Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1049: Jian Huang

Chapter 1049 The Sword Emperor

Chapter 1049: Sword Emperor

The creation of a disaster star is another day of creation, created by the great power of the heavens and disasters, with Li Xing as the blueprint. It can be said that the combat power of the disaster star is not under Li Xing, and even has it. The purpose of its emergence is to kill Li Xing.

Facing the disaster star, Li Xing looked dignified, he knew that he was about to face the most terrifying war. He can constantly improve himself and defeat the enemy, but he may not be able to defeat another self.

The disaster star didn't say a word, a mixed yuan gun appeared in his hand. This mixed yuan gun is as powerful as the mixed yuan gun in Li Xing's hands. The gun trembled and stabbed. The target was Li Xing's heart.

As soon as the opponent shot, Li Xing jumped, because it was a clear blow in the past! And extremely pure and powerful, the power is not under the effect of his exertion.

The last hit was Li Xing's unique secret technique, which was very powerful and slashed the enemy at a weak moment in the past. One-shot obliteration belongs to a super secret technique that can kill the enemy beyond the level. Unexpectedly, this disaster star can be exhibited, and its power is undiminished.

Li Xing snorted, and the mixed yuan gun pierced in his hand, also casting a blow in the past. The tip of the gun collided with the tip of the gun, and a fierce explosion exploded. The intensity of the explosion seemed to overturn the entire universe, the shock wave whistled and shook all circles.

In this way, the two started a fierce battle. One hit in the past, one hit in the past, sharp martial arts, magical mysteries, one after another, but they still could not tell the difference, Li Xing was still falling behind.

"This man, the combat power is not under me, he can do what I can, and some of me can also give him up. How can this be good?" Li Xing had a headache, and he couldn't think of a solution to him for a while.

At this time, a major event happened in the mixed world, that is, Chen Shuang was about to give birth. Chen Shuangsheng's son, this is a big thing, Li Xing was suddenly anxious, in case the mixed Yuan big thing was affected, which affected the baby, it was beyond regret.

In this anxiety, he rushed out of his way. He suddenly thought of the doomed egg that he got. This thing can bring people doom. I wonder if the other party has it? If not, you can take the opportunity to crack this and marry Eunjeong to the other person.

As early as the breakthrough, he learned about the next three moves. The next three moves are crossing over, hiding, and upside down. One of them can marry Eunjeong to others, but only if there is an opportunity.

In front of the disaster star, Li Xing has what he has. If there is no doomed egg, Li Xing can use the trick of "crossing Ege" to pass it on to the other party, thereby beheading the other party.

Do it at the thought, a giant egg flew out, carrying a huge force, and slammed into Yi Fang. Sure enough, the scourge star was a little stunned and couldn't take out the egg of doom. You should know that this thing does not belong to Li Xing, nor is it in his destiny. The main target is the ninth emperor, and even the disaster star cannot sense it.

At this moment, as soon as the egg of doom came out, after a moment's hesitation, the scourge star came to death with a fierce shot. At the same time, Li Xing roared and yelled, "Cross!"

A ray of radiance, shining on all sides, Guanghua swept across, the world seemed to be still for a while, and then all incredible changes took place. That was Li Xing's peeping into the future, and after probing the mystery, he forcibly opened a channel to reverse his destiny and change the facts.


A shock wave of time shook the fierce earthquake, causing a small change in everything, that is, the egg of doom, which fell into the hands of the disaster star.

This doomed egg is no small matter. When it was on Li Xing, he couldn't hold his breath out. If it wasn't long fortune itself, I'm afraid it would die in a short time. In fact, today ’s Datianzun disaster is so terrible, and in all likelihood there is a relationship between the eggs of doom.

The disaster star did not have such atmospheric luck as Li Xing, his body glimmered, and he was immediately doomed by doom. His body was covered with a layer of gray gas, and it seemed that the end was coming.

Li Xing seized the opportunity, invigorated his spirit, waved his gun up, and fought a fierce battle with it. This time, the opponent's combat strength really dropped. Finally, three days later, Li Xing was shot and shot.

As soon as the scourge star died, the doomed egg disappeared on its own, and the cursing power in the underworld landed on eight other people who carried the doom. These eight people originally shared one-third of the doom with Li Xing. Now that Li Xing ’s doom had disappeared, it was natural for them to fall on them, and it was difficult to remove them forever.

Since then, eight people have been doomed, and after only a few years, all of them have fallen. That one-third of doom then returned to the ninth heavenly son, which is the last word.

However, he said that Li Xing cut and killed the disaster star and immediately refined it into the mixed Yuan world. This great world of disasters is the same as that of Li Xing, and there are even 100,000 gods outside the great world.

Therefore, when he refined the disaster star plane, he immediately made his big world complete, and the missing feeling in his heart also disappeared, and he also officially entered the ranks of a great lord.

At this moment, Li Xing secretly observed that his life was sitting on the deepest level of time and space in the world, and a transformation was taking place. The birth of a baby is the foundation of Da Tianzun. This transformation has increased his vitality from 480 million times to 1.296 million times! Fully increased nearly three times!

The stronger the vitality, the greater the potential in the future, the stronger the strength, and the longer the journey will be. Li Xing's 1.296 million times the vitality represents his strength and potential, which is ordinary. Celestial's 1.296 million times!

Of course, this is only a theoretical value. Li Xing doesn't really have the combined combat power of 1.296 million Great Deities. But if he can cultivate and fully develop this potential, then this is not a dream.

The atmosphere in the mixed world is completely different and has become more powerful. Li Xing felt that his strength had been increased by nearly ten times, and the lost kingdom of the gods had also been restored in the process of transformation.

The kingdom of one hundred thousand gods, each of them has risen to the level of a great world, and they guard the world of the Yuanyuan. In the mixed world, hundreds of thousands of deities, hundreds of millions of deities, and countless souls are practicing hard. In the near future, the mixed Yuan world will be even more brilliant, and Li Xing's combat power will be virtually hidden.

After the disaster of Datianzun passed, Li Xing was in a happy mood, and raised the infant from the big world, letting him experience the last part of the transformation, accept the baptism of heaven and earth, and open his eyes to see the world.

The infant was as big as Li Xing. Opening his eyes, two golden lights swept across the void, pierced through countless planes, looked up for nine days, looked down, and shocked the heavens and earth.

Up and down the Quartet, there was a mysterious force of destiny that could not be seen, but this mysterious force of fate would make the life of babies grow further, and it would be complete.

And at this moment, a sword light broke through from nothingness, fiercely beheading Li Xing's life. This sword light, brilliant and great, sharp and unparalleled, can kill everything. I am afraid that the legendary big deity will be killed by its sword, there is no possibility of escape.

Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun have been under preparation. When Jianguang appeared, the two shot at the same time. A handle dust, a golden ball blocked at the same time in front of Jian Guang, the speed is fast, especially above that Jian Guang.


Dust shakes, the golden ball roars, and the two work together to shake away the sword light. There was a cold hum in the sword light, and then disappeared.

Li Xing was taken aback, and when he looked intently, he found the hiding place of the two great deities. At this point, they could no longer hide, and walked out together, their faces were very ugly.

"Two Great Celestial Masters, how are you?" Li Xing was surprised.

The Supreme Master of Sanqing said: "If it weren't for us, you would have become a ghost under the sword. Do you know who the person just shot?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No matter who it is, this sword, ### will be repaid afterwards."

The two heavenly respects glanced up and said, "Li Xing, although your cultivation progresses very quickly and your strength is considered strong, you must not look down on the world. The person who kills you is a sword emperor , Daozun Poisoned Sword. "

"The Emperor of the Sword?" Li Xing was startled. The Emperor of the Sword was the Emperor of the Sword. His combat power was arrogant, and the weakest was the legendary power. Moreover, with the improvement of the realm, the strength of the sword emperor also rose.

Generally speaking, a sword emperor in a legendary realm has the opportunity to slay the ordinary great deity of the epic series, which is very scary.

"Why did he kill me?" Li Xing frowned. "Does he have any resentment against me?"

"It doesn't matter if there is any resentment. The poisonous sword Datianzun comes from the sword domain, but the background is very big. When he hits you, it means that the sword domain is hostile to you. You must be careful." Guangyan Datianzun solemnly said .

"Jianyu?" Li Xing was taken aback. He also heard of this place, which belongs to a group plane. The so-called sword domain is a pure Kendo celestial thing combined by a large number of sword repairs to contribute to their own world.

The Sword Realm does not belong to the Central Pure Land. It is built in another spacetime and consists of 1,200 great worlds. Each of these 1200 Great World masters ~ www.readwn.com ~ is a legendary god. Therefore, the strength of the entire sword domain is very tyrannical.

You know, even the central pure land is only composed of three thousand worlds. Of course, the Central Pure Land is different from the Sword Realm. The former has only one master, which is the Emperor. The latter, however, consists of 1,200 masters. If the power of control is discussed, the central pure land is far ahead of the latter.

But even so, the sword domain is still a powerful force, among which there are several sword emperors, and even sword ancestors surpassing the sword emperor. The sword emperor or ancestor is a kind of kendo realm and has little to do with Xiuwei.

A sword emperor, with the improvement of Xiu Wei, his strength is constantly improving. So sword kings are also different, there are legendary sword kings, there are epic sword kings, even ancient sword kings, extinction sword kings, and even more powerful sword kings.

The Sword Emperor is a title in the realm of Kendo. Those who get this title can be called the Emperor of Sword, and Kendo has reached the extreme. The process of the sword emperor's ascension is also a process of merging Kendo and Tiandi Avenue.

How scary the sword emperor came out of the sword area, Li Xing knew very well. He encountered people who stepped into the realm of the sword emperor half-step, and also beheaded the sword lord.


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