93 拳

The man present was more surprised than Li Xing. When did he become the military school of Yuhou Mansion?

If Li Xingzhen is Houfu Military Academy, then none of the people present are really qualified to deal with him. The only people who can deal with Li Xing are Yuhou House. If outsiders kill Li Xing, they will challenge Yuhou House and bear a huge price.

"Li Xing, look around you, except the enemy, or the enemy. If you promise to enter the Yuhou Mansion, they will do nothing about you." In the ear of Li Xing, Murong Jiaojiao's voice sounded.

Li Xing has not responded yet, Murong Jiaojiao continued: "I chose to help you because you are a potential person. In March, from the fifth training of blood to the tenth training of blood, it can be said that it is a blood training wizard. .If cultivated, it will be the number one in the future. "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Thank you Murong County Lord for your love, but Li Xing is not willing to enter Yuhou Mansion!" If he chooses to leave, he will also go to Tianchen Kingdom and follow the path designed by Beichen Luo.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao froze. She never expected that Li Xing would refuse her help. After a moment, Murong Jiaojiao showed a little annoyance on his face, and Xiumu slightly hesitated: "Don't you really think about it?"

Li Xing glanced at Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, and said lightly, "I'm not alone, so I can't leave."

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang shed tears at the same time. Why didn't they understand that Li Xing didn't want to leave for their sake. If Li Xing is gone, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang will face the anger of Chen Jinsong and their future is unpredictable. Even if Li Xing was a military school of Yuhoufu, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang could not be forcibly taken away.

"Promise her!" Chen Xue suddenly held Li Xing's arm, begging in her eyes. When she wanted to come, if Li Xing entered Yuhou Mansion, he could get security.

Li Xing patted her hand, Wen said: "I will be fine." Turning to Ma Boxion, "Please!"

Ma Boxiong laughed wildly, stepped out one step, and the ground “boomed”, and stood in the middle of the field, as Yue Yueyuan stopped.

Li Xing gently pushed Chen Xue away and strode out to face Ma Boxiong. Behind him, Xue Xue looked anxious, Chen Shuang held her hand and whispered, "Sister, I think Li Xing will win."

雪 Chen Xue looked at his sister Chen Shuang strangely. She found that Chen Shuang's eyes were full of trust in Li Xing, and she could not help but let out a nod. At this time, she can only choose to believe in Li Xing.

伯 Ma Boxiong twitched his fingers at Li Xing and said in a contemptuous tone, "Boy, you can do it."

兴 Li Xing's body was full of blood, surrounded by a layer of red light, shaking the air, and making a "rumbling" muffled sound, like a thunderous sound. The blood in his body operates in the manner of Tian Lei's blood classics, and his explosive power is strong.

In the tenth form of Wu Tianlei, the mad flash lore was running secretly. Li Xing's body vibrated slightly, and the frequency of vibration was extremely fast, making his whole person blurred, only a vaguely visible figure. In the air, the "rumbling" sound also became louder and louder.

The relaxed expression on Ma Boxiong's face gradually disappeared, and he became extremely dignified, filled with shock: "Why is this man's blood so powerful! I have never seen it before, I have never heard it!"


Li Xing suddenly moved, Tian Lei lore was exhibited, he turned into an electric light, and suddenly surrounded Ma Boxiong.

Ma Boxiong had a sudden ambition, he should not have feared the blood-training warrior, but at this time, he had deep fear in his heart. With a violent drink, Ma Boxiong gave the most powerful blow, punched out with a heavy blow, the violent anger rushed out, turned into a phoenix, and hit Li Xing's chest.

伯 To Ma Boxiong's surprise, Li Xing didn't actually dodge. He saw that there was a bit of fierceness flashing in the opponent's eyes, and he also fought with a boxing punch.

The blood-training warrior dared to fight desperately with the Qi-powered fighters. It was unimaginable. Only a lunatic would do this. But Li Xing happened to do so. At this moment, Ma Boxiong felt that something was wrong.

But the movement was too fast, he had no time to react, and his fist had hit Li Xing. Li Xing's fist has also hit Ma Boxiong.

伯 Ma Boxiong didn't know. In Li Xing's fist, there was a silkworm wing knife. When the fist touched, the silk wing knife shot out from the fingers, and with the power of blood, he suddenly pierced into Ma Boxiong's chest.


Li Xing was blown off like a shell, and a blood line was scattered in the air. Ma Boxiong remained still, but his expression was full of fear and surprise. His hands were on his left chest, and a lot of blood spewed from his fingers.

"You ..." Ma Boxiong said a word, shook his body, and fell to the ground.

The tussah wing knife pierced his heart, smashed his heart into pieces, and the immortal could not save him.

"Clap!" Li Xing hit the ground, his voice was loud.

拳 Ma Boxiong's fist did not cause much damage to Li Xing. It turned out that Ma Boxiong's fist happened to hit the purse in which Jiuyangzhu was stored. The violent anger was invisible as soon as he contacted Jiuyangzhu. With a powerful strike, Li Xing suffered less than one-tenth of the lethality.

So, Li Xing was seriously injured on the surface, but he was only slightly injured. Instead, he hidden the silkworm wing knife and quietly died of Ma Boxiong. Ma Boxiong became famous with the silk wing knife, but today he died under the silk wing knife,

Of course, people other than Li Xing did not know that he secretly released the magic weapon ~ www.readwn.com ~ and thought he had any special means to kill the enemy in one shot.

伯 Ma Boxiong died, everyone's eyes widened, and the air was cold on his back. Li Jie, Li Fei, and others did not know when they had retreated quietly, and they were planning to hide for a while.

No one talked about it, and the scene was quiet.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao also showed shock, her eyes fell on Ma Boxiong's wound, thoughtfully.

陈 In the worried eyes of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, Li Xing slowly stood up, patted the dust on his body, smiled at one of the two women's newspapers, and then his eyes were destined to Zhou Xiang, and she said: "Please!"

Wu Zhouxiang's face turned pale. She was very puzzled before. Why did Xu Yingfeng, who had the dual practice of qi, die in the hands of a strong fighter who practiced qi. But now she understood that the person in front of him was too dangerous, and in one stroke he killed a scholar who had the dual discipline.

Wu Zhouxiang hesitated. She suddenly regretted whether her actions were too big. If you fight Li Xing at this time, you will die for nothing, because this is a one-on-one fair battle. She has no confidence now that she can kill Li Xing.

"Two, I see today's events, so far." Murong Jiaojiao suddenly went to the middle to stop the two.

Xi Zhouxiang got down the steps and stared at Li Xing, "It's your luck today, and Murong County Lord will intercede."

Li Xing smiled slightly and arched his hand: "You want revenge in the future, always waiting for the drive!"

Xi Zhouxiang snorted heavily, took the people of Qixingmen, and strode away.

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