Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1065: The immortal emperor

Chapter 1065: The Undead Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1065 The Undead Ancient Emperor

"Oh? What benefits can you give me?" Li Xing seemed interested and asked him with a smile. . . He doesn't have any good feelings about this ancestor of the imagination. This man rushed here, probably the most for Panguzhu.

The matter of Pan Guzhu is only known to Li Xing and Phantom Great Heaven, and Phantom is a character born from the world of Phantom. Naturally, nothing can be concealed from the ears and eyes of the ancestor of Phantom.

"Phantom said to the old man that you practice a very powerful method, and the body is extremely strong. But I can tell you that there is a method that is stronger and perfect than yours between heaven and earth. If you get that perfection, You can definitely make rapid advances, "the ancestor of Wonder Kong yelled." As long as you let go of my husband, I can tell you the complete method. "

"On this benefit?" Li Xing's face sank, seemingly very dissatisfied, and his eyes had begun to grow aggressive. This change immediately made the old ancestors startled and immediately said the second "benefits".

"Of course, there is more than one benefit. The weapon in your hand should be a fragment of Mingming Sword? If you are willing to let go of the old man, I can also tell you the whereabouts of Mingming Sword."

"Not so good," Li Xing said coldly. "These two conditions are unattractive to me. Kill you. Any memory you have belongs to me."

The ancestor of Phantom Wrath angered: "Don't think about it, the old man will forcibly erase the memory, you will get nothing!"

"Is that it?" Li Xing smiled, "I happen to practice a secret technique that can trace a person's past. Even if your memory is worn out, I can still recover it. If I want to know, I will recover it. "

At this moment, the ancestral ancestor finally lost his breath and snarled: "Little beast, you are so hard-hearted. But don't be proud, kill me, you won't have good fruit to eat. You know what I am from ?"

Li Xing waved his hand to interrupt his words, and said lightly: "Your origin is not important, and it kills you. I know everything, so why let you say more? So, you better show your value now, otherwise, I promise you won't live long. "

The ancestor of Phantom Kong is as ugly as it is ugly. Li Xing is eating him now, and he is extremely unwilling and utterly resentful, but unfortunately cannot change reality.

After taking a long breath, he seemed to finally make a decision, Shen said: "If the above things still can't make you heart, then I am willing to summon a wizard. The identity of this person's previous life is no small matter, you kill him, You can take the big agitation from him. "

"Huh? Past lives?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"That's right, although this person was born in the World of Phantom Sky, it has a great history. Their previous lives were cut off by a strong enemy, and they were burned into my Phantom World. I said before that the most in the world The arrogant physical practice of the method was passed on to me by this person. "The ancestor of Phantom said," Although his strength is not as good as mine now, he is not much different, reaching the rank of forty-six ancient celestial gods. "

"What is the origin of this person?" Li Xing couldn't help wondering.

"His previous life is the 'immortal ancient emperor' among the thirteen ancient emperors. He has an immortal body and is proud of eternity. The strongest physical practice method is the immortal merit created by this immortal ancient emperor." The ancestors knew that if they didn't make any more claims, I'm afraid there would be no chance, and they would spit out everything.

Li Xing couldn't help but be shocked. It's been a while since he entered Tianzi Mansion, and Da Tianzun who has been beheaded is not a minority, so his knowledge can be said to be very broad. There are some beings in this world who were born during the first outbreak of civilization and are called ancient royals.

Ancestral dragons and giant elephants are members of the ancient royalty. Among the royal families, there are some powerful races that can give birth to the so-called ancient emperor, which is powerful and shocking, and can counter the rule of the heavens of all ages.

In history, a total of 13 ancient emperors have been born of countless civilizations, and none of them were shocked and brilliant. The combat power of these ancient emperors, approaching the broken realm, can challenge the majesty of the master.

In fact, all the ancient emperors would fight against the heaven and try to establish a new civilization, so that the ancient royal family would come to the fore. However, every time it failed, 13 ancient emperors also annihilated in the long river of history.

Because the undead ancient emperor cultivated the immortal merits, he could leave a mark of life in the world forever. Even if he disappeared, he would be born out of nothing. In another place, he would be born again at another time and restore all his memories.

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Li Xing's heart could not help beating fiercely. If he caught this person and got the memory of the immortal emperor, he would make a fortune. That is the undead ancient emperor, a broken-level character, and he must have treasures and Taoism. No matter which one he gets, it will be a huge help to him.

Immediately, Li Xing said: "You mean, you can call over the reborn undead ancient emperor? What is this man's practice and has he restored his memory?"

The ancestor of Phantom Hurry quickly said: "Although his cultivation is in forty-six years, but his strength is not weaker than that of the annihilation class, second only to me. As for memory, he has recovered only a very small part. He has long been away from the great world of the sky. As long as you are willing, I can summon him, let you catch him, and force you to ask all the secrets, how? "

For Li Xing, this is a huge ###, he thought for a while, thought it was necessary to try, and said now: "Very well, you must summon that person now and suppress it."

This move ~ www.readwn.com ~ is risky. The existence after the resurrection of the undead ancient emperor must be a terrible character. It is definitely not easy to deal with. If it is not good, unexpected situations will occur. However, in order to obtain the immortal power and the ancient treasures that may exist, Li Xing is willing to take this risk.

Upon hearing this, the ancestor of Phantom Sky revealed embarrassment and said, "Although the man was born in the Phantom World, it is strange that my power cannot restrict him, so it is extremely difficult to suppress him. , The old man couldn't do it. "

"If you can't, you'll die." Li Xing's words were straightforward and ruthless.

The color on his face changed continuously. When the imaginary ancestor gritted his teeth, he couldn't care so much at the moment of life and death, and immediately said, "I'll try it. In case of unsuccess, I hope you will save my life. "

Li Xing said indifferently: "Even if you don't succeed, I will shoot myself."

"The man who was born after the rebirth of the ancient emperor was named Xie Aoyun. He was also cultivated by my own hands and he had a lot of trust in the old man. After a while I read the summoning mystery, and he appeared quickly, please, please. ready."


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