Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1045: Chuangbaijia

Chapter 1045: Breaking Through The Bai Family

Chapter 1045 Breaking into the Bai Family

Hu Bei is more thoughtful and thinks about it, and puts forward different suggestions: "Master, Bai Feifei is the daughter of Bright Da Tianzun, and he wants to kill her. Will this be the bright Da Tianzhuang deliberately leading Master? past?"

When Hu Bei said this, Hu Nan seemed to think of something and shouted, "Yes, outsiders don't say, did Bright Da Tianzun do this to win over Changjia? The power of Changjia is not much weaker than Bright Datian, absolutely It ’s worth pulling in. As soon as the young master appears, it destroys the good deeds of the Emperor Bright. Of course, he is very angry. He wants to teach the young master a meal and even kills him. "

"Want to kill me?" Li Ba gave a pout. "Old **** is really not a thing. He actually came up with such a bad plan."

Although Li Ba is young, his wisdom is not low at all. He turned his eyes and raised his eyebrows: "Let's just count and we will, isn't that old guy trying to count me? Okay, let's just kill it. Set foot in the bright world. "

"Isn't this right?" Hu Bei quickly said, "How the Bright World is also one of the several planes in the chaotic world. It really flattened it out. I am afraid that the chaotic Great Tianzun will tear his face with us, master. His face doesn't work either. "

"What are you afraid of?" Li Ba stared. "Dad said to me, the man should have no fear in his heart. I do n’t think this is the case of this great chaos, what do you say?"

Hu Bei and Hu Nan face each other. Although they have already entered the first stage, they ca n’t see the depth of the chaos, and they only have one feeling. That is the chaos of the chaos. Under the master.

Li Ba waved his hand impatiently and laughed, "You just agree if you don't speak, prepare for it, and start immediately."

Although there is a little bit of worry in Hubei and Hu Nan's hearts, after all, they are used to Li Ba. After the heat of their heads, they are ready to go to the bright world.

The bright world, in the bright temple.

The Bright Grand Celestial High stands above it, and angels of all steps stand in rows below. This place is no better than the mixed world. Although the bright Great Tianzun has gone through ten calamities, the Great Tianzun has not been born in the plane.

To be precise, one was born, but in the end, he defected and became the deadly opponent of the Dark Great Emperor and the Bright World. Light and darkness are natural enemies.

The Light Plane is a deity plane, and the Great Emperor of Light is the only true **** among them, receiving the power of the faith of all beings. In fact, the entire chaotic world is also a deity plane. The chaos great heaven receives the beliefs of countless people, including the beliefs of all planes.

A Seraph stood up and said respectfully: "Great God of Light, your loyal servant is fully prepared for the other to appear."

The Emperor Bright nodded his head slightly, maintaining the dignity and mystery of being a god. His tone was extremely smooth, without the slightest human feelings, and said: "Sinners will be punished eventually."

At the same time, the Emperor Bright is also arranging things outside.

In the chaotic world, the Great Emperor of the Bright lives in a mountain range. The identity of the Grand Emperor in the chaotic world belongs to the patriarch of the Hunbai family and is the first master.

Compared to the plane established by the Bright Grand Celestial Master, the Bai family has a more ancient heritage, and there are more than one Grand Celestial Master. Throughout the Bai family, there are 17 masters of the Datianzun series. In addition to the Great Bright Celestial Master, there are three Great Celestial Masters at the beginning, two Great Celestial Masters, two Great Celestial Masters, one Great Celestial Master Four, One Grand Celestial Master Five, and Three Grand Celestial Master Six. A Seven Supreme Master.

Therefore, in the Bai family, the Bright Grand Celestial Master is the strongest and the most senior, and is the head of the Bai family. If Li Ba is to find the trouble of the Bright Grand Celestial Master, he must first enter the Baijia site.

The strength of the Bai family is definitely above that of the regular family. Not only is there a large number of Datianzun, but it also has a lot of powerful big plane tools. Now, the Bai family is ready to leave the one who destroyed Bai Chang's two marriages in one fell swoop.

In the Bai Family Hall, the Bright Grand Celestial Man sits in the center, with a cold look, saying: "It has been investigated clearly that this Li Ba professes to be the son of the Grand Priest of the Yuan Dynasty. The Grand Priest of the Yuan Dynasty is actually Li Xing. You may not know it, but I do know it. At the beginning, I sent someone to the Dragon Elephant World and wanted to build a belief system, which was destroyed by this person. "

"At that time, its state was very low, and I didn't care. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, he had grown to this point, not only becoming a great deity, but also banning the army in the heaven court."

Upon hearing Li Xing's identity, the Bai family's face was a little dignified. The Da Tianzun, who had gone through seven calamities and was named Tsinghua, said, "The man turned out to be the son of a man in the army. Do you like Bai Feifei? It would be better to marry Bai Feifei, the best of both worlds. "

Several other Tiantian Zun immediately objected, saying in one person: "If Bai Feifei marries this outsider, the Chang family will be very angry. We all know that although the strength of the Chang family is not as good as our Bai family, there is a wizard who has not gone abroad. That wizard has reached the realm of legend, and he has an epic magic weapon in his hand, even the chaotic Datian respects him. In case he returns, let us give a statement to the Bai family, how will we deal with it? "

The Emperor Guangming waved his hand: "No need to fight, Feifei must not marry this Li Ba, because I have been informed that the regular Wizard of the Great Family Taitou Tianzun will return soon, and there is also an epic class with him. Master, Jiuhua Datianzun. "

"What? Didn't Jiuhua Datianzun say that it has fallen? It's an old antique, how could he return with Taidou Datianzun?" Tsinghua Datianzun asked in surprise.

"Jiuhua Grand Celestial fought against an old enemy. Not only did it not fall, but it also killed all its enemies and gained all the treasures of the archenemy. The strength has risen. Taito can be valued because the daughter of Jiuhua Grand Celestial has already become Taidu Twin brothers. "

The Seven Venerable Master Tianzun was silent, and this news records that he completely overturned the previous decision and no longer raises any objections.

Guangming Datianzun saw that everyone had reached an agreement, and Shen said, "So, we must leave that Li Ba, according to the Chang family. Li Ba is young, and Da Tianzun is a young man. He has two beside him. The entourage is also the first heavenly respect, holding a legendary magic weapon. "

"This kind of strength, if we arrange it well, we will easily win these three people. We have three legendary magic instruments in the Bai family, regardless of the number of instruments or the number of people, we all have an advantage." Guangming Tiantianzun said, " Winning this person, the Chang family will value us even more. At that time, maybe we will be able to climb up to the Thai Dou even the Jiuhua Grand Supreme. "

Next, the Bai family made a strict arrangement and waited for Li Ba's arrival. The three Li Xing did not disappoint the Bai family. They arrived three days later.

The mountain where the Bai family lives is called the Baitou Mountain, where hundreds of millions of people live, which is about the size of a country. At this moment, at a mountain pass, Li Ba stopped and observed from a distance.

"This should be the Bai family. The Bright Emperor is the patriarch of the Bai family. We want to save Bai Feifei. The first step is to force the Emperor Bright and suppress him." Hu Nandao.

Li Ba raised his eyebrows and carried his hands like an adult. He said, "What are you waiting for? Give me peace and catch the light."

"No words!"

Suddenly, a cold drink came from the air, and the phantoms of the thirteen great deities manifested in the sky, including the bright deity. Emperor Guangming looked ruthless and said in a deep voice: "You little baby, I don't know what to do, actually ruined the marriage between the two Bai families. Today I want to catch you and find your adult to be a teacher!"

Hu Nan and Hu Bei were taken aback, and they waited for a while, but Li Ba was very calm, and faintly swept thirteen big deities, saying: "Are you all Bai family members? Fine, you do n’t have to run it yourself Now. Now you obey Bai Feifei obediently, I can not care about you. "

Guangming Tianzun sneered: "I don't know the height and height of the little baby. Even if your father arrives, he will still be suppressed by me. What arrogant capital do you have?"

As soon as Hu Nan heard the other person mentioned his master, he suddenly said, "As the descendant of the master, it is capital. Hum, you must be punished if you dare to humiliate the master in your words!" Thirteen Great Celestials launched an attack.

Among the Bai family, three of the six robbers, each holding a legendary weapon, cracked down fiercely. The strength of the three is above Hu Nan, and the level of the magical instruments in their hands should be a little smarter.

Suddenly, Hu Nan was severely suppressed, suppressed by the three big deities, and he couldn't move. And the Seven Destroyer Da Tianzun, holding a ten Destroyer weapon, shot to the north of Hu.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Hu Nan and Hubei were all suppressed and there was no way to fight back. The Bright Grand Celestial sighed coldly, and the Great Celestial Master hurled down to capture Li Ba directly.

In his opinion, Li Ba is just a ten-year-old child, and even Tiantianzun will not have much ability. And the two are ten levels behind, not at the same level, as easy as an eagle catching a chick.


There were hundreds of millions of runes in that giant palm, carrying the power of supreme repression and the laws of restraint, which made Li Ba unable to move when he slapped, his face turned red, and he said angrily, "You bully the little and don't know shame."

After all, Li Ba is too weak in the realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The strength is not a little bit worse than his father, and he is easily suppressed at this moment. However, he didn't mean to lose in his mouth, and began to yell at Guang Tiantianzun.

"Old bastard, you have lost all your conscience, you have to kill even your own daughter. It is really dehumanizing and not a human being!"

"Old hooligan, you dare to move my finger today. My dad will surely chop your skin and cramp, and then take off your clothes and hang them under the sun for seven or seventy-nine days, making you notorious."

"Pharaoh Ba, you have the ability to wait for the little master to train to the Ten Great Ladder and fight with me, otherwise you will reduce Pharaoh Ba!"

The Emperor Guangming was unmoved, and said coldly: "Little devil, despite your scolding, today I suppressed you and asked your father to ask for it!"

:: A few days ago, my mother vomited as soon as she ate, her face was thin and very scary. I took it to the hospital and was relieved after a comprehensive examination. I was suffering from a hiatal hernia with slippery stomach, which was not a bad problem. Due to the busyness of this matter, the update was delayed and I am sorry to everyone. I failed to update in two days and owed you six chapters. I will make up in one week.


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