Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1053: 0 years

Chapter 1053 The Millennium Years

Chapter 1053 Millennium Years

"What? It ’s the life of the ostentatious celestial deity!" The chaotic celestial deity has a wealth of knowledge, and at the first sight, he knew that Li Xing was right. There was a terror in the infant who suffocated him. The strength of this momentum was definitely far beyond the ancient Great Celestial Master.

Li Xing obtained six fatal babies from the bone world, and absorbed a few of them. Among the remaining ones, one was a fatal babies, and also the most powerful one.

As soon as the baby came out, the whole chaotic space-time shuddered, releasing a circle of domineering light of fate, and wrapping Li Xing in it. The chaotic feeling of the Great Heavenly Supreme, even him, may not be able to break through this layer of destiny, and his expression will not change.

Li Xing's eyes were destined to be chaotic, and he said lightly: "The cultivation of the osteopath has reached a state of fragmentation. Although this infant has lost a lot of power, you may still have no strength to break through its defense."

A few gleams flashed in the eyes of Chaos Datianzun, and then he laughed: "Even if this thing can protect you for a while, can it protect you for the rest of your life? You can't leave here forever. The old man has time and slowly consumes you."

"Really?" Li Xing laughed. "I'm sorry, but I also have time. Let's see who has the most energy consumption."

After all, he actually sat down and practiced in the light of fate. The ancient civilization tree always releases a huge amount of civilization power, which is enough for his cultivation. At the same time, it can also provide enough energy to the world and the one hundred thousand gods kingdom for the growth of billions of souls.

The chaotic Datian snorted respectfully. He thought that as long as there was enough time, he could figure out a way to get Li Xing out. However, before that, he had to repel the siege of Guangyan Datianzun and Sanqing Datianzun.

At this moment, a ray of thoughts was conveyed to Sanqing and Guangyan, but it was the relationship between Li Xing and the two Great Celestial Demonstrators that played a role at this moment.

"The two Great Celestial Masters, at this time, it is not appropriate to conflict with the chaotic Great Celestial Masters. He cannot break my defense, and I will consume him first." Li Xingdao.

The two celestial beings couldn't believe it. Sanqing asked: "You have such a means, and you can't even break through the defense by chaos?"

"I'll talk about this later." Li Xingdao said, "There is a huge amount of chaos in this chaotic big deity, which makes me very interested. If I can get it, it will greatly help my practice."

Guang Yan and San Qing looked at each other face to face. They had been worried about Li Xing'an. They did not expect that the other person was all right, but they dared to remember the chaos of Da Tianzun.

"Li Xing, don't be careless. This chaotic celestial deity is unfathomable, and the strength has reached the ancient level. Not to mention, there are more powerful instruments in your hand. Even if you rely on it, you must not relax." caveat.

"I understand that this person is strong, but destiny tells me that he can't beat me." Li Xingdan said indifferently. He had been running a chaotic array for a long time and calculated everything. The result was very clear and he would not lose.

When Li Xing said so, San Qing and Guang Yan stopped advising, and after a while fighting with chaos, they retreated. The chaotic Datianzun thought that the two were afraid of his means, and laughed, saying, "We can still count on practice!"

In the chaotic world, in that weird time and space, Li Xing remained silent, his mind and body settled down, and he no longer paid attention to the chaotic Great Celestial Master who threatened him. He used this method to wrap himself in with the power of a bone-fighting baby. Although he couldn't escape, others couldn't get in.

The chaotic Datianzun saw his throat dry, and Li Xing didn't return a word. He snorted at the end and said, "Junior, you don't know what to do, my husband will make you regret it." After that, his shape disappeared. .

At this moment, Li Xing is wholeheartedly building a chaotic world, opening up time and space in it and perfecting the rules. Moreover, he adjusted the speed of World Time, a thousand times faster than outside.

He is the master of the mixed world, and it is not difficult to change the time law of the large world. However, in fact, there is very little Da Tianzun willing to do this to accelerate the time of the entire plane.

Because time is accelerating, the creatures in the plane naturally need to grow and grow. This requires huge strength. The general celestial deity cannot provide them at all. In the end, it will only make the plane's aura thin and the creatures reduced. It is not a good thing.

However, Li Xing was not afraid of this consumption. However, the ancient civilization tree swallowed up the entire group plane, and the power contained in it was enough for him to squander, and it was not difficult to adjust thousands of times.

Time passed by day by day, the ancient Da Tianzun was really sober, and did not reappear for a long time. Li Xing calculated that the time passed a thousand years. For Datianzun, the millennium is almost a blink of an eye. In its long river of life, it is nothing at all.

But Li Xing didn't know that in this thousand years, it was the chaotic Datianzun who deliberately adjusted the speed of his time. On the one hand, the other party wants to consume Li Xing's patience and will, on the other hand, it depends on whether Li Xing has follow-up measures.

In fact, only a day passed outside. In a day, little change will take place outside.

However, the mixed world has gone through a thousand and a thousand years, and that is a million years! This million years has created countless deities, great deities, and even more powerful planes. It can even be said that the mixed world of Yuan Dynasty at this time has already changed its horizons to a terrible level.

The ancient tree of civilization evolved again in the long one million years, and the ancient tree of life and the nebula ancient tree grew in the one hundred thousand gods kingdom. These two ancient trees have their own wonderful uses.

The ancient tree of life can enhance the power of life. Even if the kingdom is fatally destroyed and all the souls die, it can also resurrect many souls. It can even help the mixed world to make the whole world full of vitality and extremely difficult to suffer a devastating blow.

Nebula ancient trees are even more trivial, stars can grow on it. Each star is born with a special star power, and it may even produce life and civilization.

Nebulas and ancient trees are born quickly. As long as the time is long enough, galaxies and even large nebulae will be generated in the plane, thus generating a lot of star power. They are also a kind of plane force.

The emergence of two ancient trees has made the country of 100,000 stronger, and Li Xing's strength has also increased.

The biggest change is the real people in the big world. One million years, this is a long time. Even some small creatures may evolve a powerful civilization, let alone a real hybrid?

Today, the total number of real people on the plane of the mixed Yuan has reached ten trillion. Thanks to Li Xing's position, it is large enough, and the ancient civilizations provide enough civilized power, otherwise the real people in Luanyuan will not be able to prosper so much.

Ten trillion real yuan real people, all born with arrogance and extraordinary qualifications, about one-tenth of them have entered the sacred realm, and the number is as high as one trillion! The number of celestial masters who established the plane also reached tens of billions. There are millions of characters in the Datianzun series.

There are millions of celestial beings and tens of billions of celestial beings. When these forces are united, their power is almost unimaginable. This directly caused Li Xing's life force to soar, and its potential and combat power to be unprecedentedly enhanced.

This is not to say, there are not only real people, but also a large number of creatures. Those creatures, such as birds and beasts, flowers, insects, and fish, etc., of which the organic fate, will be turned into monsters.

Although the number of demon repairs is far less than that of mixed real people, there are also billions of them, and there are some masters of Tianzun level and Datianzun level. In theory, the potential and strength of Yao Xiu is not inferior to that of real people in Yuanyuan.

In addition to the above, the congregationists around Li Xing have also made rapid progress. Moreover, their practice is not restricted by Li Xingxiu, so their progress is rapid. Among them, the number of people who stepped into the level of the Great Celestial Master increased from the original thirty-two to 386.

Among these 386 people, with the help of the ancient civilization of the Li Xing civilization, some people have reached the legendary level. The most powerful Xiao Xiu Xiu is already the equivalent of fifteen calamities.

Like Li Xing's parents, Li Ziran, and Li Shifei, brothers Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, Li Yingxiong, Li Xuanbai, Wu Xiaobao, Jian Xingtian, and so on, all have entered the legendary level.

Of course, although these people's realms are high, their strength is still difficult to compare with Li Xing. After thousands of years of rest and recuperation, Li Xing's strength has been greatly improved. Even if he is against the epic epistle of the twenty-four calamities, he may not lose.

To say that the fastest progress of all people is Li Xing's two sons, Li Ba and Li Gui. Among them, Li Gui, the latecomer, is the emperor. Now he is a generation of emperor in the Yuanyuan world. All real people in the Yuanyuan must listen to his dispatch.

Of course, although the emperor is prestigious, he still has to listen to Lao Tzu. The supreme emperor Li Xing is still a matter of fact.

Li Gui has the highest realm and has gone through fifteen calamities. Li Ba followed suit and reached the 14th calamity. The original baby dolls have now become mature and stable young men and women.

The emergence of Emperor Li Gui made the real person in the mixed Yuan Yuan enlightened, which in fact enhanced the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the real person in the mixed Yuan, which Li Xing liked.

On this day, Li Xing opened his eyes. In time and space, the chaotic Great Heavenly Supreme appeared again. They both stared at each other, a look of indifference ~ www.readwn.com ~ a frown.

The chaos of Heaven is very bad. He just adjusted the time, which took Li Xingkong for a thousand years. He did not expect that the strength of the other party was so much improved. With his eyesight, he felt that Li Xing was ten times more powerful than before.

"I didn't expect that your potential was so great!" Chaosian Tianzun looked cold, "It seems that I can't give you any more time."

Li Xing said indifferently: "Chaos, I said that you can't help me, now let me go out, I can be nothing before."

"Huh! You really have no choice as a husband? Tell you, I have at least a hundred ways to kill you, but I'm just going to be a bit more troublesome." The chaotic Datianzun sneered. So your end is here! "

The update mentioned didn't do it, and I was frustrated. My mother was hospitalized these days, and she still vomited because she had barium meal before admission, so she couldn't do CT. The doctor said that the cause of the duodenal stenosis could not be determined. Now I can only take nutrition shots every day. I can take care of it by myself, so I have no mood or time code, I'm sorry. Now my wife is taking a few days off. I have time for a while, and I want to make more yards.


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