Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1052: Chaotic plot

Chapter 1052: Chaotic Conspiracy

Chapter 1052: Chaotic Conspiracy

As soon as a few people's eyes lighted up, they arrived in the world of Hunyuan. At the same time, Li Xing's voice sounded: "Little bastard, I'm done with things, see how I can teach you!"

Li Ba spit out his tongue, then smiled at Bai Feifei, and said, "This is my dad's mixed-yuan world. How is it, isn't it? A normal big world, the area is so huge." Not one of them ... "

Although Bai Feifei made it clear that she did not want to go with Li Ba, but since then, Li Ba's performance has moved her. In addition, she definitely didn't want to marry Bai Yizun, so she was not in a hurry to leave at this moment.

However, outside, Li Xingqiang made a fright and rescued people directly from the Bright World. This is undoubtedly a great insult to the Bright Emperor. One's big world is its core and most important place. How can people easily enter?

Li Xing not only entered, but also rescued people casually, showing a powerful combat force, which made the people of the Bai family startled and furious. As soon as they resumed action, they immediately shot at the same time, using three legendary magic weapons, and blasted each other fiercely.

Li Xing's purpose this time was to save people, but he didn't mind teaching the Bai family. Immediately after the mixed yuan gun appeared, the tip of the gun trembled, and the light of God seemed eternal.

A legendary magic weapon that had gone through the twelve calamities was instantly shot into fly ash. The six robbers who held the instrument had a big shock, and "wow" had to spit out blood.

Subsequently, the gun body looked like a large bar, suddenly rolled over, and drew heavily on the body of the Emperor Guangtian. This time, the lethality is amazing, and it is absolutely possible to kill the ten robbers.

A six-day calamity screamed loudly, hurried to rescue, and ran another legendary weapon with 14 calamities in front. Unfortunately, this instrument still couldn't stop Li Xing and smashed with a loud noise.

A legendary weapon is equivalent to the combat power of a legendary celestial deity. Two consecutive pieces were destroyed in this way, and the Bai family was horrified. The Great Emperor of Light is extremely regretful and should not provoke such a evil star.

Seeing this, the gun body was about to be swept up on the Supreme Bright, this gun implied a hit now, making it impossible to avoid. At this moment, the strength of a mighty shore came down, arranging mountains and seas, suppressing it severely, and slamming the gun body away.

At the same time a voice yelled, "Bai Shibo is at ease, Tai Dou comes to help out!"

Li Xing snorted. He didn't have much time, and Sanqing and Guangyan could stop at most half an hour. The man who was killed halfway was very strong, and the strength was still above him, and it could not be consumed for a long time.

He made an immediate decision, the gun body shook, broke the plane space, and was about to get out of here. But at this moment, an irresistible force was conveyed, and he was dragged into a weird time and space.

This time and space gives him a sense of intimacy, and at the same time a deep fear in his heart. The surrounding is filled with familiar and unfamiliar chaos, these breaths envelop a powerful and unpredictable energy, like a giant egg.

At the moment Li Xing was involved in the mysterious space-time, both Sanqing Datian and Guangyan Datian had a reaction, Sanqing said angrily: "Chaos, you dare to touch him with a sweat, Sanqing will endure with chaos!"

Guangyan Datianzun also knows the seriousness, and sternly said: "Chaos, my Guangyan represents the Sea of ​​Wisdom, and can warn you, let go of Li Xing, otherwise my Guangyan will destroy you!"

It turned out that there was also a huge force behind the performance of Da Tianzun, known as the Sea of ​​Wisdom, a group plane composed of five hundred worlds. The five hundred celestial deities are all celestial celestial bodies born in the light-brained civilization. The principle of the avenue in the body is very similar to the brand of civilization.

The chaotic Datianzun stepped on the void and was not afraid of the threat of the two powers. He smiled suddenly and said, "The origins of the two of you are clear, one is backed by the Jade Emperor Wonderland and the other is backed by the sea of ​​wisdom. However, do you think that I have no power behind my chaos? Will the power of the gods' pure land be weaker than them? "

Sanqing Datianzun's tone was fascinating: "Don't tell secret words in front of the Ming people. You, like me, belong to the outer members of your respective forces, so it is best not to do things too far, otherwise the end will be very miserable."

"Yes, if it weren't for Li Xing, old age wouldn't be so impulsive. He would rather be the enemy." Chaosian Tianzun narrowed his eyes. "But one thing on him is extremely important to the chaotic world. If you can get this thing, old decay will hopefully break through ancient practices and step into silence! "

"What?" Both Sanqing and Guangyan were taken aback. What happened?

"If you change to two people, I'm afraid I will take a chance." Chaosian Tianzun said indifferently. "Then Li Xing has been sealed by me into the core time and space of the chaotic world. Unless you two can kill me, otherwise One can rescue him. "

To this day, Sanqing Datian Zun calmed down, calculated everything secretly, and said, "Chaos, what do you fancy?"

"Chaotic array." The chaotic Datianzun laughed. "Although my Tao number is chaotic, it is the heritage of the power from the civilization of God. For a long time, I have not been able to create the most core source of power. That is The chaos. "

Guang Tianzong played with great insight and coldness: "It is rumored that the supreme principal **** of the civilization of God is the **** of chaos. He gave birth to twelve godsons. These twelve godsons are all extraordinary strengths, even if the civilization of God is gone, They still exist in the world. If I guess correctly, you should be the descendant of a son of a chaotic god. "

Chaos Da Tianzun accidentally glanced at Da Tianzun and did not deny, saying: "I do have the blood of Chaos in my body. If not, how dare I use chaos as my Tao? But my blood is not It is pure, so it takes a chaotic array to sublime. "

"Your cultivation is much higher than Li Xing. Can't you create a chaotic array?" Sanqing Datian sighed, "Why do you need to hurt his life and be the enemy of me?"

"Huh! What do you know? The chaotic array is the core principle of the civilization of God, and only chaotic gods can master it. But this Li Xing you protect can actually master it, which shocks me, because even today's twelve There is no such thing as a **** son. Therefore, I must seize the chaos and study the secrets. Once successful, I will inherit the mantle of chaos and have the great power of chaos! "

"You are crazy." Guang Yan Datianzun sneered. "You don't know Li Xing's identity at all, and Hugh said that the chaotic array, even if a powerful force is controlled by him, that is taken for granted."

This time it was Chaotian Dazun who was surprised, and frowned, "What is his identity?"

"You don't need to know." San Qing sneered, "you want to capture his chaotic array, I'm afraid it's not that easy, because you are not qualified to control the power of Chaos God."

Speaking of which, the two Great Celestials shot at the same time, attacking the chaotic Great Celestials fiercely, and a great battle started.

But he said that Li Xing was trapped in the chaos breath at the moment, and his expression was very dignified. He found that the breath here belonged to the civilization of God. You know, he had gained the power of the civilization of God and had the approval of the Lord God, so he was very sensitive.

"Li Xing!" A call came from nothing.

"Chaotic Great Celestial Master?" Li Xing asked calmly. In this big world, only the chaotic Great Heavenly Master has this ability. It seems that the other party is well prepared and set a trap in advance.

"It's old." The voice of Chaosian Tianzun sounded again. "At the first sight of Li Ba, I planned everything and waited for you. You are here. Good!"

"There doesn't seem to be a festival with Chaos Datianzun." Li Xing ### thought, and said, "So I can't figure out why Datianzun should do this."

"It's very simple, because I need a chaotic array of your body." Rebellion. In the chaotic world, unless your realm transcends me, there is no chance to escape. "

Li Xing laughed: "It turns out that as long as you are in a chaotic array, it is easy to send you."

Chaos Tiantian sneered: "Don't be a little clever. This chaotic array fits perfectly with your big world. How can you send me? No one can get a large array unless you are beheaded."

Li Xing understands that the other party is absolutely well-planned for today, and knows everything that should be known, which is very difficult to deal with. With a sigh in his heart, he had little chance of winning in the face of an old fox who was well prepared and far better than himself.

"If you can cooperate, I can make you die a little bit more comfortably, and I can even get a chaotic array without killing you." Give a glimmer of hope.

If you change the average person, you may agree immediately, but Li Xing will never give in. The chaotic array was born all the way and he continued to advance. It can be said that without the chaotic array, there would be no him today.

At first, the prototype of the chaotic array was only the Zhenwu array. Later, it was gradually improved to grow into the chaotic array. In fact, today's chaotic array can also be said to be a mixed-element array. The two are one, which is basically one thing.

And in the future, this chaotic array can definitely advance to a higher level.

The chaotic array can calculate everything ~ www.readwn.com ~ crack everything, it is not only a weapon for Li Xing's battle, but also the core of life. Without the chaos, the infant will fall, how can he give it to others?

Faced with the intimidation of the chaotic Grand Celestial Master, Li Xing sneered, and said, "Chaotic Grand Celestial Master, do you think you can get me by trapping me here? I have always been a murderer in Li Xinglong. You can kill me. "

The chaotic Datianzun said lightly: "No matter what you say, it's hard to escape today, it's better to surrender to the battle, everything is good to say."

As if Li Xing didn't hear it, he thought to himself: "Your realm is too high, I can't kill you now. However, if you want to kill me, you can't, you can give me a baby!"


Above Li Xing's head, a supreme baby rushed out. This life babies is exactly the life lord of the bones, although it has lost most of its strength, but after all, it belongs to the bones.

In addition, this life baby recently absorbed Pan Guzhu, and its power rose sharply, possessing incredible power. When it came out, it would startle the chaotic Great Heavenly Demon and show his horror.


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