Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1048: 1 Robbery

Chapter 1048: A Great Calamity

Chapter 1048: A Great Calamity

The wind called the wind of desolation and calamity, which can destroy God in pieces, and its power is still above the real fire. Before, it was a fire, but now there is a wind disaster. Datianzun disaster is related to creation, natural manifestation of fire and feng shui. They all have indescribable power, causing unpredictable damage.

Together with the desolate and windy wind, there was a dreary mist in front of it, dim and dark, shrouded in coldness. The mixed world was instantly wrapped in it, and the kingdom of thousands of gods that bear the brunt of it was like sand sculptures in the wind, gradually turning into powder.

"Not good!" Li Xing was taken aback. He could not have expected it. The wind disaster was so horrible, several times more horrible than the fire. He quickly blocked the chaotic battle plan in front of him and turned it into a towering wall of fire.

Unfortunately, when the fire wall was blown by the wind, it went out instantly. In the chaotic battle picture, a true fire fighter also continued to dissipate. In order to avoid being harmed by the real people in the mixed Yuan, Li Xing had to put away the chaotic battle plan.

At the same time, the remnants of the gods run ancient war formations. This ancient battle array brought together the strength of tens of thousands of nations, and immediately strengthened its defense. However, this alone cannot completely resist the power of the famine wind.

Li Xing drank softly, and gave full play to the mystery of the Great Celestial Mastery that he had created, "pass me." At the end of the day, the kingdoms of the gods and the Great World of Hunyuan seemed to be hiding in the past, and the damage suffered was greatly reduced.

However, at this time, he was very passive and could barely resist the disaster wind and was unable to fight back. Today, it is no longer possible to make a record against real fire, only to protect yourself.

"It's no wonder that the gap between Chutian Datianzun and Yijie Datianzun is so great. This great Tianzun disaster has such great power. No matter who you spend it with, it is equivalent to transforming once and benefiting a lot." Li Xing thought in his heart, A deeper understanding of some things.

Every time Datianzun experiences a disaster, it is equivalent to a transformation, and his strength and realm have been improved. This promotion is a qualitative promotion and a leap.

The scourge of winds roars and whistles all over the world. The power seems to be getting bigger and bigger. The mixed world is trembling in the wind and seems to be blown away at any time. But time passed by minute by minute, Li Xing still insisted.

"Sanqing, I think Li Xing's situation is very dangerous and it is very likely to fall." Guang Yan Datianzhuang frowned, his face was full of worry, for fear that Li Xing could not resist.

"Wait a second." This time it was Sanqing Datianzun's turn to hold his breath, he groaned. "Theoretically, as long as he breaks through this level, he can leaps and bounds immediately. We must know that in his plane, there is 70 million Tianzun, once they break through, Li Xing's strength will rise to higher levels. There is a gap between Tianzun and Da Tianzun, which is not in a world at all. "

"It makes sense." Guangyan Datianzun nodded. "The first disaster of Datianzun disaster, called the fortune of disaster, will be followed by fire, wind, flood, and earth and rock disaster. And after that, there will be four disasters. Coming out together, evolved a disaster star to compete with the robbers, that is the most difficult level to deal with. "

Between the two, Li Xing's mixed world was under high pressure and was gradually undergoing transformation. The ancient civilization tree has continuously released the power of civilization, and this power has been instilled, so that everything has been enlightened.

The 70 million mixed-yuan real people are back in the mixed-yuan world. They are united in their hearts and united as one, and they still help Li Xing fight against the disaster. They absorbed the power of civilization, and in a faint manner, many people felt that they were about to break through.

Seventy million heaven-level real people, many of them have been able to break through, but Xiuwei has been suppressed by Li Xing. As soon as urged by the power of civilization at this moment, it became agitated.

Not only that, the Emperor Sword, who was suspended in the big world, was inspired by the power of civilization. At this moment, hundreds of millions of brilliance suddenly bloomed, and the four directions were equally illuminated, which also produced an enlightening force.

At the same time, in the big world, the stele that could resonate with the Emperor Sword suddenly frantically absorbed the power of civilization, and soon afterwards, it made a loud noise, brightening like the Emperor Sword.

The stele rose into the air, leaped through countless distances, and then suddenly suppressed. This repression seems to have the power of all ages, the weight of the heavens, and the whole world of the mixed Yuan suddenly stabilized.

Originally, under the storm, the big world was erratic and had a feeling of instability. But at this moment, the stone tablet was suppressed, as if there were supreme characters sitting in town, and they immediately became solid and immovable.

In addition, after the stone tablet suppressed the Yuan Dynasty, the humanitarian books suddenly emptied, and the humanitarian text on them jumped down one by one, and then fell on the stone tablet, intertwined with the original text on it.

Suddenly, an extremely sacred, supreme mysterious text appeared. This scripture, known as the "People's Emperor's Scripture", can be used to educate the emperor.

At the same time, the man's Emperor's Sword also came down, hanging on the stone monument, as if it were a guardian, who was guarding the Emperor's Sutra. Li Xing was very surprised. He used divine thoughts and wanted to read the text on the monument, but he was bounced off by a mighty force and could not be approached at all.

"I am the supreme existence in the mixed world. Why can't I have a stone monument in this area?" Li Xing secretly surprised, but he devoted all his energy to fighting the wind disaster, and at this time had no time to care about it.

Once the big world is stable, the ancient civilization tree suddenly releases more civilized forces, which stimulates some real people in Yuanyuan and finally begins to break through. When the first real man from Yuanyuan broke through, he was born with a vision and a lot of trouble, but it was carried out in the big world.

Even more, the calamity was derived from the rule of mixed elements, and its power was much stronger than the outside. This is the power of the natural law of the mixed world. As the master of the law, Li Xing cannot intervene easily.

There is the upbringing of civilized forces, and the humanistic education, and more and more real people in the mixed Yuan began to ascend. The process of ascension requires the elimination of huge amounts of energy in the summer, just as children grow up and need to dress and eat.

Fortunately, the group plane in the ancient tree of civilization has tremendous power. However, the organizations that once opposed the heavenly courts can provide enough power for the real people of the Yuan Dynasty to rise to the great heaven.

One, two, three, real people one by one breakthrough, and more and more. A mixed Yuan real person, after being promoted to the Great Celestial Master, his combat power can often compete with the Three Great Celestial Masters and even higher figures.

Therefore, with each birth of the Great Celestial Master, Li Xing's strength is strengthened on the front line. When thousands of great celestial beings appeared, Li Xing felt his strength increased sharply. Outside, the raging wind disaster no longer seemed so terrible.

When the 100,000th celestial deity appeared, Li Xing screamed and let the 100,000 celestial deity enter the chaotic battle plan again, consolidating the supreme battle array, and violently rushing out. The battle plan was arrogant and swept the Quartet.

Wherever the battle map went, the disaster wind was dying, and the mighty power of the 100,000 Heavenly Kings suppressed everything, and the disaster wind could not shake it. Instead, the battle image was the same as last time, and it began to absorb the power of the disaster wind, condensing into one disaster wind fighter in the battle image.

The disaster fighters and the real fire fighters cooperated, the wind rose, the fire helped the wind, and the combat power of the map soared several times, and it continues to improve.

A few days later, another 100,000 deities were born and put into battle. In the end, after more than ten days, Li Xing completely suppressed the disaster wind. At this time, the number of big deities in the mixed world had reached more than 380,000.

In addition, there are a large number of mixed Yuan real people ascending to heaven, half, and sanctuary. The original 70 million Tianzun has grown to 480 million at this moment, which has also greatly enhanced Li Xing's strength.

The last trace of disaster also disappeared. Li Xing breathed and breathed the world. He has basically stepped into the ranks of a great deity. However, the calamity continued, and the next moment, a large amount of **** water fell from the sky.

A galloping blood river rushed into the Yuanyuan world at once, causing a huge collision. However, Li Xing has basically stepped into a calamity, and his strength has soared. He did not spend much effort to collect this blood.

This blood river was called the Bloodlight Shashui, and was finally refined by Li Xing into countless Bloodlight Shades, which enhanced the power of the chaotic battle plan.

The following earth and rock calamity is even more powerful. Above the sky, hundreds of millions of meteorites have fallen. They are extremely hard, possessing horrible penetrating power and blasting power, and have broken a lot of **** kingdoms.

Thanks to Li Xing, there are 100,000 gods guarding the kingdom. Otherwise, the big world will inevitably be threatened. I do n’t know how many souls will fall. The kingdom of gods, even if part of it, can be quickly replenished. But if the big world is damaged, it hurts the root and is not easy to recover.

However, this earth and rock calamity still failed to obliterate Li Xing, he stiffly supported the past with great strength. In addition, many meteorites are included in the chaotic battle map, and the golden stone robs soldiers, making the battle map and the geomantic feng shui gather together ~ www.readwn.com ~ The power is greatly enhanced.

When the earth and stone calamity ended, Li Xing felt that he was still a little bit worse, and after a closer inspection, he found that his mixed world had not completely transformed, and it was a little bit worse.

"Is there a calamity?" He thought.

As soon as the idea appeared, a blaze of fire erupted in all directions, floods, trillions of meteorites, and hurricanes covering the sky. Four mighty forces converged above Li Xing's head, evolved into geomantic fire, and condensed into a big world.

In this big world, there is actually a breath of mixed yuan, and then it gradually matures, and in a short time, it turns into another mixed yuan big world. Moreover, the momentum of this mixed world is not weaker than Li Xing.

In that great world, a virtual image was manifested, and then transformed into an entity, but it was a young man with the same appearance as Li Xing. He was so upset and stared at Li Xing coldly.

"Come! Create disaster star!" In the distance, Sanqing and Guangyan Datianzhuang whispered at the same time. They knew that the most important moment had come. As long as Li Xing could get through this level, it would be a great success Great Heavenly Supreme.


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