Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1072: 9 Yang avatar

Chapter 1072 The Nine Yang Clone

Chapter 1072 The Nine Yang Clone

Relying on the chaotic heart evolved from the chaotic array, Li Xing helped the battle plan to figure out the result of the operation, which made the General of the 17th Route Army resolve to cooperate with Li Xing to eliminate the dark tolerance . . .

The whole process of the operation was completely formulated by Li Xing, because only he could control the overall situation perfectly and let the war develop in the direction of reckoning. The two sides decided that the 17th Route Army would take the initiative to attack, leading to secret tolerance. Li Xing secretly shot, carried out a surprise attack and wiped it out in one fell swoop.

For detailed combat process, Li Xing discussed with General No. 17 for a long time and decided to implement it after the first month, because both Li Xing and the 17th Army needed to prepare for a period of time.

In the meantime, Li Xing called out the 800 mixed real people and ordered them to join the Northern Wasteland Army. The General of the Seventeenth Route Army, the Taoist Grand Saint. In the plane established by Dou Sheng Da Tian Zun, all of them practice a kind of qigong, which is called Dou Qi, and has strong fighting power. This is the proud capital of Dou Sheng Da Tian Zun.

However, when Dou Sheng saw the eight hundred mixed-yuan real people brought out by Li Xing, he immediately knew what it was like to have someone outside the world. His people were not as good as those of the mixed real people in Li Xing. The gap between the two was too great. It's big.

Basically, at the same level, a mixed Yuan real person can ### five to ten fighting holy plane monks.

The 800 Great Heavenly Supreme is also a very powerful combat force. Coupled with the huge size of the 17th Route Army, there are no more than 800 people. It is not a big deal.

In the end, the 800 Great Celestial Masters were all assigned to the striker battalion to charge the enemy and kill the enemy.

The rest of the time, Li Xingdu was studying Pan Guzhu, and has been in contact for a long time. He can now slightly influence Pan Guzhu. For example, let it suppress an enemy more strongly, or temporarily let go of an enemy.

But to say full control, he is still far behind. Dealing with Dark Forbearance is a very dangerous thing. He decided to take the control of Pan Guzhu one step closer, so that the sneak attack was foolproof.

At this moment, Mingying was sitting near Panguzhu, sensing its power and trying to understand it more deeply. Li Xing always felt that there was a way to control Pan Guzhu, but he hadn't found it yet.

While sensing, life infants are constantly practicing. From the moment the baby was born, it has been continuously cultivated, which is the basis for Li Xing to enhance its strength and realm.

On this day, Mingying uses the chaos heart to concentrate on the avenue rules of the Yin and Yang Period to discover the most subtle parts. In the process of reckoning, infants routinely invoke certain rules.

Its launch of the rule this time is relatively huge, and the complete yin and yang rule should be complementary to yin and yang. But this time, the infant was walking against the avenue, stiffly promoting a kind of Zhiyang avenue.

This is completely a destructive rule, and the behavior of the reversal of the avenue can never be done by the general deity. Because Da Tianzun created his own avenue law and plane order, but it was also erected on other avenue laws.

Li Xing did a good job, directly changing the core law, and establishing a new one. This kind of thing, he has not only done it for the first time, it has become a way of cultivation for him.

The Famen introduced this time is called Jiuyang Avenue. Speaking of which, the cultivation process of this avenue is partly based on the Jiuyang Gong practiced in the Dragon Elephant World. Of course, this Jiuyang Gong is not another Jiuyang Gong. Today's Jiuyang Gong is even more profound and can be said to be unfathomable.

"The essence of the mixed Yuan lies in taking its essence and removing its dross. The power of this newly created Jiuyang Avenue is not under the mixed Yuan Avenue, but there are still some places to be innovated." Li Xing Xinxin said.

At this time, Pan Guzhu suddenly shook slightly, revealing a sense of closeness that Li Xing could clearly sense. He was suddenly taken aback. What happened? Panguzhu never experienced such a phenomenon. What caused it?

Next, he quickly discovered the reason, which was the reason for deducing Jiuyang Avenue. Obviously, Li Xing's behavior of violating the principle of the avenue gave Pan Guzhu an induction.

"Yes, the superexistence of the saboteur is called Pangu. And this is Panguzhu, which may be related to Pangu-level characters? If so, then my behavior of breaking the law can cause it to shake, it is understandable "Li Xing grabbed the point at once, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Destroyer, what is destroyer? Since I am a destroyer, what is the core of it?" Li Xing was lost in thought.

Huhu was three days. Towards the end of the third day, he suddenly laughed, "haha", got something from his heart, and said to himself, "That's how it is. The matching Yuanyuan Avenue matches. "

Then he said again: "However, there is no fixed form of practice. The hybrid Yuan Avenue can be Jiuyang Avenue, and the Jiuyang Avenue can also be Hybrid Yuan Avenue. It can never change."

Speaking of which, it seemed as if a window opened in front of Li Xing's eyes, allowing him to see a wider landscape, and his eyes couldn't help showing joy. As soon as he thought about it, an avatar appeared in the mixed world.

The realm of this avatar is extremely low, and it can only be counted as an ordinary person. Although it is a avatar of Li Xing, its combat effectiveness is not much better than that of mortals. As soon as this avatar appeared, he began to cultivate according to the method of Jiuyang Avenue. Of course, what he cultivated at this stage is still called Jiuyang Gong.

The time and space in which the avatar is located was forcibly reversed by Li Xing. The blink of an eye on the outside is millions of years. The progress of Jiuyang's avatar is very fast. It took him ten years to cultivate to the sacred realm, and then half-time and ten-time, when he became a great-day respect, only 500 years passed.

The great world established as a separate body is called the Jiuyang Great World. This is a special existence, which runs counter to the principle of the yin and yang era. The avenue of the yin and yang era should be complemented by yin and yang, with yang in yin and yang with yin.

However, this Jiuyang avatar is not. He has trained to Yang Dadao and is brave and advanced. If this avatar leaves the mixed world, and goes to the outside of the main plane to experience the disaster of celestial respect, I am afraid it will be destroyed directly, because heaven and earth do not allow such heresies to exist.

As Li Xing expected, Pan Guzhu suddenly shocked as soon as the Jiuyang avatar appeared, sending out a ray of cheerful thoughts. That bead went straight into the Jiuyang plane of Jiuyang's avatar.

Jiuyang shivered and saw Pan Guzhu's breath constantly changing. The violent rules of destruction broke out, and the atmosphere of the reversal avenue burst out, and the Jiuyang plane was a mess.

But soon, this power began to gradually transform. Eventually, it turned into a big day, suspended above the plane of Jiuyang, exuding light and potential, and brought Jiuyang an infinite power.

With each ray of sunlight, Jiuyang was given strength, destruction, and reversal. With it, Jiuyang's avatar began to undergo horrible changes. He rushed out of the world of Yuanyuan, set foot in the void, and began the disaster of Da Tianzun.

Pan Guzhu is extremely magical, and it seems that it has sealed countless civilizations. And all the power it emits are the new laws and orders that were re-established after the civilization was destroyed beyond recognition.

Destruction is not absolute destruction. It is to break up and stand behind. Without breaking the old order, there will be no new civilization. Obviously, Jiuyang's avatar understands the core of the saboteur.

In the midst of nothingness, Jiuyang was arrogantly independent, and the terrible horrific disaster descended layer by layer, dense and horrible, and Li Xingdu's scalp was numb.

However, those disasters that fell on the Jiuyang avatar were absorbed by the big day of the Panguzhu change, and then refined into pure power for the avatar to grow.

This is not enough, and what made Li Xing startled. The second round of disasters that only happened when he stepped into the Second Demon King appeared again. Then, in the third and fourth rounds, a large number of disasters actually superimposed. Together, they permeated countless times, strangling Jiuyang's avatar fiercely.

All of this saw Li Xing's heart trembling. If he really stepped into it, he would not be able to hold it in minutes, and he would be killed immediately. This calamity is too horrible. The laws of heaven and earth do not allow success at all, and deliberately eliminate this heresy.

However, all the disasters and robberies were endured by Da Ri, turned into rain dew, and nourished the Jiuyang avatar. Li watched, this avatar became a great lord, and then a great lord.

A total of thirty-six major disaster disasters were superimposed and bombarded together, and the momentum was so great that it was impossible to see which major disaster disaster was in the air, as if the ten trillion thunders and thunderous horrors, the eight trillion trillion beasts running wild, terrifying .

Perhaps Pan Guzhu was too domineering. This calamity lasted only for seven days and seventy-nine days. Forty-nine days later, Jiuyang came out in a virtual situation. His cultivation at this time has reached the state of thirty-six major heavenly respects, and he has steadily entered the ranks of ancient great heavenly respects.

What is shocking, however, is that the thirty-six civilized forces cultivated by the nine yang clones have the opposite energy to the original one, all of which are derived from Panguzhu.

Li Xing obviously felt that the combat power of the Jiuyang avatar ~ www.readwn.com ~ definitely surpassed himself. If you do n’t rely on Pan Guzhu, its combat power will also be close to the annihilation of the Great Celestial Master, at least you can escape under the bombardment of the annihilation-level characters.

If Panguzhu is counted, this Jiuyang avatar is even more horrible, and it can definitely suppress the power of silence. That round of big day still hangs on the plane of Jiuyang, and everything shines. What's more, countless creatures have begun to be born in the world of Jiuyang.

Each of these creatures has supernatural powers, ignoring the rules and reversing the avenue, are all natural destroyers.

This change made Li Xing overjoyed and laughed: "Wonderful! There is no doubt that there will be no reason to survive!"

Jiuyang smirked a little, the two of them had the same mind, and the two were one, so there is no need to say more. As soon as the avatar shook, he hid in the big world, and he would only appear when he killed Assassination.

The robberies of Jiuyang's avatar were all carried out quietly, and even the General of the Holy Saint did not know that he would only appear at the last moment.

Unconsciously, the time has come to deal with the dark endurance. The 17th Route Army is already ready and ready to go, and a war is about to begin.


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