Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1047: Chaos battle map

Chapter 1047: Chaotic Battle

Swords, swords and halberds, giant crossbow bows, and countless attacks covered. Some of the gods' kingdoms would be besieged by hundreds of disaster soldiers. If they couldn't persist for too long, they fell. And the sea of ​​fire still continues to spawn more disaster soldiers to join the battle group.

Li Xing knew that if he went on like this, he would probably plant it here. In his thoughts, the Ming Dynasty tree raised a map, a map that was unpredictable and capable of deducing imagination.

This map is the chaotic map condensed after the combination of Li Xing's chaotic array and Ming ancient trees. As the name implies, this picture can refine everything, which can be used to kill the disaster soldiers.

As soon as the picture came out, it "screamed" and rose, covering the four-dimensional and eight-pole poles, and pressing it directly toward the fire. A disaster soldier, numbering in the thousands, was immediately drawn into the map.

The ten thousand maps, a flame of fire, thousands of soldiers were refining at once, turned into rolling strength, making the map more brilliant, the combat power increased by one point. Then, the battlefield plan killed more soldiers.

However, even with chaotic maps, Li Xing's kingdom of gods continues to fall. Because the number of disaster soldiers born in the sea of ​​fire is still above the level of the battle map, so the overall number, after the disaster has been increasing.

Li Xing was in dire straits immediately. His true body must be in the mixed world. He can't go out, but he can't resist such an attack based on a map of all kinds.

In the distance, there was a void, manifesting two ghosts. The two were playing the Great Celestial Master and the Sanqing Great Celestial Master. The two looked worried, and paid close attention to Li Xing, who was being robbed. Both of them are epic-level powerhouses, whose means are superb.

"Sanqing, do you want us to take a shot? How can this Datianzun disaster be so terrible? You and I have also experienced Datianzun disaster in the past, but it is even worse than that!"

Guangyan Datianzun shook his head: "As a guardian, we have an obligation to protect his life. However, it seems that he has more power, we wait for a while." Then he stared, "You and I are the guardians. It was exposed, and I think there will be an accident waiting for us. "

"You mean that someone will come to destroy?" Sanqing Datianzun stared, "I'm afraid those people don't know the fact that you and I have soared in strength, so they will never come back."

"Don't be careless." Guangyan Datianzun looked dignified, "There are mountains outside the mountains, don't overturn in the gutter."

At this point, the fallen kingdom of gods has reached thousands. Although the chaotic array is becoming more and more powerful due to the absorption of disaster soldiers, it is still not possible to kill more and more soldiers in a timely manner. The situation is at stake. .

"Erlangs!" At this moment, Li Xing had to use his foundation and screamed loudly.

The mixed world is vast, and Li Xing can provide enough power to nourish billions of souls. Therefore, the number of real people in the big world has been exploding. The number at this moment has reached 80 billion.

Although these 80 billion yuan mixed real and good and bad people are different, but they are no shortage of experts. Among them, there are tens of millions of real humans in Tianzun level, and nearly one-tenth of them have achieved double life.

If it weren't for Li Xingxiu's repression, many millions of people would directly break through and reach the state of great respect. For example, Hubei and Hunan belong to this type of mixed Yuan real people. Once they leave the big world, they can immediately advance.

The big world, all Tianyuan-level mixed Yuan real people, all rushed out, the black was pressing down, covering the sky, the number was as much as 70 million! Even Tianzun, with a size of 70 million, is a terrible figure, and its combat power is earth-shattering.

Under the unified command of Li Xing, these mixed Yuan real people quickly formed a siege army. For every 10 million troops, one group is formed, with a total of seven groups. Each group army is divided into ten camps, each of which has millions of real people.

In the camp, a marshal was set up to lead ten generals; each general led 100,000 real people to attack and kill the disaster soldiers. The real people in Lunyuan are united in their hearts. Li Xing is not only their creator, but also the **** they believe in.

In the minds of every mixed Yuan real person, a streamlined formation method appears, which is a set of killing evolved by Li Xing. It is called the ten-party chaotic killing array. The chaotic killing array is powerful. No requirements, three can be, and five can be. The larger the number, the greater the power, and it is not as simple as one plus one.

Suddenly, the real people of Junyuan formed a chaotic battle. Its huge killing array, composed of 10,000 people, produced a mighty murderous power, and the dissipated soldiers could be scattered by the light.

The chaotic array is mysterious and unpredictable, one by one, they seem to be fighting each other. In fact, there is a secret connection, the air machine is connected, suppressing all eternity, strangling the Quartet.

Although the combat power of the real people in Junyuan is slightly weaker than the disaster soldiers, they formed a ten-million killing array, and immediately destroyed the flames of the disaster soldiers and reversed the war situation. Once the disaster soldiers are cut, those pure forces will be absorbed by real people.

You know, the real people in the mixed Yuan have the blood lineage inheritance of Li Xing, the body has been born into a large mixed Yuan array, can devour everything. Of course, its function is not as powerful as Li Xing's chaotic array, but it is not trivial.

Those disaster soldiers are formed by the real fire condensed. They are pure fire elemental forces. After being absorbed by the Hunyuan array, they can be directly promoted to repair.

In the distance, both Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun looked shocked. Looking at each other, they saw excitement and excitement, and incredible expressions from the other side.

"There are so many deities, my God, how is this possible!" Guangyan Datianzun breathed quickly, shockingly, "Sanqing, to tell you the truth, the sanqing world has deep heritage and countless calamities, till the end of today How many great deities have been born? "

"One thousand eight hundred and seventy-two." Sanqing Datianzun sighed. "And it is the number after accumulation. If you only count this period, the birth of Datianzun will not exceed one hundred people, only sixty-three!"

"The Sanqing Great World has a deep foundation and belongs to the first-level plane. This achievement can only be achieved." Guang Yan Da Tianzun said staring at tens of millions of mixed real people. Bit! "

"And Li Xing, there are tens of millions of Tianzuns on the plane, and each one has extraordinary qualifications. It can be predicted that tens or even hundreds of thousands of Tianzuns will be born in the future!"

"And this is only an estimate." Sanqing Datianzun was extremely sighed. "How can he raise so many deities?"

"Great!" Guangyan Datian praised, "Our choice is right, who can reach this potential alone?"

No wonder the two are so repressed, building a plane and a creature that nurtures it is a long and vast project. For example, the birth of a deity from the plane, the deity will practice on the plane, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, the power of law.

These forces will ultimately come from the master of the plane. Not only that, the big world must not be big enough and strong enough to be able to tolerate these beings. This involves the construction of the plane, and it also requires great effort and strength.

Like a father, he can give birth to many children, but the children have to dress and eat, consume money, and also need housing. Therefore, fathers cannot have too many children unless they are rich.

And Li Xing is undoubtedly a wealthy father. He has enough money, enough houses, and enough energy, so the number of Tianren Zunyuan real people in his position reaches an astonishing 70 million. And this number is still growing, because more people are born in the mixed Yuan, and more people have risen to the rank of heaven.

Li Xing commanded the chaotic array and cooperated with real people in Yuan Dynasty. Once any team was found in danger, they immediately helped. Coupled with the power of chaotic killings, there was no casualty in a big battle.

The real people in Junyuan are like one. Even if the huge artillery bombards them, they can't hurt them. They stepped on, extinguished the disaster soldiers, and finally reduced the number of disaster soldiers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the general of the disaster-stricken soldiers screamed, and countless disaster-soldiers converged into one and started to attack and kill. Suddenly, Li Xing also adjusted his strategy, exhaled a bit of strength, and turned it into another picture.

This array of pictures, the war will be soaring, calling for a chaotic battle map. This picture is the general outline of the chaotic killings. When it comes out, it is like a banner, leading many killings to gather.

As soon as the chaotic battle plan came out, it began to expand indefinitely, and included the chaos formed by the real people one by one. Killing battles one after another, all people are united in their hearts, the murderous spirits converged into one, and the majestic warfare broke out.

I saw the void, a battle map across the square, wherever he went, murderous, swept across thousands of troops. No matter how powerful the disaster soldiers are, how many are in that volume, they are all ashes.

This isn't enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing screamed loudly, the mixed gun rushed out, merged with the chaotic battle plan, and a more horrible power broke out. A large number of disasters occurred between the Ming and the Ming. The soldier died.

The maps come and go like electricity, they are so powerful, they go back and forth, killing the soldiers. It didn't take long for the number of disaster soldiers to drop sharply. Until the end, the generals of the disaster soldiers were also involved in it and thoroughly refined.

This doesn't count. Li Xing controlled the chaotic battle plan and rushed into the sea of ​​flames. He actually started to **** billions of real fire frantically, and more and more of the real fire was sucked. Once the birthplace is drained, no new soldiers can be born.

When I saw the sea of ​​fire, a fire dragon rose up and injected the real fire of the chaotic battle plan. After entering the battle plan, it was forcibly transformed into countless real fire fighters, forming more chaotic killing arrays, and increasing the power of the battle plan.

The fire dragon is getting thicker, and the sea of ​​fire is shrinking to the naked eye. Later, the last fire was completely absorbed by the war. This process took less than half an hour before and after.

However, at the moment when the sea of ​​fire completely disappeared, a dark wind, born from nothingness, was extremely horrible, and could blow the planet, kill the celestial being, blow the sky, blast the earth, and rush towards the mixed world.

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