Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1066: Raiding the Silent Plane

Chapter 1066: Predatory Desolate Plane

Chapter 1066 Looting the Level of Doom

The mystic ancestor was forced to helplessly, with a mysterious and ancient mantra in his mouth, the mysterious and mysterious power was born in the void, penetrating the space and spreading to distant places. Almost instantly, he established a connection with Xie Aoyun.

"Aoyun, I have found a way to open the memory of your past life, and quickly return." The ancestor of the imagination passed on the idea, Li Xing can also capture it, not afraid of the other party's ghost.

Seems to have received a response from Xie Aoyun, the ancestor of the emptiness stopped the spell, sighed, and said, "He will arrive tomorrow."

Li Xing smiled coldly: "It seems that he has gone very far." He paused, "You call out the phantom now."

The idol of the phantom, born in the world of the phantom, has been repaired in recent years, but has conflicted with Li Xing several times. Upon hearing this request, the ancestors of Phantom Kong knew that Li Xing had already been murdered, and Phantom King would surely die.

Although he regretted it, he could only do it to save his life. With one thought, the Phantom Lord was forcibly detained and appeared in front of Li Xing.

There is no need to shoot the characters in Pan Guzhu at all, Li Xing directly suppressed them and laughed: "We are meeting again."

Phantom Datianzun looked horrified, his eyes turned to the ancestor of Phantom, his face was full of begging. Phantom is his creator and father and teacher. It can be said that he has finally relied on him.

The ancestor of Phantom sighed and said, "Phantom, you shouldn't have to, to provoke Li Daoyou. I don't say anything, you make your own mistakes and bear the consequences yourself."

If the phantom suddenly died, he laughed a bitterly, but no longer begging for mercy, and said to Li Xing: "If you want to kill, kill, but unfortunately I failed to cut you off and ended up today."

Li Xing was indifferent and said, "You can rest assured that I won't kill you. You have a good strength and have reached the realm of legend. I will break you into the kingdom of gods and transform it into a war soul for my use. "

Ignoring the tragic change of the Phantom, he sealed it directly into a kingdom of gods and immediately began to refine. The ancient tree of war can transform it into the soul of the war and increase the strength of the kingdom of gods.

Soon, Phantom King lost his consciousness, and his power was controlled by the ancient trees of war.

After dealing with the phantom, Li Xingpi stared at the Phantom Father with a smile on his face and said, "There is still one day, let me check your Phantom World. I must have lived for dozens of years. You must have a lot Treasure it? "

The phantom ancestor's expression changed greatly, and then he gradually expressed his angry expression, and said, "You must be forgiving and forgiving. You are doing too much!"

For Da Tianzun, the big world is his own bottom line. If the big world is searched, it is really a sad thing. It is tantamount to dignity and trampled out. No one is willing to accept it.

Phantom's ancestors reacted fiercely, but unfortunately Li Xing has made up his mind and sneered, "If you don't cooperate, you will die today. I can still get all your treasures!"

The phantom ancestor can be said to hate Li Xing to the extreme, vomiting blood, but helplessly, he can only watch Li Xing openly, forcibly breaking a plane barrier with a large hand, and plunging into his phantom world .

"Well? The level of silence is really interesting, but what are the perfect ones? Well, very good."

Li Xing repeated admiration, and found that this world of silence was truly extraordinary, and in many places far surpassed his mixed world. Of course, he also has places to surpass each other, such as the development of civilization, such as the number of Great Celestial Masters.

Even if it is the annihilation-level Great Celestial Master, the number of Great Celestial Masters is only about 100,000, which is more than ten times that of Li Xing's millions.

In addition to the development of civilization, although the ancestral ancestor has reached a state of extinction and has practiced countless years, his civilization construction is still far inferior to Li Xing, and the biggest change is still the accumulation of strength.

And Li Xing far exceeded each other. With the help of the ancient trees, he has the old trees of information, old trees of war, old trees of purification, old trees of nebula, old trees of life, each of which represents a civilization. development of.

In the mixed world, there is the power of civilization everywhere, but the imaginary world does not have this phenomenon at all. It is far from the civilization building and the ancestor of the imaginary world. It can only be regarded as the entry level.

"Eh? There are so many treasures!" Suddenly, Li Xing found something. In a concealed space-time, Li Xing found a large number of vanquish alchemy, countless ancient alchemy.

There are many types of Daquan Dan, the most common is the basic alchemy, and there are legendary alchemy, ancient alchemy, perishable alchemy, and so on. Different levels of Great Celestial Cultivation require different levels of great fortune.

The Perishing Great Fortune Dan is quite precious. After a medium perishable Great World has been refined, it will also be able to refining about ten Perforating Fortune Dan. In addition, there are not many death-level celestial deities in this world, and the number of death-perverted fortunes is even more scarce.

On the market, a vanishing natural chemical Dan can be exchanged for basic natural chemical Dan ranging from one trillion to ten trillion, showing how precious it is.

Ancient fortune Dan is also a truth, one can be exchanged for 100 million to one billion basic fortune Dan, and the same is priceless. After all, those great Celestial Masters who have been cultivated to great depths can only enhance their strengths with the help of such a great creature.

Phantom Sky is worthy of the Great Desolation of Heaven, the number of treasures of annihilation is as high as 800, and the number of ancient fortune liens is more than 130 million. So many great creatures are awesome for Li Xing.

He was not polite, and directly stored these great fortunes into his own world. These great creatures can be used not only for his cultivation, but also for the billions of souls in the plane.

The ancestors of Phantom Kong are extremely painful ~ www.readwn.com ~ but dare not stop, the muscles in the corners of the eyes keep beating, and his face is pale.

The plunder is far from over. A lonely world like the Phantom has existed for many years, and many natural treasures have grown in it. Some are extremely precious. Even Phantom itself must take good care of it.

Such as some great medicine transplanted from the outside world. When the practice reaches Datianzun, the general elixir has no value at all, because Datianzun needs the power of the world and the power of civilization.

However, the world is huge, there are all kinds of wonders, some medicines in the world can open up a big world in the medicine body, such medicines are called big medicines. The realm of big medicine is also legendary and dying. It can be refined into different elixir.

This elixir made with big medicine is more pure and natural, and its potency is thousands of times stronger than that of the same level, so it is more treasured. Often, a single elixir of the same level can be exchanged for hundreds or thousands of Dachaohua.

In the world of Phantom Patriarch, a large amount of elixir was treasured, and Li Xing showed no mercy. All the plants were excavated, and all of them were transplanted into his mixed world.


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