Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1056: Dangerous imperial camp

Chapter 1056: The Dangerous Imperial Camp

Chapter 1056: Dangerous Imperial Camp

Upon hearing that the five-party gods would suddenly change their tone under Li Xing's concubine, chaotic Da Tianzun's heart was angry, but under the pressure of anger, he said lightly, "What do you want?"

Li Xing stared at the chaos and said coldly, "Before, you trapped me in a chaotic space-time. In order to pay for your sins, you have to give it away."

The chaos of the Great Chaos suddenly changed, but the chaotic time and space is the core time and space of his big world, where the infant lives, which contains the core principles of the plane. How can it be easily given?

"Li Xing, don't you think I'm old and deceived, and want chaos in time and space, that's impossible!" Chaos Datian refused severely, and his whole body appeared to be murderous, seemingly ready to start.

The Wufang **** will be furious and yell: "Miscellaneous account! If you didn't deceive others, how could Brother Li Dao raise such conditions? If you don't allow it, you will be caught today to see Tianzi and punished!"

The chaotic Datianzun sighed and said, "The five-party **** general, the old man is also a person with roots and bottoms. If you do this, are you not afraid to cause trouble to the Son of Heaven?"

The Wufang **** will sneer, he is the **** of heaven, and he does not even take into account such figures as the chaotic Datianzun, even if the opponent is extraordinary in strength. The divine heavenly generals, holding heavy soldiers in their hands, can mobilize millions of heavenly soldiers and generals with a single order.

"Even if you come from the pure land of the gods, you are not qualified to threaten the gods! Toast and not eat, then rest assured that the gods will be unforgiving and take me!" The five-party gods will also be hot-tempered and ordered One hundred thousand soldiers immediately formed a large array, encircling the chaotic great heavenly respect.

Li Xing shook his body. At the Wufang God, he would wait for others, and said lightly: "Chaotic old man, this hundred thousand legendary soldiers, I see how I can resist!"

Chaos Datian Zun was expressionless and said, "Even the emperor can't bully the old and offend!" A scepter suddenly appeared in his hand, and the scepter on that scepter was full of horror, releasing horrible coercion and immense praise sound.

Sanqing Datianzun was taken aback and warned everyone by saying: "Attention, this is a silencer, a scepter of faith!"

When the people changed their colors, the five-party gods gloomed and slowly pushed out the scepter, which was also an extinction-level magic weapon. The so-called doom level means that it has experienced more than forty-eight times of the world ’s calamity. The two instruments of silence in front of them all experienced forty-eight calamities in the world, and they learned the true meaning of silence, possessing incredible horror lethality.

As soon as the scepter came out, the chaotic Datianzun's heart tightened, and he was secretly shocked. It turned out that this scepter was dedicated to restraining the gods. He was also a god, and was born to be suppressed by the scepter.

"Huh! This scepter is dedicated to restraining the gods, chaos, and today, you are in danger of escape!" Wufang Datianzun relentlessly, stretched out his hand, and formed a team of 100,000 soldiers. Severely suppressed the chaotic Datianzun.

This big hand can traverse Xinghe, crush all realms, be imposing and unpredictable, and just grab it. One hundred thousand legendary giants, shot together, this big hand has an epic peak of combat power.

Chaos Da Tianzun did not use his scepter of belief, but just waved his hands freely. Tian Zun's big hand seemed to be rushing into the sky and crashed into Qing Guang's big hand. With a loud noise, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers collapsed with one palm, and many people vomited blood and were seriously injured.

This is the gap in the realm. The chaos of the Great Tianzun's combat power is dozens of times higher than the one-hundred thousand legendary Great Tianzun's combined strength. It is a horrible victory.

The Wufang God sang aloud, and the scepter in his hand burst into the hundreds of millions of killing lights. In that void, they condensed into a gigantic sword of the sacred god, which broke the universe and bombarded it heavily.

Seeing the other party using the silencer-level instrument, the chaos heaven dared not to carelessly, and quickly lifted up the scepter of faith, saying in his mouth: "The Supreme God who is indestructible, use your glory to smash all heretics!"


In the rod of faith, a white light-wrapping deity rushed out of the sky, wearing hundreds of thousands of miles, wearing light armor, holding a lightsaber, soaring into the sky, and fighting hard with the giant sword in the void.

It was a horrible loud noise, as if the heavens and the earth were shattered, shocked by 100,000 soldiers, and Li Xing, including Li Xing, backed up and spit blood. The two Great Celestial Masters in Sanqing and Guangyan also retreated back and forth, looking horrified.

Wufang Shen turned pale, and the arm holding the staff trembled slightly. Chaos Datianzun also turned pale and pale, with a trace of blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. Doom-level magical tools are too powerful and horrible for both of them.

"Sanqing boy, I don't think things are great!" Guangyan Datianzhuang frowned. "The five-party gods may be hard to win. Why not take out the treasures of the town boundary of the Sanqing World and help them?"

Sanqing Datianzun rolled his eyes: "Since Chaos is showing its heavy weapon, it is going to be desperate. Even if there are two pieces of annihilation-level instruments besieging him, it can be easily escaped."

Guang Yan Da Tianzun sighed, knowing that this was the case, so he stopped saying it.

There, Chaosian Tianzun stared at Li Xing, wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and said, "Wu Fang Shen Jiang, today, you can't help me. If you fight again, you will only lose both."

The Wufang God snorted heavily and said, "You dare to challenge the threat of Heaven, you must pay the price."

Chaos Datianzhuang suddenly shook his scepter and said lightly, "If I leave, you can't stop it." A wave of divine light waved out, and his body disappeared. Together with the chaotic Great World Portal behind it, it was immediately closed.

Obviously, the chaotic Great Tianzun walked away. With the help of the silence level instrument, the Wufang God will also be unable to intercept, his face sinking.

It was a pity that Li Xing secretly cried out. He wanted to use the power of the ninth emperor to seize the core laws of Chaos, and then broke through his chaotic array. However, he did not expect that there was a perilous law in the hands of Chaos. Device, easy to get rid of.

"Li Daoyou, the thief fled, and you go with me to the ninth emperor." Wu Fang Shen will put away his scepter and said.

Li Xing nodded and said to Sanqing and Guangyan: "Two, I will leave first." At present, he followed the five-party **** general and went to heaven.

Back at the ninth emperor's palace, Li Xing said what happened recently. The ninth emperor encouraged a few words, and then told him a message that his life in the eighth battalion of the imprisonment was about to end, and he entered the imperial camp within ten days. Became a member of Imperial Camp.

Li Xing was happy in his heart. After he officially became a member of the Imperial Camp, he was a person with identity and could formally establish a portal to the world.

On the same day, Li Xing went to the eighth battalion, received a formal identity sign from Dai's director, became a member of the imperial camp, and reported to the imperial camp ten days later. Dai Yingchang has always valued Li Xing and explained it specifically.

"Li Xing, Emperor Camp has only one hundred and eighty people, divided into nine squads of 20 each. I can tell you that Emperor Camp specializes in working for Tiandi, so each of them has terrifying strength. As far as I know , The weakest of them is also the epic celestial master of twenty-four calamities. "Ying Dai said slowly," so if you enter, you must keep a low profile in the early stage. "

"Keep a low profile?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Dai Yingchang said: "In the imperial camp, you speak completely by your strength. You will be an oppressed person when you enter it. You will not have the opportunity to get credit for it, and you must obediently help others to do things. It may be difficult for you to use your mind. endure."

Li Xing frowned, and said, "This is actually the case?"

"Everyone who enters the imperial camp is a demon-level character. They can meet the emperor. There is no one in their eyes. This is unavoidable." Dai Yingchang continued to remind Li Xing, "If you resist, they will not Kill you mercilessly. Almost every time someone in the imperial camp dies. As far as I know, eight died last year alone, all newcomers. "

"What?" Li Xing was taken aback, dying eight a year?

"The only way to choose the embargo is not only training towers, but also some special channels, so there are so many newcomers, and a few dead are nothing." Dai Yingchang said, "So you should understand that you are not the strongest , Most of them can kill you. "

Li Xing was silent and seemed to be thinking about something.

Mr. Dai also said: "So after entering the imperial camp, the ninth emperor will try to transfer you out as soon as possible to ensure your safety. However, this will take a year or two to do. During this time, you have to do It's all about living. "

Li Xing's heart was cold and his back was cold. It seems that this imperial camp is really not a place for ordinary people. Most of the newcomers who must be able to enter it are mostly killed and eliminated. What's left is either strength against the sky or enough forbearance.

Obviously, he is not a person who can tolerate himself. If someone oppresses him, he will definitely fight back. In this way, the life of the imperial camp may be dangerous and murderous.

"It seems that I want to improve my strength." Li Xingdao seemed to be saying something very simple and easy.

Dai Ying couldn't help but roll his eyes and asked, "How much strength can you improve in ten days?"

Li Xing's answer made people fall through their glasses ~ www.readwn.com ~ He slowly said: "Ten days is enough, I will enter the ocean of time and space to practice, look for the hourglass of time and space, and practice in it."

"What? You want to enter the hourglass of time and space. Don't you know the danger of that kind of place, and it is very likely that you will meet the people of the future and the people of the past, who are extremely horrible beings." Dai Yingchang was shocked.

Li Xing's face was absolutely assured: "There is no other way. Only in the hourglass of time and space will I be able to survive the normal calamity. As for the future and the past, it is also an opportunity for me."

Seeing Li Xing's resolute attitude, Mr. Dai shook his head: "Since this is the case, I will not stop you. However, before you go, I must warn you that once you meet someone in the future, it is best to stay away from you . "

It turned out that the hourglass was very magical at that time, and time worked in a peculiar way. In some cases, it would communicate the future world and bring the future here. And those who can return to the future of the present, are all peerless, not easy to provoke.

Li Xing smiled slightly and didn't say anything. At one point he didn't tell Ying Dai that another purpose of entering the hourglass was to cultivate a future blow!


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