Chapter Nine 1061

Chapter 1061

The two eyes smashed into one, and the laser turned on. ▏fè▏ Suddenly, Li Xing's eyes lightly condensed, and there was a crackling sound at the junction of the eyes, and the spirit eyes snorted, and took three steps back.


Suddenly someone drank, and then a light curtain ran across the two of them, cutting off the eyes. Li Xing looked and saw that it was the undead Sage that shot. The cold expression on his face was gone, and a smile appeared.

"Yes, it seems that a majesty appears from His Majesty." He slowly walked down, and the Emperor's Eye retreated resentfully behind him, staring at Li Xing.

Li Xing looked directly at the Undead, and asked, "I wonder if the test is over?"

"You don't have to test, you are very strong, and you will return to my Majesty to do things in the future." Undead Da Tianzun carried his hands, smiled, and then said to a member of the imperial camp behind him, "You take him to the camp to arrange living. "

The members of that imperial camp nodded, saying "follow me."

Li Xing nodded to Da Tianzun, who was desperate, and said nothing, and went with the imperial camp member. The two traveled through time and space to the place where the camp of the imperial camp was stationed, which belonged to an independent time and space.

After Li Xing left, Da Tianzun “Haha” laughed and stared at Wusheng Datian, saying, “Why, do you want to break your promise? No. The nine captains are all there, no matter how thick you are, you ca n’t give up gambling. approximately."

Wusheng Datianzun's face must be as ugly and ugly as possible, with a yin voice: "I'm afraid you're not enjoying it."

After that, a man walked out of the void, with a magnificent posture, giving a feeling that was hard to reach. He said coldly: "Nothing, he is willing to gamble and lose, there must be the rules of the imperial camp.

A look of inanimateness, respectfully said: "Yes, commander!"

The comer nodded slightly, and said, "This newcomer is pretty good. Undead, you have to train well and add another master to my camp."

"Yes, my subordinates understand." Undead Da Tianzun quickly said, very respectful.

After all, the long form of the imperial battalion disappeared, I do not know where to go. There were a lot of complaints at the scene, and many people were very disgusted with Li Xing, because without Li Xing, they would not lose so much.

"Come on! The gambler has set the camp, and he is willing to lose. Who dares to rely on his account?" A member participating in the gamble reluctantly said.

"Who would have thought that he, a small man of five calamities, could even overtake ancient-level characters, really evil door!" Someone shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The worst thing is that there is no birth, and he suddenly loses the birthless knife, but that is his instinctive device. Half of his strength is on the birthless knife. Losing it is a heavy loss."

The Wusheng Datianzun gave up the Wusheng knife with a cold face. It was a killing sword. One sword in hand can double the combat power of Wusheng Dazun. But at this time, he can only bear the pain of handing over the sword to the arrow.

Ba Jian Da Tian Zun took the Wusheng Dao, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. With this knife, he could exchange what he wanted with Wu Sheng Da Tianzun. The captains of these imperial camps, each holding a huge collection, are not his ultimate goal, but other treasures.

Wu Sheng Da Tian Zun went away, however, Ba Jian laughed, looking at the ancient painting Da Tian Zun and Cun Man Da Tian beside him, "How?"

The ancient painting and Cangman looked at each other with a bitter smile. The ancient painting said: "Who would have expected?" Then he secretly said, "However, I think that the newcomer who hates lifelessly hates this newcomer. Is he afraid of bad prospects?"

Ba Jian nodded and said, "Not only is the lifeless, the nine captains, most of them have been fighting because of him, many people are murderous. Moreover, the undead does not seem to like the newcomer's joining, which is strange. "

"Don't ..." Several people talked secretly, and the ancient paintings didn't continue.

Ba Jian slightly nodded: "Yes, it is related to the battle between the emperors. Of course, the seventh emperor shot."

Neither of them said anything, and seemed to be afraid to talk about the grudges between the emperor.

At this time, Li Xing had followed the man to the camp of the imperial camp, in a vast and vast world. This big world gives people a feeling of Nirvana rebirth, which makes Li Xing feel astonished. He knows that this big world belongs to a Nirvana of the Nirvana series.

There are ten realms in the Great Celestial Sect. The Great Celestial Being, the Legendary Great Celestial, the Epic Great Celestial, and the Ancient Great Celestial. , Broken Datianzun.

Each level is a qualitative leap, which is different from the sky. Nirvana-level Great Celestial Master can easily pinch a dead Great Celestial Master like an ant. Blowing breath can kill the ancient Great Celestial Masterpiece in pieces, and this is the gap in strength.

Entering the Nirvana Great World, Li Xing remembered Dai Yingchang's words that the camp of the imperial camp was established in the great world of the imperial camp. From this we can determine that the realm of the imperial battalion commander is in Nirvana.

Commander of the imperial battalion, the road number is too virtual. At this moment, he felt the law of order in the world too big, and he couldn't help thinking of the world's too virtual gate of the dragon elephant world. The Taixumen's Taixu Mind Method is obviously similar to the Taixu Dazun Order Law.

"Can it be said that the dragon elephant world's too virtual gate has an intersection with this high first battalion commander? How is this possible?" Li Xing was shocked by his own thoughts, and couldn't figure out.

"This is where the undead team is." Suddenly, the lead man said, pointing at a magnificent building.

At a glance, Li Xing found that the construction of the place was quite complicated. There were many teleportation arrays, and space and time that were not connected to each other. It was comparable to an ancient plane.

Entering a palace, he was taken into a teleportation array and immediately appeared in a courtyard. The courtyard had a beautiful scenery, and the two Tao boys greeted them and met Li Xing respectfully.

"See the master." The two boys are clear-eyed, young, but they both have the practice of robbing the Great Celestial Master.

"You will live here in the future and you can practice on your own. When there is something, the captain will let people talk. For other things, the boy here will explain to you. Well, I leave nothing first." The person said, His body disappeared.

Li Xing went to the living room of the main courtyard by himself, and the boy presented fruit and refreshments, and then said, "Master, please let the younger introduce the situation here."

Slightly nodding, Li Xing said, "You say."

"Our courtyard is made by the ambassador leader from an ancient world. It is very solid and can be used as a place for the master to cultivate. Similar courtyards have hundreds of thousands in the entire Taixu world." Tongzi said.

"Wait a minute." Li Xing stopped immediately and asked, "So, there are hundreds of thousands of members of the imperial camp in the too virtual world?"

The boy nodded: "The owner has joined the Imperial Camp and is entitled to know this fact. Every once in a while, the Imperial Camp removes a group of old people and replaces them with new ones. Those who retire, all stay in the Taixu World to cultivate They must be counted as the true strength of the imperial camp. "

"You know, what level did the cultivation of those people generally take?" Li Xing had expected this, but after hearing it, he was still shocked. The strength of this imperial camp was really unfathomable.

"The members of the Old Emperor's Camp, the ancient level of cultivation is of medium strength, and the masters have broken through the ancients to reach the level of extinction. Of course, there are also very few people who have broken through to Nirvana, but such masters have left the world of Taixu and transferred to Jiantian To do things. "

Li Xing nodded, and his heart was stunned. Tianting really could not describe its power. It was like a huge machine. Once it was running, it could kill everything.

Feeling emotional, he motioned the boy to continue.

"The imperial camp is divided into one to nine teams, and the captains are righteousness, inanimateness, domineering, undead, ancient paintings, Cangmang, Panwu, Wanmu, and evil will. The master works in the fourth team, under the honor of the undead. Four The previous nine members of the team are the least of the nine teams. "

"The main job of the imperial camp is to protect the security of the emperor. In fact, the emperor is unpredictable. He controls Wantian and does not need the protection of the imperial camp. Therefore, most of the things the imperial camp does are peripheral work. For example, Responsible for the safety and security of the emperor and the emperor, maintain the order of the imperial city, and act as the honor guard of the emperor. "

"So, there is very little chance to see the Emperor of Heaven." Li Xing interrupted.

"Yes, because it is Tianwei and Jiantian Division who are responsible for the security of Tiandi, and the embargo is responsible for peripheral affairs." Tongzi said, "unless someone can break through Nirvana and enter Jiantian Division to do things; or step into the infinite state and enter Tianwei work."

"So, at least the people in Tianwei also have the practice of Wuji? At least Tianjian has the practice of Nirvana?" Li Xing asked.

"This little I don't know." The boy immediately said, it didn't look like he was lying.

Next, the boy explained Li Xing's scope of work in detail. Although it is difficult for members of the imperial camp to see Tianyan, they have frequent contacts with the royal family and nobles, so working in the imperial camp is still a very good job and has a considerable status.

Li Xing stayed in the Taixu Great World in this way, and he practiced in a retreat for several days to consolidate his practice ~ ~ He can see that the Supreme Master of the Undead has no goodwill to him, otherwise he would not send him Ancient masters tested him with a bad intention.

Then think of himself as the ninth emperor escorted, and the seventh emperor hated the ninth emperor. He promised, and he knew what was going on immediately, so he was wary.

"Entering the imperial camp is only the first step. One day, if I can be the captain or even the first battalion commander, it will be relatively safe. Otherwise, it will be very easy for the Seventh Heavenly Son to reckon." He thought.

The more eye-catching he was, the more he wanted to get rid of him in the seventh emperor, because everyone knew that he was the ninth emperor. It is a worrying thing for this person with great potential to stay by his side. The seventh emperor will go all out to remove Li Xing.

Just as Li Xing practiced, the Undead Dazun appeared secretly at the Seventh Heavenly Mansion. The seventh day child's face was not very good-looking, and frowned, "How did you do that? Even a small character can't be removed!"

Datianzun hurriedly said, "The seventh man forgives his sin. That man has already achieved five calamities, and even the ancient masters of the villain can fight against it.


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