Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1054: The strength of the ancient Great Celestial Master

Chapter 1054: The Power of the Ancient Great Celestial Master

Chapter 1054: The Power of Ancient Great Celestial Master

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of blood-colored rays behind the chaotic Datianzun. If you look closely, you will find that these blood lines are pulled out by a small flying insect in a hurry. . . ▏fè▏If these flying insects are enlarged, you can see the big mouth of the blood basin, the fangs are dense, it will be terrible.

At the sight of these flying insects, Li Xing couldn't help laughing, "Why, Datianzun has nothing to do, catch so many bugs to play with?"

Chaotic Datianzun sneered: "Unknown juniors, this is Tianfei Fei, who is small but devours Datianzun's corpse. Even if you have the guardian, you will never stop it for too long.

"Silk! Silk!"

Hundreds of thousands of blood lines entangled to the bones of the infant, and immediately caused the infant to tremble. Li Xing's face was heavy, and he could clearly feel that the power of life infant was continuously consumed by Fei Ling. Although this speed is very slow, water drops will penetrate the defense and one day will break through the defense. Once the defense is broken, he is definitely not the opponent of Chaos.

"Junior, before giving you a chance you didn't know how to cherish it, now you are slowly waiting for death to come." The chaotic Datianzun voice was cold and authentic, and then disappeared.

Li Xing sighed in his heart. This chaotic celestial master had calculated his mind, and he had made something so horrible. If he didn't think of a way, within a hundred years, the ostentatious infant would be swallowed up.

Under some consideration, Li Xing secretly contacted the Sanqing Great Celestial Master and Guangyan Great Celestial Master, and told the two of the situation at the moment, so that the two great Celestial Masters shot again, putting pressure on the chaotic Great Celestial Master.

On the other hand, Li Xing is trying to escape from this place. He thought that chaos could not break the bones defense, now it seems that he underestimated the opponent.

"Among the bone-born infants, there is a pangu bead, which is unfathomable. I wonder if it can use its power to break the shackles of the chaotic world." Thinking of this, Li Xing found the general direction and began to try This is possible.

The mind was carefully contacted with Pan Guzhu, but the moment he came into contact with Pan Gu ball, Li Xingru was struck by lightning, a tingling of consciousness followed, and the bones of the infant also died.

"Om" shook, and the defense was unstable.

Li Xing didn't dare to try again, and frowned, unable to think of any other way to escape from this place. Just as he was struggling to escape, in the mixed world, a great deity went to the house where Li Xing lived and asked to see him.

It is very rare for ordinary mixed-yuan real people to see Li Xing. After all, one trillion real people cannot be seen by everyone. However, the person he met had an extraordinary status. He was a minister under the emperor Li's possession and had a good residence.

Li Xing met the great deity in the lobby. The humane name was Tai Yi, and he was extremely arrogant and intelligent. Among the planes, there is a congenital Taiyi calculation array.

Seeing Li Xing, Taiyi Datianzun looked quite excited. He folded his hands on the ground and performed the five-body throwing ceremony. He trembled: "Look at Datianzun!"

In the Yuan Dynasty, only Li Xing can afford these three characters. The other big deities are usually called real people, for example, Taiyi big deity is called Taiyi real person.

So when people talk about "Datianzun", they must be referring to Li Xing.

Tianzun refers to the creator of a certain plane, but it is the supremacy of the world, and no one can surpass it. Of course, leaving the plane of its creation is not necessarily supreme. It's like there are so many heavenly deities in the world, there are strengths and weaknesses, and no one can be supreme.

Li Xing's title of Great Celestial Master represents the Supreme Master of the Mixed World. Therefore, in the mixed world, the rest did not dare to call themselves the Great Celestial Master. Only Li Xing had this qualification and he was the Great Celestial Master.

For example, if someone enters the Sanqing Great World, he will be called the Sanqing Grand Supreme respectfully; when he enters the Chaos Great World, he will call the Chaos Great Heaven Supreme, which is the same as the above situation. In the plane, Da Tian Zun is the only true god, the highest being, the absolute creator, and possesses supreme power.

Li Xing was very impressed with this Taiyi real person, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you up. What is going on here?"

The real person of Taiyi looked up and said earnestly: "The false obituary, the mixed world has experienced millions of years of rest and recuperation, and the rule of the emperor has grown stronger and stronger. However, the real person who opened the big world has been restricted in his cultivation . "

Li Xing nodded, and immediately understood what he was about to say, "What do you mean, hoping to open up the big world and let souls come and go freely?"

Taiyi real person nodded again and again: "The villain is exactly what this means, and I hope Da Tianzun will consider it."

The same suggestion was raised by Chaoyang Datianzun long ago, but rejected by Li Xing. At that time, Xiu Wei was far behind today. At this time, he wanted to come, but he had the strength to build a portal.

Therefore, the establishment of the portal of the great world refers to the search for a number of appropriate spatial coordinates, from which to open the portal into the great world. Of course, it is not only the big world that builds the portal, but many of the worlds of heaven have built portals.

As for Li Xing, because he has always felt that the timing is immature, he has not established it. If he changed to a great deity, it would have opened up a long time ago. Opening up channels means opening up the world to the outside world. There are pros and cons to this approach.

The advantage is that it allows the creatures in the big world to go out, find more opportunities and cultivation resources, and reduce the burden of supporting the plane. But the disadvantage is that the open plane is easy to introduce some heretics, and some unpredictable things happen.

For example, if a great deity opens the plane and meets a powerful enemy like Li Xing, then Li Xing can sneak into it or send someone into it to cause confusion on his plane.

Even if there are no enemies, people with ulterior motives will enter the plane to engage in illegal sabotage activities and cause damage to the plane.

Li Xing thought for a moment, and said, "At this time, I was trapped and could not get away for the time being. This matter will be discussed later."

Real people did n’t know what was happening outside. At this time, Li Xingyi said that Taiyi ’s real people were dazzling and said: “Datianzun Xiererlang million people have opened up a big world. Jie Datian Zun is not disadvantaged. Who can trap Da Tianzun with such strength? "

Li Xing knew that the other party wanted to use the power of a million deities to help him get out of trouble, but he waved his hand and said lightly: "Before that step, although the other party is trapping me, he can't take me now."

The real person of Taiyi didn't think so, saying: "The villain will report to the Emperor, and then he will be transferred to the army, restart the chaotic battle plan, and help Da Tianzun."

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, he could take a look at the fighting power of the Erlangs. He groaned for a moment and said, "Okay."

The real person of Taiyi sent a signal immediately, and then the emperor came to Li Xing. Li Guixiong appeared in a heroic posture, and the emperor's spirit on his body was shocking, calm like the sea, not moving like a mountain.

He bowed down to meet Li Xing and said, "Master Father!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "You know the thing, you and my father and son will discuss it and see how to deal with it."

Li Gui's eyes were full of wisdom, and he was extremely calm. He said, "Father should have informed the children that we have a million deities. Even though the chaotic big deities have ancient combat power, they can't be blocked."

Although there are ten trillion real people in Li Xing's mixed world, this does not mean that Li Xing has the power of ten trillion real people. In one plane, the sum of all living powers is actually much higher than the comprehensive combat power of Da Tianzun.

For example, Li Xing, the combat power of all the creatures in his plane, I am afraid that the blessing of the power he has provided is only one or two percent, even this amount cannot be reached. If the 100,000 Heavenly Deities can be connected together, Li Xing's strength will be greatly enhanced.

Li Xing shook his head and said, "You can imagine the combat power of the Great Celestial Master in ancient times. This time, letting you take a shot is nothing more than to hone your teeth. Understand for your father that with your strength, it is impossible to break the bondage. With the help of chaos, it would be possible to kill some of the outside Devourers. "

Li Guidao: "If you don't try it, you will not be reconciled. You may not be able to rush out."

Li Xing also didn't say much, saying, "Okay, go ahead and prepare. I can also take a look at how thick the chaotic foundation is."

Not long after, chaotic time and space, Li Xing couldn't sit still, and suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and smiled: "Chaotic old man, these bugs are interesting, I will collect them first."

Suddenly, a battle picture rushed out, and the battle raged, condensed into the size of a palm, turned into a ray of light, rushed beyond the defense of the infant, and began to kill Fei. In this chaotic strategy, the Emperor personally sat down and mobilized the 100,000 deities.

With a palm-sized battle map, the strength is abnormally condensed, and thousands of flying puppets are beheaded in an instant. Wherever the battle plan passed, the flying maggots exploded, and their energy was absorbed by the battle plan, and they would be brought back to the big world for the refinement of the ancient trees of civilization.

Chaos Datianzun was taken aback. He did not expect that Li Xing dared to take the initiative, and immediately showed his avatar. He yelled, "Look for death!"

The chaotic time and space also freezes at a glance, locking the battle map, and cooperating with the chaos of the great chaos. But at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing suddenly shook the bones of the infant, a wave of Guanghua wrapped the battle map, and pulled it back at the critical moment.

But even so, the one hundred thousand heavenly deities in the battle map felt shocked, and a few of them were bleeding from the corners of their weak mouths, and their hearts were astonished. With one blow, they saw the horror of the chaotic Great Celestial Master, and by no means they could counter it.

Generally speaking, each day of Datianzun's calamity, in fact, the combat power has increased on average by about double. This kind of improvement may seem small, but if you experience enough robbery, the overall strength will be amazingly improved.

For example, a certain celestial deity had twice the combat power at the beginning. If it was calculated based on doubling the combat power of each calamity, then after its 36 calamities, the combat power would reach horrible more than 680. Million times.

This chaotic Great Celestial Master has extraordinary qualifications. After thirty-six years of calamity, the ancient Great Celestial Master is steadily natural, and his combat power is naturally horrible. Compared with the ordinary Great Celestial Master, his combat power is 68 billion times. No more, no less.

Looking at the chaotic battle map again, the combat power of the 100,000 Great Celestial Masters is about the level of the Five Great Celestial Masters, and its comprehensive combat power is only about one ten thousandth of the ancient Great Celestial Masters of the 36 Great Celestial Masters. The two are not in the same grade at all. It is completely the difference between ants and elephants.


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