Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 94: Temporarily calm

Chapter 94 Temporary Calm

伯 Ma Boxiong is dead, and the hardest hit and most feared is the cost of thousands of dollars. He didn't even dare to look at Li Xing for a look. On the second day, Qian Wanjin moved away from Qingyun City and left for another country.

As soon as Zhou Xiang left, Li Ying and others from Sanyiyuan naturally couldn't revive their teachers to question their sins and retreated.

Soon afterwards, Zizhu Wan quieted down again. Only Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, and Murong Jiaojiao remained, and the others had dispersed.

The development of the incident was beyond everyone's expectations, and even unexpectedly by Li Xing. He originally thought that at least half his life would be lost today. Although there was a way to kill Ma Boxion, he would also be seriously injured. But I didn't want Jiuyangzhu to be able to resolve the attack so that he was not seriously injured.

At the same time, he did not expect Murong Jiaojiao to come and help her. If it weren't for Murong Jiaojiao, Zhou Xiang would definitely have shot. If Li Xing won, killing Zhou Xiang would offend Qi Yunpai even more and even lead the elders out.

如果 And if Li Xing was defeated, it would be a death. Neither result was what Li Xing wanted. Murong Jiaojiao appeared to mediate, which can be said to have helped him greatly.

"Thank you for your help," Li Xinggong said.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao sneered repeatedly: "Don't dare to be." Obviously, she was still unhappy about Li Xing's refusal to enter Yuhou House.

Li Xinggan laughed: "The kindness of the county master, Li Xing will never forget."

Murong Jiaojiao is a little bit angry, she shot to help Li Xing, also in order to be able to establish friendship with Li Xing, maybe in the future can be used. With a hand, it is possible to get a lot of help in the future. According to Murong Jiaojiao, it is a stable business.

I glanced at Sister Chen Xue, and Murong Jiao said lightly: "Li Xing, if you have time, you can take a seat at the city's main house." The woman finished speaking and took her away.

There was only Chen Xue and Chen Shuang around, Li Xing suddenly felt a little awkward. The matter between him and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang is not clear, and it is developing too fast.

怎么 "Why, don't you invite us to sit in?" Chen Xue's face became cold somehow.

女人 This woman, who was just seeking death, has now become a cold face.

Li Xing quickly gave up the two women to the bamboo floor. The environment above the bamboo floor is very elegant. Li Xing and the two women are sitting together, and both sides are quiet. What Chen Xue and Chen Shuang did today broke the layer of window paper between the two sides, leaving Li Xing to face everything.

"Li Xing, what are you going to do?" Chen Shuang suddenly snapped the table and asked loudly.

Li Xing was startled, he laughed and asked, "What should I do?"

霜 Chen Shuang sneered: "Less pretending! Today, my sister and I have stated our stand in front of everyone, don't you really understand?"

Li Xing sighed, his expression was very complicated, and Chen Shuang was condensed: "Li Xing was so ashamed, I didn't expect to get two people ..."

"Smelly little!" Chen Shuang interrupted Li Xing, "Do you think my sister and I are already yours?"

When Li Xing stayed, he asked, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Chen Shuangyu pointed to Li Xing's chest. "We will consider it when your troubles are resolved. Today's words are only to save you, just as you were to save us that day. . "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Yes, I will never think more." Suddenly, the atmosphere became relaxed again.

"Li Xing, what are you going to do next? Will you stay in Sanyi Garden?" Chen Xue asked the question.

Li Xing had thought about it for a long time, and said, "After a while, I will be able to enter the Qi Yunpai. I will not leave for the time being."

"But you have offended too many people, Qi Yunpai, Wang Zixing, and Ma Boxiong's family, they will not give up." Chen Shuang Liu Mei slightly locked.

"They are going to kill me today, am I okay?" Li Xing said easily, "You can rest assured that it is not easy to kill me."

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang did not leave until night. At this time, Wang Zixing's mood was extremely bad, and even Wang Yang was cautious, and the atmosphere was afraid to come out. A few days ago, the operation to seize the Tianxie Jing failed, and even Bei Chen's face was not seen, and he actually fought with Qi Yunpai.

He not only lost the two qi scholastics, but also offended the Qi Yun faction. Wang Zixing was originally from the Qi Yun faction, and he is still a Qi Yun faction. After this incident, it is extremely difficult for him to explain to him.

Just now, Qi Yun sent a messenger to scold the prince. Wang Zixing said countless good words before sending away the messenger.

The hall was quiet for a while, and Wang Yang thought for a long time before he came forward and said, "Father, Beichen is dead. Where is the Tianxie Jing?"

Wang Zixing hummed: "If I am Beichen Luo, I will never bring the Tian Xing Jing to my body. I heard that Bei Chen Luo committed suicide, and I was unable to recover the Tian Xing Jing from Wuyou Bacheng." He paused. , Shen Yin said, "Tian Xie Jing must still be hiding in one place, but Beichen died and no one knows the place of the Tibetan scriptures, unfortunately!"

Wang Yang said: "It may not be a good thing to get the Heavenly Evil Classic. Father and Hou do n’t have to worry about it any more. In a few days, it ’s time to recruit soldiers. In recent days, several nearby princes were not very honest. Be prepared early. "

Wang Zixing nodded his head, showing the spirit of killing: "If there is no co-owner in this world, the battle is unavoidable. This time, we must select more warriors with more than four blood training levels ~ www.readwn.com ~ Law, be prepared. Yanger, you have more snacks. "

Ye Wangyang bowed: "Yes!" But thought, "This time, you can take the opportunity to put Li Xing into the charge camp and let him die under the chaos."

He said that Li Xing had been staying at home for three days and practiced blood every day. Although he could not break through, his blood was getting more and more vigorous. The ten types of Tianlei were also more and more powerful by him.

On the fourth day, Li Xing quietly left Sanyi Garden. Today, no one in the Sanyi Garden dares to follow him, even Li Ying. Li Xing can kill Ma Bo Xiong, and naturally he can also kill Li Ying.

Li Xing came out this time to get the Tianxie Jing. Before returning to the Sanyi Garden, he had already ordered the messengers of the news and ordered them to look for the Tianxue Jing. Tian Xing Jing was hidden in a secret place by Bei Chen, only Li Xing knew.

However, Li Xing was not convenient to get it in person, so he let his subordinates do it.

Soon, he came to a house. As soon as the person arrived, the messenger greeted him and invited Li Xing into the room. Li Hu, Xiaoxiu, Zhang Jie, and Cheng Bin are all there. It's a shame when everyone meets.

Li Xing asked the key to this trip: "Have you found something?"

The messenger of the news nodded: "Return to Master, found!" He handed a jade box to Li Xing.

The jade box is very light and sealed with jade mud. Li Xing took out the stern dagger in front of the crowd, drew a line at the seal, opened the box, and opened his hands. Suddenly, a green light burst out, and a blue bead was placed in the jade box.

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