Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1057: From the future

Chapter 957 From The Future

Chapter 1057 From The Future

Li Xing runs in a chaotic array, learning about the past, the present, and the future, and has controlled the past and present. As for the next three moves, he currently has only the first move to cross Ethiopia, and there are two other moves to hide the evil, and the upside down has not been controlled.

The past, present, and future are just a kind of unpredictable rules of time and space. If they can enter the hourglass of time and space, they can really help to understand these three realms. If you are lucky, you may be able to capture the people of the future, so that you can truly understand the future three moves, and even calculate the future strike.

The next strike will be a very powerful mystery of killing life. If he can master this mystery, then after entering the imperial camp, he will not have to be oppressed, at least he can be mixed into a middle position.

Moreover, in the future, Li Xing can combine the past strike, the present strike, and the future strike. These three strikes are combined into one to create a terrific killing secret of the Weeping Ghosts and Gods.

Facing the enemy and exterminating its past, present, and future is a complete obliteration, leaving no trace of vitality and ruthless. Once Li Xing has successfully cultivated, he can definitely make his mark in the imperial camp.

Li Xing bid farewell to Dai Yingchang and set off on his own. At that time, the empty ocean, located between the eastern wasteland and the central pure land, was vast and boundless, but a jedi. Among the oceans of time and space, there is a special kind of space-time, called a space-time hourglass.

In the hourglass of time and space, time passes by extremely fast, and the two are not synchronized. When someone was accidentally involved in the hourglass of time and space, when he was awake, he found that he had returned to a certain time in the past.

This kind of thing seems strange, but it is the situation caused by the confusion of time and space rules. At that time, the empty hourglass was such a peculiar existence that it might send people to the past or to the future. Or, it can send people from the future to the present and people from the past to the present. There are all kinds of incredible things.

This time Li Xing entered the hourglass of time and space, he wanted to deeply understand the order of time and space, and at the same time practice with his asynchronous time passing speed, fortunately, he had a huge breakthrough in ten days.

The oceans of time and space are boundless. According to rumors, there are many powerful giants hiding in it. Generally, monks pass through the space-time oceans and take specific routes to minimize the risks on the way.

At this time in the ocean of time, Li Xing once walked, and that time he went to Jumbo to raise his relatives. This time, he took a different path and did not intend to follow the least dangerous route.

After walking for a long time, Li Xing arrived at the space-time ocean, and suddenly heard Li Ba shouting in the mixed Yuan world: "Father, I want to go out with Feifei, please let my father agree."

That Bai Feifei was rescued by Li Xing into the mixed world, and has experienced millions of years in this great world. Since she is practicing the deity's way and needs to absorb the power of faith, Li Xing also deliberately lent her ten kingdoms of gods temporarily to allow her to absorb the power of the faith in them.

For millions of years of cultivation and living, there are a large number of creatures in the one hundred thousand gods kingdom, although their quality is far inferior to the same kind in the mixed world. Among them, the number of humans in each kingdom of gods is more than 10 billion. The kingdom of one hundred thousand gods, the number of which exceeds one trillion, this is a horrible number.

Gaining ten kingdoms of gods, Bai Feifei's realm is rising quickly, and he is not weak at this moment. She has long been a woman of Li Ba. The little couple today decided to go out and see the vast world outside.

Li Xing currently has only two sons, so Li turns out to be the emperor and he will not easily leave the mixed world. But Li Ba is very lively, this is not the first time he has asked to go out.

However, Li Xing didn't agree with the disaster that Li Ba caused last time, but this time, he let out and said with a stern expression: "Are you going out?"

In the sky, there are only two people who are afraid of Li Ba. One is his son Li Xing and the other is his second brother Li Gui. However, in comparison, what he feared most was Li Xing, who was faint when he saw it.

After swallowing his mouth, Li Bagan laughed and said, "Master Father said that Bao Jianfeng has been sharpened. How can he be successful if his son does not go out for a while?"

Li Xing said "um", "You can go out, but Lao Tzu has to set three rules for you. You must not violate these three rules."

As long as he can go out, Li Ba is naturally not afraid of any rules, and said again and again: "Master Father, please say, I will follow it and never dare to violate it."

Li Xing glared at Li Ba and said: "First, when you meet an epic or even more powerful enemy, you must retreat and die hard; second, you cannot tell outsiders that you are my son and you must conceal your identity; Third, you must do nothing when things are wrong. You may abide by these three rules? "

Li Ba heard it a moment, and said, "My father, this first and third article, my son understands that my father is afraid that the child will be harmed. But why does this second article appear?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I have set up a lot of enemies for my father, such as the Great Chaos, the Great Phantom, etc., all belong to the strong. After you go out, you must stir the wind and rain to become a celebrity. If others know you I do n’t want to get revenge on you? I ’m afraid you wo n’t be able to cope. ”

Li Ba was touched. The three so-called rules were to prevent him from being hurt. He nodded vigorously: "Father rest assured that the child will take care of himself and will become famous. Until one day, the child is strong To let people in the world know that I am your son! "

Li Xing smiled slightly. He had always been harsh on Li Ba, but deep in his heart, he patted him on the shoulder and said warmly, "Okay, you go, remember to always report a peace."

After sending away Li Ba and Bai Feifei, Li Xing rushed into the ocean of time and space. The path he took was not the path taken by most people, but a random direction.

Walking in the chaos of time and space, Li Xing often encountered terrifying storms of time and space, but he was all dealt with by him. In addition, there are many strange monsters living in the ocean of time and space. They are born with the ability to control the laws of space and time, which is very scary.

Li Xing stepped on Jinguang, holding a hybrid gun, walking in it, looking for the hourglass of time and space. He is fast and can travel through thousands of times in a flash. Haunting for half a day like this, a horrible wave suddenly came in front of people, shocking.

I saw a huge vortex, like a nebula, suspended in the ocean, surrounded by mist. The vortex is extremely huge, and it can be compared with the volume of dozens of large worlds, releasing terror.

"Hourglass of time and space!" Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he immediately recognized what it was. Hourglasses of time and space are rare in the oceans of time and space. Li Xing had good luck, but he soon came across one. Originally, he planned to find a few days before the results would come, but it took only half a day.


Suddenly, a roar came out of the vortex, and in the center of the vortex, a huge black tiger burst out. The black tiger has a huge body, black fur, and red tiger eyes shining fiercely. It straddles time and space, swallows the sky and the sky, and has an extraordinary momentum.

On top of the black tiger, a young man sat across. The young man wore a black suit, his eyes were black and cold, and when he came out, he released a terrific murderous look, his eyes directly covering Li Xing.

"Huh?" Li Xing's heart moved, and the young man in black had a breath of the future. He was also a character who stepped out of the hourglass of time and space.

He could not think too much. The young man had already said, "What is this place?" He was indifferent and asked Li Xing in a tone of a superior.

"This is the ocean of time and space." Li Xing replied, "Who are you from and where do you come from?"

The young man in black didn't answer, his eyes flickered, and he asked, "Which era is this?"

Li Xing's mind suddenly said, "Yin and Yang Period."

"Yin and Yang Ji! It's actually Yin and Yang Ji!" He muttered to himself, then laughed loudly, "Okay! Very good! I can make up for many regrets!"

After the young man in black laughed, he suddenly stared at Li Xing and asked coldly, "What's your name?"

Since Li Xing knew that the other party was from future time and space, of course he would not tell the truth, but said, "Here is Li Yiren."

The man in black thought for a moment, and there was no impression in his head, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "It turned out to be an unknown person. Since it is useless to me, you don't need to live."

Like a **** of death, he directly announced Li Xing's death fate, standing high and looking down at all beings.

There was a look of ridicule in Li Xing's eyes. The person in front of him was not weak. It seemed that he had just entered the epic stage and should have experienced twenty-four calamities. He was not afraid of such an opponent.

"Kneel down and die."

The young man in black was ruthless and authentic, stepped out, and reached for Li Xing's mixed yuan gun. He can sense that the hybrid yuan gun is very extraordinary and should be a magic weapon.

For such a person, Li Xing had nothing to say, leng snorted, and shot swiftly. The mixed yuan gun speared out like a poisonous dragon, piercing the space, and one hundredth of a billion was there in an instant.

Since the twelve innate killing battles were merged into the four elephant killing battles ~ www.readwn.com ~, the power has greatly increased. With this gun, Li Xing has been able to challenge the twenty-four robbers without losing the wind.

"Last hit!"

With a low drink, Li Xing's mysterious technique was performed. This past blow, with the improvement of Li Xing's strength, the deepening of his enlightenment, and his power increased day by day. At the moment, it was exhibited with unpredictable power.

The shocking momentum and overbearing power made the young man in black very surprised. At the last moment, he raised all his skills and stabbed at Li Xing with a sword. The sword in his hand is actually an epic weapon, and has also experienced 24 calamities.


In this collision, the black tiger who was sitting across from the man in black made a terrible sound and was shocked and turned. The black master even had severe pain in his arm, numb body, and looked at Li Xing in shock.

Ignoring the shock and doubt in the other's eyes, Li Xing issued his second move.

"Now hit! Kill!"


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