Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1073: Devastation

Chapter 973 Destroying

Chapter 1073

The North Famine Army has already gained a deeper understanding of this organization through dark and dark channels. I have an objective and comprehensive understanding of the number, composition, and combat effectiveness of members of the Dark Forbearance.

Of course, understanding does not mean that you can defeat, because the strength of Dark Endurance is really too strong. Even if Marshal Beihuang marshals, it will not be able to save the countless soldiers of the unlucky Ninth Route Army from his men.

Knowing that the chance of success of this operation is very high, the general Dou Sheng decided to make a full blow. If he succeeds, he will make a great contribution and congratulate him. But if it fails, the end of the 17th Route Army will be very miserable, because the dark forbearance will definitely come to revenge.

Although Dark Forbearance operates secretly, the Northern Famine Army has identified several of their camps. This time, Dou Sheng asked Marshal of the Northern Wasteland to obtain an accurate position on Dark Forbearance from Jiantian Division.

The Five Elements Continent is very vast, with countless hidden spaces above it, many of which were formed by the plane of the Fallen Great Celestial Master, and there have been countless epochs alone. In a small, inconspicuous space, a secret party is holding a meeting.

There are not many members of the Dark Forbearance, only more than one hundred, and their cultivation is generally in the legendary and ancient realms. Among them, the epic-level Great Celestial Prestige is the most prevalent, and the ancient-level Great Celestial Prestige has twenty. The leader has the strongest strength, has reached a state of extinction, and is extremely powerful.

The leader of An Ren did not know his name, only his code was "Dark".

At this time, in this time and space, an extinct class of artifacts enveloped an area, concealing everything inside, making it impossible for people to discover. Among the magical planes, a secret meeting is being held, where more than a hundred members of the dark forbearance are present.

Dark was in a black robe, and his face was blocked by a black light. He could not see his appearance. There was a dark atmosphere around his body. His voice sounded, and it sounded equally dark.

"Recently, the behavior of secret tolerance has been very successful and appreciated by the protagonist. However, we still have a lot of things to do in the future. We have a long way to go and we should not be arrogant." Silently, "We have basically figured out the heavens. The layout and combat effectiveness of the Northern Famine Army, secretly forbearing the next move will be hidden in the dark, causing chaos in the Northern Famine Army, thus disrupting the plan of the Heavenly Court in the Northern Famine. "

Among the crowd, there was a voice that said, "Boss, the Northern Wilderness Army is basically motionless. The leader is carrying a weapon of silence, and even the Marshal can't resist it. Why not rush to kill all the Northern Wilderness Army? It's not difficult to say. "

He shook his hand secretly: "Your idea is too simple. If you really do this, heaven will definitely send a strong opponent, and even I may not be able to defeat it, which will ruin the major event of the protagonist."

Another person said: "Boss, there are countless continents in the Northern Wilderness. Why does the protagonist just look at these five elements and oppose the heaven? The subordinates have no idea. Please ask the boss for advice."

Secretly nodded: "You should all be wondering about this, but I don't know. But the Lord Sovereign said that the Battle of the Five Elements Continent is very important. It is a major event, and we must go all out to serve the Lord."

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

Suddenly, he snorted heavily, "Some people in the Northern Famine Army did not know whether they were alive or dead, but they touched it in, so good, everyone shot together and left these idiots!"

Suddenly, the No. 100 people broke through the void one by one. When they appeared outside the plane of the magic weapon, they had already formed a forbearance and arrogance. Secret host in the dark, holding the device of silence, it seems that he does not intend to leave a living enemy.

Dou Sheng Da Tian Zun personally led the legendary camp 8000 Da Tian Zun and 300 epic masters into the space and time. The Eight Thousand Legends Grand Celestial Master has formed a fighting force. The three hundred epic grand princes also formed a fighting force, and the main battle was held by the fighting grand princes.

In the war of the practitioners, the battlefield is indispensable. The battlefield can combine the strength of all the soldiers to exert the most powerful lethality. In some large-scale wars, the number of people participating in the war was as high as 100 billion, and the role of the battle array was more obvious.

The forbearance burst across the front, and the dark and cold voice sounded, "Dou Sheng, are you tired and crooked, and you proactively provoked the dark forbearance."

Dou Sheng Da Tian Zun's heart was cold, but his face was full of killing intentions, and he sang, "Dreamingly killed my northern desert soldier. Today, Dou Sheng will avenge the dead and suffer death!"

"It's really beyond my control. In that case, I'll do it for you." He murmured coldly and ordered Nindo to strangle him. The strengths of the two sides are very different. As long as one confrontation, including the battle of the Great Saint, will be injured.

At this moment, Li Xing, who was in the middle of the crowd, suddenly made a shot, stabbed in the long-awaited future, and went straight into the core of the Ninja team to cooperate with the attack of the Dou Sheng side.


This shock caused Li Xing to become numb, and the people on the side of the fighting spit blood. If it were not for Li Xing, they would have been destroyed and they would not be able to survive.

After a little stagnation, Nine Road was shocked by Li Xingfa.

Secret thought that he could destroy all the enemies with one blow. He did not expect to kill a master halfway, he snorted, and then shot himself. But at this time, the void exploded a large hole, and a powerful figure emerged from it.

The man was fluttering in white and had a strong destructive breath on his body. It can be seen that the other party is an ancient-level master, but the momentum is so strong that it seems not to be much weaker than the forty-eight days of silence.

The person who suddenly appeared was naturally Li Xing's Jiuyang avatar, and it was the key to the campaign. Originally, before the separation of Jiuyang, Li Xing wanted to design the leader of the dark tolerance into the mixed Yuan world, and suppress it like the old ancestors of the fantasy.

The appearance of Jiuyang's avatar makes all this simple. There is no need to seduce the enemy, and it can be killed directly.

"who are you?"

In the face of Jiuyang's avatar, the leader forbidden to ask, and did not rush to shoot.

"Jiuyang Datianzun," Li Xing said lightly, "come to kill you."

"Arrogance, die!" Angrily outraged, shot violently, and the extinct weapon in his hand was rumblingly suppressed. This magical tool is called assassination blade, and it is strange to attack.

However, Li Xing's Jiuyang avatar has no fear at all. With his big round, he raised a round of glorious day in the palm of his hand, erupting a terrorist force that disrupted all order and shattered all rules.

The assassination blade seemed to encounter the fire in the snow, and the murderous energy sent out melted away, and it was beaten back to its original shape, restored to the size of an ordinary weapon, and could no longer hold back its might.

"What?" The leader of the dark tolerance was taken aback, and quickly hurried out a secret technique of celestial respect. The celestial deity, who has begun to touch the core of civilization, has a touch of civilization in this secret technique.

The power of civilization, beyond the power of the world, is even more extraordinary. If the ancient Great Celestial Master, even the ancient Great Celestial Master forty-seven calamities, faced such a blow, he would suffer a great deal.

Unfortunately, he is facing Li Xing's Jiuyang avatar, and Pan Guzhu, who is the nemesis of order and the opposite of civilization. Before the mystery was issued, it was worn away.

Jiuyang yelled, "Town!"

On his palm, there appeared a supreme text that was just right and right, woven into a avenue completely different from many civilizations, and suppressed it severely. All of a sudden, the leader of the Dark Forbearance was sealed with the device of silence.

"Impossible!" The Captain of the Ninja screamed incredulously, fighting for the power of fate and turning the world, but the plane was dead and seemed to be out of his control.

"Well, a plane of silence, if it can be refined into a war spirit, it will greatly enhance the combat power." Jiuyang split up, and then began to directly refine this great silence.

On the other side, because the leader was suppressed, more than one hundred members of Yan Ren were taken aback, and even the Ren Ren Dao stagnated. Where would Li Xing let go of this opportunity, the mixed yuan gun stabbed continuously, the past, present, and future, the three types of mysteries were almost indiscriminately displayed before and after, a stronger combat force erupted and killed the past fiercely.


Most of the epic celestial beings in the battle of forbearance were suddenly killed by most of them, and the ancient celestial beings also vomited blood and were injured. This time, the large array is no longer complete, and none of them is Li Xing's opponent.


He had a shot in his hand, like a dragon entering the sea, and he was invincible. No one was his enemy. The gunpoint was everywhere, and the big worlds were cut and shattered. At the same time, they did not forget to send the high-quality creatures to the kingdom of gods.

I have to say that the members of the dark tolerance are rich in collections, and there are many treasures in each plane, which is all attributed to Li Xing. Even their world power was refined by Li Xing with the ancient trees of civilization.

After Jiuyang's avatar completely killed the unwilling Ninja leader, Li Xing also killed the last member of the Ninja. During this process, Dou Sheng Tian Tianzun has not moved. He looked at Li Xing with a strange look.

The strength shown by Li Xing shocked him, and it was definitely the fighting power of the senior ancient Great Celestial Master. Even more frightening is that he has a domineering helper, the Jiuyang Datianzun.

He didn't know that Jiuyang Datianzun was a clone of Li Xing. If he knew it, he wouldn't know what it would be like.

The battlefield does not need to be cleaned ~ www.readwn.com ~ because all benefits have been taken away by Li Xingyu. Especially the secretly bear leader, the treasure of treasure, is definitely still on the ancestors of fantasy, a lot of treasures fell into his hands.

After the success of Jiuyang avatar, he entered the mixed world and disappeared.

Dou Sheng Da Tian Zun expressed excitement and said to Li Xing sincerely: "Willing to cooperate with Brother Li is the most correct decision of my life!"

Everyone returned triumphantly, and Dou Sheng Tian Zun immediately informed the army of the results, and Marshal Beihuang was so happy that he reported the matter to Heaven. Soon, the reward came, and Li Xing and Dou Sheng Tian Zun each obtained 100 million merits, which is exactly what the Undead Da Zun originally promised.

After a few days of suspension, Li Xing also left and returned. He also reported back to the Emperor's Camp, ready to exchange his meritorious service for what he needed. Before he left, he summoned 800 real hybrids and ordered them to work hard.

On the way back, I still have to pass the big magnetic sea. According to the route map given by Humidalasso, Li Xing embarked on the return journey. But soon, he found out that there was a certain deviation in the route, which was not right at all, and he fell into the boundless magnetic sea again.


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