Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1067: Light of order

Chapter 1067: The Light of Order

Chapter 1067: Light of Order

1067 Order Light

After collecting a large amount of great medicine, Li Xing was in a good mood, and said to the ancestors of Phantom: "It seems that the extinct characters have a rich collection, but I am afraid these things are not your boss yet?"

The desolate Datianzun lived too long, experienced too much, and it is impossible to accumulate just that, there must be more things hidden. The time and space of this dead world overlaps, it is very mysterious and vast, and Li Xing can't explore it all at once.

"Nothing, everything is here." The old ancestor of Phantom looked so angry, "What do you think I am, the treasure chamber of commerce? How can there be too many treasures, it's all here."

"I don't believe it." Li Xing sneered. "Phantom Laoer, you better understand one thing. If you die, no more treasures will belong to me. By that time, things will be gone and even small lives will be lost!"

The ancestor of the imaginary face was volatile, and he looked like he was gritting his teeth without knowing what he was thinking.

Li Xing frowned: "Why do you want to resist? Then I have to use some means to split your big world of emptiness a little bit, and I don't believe there is any secret that can hide from me!"

This fierce move suddenly made the old ancestors startled. He believed that Li Xing could definitely do it. The small life is pinched in the hands of others, and the empty space is very helpless, and sternly said, "Li Xing, don't bully people too much. Although I am subject to you, you shouldn't force it too fast, otherwise the fish will die."

"Fishnet is broken?" Li Xing sneered, "Do you have the courage? I don't believe that a big deity who has lived for dozens of years and finally entered the level of annihilation will fight to death with me. And even if you try hard, you can't hurt me A piece of hair. Okay, obediently hand over all the belongings, my patience is running out. "

Phantom has been very clear. Today, when he met a cruel character, there was no room for negotiation, and he was not qualified to bargain, so he sighed and opened a secret time and space again.

In this space-time, there is a white jade palace, and each palace is divided into countless areas, and each area stores a type of treasure. For a moment, Li Xing was stunned and exclaimed: "So much!"

These treasures are diverse, heaven and earth spirits, peerless medicine, obscurity, cosmic artifacts, etc., are all classified into categories. Moreover, different jade palaces store treasures of different levels.

Li Xing only realized at this moment what a lonely Great Celestial Master represents, which not only represents the domineering power, but also represents a profound heritage. No wonder the chaotic Great Heavenly Master possesses that kind of strength, because the foundation of the chaotic big world is very deep.

"Haha ..." Powerful joy filled the heart, and Li Xing exerted his moving means to continuously move these jade halls into the mixed Yuan world, so that the heart of that imaginary ancestor could not stop bleeding, and his expression was ashamed, as if dead.

"Oh! What is this?" Suddenly, Li Xing found a nine-colored treasure wheel in the last jade hall, suspended in midair, and released the breath of civilization.

"This is the wheel of civilization." The ancestor of Phantom faintly said, "It belongs to a big man. You better not think about it."

"Big man? Who is it?" Li Xing was curious.

"The great man Tao Dao, the ancestor of the sky, is an endless and extinct figure. You can't provoke it at all." The ancestral ancestor said, "The old man's thoughts can make you fly away."

Li Xing turned his thoughts and secretly said, "This phantom is obviously exciting me, but this thing seems very strange. When the ancient civilization tree meets it, it starts to tremble and seems to need this thing very much."

At this point, the phantom spoke again: "The Wheel of Civilization is very magical. It seals sixty civilizations, and it is reincarnation. If used properly, this object can repair human beings to a levelless state in a short period of time. . However, this object is too tyrannical, and only the Promise of Heaven can fully use it. I thought that at the beginning, I asked the ancestor to cover the sky for a long time before I got this object and used it to enhance the power of the phantom. "

Li Xing turned his eyes and said, "Since it is the ancestor of Heaven, I will not move it."

The ancestor of Phantom gave birth to a trace of regret, knowing that his excitement would have no effect, he grunted coldly and said nothing.

At this time, Li Xing had evacuated all the goodies of the Phantom World and began to collect the treasures in the chaotic World. The chaotic world belongs to the first level and has an excellent legend.

Moreover, the realm of the first chaotic Great Heavenly Supreme is also extinct, so the treasures in this plane are no less than the world of fantasy. Just now, the ancient tree of civilization finally completely wiped out the chaotic Great Celestial Master, and those treasures hidden in the plane were also exposed and collected.

There are billions of souls in the chaotic world. Li Xing did not waste them. Instead, he transferred them to the one hundred thousand gods kingdom, established residential areas, and allowed them to continue to thrive.

Of course, some of the masters who entered the Great Celestial Series did not give in, and Li Xing naturally did not relent, but directly killed them and turned them into war spirits.

However, the chaotic world is an open plane, and many monks are swimming outside. At this moment, thousands of travelers feel the destruction of the chaotic world. They scream in anger and shed tears. From then on, these people will become rootless trees and drift out permanently.

Datianzun is okay, because he controls his destiny, he has not been affected much. Some of the superficial and semi-respected monks were severely disturbed, and some even fell with the world.

That's because the creatures born in the chaotic world are closely related to the world and they are all glorious. Once the world is destroyed, they will fall. Only Da Tianzun can dominate his own destiny, and the impact is not so severe.

In contrast, the sword emperor Jiang Chongtian is far less profound. In the entire world of Kendo, there are not many treasures. However, it is not completely worthless. Li Xing created his Kendo power to create an ancient Kendo tree, and added the creatures in the world of Kendo to the kingdom of gods, enhancing the diversity of the plane.

After dealing with this, that evil Aoyun has not yet appeared, Li Xing turned his attention to the reincarnation Damonzun outside. I do not know why, the reincarnation of the demon did not rush into the mixed world, but waited outside, not knowing what to calculate.

Li Xing's figure suddenly appeared not far from the reincarnation of the Demon Lord, and laughed: "In reincarnation, if you don't attack, you flee, what do you want to do?"

The reincarnation demon was actually very calm and smiled coldly: "It is as expected, the three people must have been controlled."

"You know?" Li Xing was surprised, did this person know about Pan Guzhu?

"Of course I know." Samsara, the reincarnation, smiled. "That person told me the news, and I knew that the trip was dangerous because I was facing a saboteur."

"You know I'm a saboteur?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes.

"I not only know that you are a saboteur, but also know that your future will be very powerful, and I will be **** along the way. I don't know how many powerful people to kill. So I did not enter your trap like the three idiots." Zun sneer.

Li Xing frowned: "What do you want to say?"

"Being friends." Said Da Mo Zun, "I can tell you that in the future, I will be one of the ten strongest guardians of the prefecture. This is destiny. If you are willing to abandon the suspicion with me, we can be friends. . "

Li Xing sneered: "Friend? Don't you think this is a joke? I said, I will cut you off in the future. If I do n’t talk about the future, I can overwhelm you even now."

The reincarnation demon said: "There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, and there is no harm in working with me."

"Really?" Li Xing apparently disagreed.

"Tell you one thing, Jiuyou Da Mozun has surrendered to me." Samsara Da Mozun said, "I'll tell you another thing. In the near future, there will be big moves in the land government. At that time, there will be a lot of earth-shaking things. The figure was born, shaking the heavens. "

Li Xing stared at each other: "What does this do to me?"

"Of course it does matter." In the reincarnation, there is a glory, and there are two groups of phosgene in the glory, one black and one white, running continuously.

"Did you see that? This is the future. At that time, the heavens and the earth will be divided, and the two realms of yin and yang will be divided. The two sides will fight endlessly until one party surrenders, and thus the yin and yang unite, which will make the yin and yang era reach the peak. However, which one will eventually To win, it is still unknown whether it is heaven or the land. So, I want to be your friend, because your future is strong and you can help the land. "

"What if I refuse?" Li Xingdao said, he didn't feel much about the so-called future. All he saw was the present, and the future was too empty and uncertain, not so sure.

"You won't refuse." The reincarnation Damonzun's tone was very firm. "Because as long as you promise to be friendly with the prefecture, I will send you a baby."

"Baby?" Li Xing sneered. "You seem too generous."

The reincarnation of the great demon statue reaches out his right hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a white light on his palm, which emits the power of order.

"This is the light of order. It can sense whether there are orderers or masters in the nearby billion world. Don't tell me, you don't know that the saboteurs can improve their strength after beheading the orderers." Reincarnation laugh Then, "### like this, would you refuse?"

Li Xing was silent. He really needed the whereabouts of the orderer and the controller, because his cultivation was special, and he had to accept a complete civilization and then absorb it in order to be able to progress and promote cultivation.

But orderers and controllers are very rare and not so easy to find. If the light of this order really has the function of finding the above two types of people, then it is indeed an invaluable treasure.

"This thing is basically worthless to the prefecture, so it's nothing to send it out, not worth mentioning. But to you, it's an invaluable treasure." Said Damon Zun, "What, now you wish Not willing to accept my friendship? "

Li Xing laughed, and he sighed: "Well, since you are so sincere, I don't take it seriously, and I am willing to give up my previous unhappiness."


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