Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1042: Doom Egg

The ninth emperor appeared, looked at Li Xing strangely, and asked, "Are you sure you want to choose this thing?"

Li Xing felt that the ninth emperor's eyes were not right, and his heart jumped, and asked, "Why, the ninth **** couldn't bear it?"

The ninth emperor suddenly laughed, "haha", actually stepped forward, patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, you have chosen very well, this thing belongs to you."

The abnormal performance of the ninth emperor made Li Xing inexplicable, hesitated, and asked: "Nine Lord, where does this thing come from? I think it contains a huge civilization, should it be a treasure?"

The latter did not answer Li Xing's question, and asked: "This thing is now yours, isn't it?"

For this inexplicable question, Li Xing couldn't help showing his doubts, saying, "The ninth man has just given this thing to his subordinates, and of course it is already mine."

"That's right." The ninth emperor seemed relieved, at the same time, Li Xing felt that the giant egg in the mixed world suddenly brightened, and the dense runes appeared on it, wrapping the giant egg.

All of a sudden, he felt a cursing force come down from the sky, binding his fate. Li Xing has a feeling that from now on, he will be doom and fate, and his luck will never end.

His look was immediately ugly, frowning: "What's going on?"

"I have to say that you are so angry that I am shocked by this emperor." The ninth emperor laughed. "However, this is a great thing for this emperor."

Li Xing's heart sank. Although he didn't know the details, he realized that something was bad and sighed, "Please tell the ninth man to elaborate."

The ninth emperor smiled, and at the same time looked at Li Xing with a pitying expression, saying: "As a son of God, he has extraordinary talents, and is blessed by heaven and earth at birth. The potential is infinite. At birth, luck is suppressed by one thing. "

"The thing that suppresses the luck of the ninth God is the egg?" Li Xing asked, his voice very dry.

"Yes, this egg is associated with the Son of Heaven, connected to luck, and called the egg of doom. It will continue to kill my luck, and will continue to grow in the process, eventually breaking the egg and metamorphosis, from which a demon is born."

"The demon?" Li Xing moved in his mind, thinking of the fact that this era called the Yin and Yang era, and that the demons were associated with it.

"Yes, after its birth, it will be called the head of doom, and it will have the same combat power as this emperor. It is not trivial. The existence of the egg of doom will forcibly restrict the growth of this emperor." The ninth emperor patted Li Xing's shoulder again, "But things have changed now. Because you have accidentally requested the eggs of doom, in the following days, you and I will share the doom. Although you can only share one-third of the doom, but for this son of God Say, it still helps a lot. "

Li Xing's face must be as ugly and as ugly as possible, and Tian Zi's luck is huge. Naturally, he can counter the influence of the egg of doom, but what about himself? There is no natural good fortune of the emperor. Do you have to have bad luck in the future, and you can't stand up in your life?

Seeing Li Xing's expression, the ninth emperor sighed and said, "The doom brought by the eggs of doom can only be shared to those who ask for it actively. It was really unexpected. "

It can be seen that the ninth emperor is very happy. He pointed to the treasure house and said, "As a thank you, this emperor wants you to ask for another treasure that is within the acceptable range."

Li Xing knew that it was too late to say anything at the moment, but he had to take advantage of the cheap. He thought for a moment and said, "Well, the subordinates need to be broken, the more the better."

The ninth emperor could not help but ask, "You are sure you need to break the big world, you can actually ask for something more precious."

The broken world is nothing but **** for Tianzi. He did not expect that Li Xing would waste such a good opportunity and ask for this kind of thing instead.

"Yes," Li Xing said, "subordinates only hope that Ninth Lord can give more."

The ninth emperor stared at Li Xing for a moment and said, "I really don't know, what do you want so many big worlds, but this emperor can satisfy you. Since the establishment of the court, the battle between the heavens and the heavens has been billions of times. Countless things are not a problem for you. "He thought about it," Eight million years ago, the heavenly court destroyed a false heavenly court, which was connected by the 800,000 great heavenly deities to the big world. The formed group plane is a force similar to the central pure land. The influence at that time was very large, and it has begun to affect the rule of heaven. "

"Later, under the siege of the heavenly court, the pseudo-celestial court was annihilated, and the group plane established by the 800,000 Great Heavenly Supreme was attacked and destroyed. It was eventually stored in the warehouse of the heavenly court and has remained to this day. If you like, Benzi I can pass it on to you, what do you think? "

Li Xing's heart was pounding, the group plane established by the 800,000 Great Heavenly Supreme, how powerful would it be? He took a breath and said, "Thank you, Lord Nine!"

"Thank you, it should be me." The ninth emperor laughed. "You go back first, and the stuff will come later."

Falling in love with killing pills du

Depressed, Li Xing left the treasure house of Heaven with a doomed egg and returned to the banquet. When he returned, everyone looked at his expression full of jealousy. In their opinion, Li Xing got a hundred treasures and made a fortune.

One of the doormen who had attacked Li Xing before stood up, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Li Daoyou, I don't know what you chose in the treasure house of Heaven."

Li Xing smiled and said modestly, "It's not really a good thing, I even want to throw it away."

He said so, many people crooked their noses, said that their hearts were good, and that they were still breathing because they were fat, and that was not a good thing! Immediately someone said, "Is it? Since it is not a good thing, and you even want to throw it away, why not give it to us?"

When Li Xing moved in his heart, he deliberately expressed his anger and said, "I dare to give it, I'm afraid you won't accept it!"

Everyone thought he was scared and laughed. All stood up and said, "If you dare to give it, we dare to ask. Why, you can't bear it?"

Li Xing counted. Eight people stood up. He sighed and asked, "Do you really want it?"

All eight were as if Li Xing was provoking them, all loudly: "Of course! I'm afraid you don't want to give it."

"I'm willing, very willing." Li Xingle, with these eight people sharing the doom, it must be easier, he immediately said, "That thing is yours."

Eight people stayed for a while, what happened? Things don't seem right! Li Xing, do you really want to transfer the baby from Tianzi to them?

But the facts are obvious. Li Xing has already taken the doomed eggs and placed them directly on the ground. He even asked eight people: "Is this thing already owned by you now?" This kind of provocation and threat.

At this moment, all eight got on the set and sneered: "Yes, the thing is already ours. Everyone has seen it. You said it. Give us your baby."

The words ended, the egg of doom suddenly brightened, and the cursed rune was manifested and changed. The eight people who asked for the baby felt that their fate was tied by an evil force, and their faces changed greatly.

At this moment, the ninth emperor appeared, and he looked at the eight horrified people with a pitying look, and at the same time looked at Li Xing with a strange look. As the emperor, he is the main target of the egg of doom. No matter how many people suffer the doom, he will occupy two-thirds of the doom.

The remaining bad luck will be borne by Li Xing along with eight other unlucky eggs. In other words, in the future, Li Xing's doom will only account for one-seventh of all misfortunes, and originally one-nineth of the misfortunes.

"What's the matter?" The eight were at a loss and asked the ninth emperor, who sighed, "You can ask Li Xing."

Sixteen eyes stabbed Li Xing fiercely. They all felt bad and understood that Li Xing sent the giant egg. Next, Li Xing explained the cause and effect very generously.

Then he said in a grateful tone: "Thank you all, if you know that I got a bad thing, share my bad luck with me, I am really grateful."

All eight spit out blood, and some even passed out. That is the doom that binds the emperor. How can these little people bear it? Not to mention one-seventh, even one-thousandth is enough for them to drink a pot.

"Damn! Come on, let's get rid of him!" The eight celestial masters were all angry, and they all drank, preparing to get rid of Li Xing.

Li Xing looked cold, and said, "Several are still better, you are already affected by doom. If you do things like this in the future, it will easily fall."

This sentence is like a gust of cold wind, blowing eight people into a cold war, yeah, now doom and fate, I am afraid it is very easy to fall in battle, if you can not take risks, do not take risks. And this Li Xing is not a good person to deal with. It is said that even the recent rise of Zhou Tian's wrath has been destroyed by him. It is better not to provoke it.

Although there were thousands of kinds of hatreds in the hearts of the eight people ~ www.readwn.com ~, there were also thousands of grudges, but they had to press them down, all staring at Li Xing fiercely and sitting back.

Li Xing laughed and connected three drinks.

In the middle of the banquet, a guard of heaven came to Li Xing and handed a box to Li Xing. This box is a magic weapon specially used by Tianting to store materials and has a wide range of uses.

Li Xing knew that in this box, the 800,000 group plane of the false heavenly court seemed to be of little value, but it was very important to him. Once refined for his own use, the benefits would be huge. Will make the mixed Yuan Gong a higher level.

This time, Li Xing can be described as gains and losses. Although he was doomed, he also won a group level. He decided to retreat for a period of time to see if it could impact the calamity.

After getting the box, he immediately resigned and left, entering the mixed world, and began retreat practice, at the same time refining the civilized power of Zhou Tiannu and the group world of the pseudo heaven.

The situation was explained to everyone yesterday. I will update later today, and the remaining two chapters will be uploaded before 3 am, sorry.

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