Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1059: Consecutive breakthroughs in 5 calamities

The controller who was killed by Li Xing had four forces of order. These four forces were stripped one by one and absorbed in turn. This is equivalent to the effect of refining the four orderers, which will greatly enhance his strength. If there is no accident, he will eventually rush to the realm of the Five Great Calamities.

Day after day, year after year, Li Xing is practicing daily with the help of order. One hundred years later, he finally succeeded in absorbing all the power of order in the person in charge and deducing the mystery in a chaotic array, thereby steadily entering the realm of Emperor Tianzun.

Of course, this time he still has to experience a great disaster. Compared with the first horrible disaster in the Great Heaven, this time it was more than ten times stronger. The sky was filled with clouds and the infinite sea of ​​thunder, and Li Xing's bones were broken.

The Datian respect disaster was too overbearing, forcing Li Xing to forcibly conquer Da Luo Zhen's body during the course of the robbery. He actually broke through again and pushed Da Luo Zhen's body to the 33rd level.

Thirty-three major Luo Zhenshen is a qualitative leap compared to the thirty-two heavy Luo Zhenshen, which immediately increased Li Xing's defense several times.

After being bombarded and killed by the disaster for several years, Li Xingcai officially stepped into the realm of Ertian Dazun. Subsequently, he spent a century of solid practice and enhanced his strength. During this period, a large number of mixed Yuan real people were not restrained by the realm of Li Xing, and their power was liberated, and they broke through one by one.

The same process was repeated three times. It took more than 1,200 years before and after. He absorbed all the four powers of his master and pushed the realm to five calamities!

For 1,200 years, Li Xing was huge and his strength soared. His Da Luozhen body rushed from thirty-two to thirty-six. Thirty-six-fold Da Luo Zhenshen was a pass that made his big world of Yuanyuan arrogant to a terrifying degree.

And Da Luo Zhenshen is just an external change, and Li Xing's internal changes are even greater. The ancient trees of civilization continued to evolve, and successively spawned ancient trees of information, purification of ancient trees, and transmission of ancient trees. The ancient information tree has a magical information transmission function. It has a huge number of functions. The rest is to help the mixed world and the souls of the one hundred thousand gods to pass messages to each other.

The emergence of the ancient information tree has completely unified the entire plane and exchanged quickly. The development of information transmission is an embodiment of civilization. This step is an aspect of civilization evolution.

Purification of ancient trees, a more magical power, its quantity is not as good as that of information, but its effect is not weak at all. This ancient tree can purify the energy that should not exist in the plane, and transform it into pure energy that is conducive to the development of the plane.

For example, in the mixed world, a great celestial deity introduced heaven and earth evil spirit in order to cultivate a certain secret method. The evil spirit is not good for the existence of living beings. At this time, purifying the ancient trees will swallow up the fighting spirit and transform it into pure heaven and earth aura for the growth of all things.

The third type is to teleport ancient trees. As the name suggests, this ancient tree has a role similar to a teleportation array. Of course, the transmission of ancient trees is still limited for the time being, and can only be built in the mixed world and the one hundred thousand gods kingdom.

The transmission of ancient trees represents transportation, which is also an aspect of civilization. Every powerful and high-end civilization must have extremely developed means of transportation.

The emergence of three ancient trees immediately allowed the mixed world to reach a very high level of civilization, which greatly facilitated the lives and cultivation of real people in mixed Yuan.

In addition to the evolution of ancient civilizations, the most changed people are real people. The ten trillion yuan mixed real person, originally the highest realm belonged to the first realm, but as Li Xing's strength improved, a large number of monks continued to break through.

Li Xing, who has five complete civilization systems, has continuously evolved the true meaning of civilization in the mixed Yuan realm, so that the people of mixed Yuan have the opportunity to make breakthroughs.

At this time, the number of first days of the Great Celestial Master basically remained unchanged, still maintained at about one million. The number of Tianzun in the first calamity is 100,000, and the number of the Tianzun in the second calamity is more than 20,000.

In addition, the number of the three robbers is equal to that of the four robbers, both are around three thousand. The improvement of the real strength of the mixed Yuan has undoubtedly enhanced Li Xing's strength and laid a solid foundation for the establishment of a world portal in the future.

At this moment, Li Xing quietly stood up in the void, allowing the moon and the moon to tremble between the breaths, the clouds changing, and the realms floating up and down. In his eyes, there were two chaotic clouds of air constantly calculating.

Suddenly, the three forms of the future were merged into one, and the earth-shaking future form evolved.

He rose up from the crystal bubble, his shape moved, the crystal bubble shattered, and the terror of the power surged out, shaking the world.

"My fighting strength at this time, my physical strength and the thirty-seven days of the ancient Great Celestial Master." Li Xing secretly estimated his strength. He was promoted four times in a row and stepped into the Five Heavenly Deities, and his strength increased by more than 10,000 times. This is a horrific upgrade, and the quantitative change has reached qualitative change.

The general Datianzun promotes a realm, the strength is about doubled, and Li Xing is ten times! Four consecutive exponential growths suddenly made him stronger and stepped into the ranks of ancient masters.

You know, his original strength was about 20

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16 million base combat power. The so-called basic combat power refers to the average combat power of all the great celestial beings between heaven and earth.

In general, the thirty-six robbers of the ancient Great Celestial Master had 690 billion basic combat capabilities. Li Xing's combat strength is far beyond this level, and it is close to the thirty-seven calamities, because he has more than 160 billion basic combat power.

The basic combat power is a measure of the strength of Datianzun. It is different from vitality. The function of vitality is to measure the potential of a great deity. The greater the vitality, the greater the potential.

On top of the basic combat power, there are more advanced measures, that is, intermediate combat power and advanced combat power. Intermediate combat power of a unit represents the average combat power of all annihilation-level Great Celestial Masters. This is a powerful measure, and only Great Celestial Masters above the perishable class are eligible to use it.

By the same token, the advanced combat power represents the average combat power of the Infinite Magnificent Great Celestial Master, and the Celestial Master of the Celestial Magnificent Superior or above can be used to measure the strength.

The reason for this division of power is that the practice of the Great Celestial Master is divided into three stages. The first stage includes three levels: basic, legend, and ancient; the second stage includes three levels of silence, nirvana, and infinite. The stages include three levels: immeasurable, immortal, and broken.

The three stages represent three forces. The first stage of power is called the power of the world, which is the fundamental power that Li Xing has now, also called the power of the plane.

However, it was said that Li Xing successfully deduced the next blow, and immediately set about combining the four elephant kills represented by the twelve innate kills into one, forming the ultimate kill.

At this time, Li Xing's strength was arrogant enough, and all the power of the twelve innate killing arrays was released at once, and they were condensed into the ultimate killing array, and the lethality was improved by another grade.

Li Xing secretly estimated that the hybrid yuan gun that combines the ultimate killing array definitely has the killing power of the intermediate-level ancient Great Celestial Master, which is about forty-two times. This combat power, but sixty or seventy times the strength of Li Xing itself, can be described as terror.

If it cooperates with the next strike, Li Xing's full-strength strike will surpass the forty-two calamity of the ancient Great Celestial Master, and it will directly approach the forty-three calamity of the Great Celestial Master. !!

The mixed yuan gun vibrated for a moment, Li Xing screamed, and drew his gun out of the hourglass. When he came out, the outside time had passed eight days, and there was only one day left to report to the camp.

He didn't stop in the slightest, and immediately flew quickly, hurried to heaven and rushed to the imperial camp.

The inside of the embargo gate is a small group with an extremely large space inside. Among them, the imperial camp is located deeper in the gates of the embargoed army, with strong prohibitions on the periphery.

In a cloud of mist and sea, a mountain peak stands. This mountain is not very tall, but it is extremely upright. There is an indescribable momentum. It seems that there is no second mountain in the world that is more powerful than it.

Above the mountain, a palace was built, with the word "Emperor's Camp" written outside the hall.

An hour in the sky, there is a small pavilion with a round stone table and three stone chairs. There were three young men, a black robe, a blue robe, and a purple robe. The three young men are handsome, handsome, and imposing.

The three men sat around the stone table, chatting while drinking tea, looking different.

There is a strong murderous cohesion on the face of the man in the black robe. "I heard that there will be a newcomer joining today."

"What's the big deal for a newcomer to join, is it worth your overwhelming arrow?" The blue robe man was curious, and his appearance was gentle and gentle, as if he were a family boy.

The man in the black robe called the domineering arrow, his mouth widened, and an expression of interest appeared, saying: "You don't know about Cangmang. It is said that the man has only one realm of great deities."

"What? Datianzun also dare to enter our imperial camp? It looks like another one is looking for death." The blue robe man named Cangman stunned, and then said, "But there is only one more to send to death."

"Nice ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are countless newcomers who died in the camp, what is this?" The Zipao talked, and he said the ancient paintings, and the other arrows and inch mangs were all the team captains of the camp. , All have the practice of ancient great deities.

Ba Jian shook his head: "It wouldn't be a surprise if it only killed Da Tianzun. Strangely, this person is the one recommended by the ninth Tianzi."

Both Cangmang and ancient paintings are one of them. The ninth emperor's wisdom is unparalleled, and he will never send a person to the emperor's camp for death. Is there really any means by which this little man can't be accomplished?

"Interesting, it seems this person is not simple." Cangman smiled, "I decided to recruit this person."

Ba Jian laughed: "Unfortunately you have no chance, this place has been taken by the undead."

The ancient painting was stunned, then shook his head and sighed: "It seems that even the ninth Heavenly Son, this new kid is dead. The undead is not a human at all, but a demon. A brutal one. "

"So I want to know now how the newcomer will be tortured to death." Bajian said, "Let's go and see the excitement tomorrow."

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