Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1046: Datianzun disaster

Chapter 1046: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1046

Bai Jiashe sets up first, and his strength is also strong, so he quickly suppressed all three people, including Hubei and Hunan, and Li Ba. Even the legendary weapon was seized. In this way, it is even more difficult to resist. .

In the Great World of Light, there is a refining fire hell, which is the place where the Great Emperor of Heaven devotes himself to punishing angels. It is also one of the cores of the Bright Plane. At this moment, the three masters and servants are bound by black water dragons, and they are all experiencing the pain of burning in prison all the time.

Opposite the three, Bai Feifei was suffering the same pain. She stared at Li Ba for a long time. Li Ba didn't even say a pain, just looked at him with a smile.

"Why are you here to save me?" Bai Feifei asked, biting his lip, his look was complicated. Had it not been for Li Ba, she would not have been oppressed by the Father and suffered here. However, being able to be taken so seriously by a man, she was very sweet in her heart at risk.

"Because you are my woman, who won't I save you?" Li Ba wishfully said.

Bai Feifei flushed his cheeks and took a sip. "Who is your ... your woman, you are talking nonsense."

Li Ba Zhengzheng said: "Last time we chatted, I saw you. My father said that if a man looks after a woman, he must chase it as soon as possible, and not waste time."

"But I didn't promise you." Bai Feifei said, she had never seen such a cheeky person.

"Although you haven't agreed now, you will definitely agree later." Li Ba feels very good about himself, smiles and said, "A handsome and mighty husband like me, where do you go? Just go I, we are one family. "

Bai Feifei was so angry that she rolled her eyes and stopped talking because she knew that the guy in front of her was simply a narcissist. However, while enduring Li Ba's narcissism, she also discovered a strange thing.

The predecessor of this form of Fire Prison is a legendary series, who is called by the name of the Great Prisoner of Fire Prison. Although the Great Prison of Fire Prison fell, the broken plane was refined by the Great Bright Supreme using a secret method, and became a part of the Great Bright World, turning into this refining Fire Prison.

Needless to say, the power of refining the fire hell, even if the legendary Datianzun enters it, it will be gradually refined and endure the supreme pain. Had it not been for the fact that she was the daughter of the Emperor Guangtian, she would have been condemned to death and would not have survived to this day. But even so, she had to suffer huge pains every day, and it was better to die.

However, the three of Li Ba have always been like nothing else, and they have enjoyed themselves in the dark. You know, this fire is the fire of purgatory, it is very scary, how can it not hurt them?

How does she know that all three are practicing Da Luo Zhen Shen, and at this moment are using the power of Purgatory God Fire to cultivate this Supreme Gong Fa to break through Da Luo Zhen Shen. Needless to say, Li Ba inherited Li Xing's evil blood.

Hu Nan and Hubei are also mixed real people, and they have also inherited part of Li Xing's blood, so they can practice most of the exercises mastered by Li Xing. They can practice even that one hit in the past and one hit now.

The three were suppressed. After discussion, the Bai family decided to send an ambassador to heaven to let Li Xing come to redeem. The Bai family is not afraid of the relationship between Li Xing's embargo, because Li Xing, after all, is outside the chaotic world. Even if he had a background, he didn't dare to pretend to be in a chaotic world, because there was still a chaotic big deity sitting in the town.

The chaotic world, one of the three first-level planes in the nearby area, has unfathomable depths, so Li Xing must not go in and out at will.

In the end, the Bai family put forward harsh conditions and sent messengers to notify Li Xing.

It is said that during this period, Li Xing has been retreating, but the cultivation process has not been smooth. While refining the power of Zhou Tian's wrath orderer, he encountered a law storm that happened once in a million years between heaven and earth.

This law storm occurs when the laws of heaven and earth converge, and it often happens once every 100 million years. When the storm of laws occurs, if anyone understands the laws of heaven and earth, it is very likely that they will be back bitten.

The law of order contained in Zhou Tian's anger represents a complete civilized system, otherwise it is not enough to become an orderer. The emergence of a large storm of laws came at a time when Li Xing was fully refining, and the impact was extremely serious.

The violent laws raged, directly tearing up the layers of space, and began to continuously bombard the big world established by Li Xing. However, these attacks were all endured by the Ten Kingdoms of God. After all, the ancient tree of war was extraordinary. Not only did it receive these bombardments, but it also transformed its violent energy into its own use.

"Is it the beginning of doom?" Li Xing said to himself after the storm of laws.

However, the doom has just begun. When he thoroughly refined Zhou Tianru and used it as the basis for stepping into a scourge, he suffered another disaster. In the mixed world, the ancient civilization tree actually began to wither.

The first change was that the leaves turned yellow, then the branches withered, and finally the trunk began to lose its life. This is the ancient tree of civilization, the innate fetish, was born in the source of civilization, and it is going to die.

"Is one twenty-seventh of bad luck so bad?" Li Xing stopped practicing and stood in front of the ancient tree, thinking. He sensed the deepness, and the cursing power tightly bound his fate.

"Well, what doom is, it can only be considered as a factor that affects destiny. My destiny is only I can control!" There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he suddenly released the broken group plane.

The group plane is so huge that it can't hold even the big world. However, this face is now packed in a box, the size of a slap.

Li Xing murmured: "The reason for the ancient civilization tree to wither is the lack of nourishment. Presumably this group plane should be enough." After that, he buried the box directly into the dry trunk of civilization.

The ancient tree of civilization, connected with his heart, immediately branched off and inserted it into the box fiercely. The power of the ancient civilization tree is that it can absorb the power and build civilization. That group plane was established by countless great deities, representing countless civilizations.

At this moment, these civilized forces have become the nourishment of the tree of civilization.

"Booming!" As if the world was turned upside down, the whole world of Yuanyuan shook fiercely, and the ancient trees of civilization gave out an unparalleled atmosphere, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Grow up, the ancient tree of civilization!" Li Xing fully promoted the power of the world to promote the growth of the ancient tree. He saw that among the ancient trees of civilization, he opened up a huge space on his own. This space is endless and large enough to hold the entire group plane.

In the void, numerous root systems were born, all of which penetrated into various places of the group plane, and began to absorb the power of civilization greedily. Originally, it was almost impossible for Ben Hing to refine such a large group level. Moreover, the ancient civilization tree itself needs a lot of civilization to nourish it, otherwise it will dry up.

Today, he uses ancient trees to absorb the power of civilization. The next moment, he felt that a huge amount of civilized forces spilled out of the ancient tree, and fed the whole world of the mixed Yuan.

That group plane is equivalent to a richly-stocked nutrition pond, which provides the impetus for the growth of ancient civilization trees. For a long time, Li Xing no longer has to worry about the ancient trees and dry up.

In a short period of time, the ancient civilization has fed back a large number of civilization forces, so that the mixed world of Li Xing is constantly producing a qualitative change. This qualitative change has made Li Xing, who has refined the power of the orderer, able to finally Calamity breaks through.

A certain position in the universe lies in infinite nothingness. In this nothingness, a little light suddenly appeared, and then infinitely expanded. If anyone looks away, they can find 100,000 great worlds, revolving around a giant world.

In that big world, there was a tall man, with electric eyes, deep and unpredictable, black hair flying, and resolute look. He was holding a hybrid gun, staring into the void, waiting for something. This man, Li Xing, stood in the plane he established and was ready to fight against the first great disaster.

If Datianzun wants to ascend without experiencing the disaster, he will experience the disaster. The calamity of this celestial disaster is almost equal to the power of the calamity of the heavens and the earth, and it is extremely terrifying.

Furthermore, sometimes the disaster of Datianzun is more terrifying than the disaster of Tiandi. Because less than half of the people who can survive the Great Tianzun disaster, this is the price of taking shortcuts.


In all directions, an infinite thunderbolt blasted out towards the one hundred thousand gods kingdom. These thunder fires are not ordinary fires, they call the fire of nothingness. These fires turned into a sea of ​​fire, endless and endless.

In the sea of ​​fire, real fire condensed into giant cannons, soldiers, giant beasts, one by one as entities. Formed thousands of troops, yelled to kill Li Xing. These creatures are powerful, and among them, the leader actually has the practice of the legendary great deity.

And his Majesty, the weakest fighter, also has the combat power of the first heaven. Even the tens of thousands of soldiers also possessed the real plane condensed weapon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing took a sigh of relief. He couldn't understand how the disaster would be so powerful and powerful Speechlessness. This is the first round of calamities. It belongs to a weak wave. Doesn't this mean that the calamities that follow will be even more horrible?

"Kill!" The general roared, armies and horses, countless beasts, and platoons of artillery began to attack at the same time.

The first 800 fired artillery were launched. They were all condensed from real fire. Each bombarded bombarded a highly compressed real fire plane. In that plane, there was a terrifying destructive force, which struck Li Xing's plane and produced a violent explosion.

"Boom boom!"

A kingdom of gods with three guns in the middle could not support it, and fell directly. Even the ancient trees of war cannot withstand the power of fire. Flames are the nemesis of trees, even the ancient trees of war.

Then, the scourge of the disaster forces gathered, screaming and coming. They waved the weapons in their hands, riding down the giant beast, and began to attack Li Xing's plane.


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