Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 95: Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 95 Heavenly Evil Emperor. Heavenly Evil Pearl

"This is the Tian Xing Jing?" Li Xing picked up the bead and found that it had the size of an eyeball, and there was no engraving on it.

The messenger of the message explained: "Young Master, the contents of the Tianxue Jing should be hidden."

Li Xing sighed, he suddenly understood why no one has ever solved the secret of Tian Xing Jing. I don't know what this bead was made of, I'm afraid it needs a very high level of practice to crack it and understand its content.

I studied it for a while, and felt that it was impossible to find anything. Li Xing put it into a purse, put it together with Jiuyangzhu, and hung it on his chest.

After collecting the beads, Li Xing asked about Li Hu and Xiao Xiu's blood training. They did not leave the same day and stayed.

In the evening, Xiaoxiu made a table for Li Xing. Xiaoxiu is now fully successful in training. Compared to Li Xing, this practice is not fast, but Xiaoxiu is very satisfied. When she wanted to come, as long as she could practice blood, she was already very lucky.

虎 Li Hu sat with some people and talked about what happened in recent days. Li Xing didn't know that in the purse, some wonderful changes that had a major impact on him were happening.

That cyan seed came into contact with Jiuyangzhu at the beginning, and Jiuyangzhu did not react. But as time went by, a ray of white phosgene escaped from the Nine Sun Beads, enclosing the cyan beads. The cyan beads immediately released the cyan brilliance and resisted the white phosgene.

The time passed by one minute and one second. When Li Xing finished his wine and went back to his room to practice, Qing Guang finally fell away and was scattered by Bai Guang. The phosgene from Jiuyang Bead rushed into the cyan beads.

Suddenly, the cyan beads trembled and suddenly disappeared. At the same time, Jiuyangzhu emitted hundreds of millions of milliseconds of light and began to slightly warm. This change immediately shocked Li Xing. He took out his purse and took out Jiuyangzhu.

Jiuyangyangzhu brightened the light and illuminated the whole room.

Li Xing's surprise had not yet disappeared. Jiuyang Zhu suddenly turned into a white light, which suddenly penetrated into the palm, turned into a warm current, went up the arm, flowed through the meridians, and finally rose to the position of Li Xing's eyebrow. Come down.

Li Xing was startled, reached out and stroked his forehead, and murmured, "What's going on? How did Jiuyangzhu get in his head?"

"Hmm! It's Jiuyangzhu, your kid's luck is really good! Even the emperor wants to envy you!" A voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

Li Xing was startled and yelled, "Who!"

"How many years? Nine hundred years? One thousand years? Someone finally opened the heavenly bead and let the emperor see the sun again!" The voice said to himself.

Li Xing calmed down and Shen Sheng asked: "Who the **** are you?"

The messenger rushed into the room and swept around, looking strange: "Young Master, what happened?"

Li Xing didn't figure out the situation and said lightly, "It's all right, you go out."

The news drew back, and the voice said, "Yes, you have the courage. You ask who I am, I am the God of Evil!"

Li Xing opened his eyes wide and said, "Are you the **** of evil?"

不错 "Yes, you have opened the Heavenly Evil Pearl. Don't you know the identity of the Great Emperor?"

Li Xing thought for a while, and felt that something must have happened between Jiuyangzhu and Tianxiezhu. He thought about it and asked, "What is Tianxiezhu?"

The Emperor Wu Tianxie snorted: "It seems that the people of today have forgotten the prestige of the Emperor, and you don't even know Tian Xiezhu."

Li Xingjing listened to his explanation, and soon the Emperor of Heavenly Evil continued: "The Emperor's Orb was the emperor's failure to break the sky and his body was destroyed. He had to condense the remaining power into the Evil Orb. The Emperor's God himself sealed himself in the sky. The evil beast has not been awakened until today. "

Li Xing still has many doubts in his heart, can't help but ask: "Since it is a celestial sphere, why do others call it tian jing jing?"

"Tianxiezhu fell into the hands of one person at first, but that person did not know it, but knew that this bead was left by me, so he made his own wisdom, thinking that the bead must keep what I have learned throughout my life. Everyone regards this as the Heavenly Evil Classic, "explained Tian Xie.

"Is it the Jiuyang Pearl that opened the sky evil pearl?" Li Xing continued to ask.

Emperor Tianxie hummed, "Of course it is the Jiuyang Pearl! You can get this pearl, but you have great luck. This Jiuyang Pearl is not a trivial matter. If I had obtained it, I would be able to break through the last level and leave this world. . "

Li Xing turned his eyes and asked, "Heavenly evil emperor, where is the evil evil now? How did Jiuyang Zhu run into my head?"

Emperor Tianxie said: "The Celestial Orb has been swallowed by Jiuyang Bead. Hum, this emperor is now imprisoned in Jiuyang Bead. The skills sealed in the Celestial Bead are absorbed by Jiuyang Bead. This power , Also opened Jiuyangzhu, so it will enter your head. "

"Why?" Li Xing still didn't understand.

"It's very simple, because your body contains the breath of Jiuyangzhu, and it must have benefited a lot from Jiuyangzhu. After the Jiuyangzhu is opened ~ www.readwn.com ~, it will gradually reveal the nine great heavens. . The nine great realms are Baiyang Realm, Chiyang Realm, Qingyang Realm, etc. The Great Emperor is now locked in the first Baiyang Realm. "

"Jiu Da Jing Tian, ​​it is easiest to enter Meixin Mu Wan Palace. Your body must have been washed by Jiu Yang Zhu, and it will naturally enter the Mu Wan Palace in your head." Tian Xie Emperor seemed a little impatient, suddenly said "Boy, you'd better practice faster. Only when you reach the level of practicing qi can you sense the Nine Suns."

"Induction of the Jiuyang Realm, can you release the emperor?" Li Xing thought and asked.

"How can Jiuyangzhu be so easy to control? At best, you just sense Jiuyang and get some benefits from it." Tianxie Emperor said without jealousy, "However, as you get more and more benefits Many, one day, I can control Jiuyangzhu. "

Zhu Jiuyangzhu entered his head, and there was an Emperor of Heavenly Evil in it. Such a weird thing should scare anyone. However, as a traverser, Li Xing's ability to accept strange things far exceeded ordinary people, and he soon calmed down.

"Jiuyang Pearl was actually opened. Will it be more helpful to me in the future?" Heart beat, Li Xingdao, "Evil Emperor, you are now in Jiuyangzhu, and Jiuyangzhu is in me. We are neighbors at first If you have any questions in the future, please ask the Emperor to help me a lot. "

Li Xing knew, however, that the Emperor Tianxie was an amazing powerhouse, and telling him something casually might produce great value. Therefore, he now wants to establish a good relationship with this evil great emperor.

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