le Chang admired, admiring his face. The battle of the genius is obvious to everyone, it is definitely a duel of the legendary series, otherwise there will not be such a terrifying power.

Even the ordinary legendary Tianzun will not be the opponent of Li Xing and Zhou Tiannu. The battle between the two sides was cruel and exciting, which made them have a lasting aftertaste.

Of course, both Li Xing and Zhou Tiannu hide their identities, and even the dialogue is conducted in secret. Therefore, these people do not know that Li Xing is a saboteur or Zhou Tiannu is an orderer.

But the five sons are not stupid. Among the clues, some situations have also been captured, one by one thoughtfully.

On the way back, the five sons left one after the other. At last, Li Xing and his party set out on their own and returned to the ninth Tianzifu two days later. The ninth emperor greeted him personally, followed by a group of guests.

He laughed and said, "Li Xing, you have done a great job. Ben Tianzi has set up a feast for you."

The Temple of Heaven was filled with hundreds of guests. Li Xing was placed in the most advanced position. The ninth emperor himself made a drink for him and laughed: "Li Xing can defeat the other nine emperors, It's really hard for you to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, you are accurate in knowing that the three ladies are in an extraordinary position and have won the opportunity, and I am very satisfied! "

Li Xing smiled and said, "The ninth man has passed the prize, and his subordinates are just doing their best and doing things with their heart."

"Good job with all your heart." The ninth emperor nodded again and again, "I once said that if you succeed, I will let you choose three conditions. You can now say!"

He had already thought about this point, and he had such a good time. Of course he wouldn't be polite. He immediately said: "My subordinate only mentions one condition at the moment, and the remaining two are reserved for future use."

The ninth emperor smiled and said, "Anyway, you can mention it anytime. I wonder what your first condition is?"

Li Xing said in a hurry: "Subordinates heard that when each emperor was born, the emperor sent a treasure house of emperor. There was an inexhaustible treasure in that treasure house. thing?"

The ninth emperor's face had no waves, and said lightly, "There is indeed a treasure of emperor, but it's not as exaggerated as you say, the treasure can be inexhaustible."

In fact, many people showed shock when they heard Li Xing's treasure trove.

Read the full text of the robbers who stepped into the realm

Some people even started to be jealous and angry, but suppressed the outbreak. They all guessed what kind of conditions Li Xing wanted to mention.

Li Xingdao: "Since there is a treasure house of emperor, the first requirement of his subordinate is to hope to enter the treasure house and choose a few things."

"Excessive!" Someone finally couldn't hold back. A legendary prince, who had experienced twenty-four calamities, stood up and scolded Li Xing. "The treasure of the heavenly treasure is extremely precious. It is the foundation of the heavenly son, and the foundation for his future great cause. Show it easily? Li Xing, you are so brave and sin is unforgivable! "

"Yes, the ten emperors all regard the emperor's treasure trove as life, and they will never use it until they have no choice but to dare to make an idea. It is a great crime and should be executed immediately!"

"This man has a delusional ambition. The wolf is ambitious. Please ask the ninth Lord to order him to kill him for his sake!"

Li Xing said nothing, but stared at the ninth emperor. After a moment of silence, the latter laughed suddenly, "haha", and said, "How can Tianzi Jinkou Yuyan lose faith? Moreover, Li Xing has made great efforts and is qualified to enter the treasure house of Tianzi."

The emperor made a speech, the people below closed their mouths, but the look at Li Xing was still not good, and it could even be said to be vicious. This is because Li Xing's recent strong rise has posed a major threat to the status of these people.

After all, the ninth emperor cannot reuse all people. If Li Xing attracts too much attention, others will be left out. Therefore, at this time, Li Xing has a taste of being a public enemy.

However, he didn't take it seriously, as long as he could advance all the way, nothing else matters. At this time, with the approval of the ninth emperor, he ignored them.

"Thank you, Lord Nine." Li Xing folded his hands with gratitude.

Between the ninth emperor's sleeves, Li Xing entered a magical world, in which he had a small feeling. The ninth emperor's image manifested in the sky, his body was great, his face was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, how bold you are, you want to enter the treasure house of this emperor!"

Li Xing looked as usual, saying: "The ninth man asked his subordinates to make three demands, and the subordinates mentioned it. How can they be bold?" Then sighed, "My subordinate knows that the ninth man is not willing. But it doesn't matter , Subordinates can change a request, and will not pass on the ninth Lord's untrustworthy things. "

"Well, if this emperor does not have such a mind, how can the warp and weave the world?" Ninth Lord hummed coldly. "The treasure house of that day was indeed not allowed for outsiders to enter, but since I promised you, I can't keep my word. But after entering the treasure house, You only have ten breaths, and you can only take one thing. "

Li Xing blinked, and his heart said that even if the time is short and only one can be taken, there is nothing extraordinary in the treasure house of Tianzi. Even if you close your eyes and take one, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Immediately, he smiled slightly: "Thank you Ninth Lord!"

The ninth emperor: "What you can get depends on your creation, you prepare, and the treasure trove will open later."

Li Xing quickly responded, secretly sensing the surroundings, and found that this big world was unfathomable. After some observation, he felt that the cultivation of the ninth emperor should have surpassed the ancient series, but he did not know which level.

"This ninth emperor is so advanced, I don't know how it is better than that treasure treasure?" Li Xing secretly thought, thinking that when his body flashed, he entered a colorful space-time. This space-time is divided into countless small spaces, each of which is huge, and there is no passage between space and space, making it difficult to pass.

Li Xing has limited time, only ten breaths, so he doesn't want to waste a second. When he enters, he runs the chaotic array with all his strength, looking for the useful or best treasure.

Suddenly, the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits turned into avatars, so the 100,000 avatars scattered to all directions in an instant, forcibly broke the barriers of space, entered the spaces, and selected the treasures.

Datianzun can incarnate tens of thousands ~ www.readwn.com ~ So the ninth emperor gave Li Xing ten breaths, but it was not harsh. Of course, only one baby can be chosen, which makes Li Xing quite uncomfortable.

Each avatar can wander through dozens of spaces in an instant and observe all the babies. One hundred thousand clones acted simultaneously, so with one breath, Li Xing inspected millions of spaces.

However, these millions of spaces are still only nine cows of Tianzi Treasury, not even 1%. It can be seen how vast this treasury is. It is indeed the son of Heavenly Emperor. Fuze is deep. With this treasury alone, in the future Definitely dominate.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, time continued to pass, and soon reached the ninth breath, and at this time, a clone of Li Xing finally felt a strange breath.

It was a huge egg, dark golden, and plain, and Li Xing could feel a breath of civilization brewing in it. For a split second, Li Xing made up his mind and said loudly: "Ninth Lord, the subordinates choose this thing!"

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