Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1062: Building a Great World Portal

Chapter 1062: Establishing the Great World Gateway

Chapter 1062 Establishing the Great World Portal

"What?" The seventh emperor suddenly stood up. There were not many things in the world that could shock him, but the news changed his face.

"You mean, he's already the Great Celestial Master of Five Calamities? Impossible, some days ago, he still robbed the Great Celestial Master. Even if he practices when he enters the hourglass of time and space, there is no such possibility." Is skeptical.

"On the seventh day, this is indeed the case. The other party is the Five Heavenly Supremes, but the problem is that he can compete with the ancient Great Heavenly Supremes! Even the ordinary Great Heavenly Supremes, even if it is a realm, is extremely difficult to surpass, let alone worse Thirty-one realm. "In the eyes of the undead Datianzun, there was a fear.

In front of the seventh emperor, a great celestial prince with danfeng eyes and long beard fluttering, holding a feather fan, his eyes flashed, and said, "Hugh said that in ancient times, even if you can challenge the legendary celestial celestial deity, you can still be regarded as a genius. People, the number of hundreds of thousands of embargoes in the entire court of heaven will not exceed one hundred people. If they can challenge the epic celestial deity, they will be in the ranks of evil spirits and can only be found in the heaven guard. "He sighed," As for the five calamities I have never heard of a character who challenged the ancient **** of heaven. Perhaps such an anti-sky existed in those lost civilizations. "

The seventh emperor was silent, his expression gradually dignified, and he said, "Zigong, what do you think?"

"There are two possibilities." The humanity named Zhigong, "This son has a super-order weapon guard, so that the strength can be improved out of thin air. If so, it is not terrible. But if the other party can only rely on their own power Challenge the ancient Great Celestial Master, then his subordinates believe that it should be taken for their own use or removed as soon as possible. "

The seventh emperor hummed, "Even if he can fight against the ancient great deity, it is not difficult to kill him, but it is a pity that if such a person can receive His Majesty, it will be a great helper in the future."

At this time, the undead God said: "Is it possible that the villain is not sure with the help of super-order instruments, but this person cannot stay anyway. The seventh man is assured that the heavenly court will send extremely dangerous tasks after a while. . Originally, this task could not be completed without the battalion commander's personal action. I will give this task to Li Xing, he cannot come back alive. "

"What task?" The seventh emperor asked curiously.

"Four wild battles continued. Some time ago, the Northern Wilderness Army reported that a strange power suddenly appeared on the front line, with a small number of people, but using soldiers like gods, they had defeated the heavenly soldiers several times and suffered heavy losses. He asked Tianting to send a master to **** the leader of that power. "Undead Datianzu sneered," conservatively estimates that the realm of the enemy leader is also dying. And the masters around him are like clouds, which is difficult to defeat. "

The seventh emperor nodded: "If you are a dying character, you can easily kill this person. However, this time, you must make preparations with two hands." Turn to Zhigong, "Zigong, this time I will bother you Now. "

Zhigong smiled slightly: "Seventh Lord, rest assured, I have figured out the origin of this son. I don't need my subordinates to take his own shot. Someone killed him."

"Very well, you have to arrange it quickly. This time, you must succeed. My nine brothers have been motivated since they got engaged to Jumbo # 3 ###, it's time to hit him."


The life of the imperial camp is very different from Li Xing's previous imagination. Originally, he thought that he would fight every day, but in fact, he had been practicing in the courtyard for nearly a month.

On this day, he opened his eyes from cultivation and decided to go out once and do something. However, before leaving, he had to ask the leader of the undead Datianzun, this is military regulations.

The place where the Undead Da Tianzun lived was even larger. After Li Xing arrived, he explained his intentions. The undead did not embarrass him, but agreed quickly, and allowed him a one-month vacation, and ordered to return in time.

Leaving the Void Great World and walking out of the gates of the forbidden army, Li Xingyu broke through the void, traveled the universe, and began to search for a place suitable for the establishment of the Great Celestial Plane.

The subject plane is vast and boundless, the space envelops the space, and it is endless. No one knows how big it is. Li Xing walked around and felt the difference in each area. For more than a month, he couldn't find the desired place.

The establishment of the Great World Gateway is important, so we must be cautious and not rash. On this day, Li Xing reached a strange star field, searching for memories, he knew that he had come to the chaotic star field.

This star field is very vast and consists of countless galaxies. Each galaxy varies in size, with as few as tens of thousands of stars and as many as hundreds of billions of stars.

Stars belong to nature, loved by the heavens and the earth, a small number of stars can conceive the spirit, transform ### body, cultivate like humans. Those cultivating star spirits can even rule galaxies and even entire star fields.

In this chaotic star field, countless stars have given birth to the spirit spirit, and some have been practicing for a long time. They have experienced many calamities and have their own power. In order to annex each other, the various forces often fought.

Looking down at the chaotic star field, Li Xing suddenly had an idea in his mind. What would happen if the Great World Portal was established here?

After deducing the chaotic world, he began to slowly observe the structure of the entire chaotic star field. Gradually, his eyes lit up: "Wonderful, really wonderful! If you can unify the chaotic star fields, arrange them To form a star to kill, can you just guard the portal? "

Suddenly, an idea appeared in his mind to conquer the entire chaotic star field, and use the star field as a buffer zone between the portal and the outside world to ensure the safety of the big world. Even if something goes wrong, you can carry it over, or you can delay it for a while.

As soon as his heart moved, Li Xing swept through the entire star field, and instantly he had a holistic understanding of the entire chaotic star field.

The chaotic star field really had a lot of masters, and then just shot, Li Xing discovered dozens of ancient series of terror. The breath of the epic series is even hundreds of thousands. Not to mention the legendary, there are tens of millions.

However, these forces are scattered and chaotic, fighting and conflicting with each other. This is why it is called Chaos Starfield, and even Tianting is too lazy to ask questions and does not want to clean up this mess.

"If you want to conquer the chaotic star domain, it is better to set up a portal to the world first and leave things to the children." Li Xing thought of another idea and made a decision after analyzing and deducing it.

At the core of the chaotic star field, where billions of stars meet, Li Xing appeared from the scene. He shot in all directions, and the violent power fluctuations made the nearby monks scared, even those ancient-level characters were unwilling to come and provoke them Folded his head.

"This place is the hub of the star area, and the portal is built here." Li Xing smiled, swiping his hands into the air, and engraving hundreds of thousands of lines in the void. After a few breaths, the thunder blew and a portal appeared.

This portal, which looks like a golden ball of light, is the gateway to the mixed world. The key to establishing a portal is to choose a site. Once the address is determined, it is much simpler to set up a portal.

Suddenly, there were countless mixed real people, mixed demon spirits, cheering around Li Xing, one by one.

Looking at these people, Li Xing smiled and said, "Go!"

The first group went out with more than 6,000 Great Celestial Masters. Next, the low-ranking Grand Celestial also rushed out. Later, even those real people who appeared in the ranks of Heavenly Deity also appeared one after another and went out to see the wider world.

Seeing that all the children were coming out, Li Xing issued an order to let everyone practice well, and try to occupy some stars, and collect the stars and spirits as subordinates. You know, the world of stars is the most suitable place to cultivate, because each star has a special power.

With the help of this special power to practice ### 's Great Celestial Master, they all have a type of astrology that can counter the Great Celestial Mastery. Of course, this astrology is definitely not the same as the astrology practiced by Li Xing in the Dragon Elephant World that year, and the two are not in the same grade.

Zhongerlang was ordered, and the blackness was like a black cloud scattered away. This battle shook the stars in all directions.

The chaotic star field is vast, so it gives the impression that there are not many masters. They often fly for a long time, and they can't meet a deity, let alone a big deity. The batch of heavenly pride rushed out of the Xunyuan Realm stepped into the camp and began to eat away at this star field.

After the establishment of the Great World, it was equivalent to establishing communication with the outside world. This process made Li Xing quite aware. After some calculations, he found that before stepping into the realm of legend, it was difficult for him to increase his strength.

If you think about it, he can compete with the middle-aged ancient deity in the state of five calamities. No one will believe it when he talks about it. But the power of terror in the body has reached the limit that the big world can bear, so the space for improvement is limited.

"It looks like we need to ascend to the realm of legend as soon as possible," he mumbled to himself.

The establishment of the Great World Portal makes Li Xing no matter where he goes in the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ With only one thought, he can return to the chaotic star field, because the portal is two-way, not only can lead to the Great World, but also from the Great World While going out, this is very beneficial to Li Xing.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything, and there are also disadvantages to building a portal. Enemies can easily come to your door. It is said that a monk cannot run a temple.

During the rest of the holiday period, Li Xingdu stayed in the chaotic star field while practicing and observing the movement of the star field. In the entire chaotic star field, no one actually stood up, even the monks from the mixed world were devouring their territory.

Li Xing believes that it was the superpower that he showed earlier that worked. The strongest person in Xunyuan Starfield is not his opponent, and of course he dares not come to provoke him.

Just as Li Xing opened the portal, a group of people appeared outside the chaotic star field, and they stared at the vast star field with staring eyes, each with a somber and cruel smile.

If Li Xing saw these people, he would be shocked. Among them, many acquaintances. One person in the middle, with a terrifying breath, is the chaotic Great Heavenly Supreme. Next to him are the Phantom Great Celestial Master, Reincarnation Great Demon Supreme, and Taito Great Celestial Master Jiuhua Grand Celestial Master.


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