Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1051: Forcibly save people

Chapter 1051 Forcibly Rescue People

Chapter 1051 Forcibly Save People

Upon hearing, Li Xing sank, and asked, "Who starts?"

Yan Zhenzhen, who was on the side, soared later in the prototype, feeling like a flash flood. . . (V? V)

Chaoyang Datianzun swallowed his mouth and said, "The detainee is the bright deity of the chaotic world. The other party has sent a messenger and said he would meet the master."

"Huh! The Emperor Guangming, I was in conflict with the angels of the Luminous World at the beginning of the Dragon Elephant World." Li Xing looked coldly, "Bring him over."

Not far from the ninth emperor's mansion, is where Li Xing lives. In the hall, the Great Emperor Chaoyang brought up a Great Emperor at the beginning. The prince at the beginning, looked proud, saw Li Xing, and did not make a courtesy, only coldly said, "Is your honour the Hunyuan Great Tianzun?"

"Presumptuous!" Li Xuanbai rushed to the side and threw it with a slap. The same is the beginning of the great heaven, Li Xuanbai's strength is much stronger than the other side, one palm hit the other side to dodge, and his mouth is full of blood.

There was a hint of resentment in the messenger's eyes, but he did not dare to fight back. He knew that if he did, he would be killed immediately, there was no chance of escape. He wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Our patriarch said, then Li Ba and the evil servant acted arrogantly, undermined the marriage of the Bai family, and committed a major crime. If you want us to let go, you must show sincerity. "

Li Xing calmed down at this time. He motioned to Yan Zhenzhen not to speak, and asked: "Oh, I don't know what kind of sincerity your Bai family needs?"

"A piece of epic magic weapon, a hundred billion yuan," said the messenger coldly. "You must not bargain, otherwise we cannot guarantee the safety of your son-in-law."

How could Li Xing not understand that the other party was fiercely extorting? He sneered in his heart and said that the light was good when I was a good man and a good girl! He didn't think about it, and said, "You go back and tell the Bai family. I will visit in three days."

The angel raised his head and exclaimed: "The words have been delivered, and we will leave." Said to leave in a big step, causing Li Xuanbai, Li Xuanbai and others to grit their teeth. If it was not for Li Xing to stop, he would come forward and leave this people.

The other party walked away, Yan Zhenzhen said, "Xing brother, what should I do? Do you want to agree to their conditions?"

"Of course I can't agree." Li Xingdao said, "The Bright Supreme Celestial is nothing. At that moment, he was a high Supreme Celestial Supreme for me at that time, but now I have the confidence to kill this person."

"However, the Bright World is located in a chaotic world, and the water is very deep. We rush to it, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve our goal." Chaoyang Datian said on the side, "Let the Master think twice."

Li Xingdao: "I naturally understand this, so I will invite the two seniors to go with him." Then he laughed, "Two of you, are you still here?"

As guardians of the seeds of heaven, Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun are watching Li Xing's safety at all times. When he says this, the two big Tianzuns will manifest themselves. The epic-level celestial respect, the means of shocking the sky, Li Xing is far worse.

Although Li Xing is powerful now, he can only fight against the legendary Grand Celestial Master, and he can't repair more than 20 calamities. Otherwise, he can only retreat.

When Sanqing Datianzun came out, he had a dignified face. The Sanqing world and the chaotic world are the three first-level planes of an area, naturally knowing each other.

That light acting Datianzun sneered, "Why, your kid is scared?"

Sanqing Datianzeng sneered: "Why is the Sanqing world afraid of the chaotic world? The civilizations of the two are different, but they understand each other very well." Then the tone changed, "On the background, the chaotic world and the sanqing world It's about the same. However, the chaotic great deity of this office has an unfathomable cultivation, far above me. "

"I know this, too." Guangyan Datianzun nodded. "The chaotic Datianzun is also an old antique. It has gone through twenty-four calamities, and encounters strange encounters. At this time, the repair has reached thirty-two calamities. The state of heaven is above you and me. "

"So, even if you and I are shooting at the same time, as long as you don't use the power behind you, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress the chaos." Sanqing sighed and looked helpless.

Li Xing said at this time: "Even if the battle is not chaotic, it should not be difficult to block him."

"That's okay." Guangyan Datianzun nodded, his eyes fell on Sanqing. "Boy, you Sanqing world, there are more than one ancient artifacts. Even I have heard rumors, even more than ancient ones. Instrument. "

Sanqing Datianzun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "At most, you can use ancient instruments, otherwise, Chaos Datianzun must desperately fight with me, it will be a battle of life and death, do you want to fight him to death?"

Guangyan Datianzun shut up his mouth immediately and stopped talking.

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, then I will bother the two and temporarily block the chaotic Great Heavenly Supreme. At that time, I will forcibly rescue Li Ba and kill the Great Heavenly Supreme."

"Three hours." Sanqing Datian said, "You only have three hours to save people. Beyond this time limit, I can't stop chaos."

Time passed quickly, and three days later, the chaos of the big world, the Bai family were waiting for a few days. Thirteen thrones, all three legendary magic instruments are here. On the other side, Li Xing is arriving.

The chaotic world opens its doors to the outside world and is an open world, which Li Xing found easily. Just like when Li Ba entered, Chaos Tianzun incarnation came forward to intercept.

A phantom came, blocking Li Xing's way. Li Xing looked intently. The chaotic Da Tian Zun was the image of a middle-aged man, his face was indifferent, and he said coldly, "Who is coming?"

"In the next Li Xing, the chaos of the big world is to save Li Ba, the dog, and hope that Da Tianzun can do it conveniently." After that, he manifested the San Qing Da Tianzun and Guang Yan Da Tianzun behind him.

The two Great Tianzun faced each other, and a ray of cold light shot in the chaotic Datianzun's eyes, coldly: "San Qing, you Baba came, what's your advice?"

Nearby space-time, there are only three first-level planes, and they are still more hostile and vigilant with each other. The chaotic Datianzun speaks badly and is not polite at all.

Sanqing Datianzun gave a haha ​​and said, "I heard that chaos has made you soar, and I invited an old friend to come and talk with you."

Chaos Datianzun glanced at Li Xing and said slowly: "Talk with me? Huh, I think it's for this kid?"

"Ming people don't talk secretly." Sanqing Datianzun looked serious. "We are here to help him rescue his son. There is no other purpose. Chaos, it is better to sell me a face and let go, we will meet each other in the future.

"Your face is worthless." Chaosian Tianzun refused directly, coldly, "the three of you leave immediately, or the consequences will be at your own risk."

Sanqing Datianzhuang was furious in his heart. He held up a magic weapon in his hand, and it was so powerful that it shook the whole chaotic world. He shouted, "Chaos, how dare you fight me?"

"Huh! It ’s not my opponent to measure you together. I wo n’t teach you a way, I do n’t know my chaos." Tianzun disappeared, I do not know where to go to the war in space.

Only Li Xing was left at the scene. He was held by Guangyan and Sanqing, and was not affected. Always waiting for me, he immediately set off to rescue Li Ba. Although the chaotic world is vast, Li Xing took advantage of the chaotic array to find a place for more than ten breaths and arrived in time.

Over the Bai family, a big heavenly respect manifested, and Li Xing yelled, "Li Xing is here to visit!" The terror coercion was released, and the Bai people looked greatly changed.

You know, here is the chaotic world, the mana of local residents will increase, and the mana of outsiders will be suppressed. As an outsider, Li Xing could actually release such an overbearing momentum, so that the Bai family could not help but be shocked and understand that they encountered a strong enemy.

A white light rose into the sky and turned into a bright celestial deity. He looked at Li Xing and smiled, "Li Dayou, you are finally here. I wonder if the epic magic weapon and the 100 billion Dahua Dan have brought?

Li Xing said lightly: "I want to see people first."

"If we don't see anything, we won't let people go." Guangda Tianzun insisted, "Your son is doing too much and must be punished."

At the same time, in four directions, three six lords and one seven lords appeared with three legendary instruments, besieging the center of Li Xing. They can all see that Li Xing's cultivation should be in jeopardy, so although he was shocked by the momentum of the talent, he also settled down.

After all, it's a great lord, and even if it goes against the sky, it won't be possible to defeat the ten lords. After all, the two are nine levels away, and they have great confidence in the bright lord.

The Great Emperor Guangming himself also has this idea. Originally, if Li Xing had a cultivation practice similar to that of Li Xiangru, he would never be so tough, and he would raise the conditions as soon as he spoke. However, after seeing Li Xing's realm, he suddenly felt indifferent to the enemy and did not take it seriously.

As soon as Guang Tianzun's words came to an end, Li Xing suddenly shot. These people detained his son and threatened to speak, which gave him sufficient reasons for his shot.

Since stepping into the Great Celestial Mastery, his strength has been able to fight against the legendary Great Celestial Master below 20 calamities. What's the point of facing a horrible Ten Celestial Master? Jingguang's big hand broke through the crystal wall system of the Bright World and blasted directly into it.

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The bright Great Celestial feeling that time and space have reversed, and his mana seems to be confined in the long river of time, his face changes greatly. The rest of them have similar feelings. Although their thinking is clearly operating, their mana is not working.

This is the last blow from Li Xing, which affected the laws of time and space. He forced his hand into the bright world and rescued Li Ba.

But he said that in the refining fire prison, Li Ba was enjoying the fire comfortably while chatting with Bai Feifei.

"Feifei, wait for my dad to save me out, and you will leave with you." Li Badao, not worried about his future at all.

"I won't follow you." Bai Feifei wrinkled her cute little nose. "You're not me."

"Why did you forget, I am your man." Li Bazhengzhen said, "I can confirm this."

Bai Feifei was about to refute. Suddenly, the whole **** was shaking violently, and then a large hand of Jingguang reached in, grabbed four people, and got out of the bright world.


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