Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1060: Imperial test

Chapter 1060: Emperor Camp Test

Chapter 1060 Imperial Test

When the time came, Li Xing came to the gate of the Forbidden Army and entered the imperial palace hall as scheduled. The moment he entered the hall, Li Xing was transferred into a huge space-time, an old man, a high-crowned ancient suit, sitting a few days before the jade, staring at Li Xing who came to report.

"Subordinate Li Xing, come to report to the imperial camp." Said to hand over the imperial camp sign.

The old man was a miscellaneous elder in the imperial camp. It seemed that he had an epic middle-level practice. He gave Li Xing a glance, looked at the sign, and said, "The ninth emperor has sent someone to say hello. Enter the ranks of the undead and accept his discipline. "

At this time, Li Xing's figure was pulled into another space. When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he found that he was in a circular space, similar to a large theater. In the center is a circular flat ground, surrounded by several different styles of seats.

There are many people on all sides, Li Xing counted, there were actually thirty or fifty. However, these people sat in groups of three or five. One group has the most people, with thirteen people.

Among the thirteen people, one of them was the most terrible. Li Xing felt that the man should have about forty calamities. Of the remaining twelve, three also entered the ancient ranks, and the rest were high-level epic gods.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, all eyes were cast down.

A young man in a gray robe laughed: "I bet."

The gray robe youth was equally astonishing, holding a section of dead branches, and although he was smiling, his expression gave a deadly feeling. Behind him, five followers stood.

"Without a trick, like this kind of garbage, you can scare him with momentum alone." Another young man in a red robe said, he was very rude, with rough hands and muscles, and his arms were knotted. Bearded face.

The other three people also expressed their opinions. Some people say that Li Xing can take one move, and some people say that they can take two moves, which are different.

At this time, a few of the arrows sitting together also said, "I said this man would win."

The Cangman and the ancient paintings next to each other were stunned, and the ancient paintings sneered: "You are too confident, he can survive at most."

Cangman agreed, saying, "Yes, I said he could survive, that's all."

The rest of the people who foresee the results have ridiculed their eyes, among them the red-sleeved young man cried out: "This garbage can be pinched to death with one hand. You really value him like this, isn't your head broken?"

Ba Jian gave a scornful glance at the young man in the red robe, and said, "When the results come out, you will know how stupid you are!"

When Pan Wu froze, the man in the gray robe raised an eyebrow and laughed: "It seems that Brother Ba Jian is very confident. If you are sure, how about we bet on one?"

"Of course you can." A flash of light flashed in the eyes of Ba Jian, "No life, I bet on the no life knife in your hand."

Wusheng's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he said, "Yeah, if you lose, you will surrender the Sky Bow."

The expressions of the people around him were shocked, and a white robe man shook his head and sighed, "I think you are crazy. The raw knife and the split-day bow are both your instincts, so you bet it!"

"Righteousness, you are always a good person like this, which is very disgusting." Another middle-aged man in a yellow robe opened in a dark shade. This man showed a murderous face and stared coldly at the righteousness of the white robe.

"Evil intentions, you are nothing more than trying to hurt others and lose your heart." Shaking his head in righteousness seemed to be very sorry.

Everyone, you are talking and betting. For all this, Li Xing just looked on with cold eyes, as if all this had nothing to do with him. According to the information obtained from the leader of Dai Ying, he knew that these people should be the team leaders of the imperial camp.

There are 180 people in the imperial camp, divided into nine groups. Bare arrows, ancient paintings, inch-shaped, undead, panwu, inanimate, righteousness, evil intentions. In addition to these eight people, there is a green robe man who has not spoken, and his eyes have not even opened. This person's name Call Wanmu.

These nine people are the captains of the imperial camp. They are gathered here to participate in the gamble. The Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Palace, the Imperial Camp belongs to the first battalion, and it is also the most powerful and difficult to enter.

Li Xing knew everything, and he knew that every newcomer who entered the imperial camp must be tested by the newcomers. Those who could not pass the test were either dead or disabled, in short, lost their qualifications to become members of the imperial camp.

The so-called test is undertaken by the team that receives the newcomer, and the seniors in the team will test the newcomer's strength. Of course, the methods of experimentation are different, some try strength, some try mystery, some try martial arts, and finally consider comprehensively to see if the newcomer is eligible to enter the imperial camp.

Of course, even if you are qualified to enter, you will still be enslaved for a long time, because this place of Emperor Camp has no strength and no dignity. Even the process of testing is a process of trampling on dignity.

In the face of everyone's joking eyes and watching the playful expression, Li Xing was unmoved, but just stood there silently, waiting for the start of the "test".

Finally, the voices of the crowds calmed down, and a dead camp member stood up behind the undead. Li Xing's self-cultivation can be seen through at a glance. At the epic level, he has gone through 26 years.

To see at what level a Datianzun's cultivation is, first of all, he must have overbearing strength. Only in this way can he be accurate, but there are actually skills. Generally speaking, every time there is a calamity in heaven and earth, there will be a kind of civilization in Datianzun.

There is an ancient civilization tree on Li Xing's body, and he is extremely sensitive to the atmosphere of civilization, so he can easily see what level of Da Tianzun is in front of him.

The man went straight to Li Xing. He was very tall and his eyes were very brutal and sharp. At this moment, the man looked at Li Xing with an expression that looked at the dead.

"Trash." The man said, his chin raised slightly. "Kneel down and let me try your strength."

"Why kneel?" Li Xing asked blandly, without anger, as if he didn't know the other party was going to insult him.

The man laughed, a cruel expression pulled out of the corner of his mouth, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Xing's left arm. His original purpose was to grab Li Xing's arm into a flesh, and then look at his painful appearance.

Unfortunately, when he met Li Xing's shoulder, he felt like he had caught the hardest thing in the world. Moreover, a force of violent rebound broke out on Li Xing's arm, and he suddenly bounced his hand.

His arm was numb all of a sudden, and his body was sore for a while. The man looked at Li Xing with a shocked look.

Li Xing still said faintly: "Are you better than strength?"

In front of everyone, he couldn't hold back a small man from Wujie. This man felt extremely shameless, but he felt the strength of the newcomer in front of him, so he immediately became vigilant.

"Yes, in this game, you have to test your strength. Your strength can not be kicked out of the level of twenty-four calamities, and you will be kicked out." The other side took a breath and said in a deep voice, without saying anything insulting.

Li Xing nodded: "In that case, I understand." He suddenly reached out his hand and held the other's shoulder all at once.

When the man's face changed and he yelled, he would fight back, and even several kinds of secret techniques were brewing in his mind. But Li Xing was too fast, and after the big hand suppression, his big world was blocked at once, all the powers were not working.


"Kneel down," Li Xing said.


With a crisp sound, the bones near the man's knees shattered, and then he knelt down to the ground with an angry expression and an incredible expression on his face.

"You are the twenty-sixth calamity god, I can hold you, presumably this level can be passed." Li Xing said calmly, and then waved his hand, fluttering like a fly, and suddenly flew away the other party.

The scene was silent, everyone's eyes widened, and the undead Da Tianzun even stared at Li Xing. Even Tian Muzun, who closed his eyes, opened his eyes fiercely, and his face was shocked.

"Five calamities, actually defeated twenty-six calamities? Is it my dazzle?" Panwu screamed loudly.

Wusheng Datianzun's murderous spirit flickered fiercely, and he took a deep look at the arrow.

Ba Jian laughed, and said, "No life, get ready without a knife, and soon it will belong to me."

"You're too early." Wusheng Datianzun said in a murky manner.

Behind the undead, another person finally stood up. This person had 36 years of calamity. He was an ancient celestial deity, and he had a strong breath, apparently carrying an ancient artifact.

Stepping out, he came to the opposite of Li Xing and said somberly: "The one who broke your leg just now is my brother."

Li Xing didn't seem to care about this, but just asked, "What is the test?"

"Measure your eyesight," the other said.

The five senses and six senses of Datianzun can be turned into strength, and even the eyes can emit the so-called eyesight. The function of eyesight is to distinguish everything and receive information, but there are many deep mysteries hidden in it, and it can also be used as a combat weapon.

Compared with eyesight, there is another meaning. This is also a dangerous battle. Once you lose ~ www.readwn.com ~, you may get injured or even die.

"Okay." Li Xing agreed casually. "You can start."

"Before you die, it is necessary to know my name. I'm Lingmu Tianzun." The other side sneered, and two strange lights suddenly shot in his eyes, condensed into a thin beam of light, and stabbed directly at Li Xing.

In Li Xing's eyes, two golden lights were also shot. In the eyes of both sides, billions of souls have evolved, infinite avenues have appeared, and one after another, the illusion or the real world has disappeared with each passing day, representing the standards of both parties.


Eyes were intertwined, electricity was generated in the void, thunder was overwhelmed, and thunder exploded, the whole space and time became unstable. Several big celestial princes rushed to suppress them, and everyone's look changed dramatically.

"My God! He doesn't seem to be in a disadvantage, can he compete with the ancient Great Celestial Master?" The righteous Great Celestial Master has already exclaimed, he has always been a calm man, and can't help it at this moment.


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