Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 96: Spinning Dragon

Emperor Yuntianxie: "The Great Emperor is now suppressed by Jiuyangzhu. If you want to come out, you must get your help. Only if you are strong and control the Jiuyangzhu can you release the great emperor."

Li Xing's heart moved and secretly said: "In order to be free early, the Emperor Tianxie will definitely help me to cultivate, this matter is very beneficial to me!"

I did n’t want to, the Emperor Tianxie snorted suddenly: "Yes, this Emperor will help you cultivate!"

Li Xing was startled: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Just read the mind, you don't have to make a fuss. I will not be able to read your thoughts until you are strong enough in the future." Tian Xie the Emperor said lightly.

The thoughts in his heart twitched, and Li Xing calmed himself down as much as possible, and began to ask the Heavenly Great Emperor for questions.

In the long history of Tian Yuanzhou, the Emperor Xie Tianxie, among the many powerful men who appeared, can be ranked among the top five characters in terms of fame. When Emperor Tianxie was young, he showed his extraordinary cultivation qualifications.

Practice blood, qi, and god. Things that seem extremely difficult to others can be easily accomplished. After entering the level of law and heaven, Emperor Tianxie was smooth sailing, and was not frustrated until he broke through the last level.

Emperor Wu Tianxie talked with Li Xing about the past and sighed: "At that time, I thought I was superb and easily broke through the last level. Too much time was devoted to power strategy and neglecting the mental sharpening, which ultimately led to failure."

"At that time, I was swaying Tianyuan and was regarded as the Great Emperor of Heaven. In the building of the Heavenly Evil Palace, the treasures of the world are gathered, thousands of beauties are gathered, and countless martial arts secrets are available. Off! "

"Unfortunately, all these things turned into dream bubbles." The Emperor Tianxie was quite moved.

Unconsciously, one night passed, Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie got to know each other.

At dawn, Li Xing left the room and Xiaoxiu prepared a delicious breakfast early.

After breakfast, Li Xing left the crowd and returned to Sanyi Garden.

Li Xingcai stepped into the Sanyi Garden, Li Ying suddenly rushed out, stopped him, his face was cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, Hou Fu issued a military recruitment order, you are among them, go to the city's main government to report! "

The news was so sudden that Li Xing was dumbfounded and frowned and asked, "Recruitment order?"

"If you have any questions, the city owner will explain, and Hugh will ask me." Li Ying coldly.

Li Xingxin said: "This matter must be accounted to me!" But listening to the Emperor Tianxie laughed, "Are you going to the army? Good! Good!"

Li Xing: "Why is the emperor so happy?"

"In the army, this great emperor can teach you the way of killing and cutting, greatly improving your strength!" Tianxie the proudly said.

After a few thoughts, Li Xing understood that if he did not agree, he would not be able to stay in Wang Zixing's territory in the future. And if he agrees, he will certainly face many dangers.

"There is the help of the Emperor of Heaven, and the peculiar utility of Jiuyangzhu. Even if you are in the army, you are not afraid!" Secretly resolved, Li Xingdan said, "Well, I will go."

He seems to be afraid that Li Xing will escape, Li Ying has always been behind him. Li Xing first went to Zizhuwan to pick up something, changed a tight suit, and headed directly to the main city hall.

A middle-aged man next to Murong Jiaojiao stood outside the gate of Zhu Cheng's Zhu Ban, and it seemed that he was waiting for someone. As soon as Li Xing arrived, he stepped forward and whispered: "The lord of the county asked me to tell you that the army is dangerous. If you have a chance, run away immediately!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man quietly retreated.

Li Xing's heart moved, he stopped, his face hesitated. Emperor Tianxie snorted coldly: "Li Xing, how can you be frightened by someone else? The man walks around, settles all obstacles, and has no fear!"

The words of Emperor Tianxie made Li Xing smile "Hey, it's not that I'm afraid, I'm just thinking about what that person said. The person who recruited me into the army is probably Wang Yang. Wang Yang is a party Hou Shizi, he has great power. I don't know how he will harm me. "

The Emperor Wu Tianxie smiled deeply: "Li Xing, if you want to achieve something in your life, you are destined to continue to experience horrendous ordeals and foot millions of bones! With this emperor in hand, you don't have to be afraid of danger, just go all the way!"

兴 Li Xing said in his heart, "The words of the emperor scared Li Xing, why should he experience a dangerous ordeal?"

"I will tell you in the future, and now you deal with the things before you." After speaking, the Emperor of Heaven closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

He walked all the way into the city's main mansion and set up a square table in the compound. There was an officer sitting at the table, who was flying like a pen, and entered the names of people who kept entering the compound on the paper. Behind the square table is a main hall with the door wide open, in which the lord Zhu Ban was seated.

Behind Zhu Jun, a woman sat. Li Xing knew her, Zhu Qingying, the daughter of Zhu Ban.

The appearance of Li Xing attracted Zhu Qingying's attention and whispered behind him: "Father, isn't that Li Xing? Master Li, who has a good name recently."

I took the place of the Qi Yun faction, killed money three, eliminated Xu Yingfeng, slaughtered Ma Boxiong, challenged Wang Yang, etc. The deeds of Li Xing have already spread in Qingyun City, and everyone knows his fierce name. In particular, Li Xing was not afraid of danger, and stood up to face Wang Yang for Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, which was admired by many women in Qingyun City.

Zhu Qingying is the daughter of the city owner, and the news is more informed. She knows more about Li Xing than ordinary people.

Hear ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhu Ban sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Youth's spirit, not worth mentioning. Qingying, this kind of **** young man's work is difficult to last, just easy to break. You see, today You will fall into the land of death. "

Zhu Qingying sighed, "Heroes are suffering."

"Only the strong are heroes, and he can only be considered stupid." Zhu Ban commented on Li Xing.

Zhu Qingying turned her eyes and said, "Father, daughter, can you please Li Xing to come and tell me? I want to know what makes this person unique, which actually makes Chen Xue and Chen Shuang tempted."

Zhu Zhu said coldly, "You are already Wang Yang's servant, and you are going to pass through the door in a few days. How can you approach people at will?"

Zhu Qingying sighed quietly: "His father is so cruel, he draws six beautiful pictures, even counting his daughter."

Zhu Zhujun smiled unexpectedly: "Knowing daughter is like a father. My daughter is an ambitious person. Wouldn't it be your wish to marry into Hou Fu?"

Zhu Qingying pouted and smiled: "The daughter will not see him."

The Li people lined up in a long line, all the way to the square table, where Li Xing was mixed. He found that all the people who came to report were three or more trained in blood, and many of them were masters of seven or eight.

However, like Li Xing, there are not many people who have reached the top ten for training. There are only two of them in the scene.

Finally, Li Xing's turn, he walked to the square table. The recorded officer did not look up, and asked indifferently: "Name, age, background, training level, one by one!"

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