Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1043: Li Ba and Bai Feifei

In the mixed world, Li Xing runs a chaotic array and gradually refines the power of Zhou Tian's fury. This process is not long, but it can never be completed in a day or two. At the same time, he also took out the doomed egg and studied it secretly.

This doomed egg obviously has a cursing power and belongs to the monster. Li Xing ’s Mixed Yuan Avenue was originally a fellow Taoist demon, with symbiosis of yin and yang, so he tried whether he could break this curse.

However, it was said that when Li Xing was retreating, two mixed Yuan real people brought a teenager who looked like 12 or 13 years old and appeared in the chaotic world. The chaotic world belongs to the three well-known first-level planes. It has a long history and profound heritage.

The young man is Li Xing's son Li Ba, and the two mixed-yuan real people are responsible for the care. The three have been out for a while, and the two mixed-yuan real people have not been suppressed by Li Xing, and they have quickly entered the ranks of the Great Celestial Emperor and become the Great Celestial Emperor.

Li Ba's self-cultivation was also completed during this period. As long as the timing is right, it is possible to make a breakthrough. Since leaving the mixed world, the three have traveled a lot, and Li Ba still remembers Li Xing's explanation, and it didn't matter much.

Until he met a little girl named Bai Feifei, the girl was only ten years old and had a life-threatening practice. When Li Ba met her, the little fart actually moved, because he had never seen such a little girl. Her beauty and purity made her breathless.

When the two met, the little girl sat alone on the top of the mountain, stunned, looking very sad. So, Li Bababa went up and asked about the situation of the girl.

The girl's name is Bai Feifei, the daughter of a bright and celestial deity in the chaotic world, and a seraph angel among the nine angels. In the chaotic world, there are more than one to achieve the Great Heavenly Deity series, but they are not as famous as the light world and the dark world.

The Great World of Light, the Great King of Heaven is called an angel below, and it is divided into three orders and nine grades, which are angels, archangels, power angels, power angels, de angels, main angels, seat angels, wisdom angels, and seraph angels. The Seraph is a monk of the Celestial Order. However, they believe in the Celestial Celestial Master. Even if the plane is established, they will be directly connected to the Celestial Great World and cannot open the world independently.

Once there was a Seraph who was unwilling to connect the opened plane with the bright world and was constrained by it, so he went back out of the big world and finally achieved great achievements. That man was the great darkness and established darkness Big world.

Bai Feifei is the daughter of Emperor Guangtian, a seraph. However, Bai Feifei recently encountered an annoyance because her father, the Supreme Master, decided to marry her to another Great Master in the chaotic world.

The chaotic world is a first-level plane, and there are not a small number of great celestial beings born inside, but most of them are hidden. The figure in the image of the Emperor Guangtian is called the Emperor in white.

At any time, the Supreme Master in White is all in white, and even his people in the big world are also all in white. They have a devout faith in him and regard him as the Lord of White.

The great white prince is also a great prince in the early stage, and he is not yet advanced. However, the Emperor Guangtian saw his potential and wanted to win him by marrying a girl. In his opinion, although the current white-clad deity is still not very strong, he will certainly make great progress in the future.

The Emperor Guangtian has 30,000 concubines, and tens of thousands of sons and daughters are born, so marrying a daughter out is not a big deal, and it's almost like eating a meal for him.

However, Bai Feifei was very dissatisfied with the marriage. She thought she was still young. Although she was born as a monk, she was only twelve years old and she was still a child. In addition, she doesn't have a good opinion of Bai Yi Da Tian Zun. She always thinks that person is too cold and would not be a good husband.

However, Bai Feifei couldn't resist at all. In the bright world, no one can disobey the orders of Da Tianzun, she can only surrender. In another seven days, the marriage period is over, and she is going to marry a man she doesn't like.

When he knew everything, Li Ba was so enthusiastic that he patted his chest and promised Bai Feifei that he would surely help her to die in white clothes. In that case, he could not marry her as his wife.

Assured a big boy of his own age, Bai Feifei didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just a flattering thing. So she just smiled, and then returned to the chaotic world, she must prepare for the wedding.

Later, Li Ba took two real people with a mixed Yuan into the chaotic world. The chaotic world is an open world, but it is impossible to let people of the Great Heavenly Class enter it at will.

So at the moment they appeared, a force of terror was shrouded, and a voice sounded all over the world: "Three come, there is a long way to come."

Two mixed Yuan real people, one named Hu Nan and one named Hu Bei. They actually left the mixed world for the first time and had little experience. However, even if I have no experience, I know that the speaker is very powerful, and it is not that they can compete.

"Back to Datianzun, let's come to stop Baitian Dazun from marrying Bai Feifei." Hu Nan

Post-90s marriage life post

Before he and Hu Bei spoke, Li Ba told the truth.

The person who speaks is naturally the chaotic great deity, and he sneered: "As a person in an outer domain, you must not fight in the chaotic world."

Li Ba is still a child. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and said loudly: "Even if I do, what are you doing?"

He said that both Hu Nan and Hu Beihan came down and said in succession: "Da Tian confesses sin, my young master is young and ignorant, you must not care."

Chaotic Grand Celestial doesn't seem angry, just asks coldly, "Where are you from?"

Hu Nandao: "I am from the Yuanyuan World."

Chaos Datianzun was silent for a moment, and said, "Hunyuan Datianzun? Is his name Li Xing, who is now in the heaven court?"

Hu Nan and Hu Bei were taken aback. They didn't want to know that the man in front of them knew their master, and nodded and admitted: "Exactly."

"Very good, this mixed Yuan Datianzun, I have heard of it, and today I will give him a face, so that you can act here." Then the shouting strength disappeared, and the three looked at each other.

"Gone?" Li Ba asked.

Hu Bei nodded: "I'm leaving, but in the face of the master, master, let's be careful."

Li Baren is as his name is, although he is young, but he is aggressive and domineering, he waved his hand and said, "What are you afraid of? Since the person gave his father face, nothing will happen."

Hu Nan and Hubei looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They took this little ancestor at all, knowing that it was useless to say anything, and they could just let it go.

The white-clad deity is sitting in the palace at the moment. He is opposite the six demon deities, of which the highest one has been repaired. The Jiuzai Datianzun said: "My grandson in white, this time affiliation with Bright Datianzun will greatly increase the power of our family and you are doing well."

Baiyi Datianzun sneered: "Making friends is only a means. When our family is strong enough, the bright Datianzun is not enough. Grandson's ultimate goal is to enter the heavenly courts, and only there can I make rapid progress."

Jiuzai Datianzun nodded: "Yes, in the chaotic world, every big Tianzun who is strong enough has already entered the central pure land, and even someone has entered the heaven court to play, so that has a future. In white, you have the ancient heritage, As long as there is no accident, it is not difficult to enter the legendary world. "

Bai Yi Da Tian Zun smiled a little, proudly said: "What is the legendary Da Tian Zun? Grandchild will become the ancient Da Tian Zun, no, it will be beyond the ancient Da Tian Zun, smile proudly!"

"Okay! Have ambition!" The six celestial masters across the street all spoke admiringly, and soon afterwards, the wedding began.

The Chang family is one of the many forces in the chaotic world, and it is relatively strong. At this moment, a big celestial family in the family is married, and many characters come from all directions, and the scene is very grand.

At the core of the Chang family is an ancient building complex with a large hall in the center called Gongming Hall. In that hall of fame, at the moment the feast was set up, and guests from all sides gathered together, and the six celestial deities of the Chang family were all present.

The strength of the Chang family is very strong, including Datianzun in white, there are seven in total. In addition, there are hundreds of Tianzun, gathered here. There are also many people who come to Hershey. Among them, there are thirty or forty people in Datianzun level, and hundreds of people in Tianzun level.

Standing in the center, Bai Tianzun raised his glass and smiled with satisfaction. "You come, the Chang family is prosperous, and it is a great honor. Here, I respect you all."

A sound of congratulation came from below, and everyone gathered for a drink.

At this moment, the hall shuddered, and a voice yelled, "Who is the White Supreme Master, come out to the little master!"

The face of the Chang family has changed greatly. What kind of person is so bold to dare to go to the Chang family! Suddenly, there were two great young people who rushed out. Some visitors also couldn't resist curiosity and went out together to see who came to make trouble.

There were three people standing outside the hall, two mixed Yuan real people, and one teenager, Li Ba and his party. After they entered the chaotic world, they have been searching for the whereabouts of the white-clad deity ~ www.readwn.com ~ six days later, and finally found the palace of fame.

Fortunately, the wedding has not officially started because Bai Feifei has not arrived yet. In the most direct way, Li Ba made a bid to Bai Yi Da Tian Zun outside the hall. His purpose here is to kill the other party, even if he does not die, he must repair it.


The two shadows stood in front of them. They were Chang's two virgins. They stared at the three indifferently. One said, "What do you mean when the three ran to Chang's house to yell?" Is Chang Jia bullied? "

Hu Nan and Hu Bei both remained stern and didn't speak. This play was left to the young master to sing. They couldn't speak. Sure enough, Li Ba said loudly: "My little one is looking for a white prince, which one of you is?"

A Datianzhuang frowned. The three in front of him were all Datianzun practices, and they were very imposing and could not be underestimated. He temporarily suppressed his anger and said, "Why is you looking for him in white?"

Li Ba grinned and said, "Stop him!"

I was sleepy in the morning, and the update was slow. I wrote slowly. It is estimated that the cup will be closed tomorrow during the day.

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